This compelling quiz revolves around the chilling horror-thriller, "Eden Lake." Follow the grim experiences of Steve Taylor and his girlfriend, Jenny Greengrass, as their romantic weekend getaway takes a horrifying turn. This quiz will test your recall of the chilling narrative, from the unnerving encounters with local teens to the high-stakes pursuit through the woods. Journey back to the hair-raising world of "Eden Lake" and assess how well you remember the intense scenes of survival and tragedy. Do you have the courage to revisit this nerve-wracking story? Take the quiz and find out!
Nursery school teacher
An old castle
A disused and flooded quarry
A deserted island
A mountain range
Local residents
A gang of rowdy teenagers
Wild animals
Fight with the teens
Fix the car
Call the police
Return home
He gets trapped.
He finds stolen goods.
He escapes from an upstairs window.
He gets attacked by a dog.
Their food supplies
Their car keys and phone
Their camping gear
Their clothes
He lets the couple go.
He calls the police.
He enters into a maniacal rage.
He starts crying.
A map
An engagement ring
A knife
A letter
She gets lost in the woods.
She steps on a large spike.
She finds a police station.
She is found by another gang.
At a hospital
At the police station
In Brett's house
At a hotel
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