Hvordan vil alkohol i blodet påvirke overlevelsesevnen din i kaldt vann?
Correct Answer
C. Alkohol gjør at mer blod går ut til huden, og på den måten blir det nedkjølt raskere.
Alkohol gjør at mer blod går ut til huden, og på den måten blir det nedkjølt raskere. Alkohol utvider blodårene og fører til at mer varme transporteres til huden. Dette resulterer i at kroppen mister varme raskere i kaldt vann, og dermed kan overlevelsesevnen reduseres.
Hvis et nyttefartøy i trangt farvann gir fra seg 5 korte støt i fløyta, hva betyr det?
Correct Answer
C. Jeg et i tvil om du tar tilstrekkelige forhåndsregler for å unngå sammenstøt
If a vessel in narrow waters gives 5 short blasts on the whistle, it means that the vessel is unsure if the other vessel is taking sufficient precautions to avoid a collision.
Hvor lang tid tar det å seile 4 nautiske mil hvis du har en fart på 8 knop?
Correct Answer
C. En halv time
The question asks how long it takes to sail 4 nautical miles at a speed of 8 knots. To calculate the time, we can use the formula Time = Distance / Speed. In this case, the distance is 4 nautical miles and the speed is 8 knots. Therefore, the time it takes to sail 4 nautical miles at a speed of 8 knots is 4/8, which equals 0.5 hours or 30 minutes. So, the correct answer is "En halv time" which means "Half an hour" in English.
Hvis du har forkjørsrett, hvordan skal du forholde deg?
Correct Answer
C. Du skal holde stø kurs og fart, men ta nødvendige forhåndsregler i tilfelle den andre båten ikke viker.
If you have the right of way, you should maintain a steady course and speed, but also take necessary precautions in case the other boat does not yield. This means that even though you have the right of way, you should still be prepared for the possibility that the other boat may not follow the rules and yield to you.
Kan en femtenåring kjøre en båt som er 3meter lang 9,9 hestekrefter og kjører i 15 knop?
Correct Answer
B. Nei
Based on the given information, a fifteen-year-old cannot drive a boat that is 3 meters long with a 9.9 horsepower engine and can reach a speed of 15 knots. The age of fifteen suggests that the person is underage and may not have the necessary license or experience to operate a boat. Additionally, the power and speed of the boat may require a higher level of skill and expertise. Therefore, the correct answer is "Nei."
Hvis du bruker motorkraft i en seilbåt, mens du har seilene oppe, hva er du da regnet som?
Correct Answer
B. Motorbåt
If you use engine power in a sailboat while having the sails up, you are considered a motorboat. This means that you are not solely relying on wind power to propel the boat, but also using the motor. As a motorboat, you are expected to follow the rules and regulations that apply to motorized vessels, including giving way to other sailboats. However, other motorboats are required to give way to you.
Hvilken VHF kanal skal man sende melding over hvis man er i nød?
Correct Answer
D. 16
In case of an emergency, the correct VHF channel to send a distress message over is channel 16. This channel is internationally recognized as the distress and calling frequency for maritime communication. It is monitored by coast guards and other vessels, ensuring that distress messages can be received and responded to promptly.
Er rød sone fra fyrlykt alltid farlig å være i?
Correct Answer
B. Nei, ikke hvis du følger godt med på kartet.
The correct answer is "Nei, ikke hvis du følger godt med på kartet." This means that it is not dangerous to be in the red zone from the lighthouse if you pay close attention to the map. This suggests that as long as you are aware of your surroundings and navigate carefully, being in the red zone is not a problem.
Hvordan vil du beskrive Isofase?
Correct Answer
A. Det er lysekarakteristikk til en lykt, det forteller at fyrtårnet har like lange mørkeperioder som lysperioder.
Isofase er en lysekarakteristikk som beskriver at fyrtårnet har like lange mørkeperioder som lysperioder. Dette betyr at lyset fra fyrtårnet blinker med jevne mellomrom, der hvert blink er like langt som perioden uten lys mellom hvert blink. Dette er en viktig egenskap ved fyrtårn som hjelper sjøfarende med å navigere trygt og nøyaktig.
Hvor stor sektor har sidelanternene?
Correct Answer
D. 112,5 grader
The correct answer is 112.5 degrees. This means that the sidelights have a sector angle of 112.5 degrees.
Hvilke regler gjelder den gule badebøyen?
Correct Answer
A. Ikke lov å kjøre innenfor, og 5 knop grense 50 meter unna.
The correct answer states that it is not allowed to drive within the yellow buoy and there is a speed limit of 5 knots within a distance of 50 meters. This means that boats are prohibited from entering the area marked by the yellow buoy, and if they are within 50 meters of it, they must not exceed a speed of 5 knots.
