What PowerShell (Cmdlet) is used to list all files and folders?
Correct Answer
A. Get-ChildItem
This PowerShell cmdlet retrieves a list of all files and folders in the current directory or a specified location. It provides comprehensive information about the items, including their names, attributes, and properties. The aliases gci, dir, and ls are commonly used for brevity and convenience, making it easier to navigate and explore directory structures in PowerShell.
What is the equivalent PowerShell (Alias) to "ping" in Windows Command Prompt?
Correct Answer
B. Test-Connection
Unlike the traditional "ping" command in Windows Command Prompt, Test-Connection is the equivalent PowerShell cmdlet used to send ICMP echo requests to a specified host or IP address. This cmdlet allows users to verify network connectivity and troubleshoot network-related issues by measuring the round-trip time and packet loss between two endpoints.
Which PowerShell (Cmdlet) is used to get the content of a file?
Correct Answer
A. Get-Content
This PowerShell cmdlet retrieves the contents of a specified file and outputs them to the console. It's particularly useful for viewing text-based files, such as log files or configuration files, without modifying them. The aliases gc, type, and cat provide shorthand alternatives for accessing file content quickly and efficiently.
What PowerShell (Cmdlet) lists available commands and gets command path?
Correct Answer
C. Get-Command
As one of the fundamental PowerShell cmdlets, Get-Command retrieves information about available commands within the PowerShell environment. It enables users to explore and discover cmdlets, functions, aliases, and scripts installed on their system or imported from modules. This cmdlet is invaluable for learning PowerShell and understanding the capabilities of various commands.
Which PowerShell (Alias) prints a command's documentation on the console?
Correct Answer
A. Get-Help
This essential cmdlet retrieves documentation and usage instructions for PowerShell commands, providing valuable insights into their functionality and usage. By invoking Get-Help followed by the name of a cmdlet, users can access detailed descriptions, syntax, parameters, examples, and related topics, enhancing their understanding and proficiency in PowerShell scripting.
What PowerShell (Cmdlet) clears the screen?
Correct Answer
B. Clear-Host
When working in the PowerShell console, Clear-Host is used to clear the display screen, removing previous output and providing a clean workspace for new commands and output. This cmdlet helps maintain clarity and organization, especially when executing multiple commands or scripts within the console environment.
Which PowerShell (Cmdlet) copies files and folders to another location?
Correct Answer
A. Copy-Item
With Copy-Item, users can duplicate files and folders from one location to another, preserving their content and attributes. This versatile cmdlet facilitates data management tasks, such as backups, migrations, and distribution of files across different directories or storage devices, streamlining file operations in PowerShell.
Which PowerShell (Cmdlet) moves files and folders to a new location?
Correct Answer
D. Move-Item
Similar to Copy-Item, Move-Item relocates files and folders to a new destination. However, instead of creating duplicates, this cmdlet physically transfers the items, effectively cutting and pasting them from the source to the destination directory. It's a fundamental tool for organizing and restructuring file systems in PowerShell.
What PowerShell (Cmdlet) deletes files or folders?
Correct Answer
A. Remove-Item
This powerful cmdlet permanently deletes files and folders from the file system, freeing up storage space and removing unwanted data. With great power comes great responsibility, as Remove-Item operations cannot be undone and may result in irreversible data loss if used carelessly. It's essential to exercise caution when executing this cmdlet to avoid unintended consequences.
Which PowerShell (Alias) renames a single file, folder, hard link, or symbolic link?
Correct Answer
B. Rename-Item
With Rename-Item, users can modify the names of files, folders, symbolic links, or hard links within the file system. This cmdlet enables users to update filenames or directory names without altering their content, providing a convenient way to organize and manage files in PowerShell. It's particularly useful for batch renaming multiple items simultaneously, improving efficiency and consistency in file naming conventions.