Waarom vieren we Eid-ul-Adha?
Correct Answer
B. Ter herdenking aan de test van Abraham (as)
Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated to commemorate the test of Abraham (as). According to Islamic tradition, Abraham was tested by God to sacrifice his son, Ismail. However, just as Abraham was about to carry out the sacrifice, God provided a ram to be sacrificed instead. This event symbolizes Abraham's willingness to submit to God's command and his unwavering faith. Eid-ul-Adha is a reminder of this test and serves as a time for Muslims to reflect on their own faith and obedience to God. It is a significant religious observance in Islam.
Wat zeg je voor de aanvang van de wassing?
Correct Answer
A. Bismillahir rahmanir rahiem
The correct answer is "Bismillahir rahmanir rahiem." This phrase, which translates to "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful," is often recited before starting any task or action in Islam. It is a way of seeking blessings and guidance from Allah before beginning the washing process.
Welke naam van Allah betekent de Meest Barmhartige?
Correct Answer
C. Ar-Rahman
Ar-Rahman is the correct answer because it is the name of Allah that means "The Most Barmhartige" or "The Most Merciful". This name emphasizes Allah's infinite compassion, mercy, and forgiveness towards humanity. It signifies His willingness to forgive sins and grant blessings to those who seek His mercy.
In welke maand komt Leilatul Qadr voor?
Correct Answer
A. Ramadan
Leilatul Qadr is an important night in Islam that falls within the month of Ramadan. It is believed to be the night when the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. Muslims observe this night with special prayers and worship, as it is considered to be better than a thousand months. Therefore, the correct answer is Ramadan.
Waar zijn engelen uit geschapen?
Correct Answer
B. Puur licht
Engelen worden volgens de vraag uit puur licht geschapen. Dit kan worden geïnterpreteerd als een verwijzing naar de spirituele aard van engelen, aangezien licht vaak wordt geassocieerd met zuiverheid, zuiverheid en goddelijkheid. Het idee dat engelen worden gevormd uit puur licht suggereert hun goddelijke oorsprong en hun rol als boodschappers of dienaren van God.
Wie is de laatste profeet?
Correct Answer
B. Mohammed (saw)
The correct answer is Mohammed (saw). Mohammed is considered the last prophet in Islam. He is believed to have received the final revelation from Allah, completing the line of prophets that began with Adam. Mohammed's teachings and actions are recorded in the Islamic holy book, the Quran, and his life serves as a model for Muslims to follow.
Wie is Al-Gidr?
Correct Answer
C. Iemand die door Allah kennis is geschonken in de tijd van Moesa (as)
Al-Gidr is iemand die door Allah kennis is geschonken in de tijd van Moesa (as). This means that Al-Gidr was a person who was granted knowledge by Allah during the time of Moesa (as), also known as Moses. This suggests that Al-Gidr was a wise and knowledgeable individual who played a significant role during that period.
Welke ayah wordt ook wel de troonvers genoemd?
Correct Answer
B. Ayah El-Kursi
Ayah El-Kursi is also known as the "troonvers" because it mentions the greatness and power of Allah's throne. It is a highly revered verse in the Quran and is recited for protection and blessings. The verse describes Allah as the only God and highlights His knowledge, power, and control over the heavens and the earth. It is considered one of the most important and powerful verses in the Quran.
Aan welke profeet is de Zaboer gegeven?
Correct Answer
C. Profeet Dawoed
The correct answer is Profeet Dawoed because the Zaboer, also known as the Psalms, was given to Prophet Dawoed (David) according to Islamic belief. The Zaboer is a sacred scripture containing hymns and prayers, and it is considered one of the holy books revealed by Allah to guide humanity. Prophet Dawoed is highly revered in Islam and is known for his wisdom, leadership, and musical abilities.