Når skal lanternene være skrudd på?
Correct Answer
D. Fra solnedgang til soloppgang, pluss nedsatt sikt.
The correct answer is "Fra solnedgang til soloppgang, pluss nedsatt sikt." This answer states that the lanterns should be turned on from sunset to sunrise, and also when visibility is reduced. It is important to have the lanterns on during these times to ensure the safety of the vessel and other nearby boats or ships.
Hvordan bør du runde en odde hvis det er kraftig pålandsvind?
Correct Answer
A. God avstand i tilfelle motoren stopper
When there is a strong onshore wind, it is important to maintain a good distance from the shore in case the engine stops. This is because the wind can push the boat towards the shore, and if the engine fails, there might not be enough time to restart it before the boat gets too close to the shore. By keeping a good distance, there is a buffer zone that allows time to address any engine issues or take necessary actions to avoid running aground.
Hvor langt kommer du hvis du kjører i 4 knop i 1 og en halv time?
Correct Answer
C. 6 nautiske mil
If you drive at a speed of 4 knots for 1 and a half hours, you can calculate the distance traveled by multiplying the speed by the time. In this case, 4 knots multiplied by 1.5 hours equals 6 nautical miles.
Hvilken farge er det smarteste valget å ha på flyteutstyr?
Correct Answer
A. Gul, oransje. Sterke farger anbefales.
The correct answer is "Gul, oransje. Sterke farger anbefales." This is because bright colors like yellow and orange are easier to spot in the water, making it easier for rescuers to locate someone wearing floatation devices. Grønn, blå and farger som passer til båtens utseende do not provide the same level of visibility and may make it harder for someone to be found in an emergency situation.
Hvis en fyrlykts egenskaper er OC (3) 10s betyr det at:
Correct Answer
B. Vedvarende lys avbrutt av 3 korte mørkeperioder. Perioder på 10 sekund.
The correct answer states that the characteristics of the lighthouse are a continuous light interrupted by 3 short periods of darkness, with each period lasting 10 seconds. This means that the light will be on for a certain period of time and then off for 10 seconds, repeating this pattern.
Hva betyr dette signalflagget?
Correct Answer
B. Det betyr at det er en eller flere dykkere i vannet. Du må holde utkikk og ta hensyn.
The given signal flag indicates that there are one or more divers in the water, and it is important to keep a lookout and be considerate. This means that there may be potential hazards in the water, and it is necessary to be cautious and respectful to ensure the safety of the divers.
Hva skal man gjøre for å unngå deviasjon til en viss grad?
Correct Answer
B. Holde kompasset unna magneter. For eksempel høyttalere.
To avoid deviation to a certain extent, one should keep the compass away from magnets, such as speakers. Magnets can interfere with the accuracy of the compass readings, causing deviation.
Hvordan skal du forholde deg til et Vestmerke?
Correct Answer
B. Grunnen er øst for merket, du skal kjøre vest for merket.
When encountering a Vestmerke (a mark indicating the direction of a hiking trail), the correct approach is to drive west of the mark. This is because the ground is located east of the mark, so in order to stay on the correct path, one should drive in the opposite direction, which is west.
Du er ute i båten din og ser følgende lys, hva er det du egentlig ser?
Correct Answer
D. En seilbåt sett fra styrbord.
The correct answer is "En seilbåt sett fra styrbord." This means "A sailboat seen from starboard." The question is asking what you are actually seeing when you see the given lights. The lights described are characteristic of a sailboat seen from the right side (starboard) of the boat. Therefore, the correct answer is a sailboat seen from starboard.
Hvilken av båtene skal vike?
Correct Answer
A. Motorbåten (A)
The correct answer is Motorbåten (A). In situations where two boats are approaching each other, the motorboat is generally expected to give way to the sailboat. This is because sailboats have limited maneuverability compared to motorboats. Additionally, sailboats rely on wind power and may have difficulty changing course quickly. Therefore, it is safer for the motorboat to yield and allow the sailboat to pass.
Hvem skal vike?
Correct Answer
A. Seilbåten (A) og motorbåten (C) skal vike for nyttefartøyet (B)
The correct answer is "Seilbåten (A) og motorbåten (C) skal vike for nyttefartøyet (B)". According to the given information, both the sailboat and the motorboat should yield to the utility vessel. This is because utility vessels generally have priority over recreational boats.
Hvilken linje skal du følge?
Correct Answer
C. C
The correct answer is C because it is the line that you should follow.