Care dintre urmatoarele reguli trebuie respecatete in Excel?
Correct Answer
C. Nu se lasa spatii intre numele functiei si argumente
The rule that needs to be respected in Excel is that no spaces should be left between the function name and arguments.
Programele de calcur tabelar:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Permit realizarea de simulari in grafice
D. Permit organizarea datelor in baze de date
The correct answer is "permit realizarea de simulari in grafice, permit organizarea datelor in baze de date." This means that spreadsheet programs allow for the creation of simulations in graphs and the organization of data in databases.
Programele de calcul tabelar:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Integreaza facilitati de lucru cu tabele
B. Permit reprezentarea grafica a datelor
The given answer states that programul de calcul tabelar integreaza facilitati de lucru cu tabele and permite reprezentarea grafica a datelor. This means that spreadsheet programs have features that allow working with tables and also provide the ability to represent data graphically. This suggests that spreadsheet programs are designed to handle and manipulate data in a tabular format, making it easier to organize and analyze information. Additionally, the ability to create visual representations of data through charts and graphs can aid in understanding and presenting the data effectively.
Excel este:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Un prgram de calcul tabelar
B. Un sistem de gestiune a bazelor de date
Excel is a program that is used for creating and manipulating spreadsheets, which are a form of tabular calculations. It allows users to perform various mathematical and statistical calculations, organize data, and create charts and graphs. Additionally, Excel also has some database management capabilities, allowing users to store and manage large amounts of data. Therefore, the correct answer is "un program de calcul tabelar, un sistem de gestiune a bazelor de date" (a spreadsheet program, a database management system).
Excel face parte din:
Correct Answer
A. MS Office
Excel is a spreadsheet program developed by Microsoft, which is a part of the MS Office suite. MS Office is a collection of productivity applications, including Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook, among others. Therefore, Excel is included in MS Office.
In foile de calcul excel,casutele sunt referite prin:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Adrese absolute
C. Adrese relative
D. Adrese mixte
In foile de calcul Excel, casutele pot fi referite prin adrese absolute, adrese relative și adrese mixte. Adresele absolute sunt fixe și nu se schimbă atunci când este copiată sau mutată o formulă într-o altă celulă. Adresele relative se ajustează automat în funcție de locația relativă a formulei atunci când este copiată sau mutată într-o altă celulă. Adresele mixte combină atât adrese absolute, cât și adrese relative și permit fixarea unei părți a adresei, în timp ce cealaltă parte rămâne relativă.
In foile da calcul Excel,adresele casutelor pot fi:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Relative
D. Absolute
E. Mixte
The addresses of cells in an Excel spreadsheet can be categorized as logical, physical, relative, absolute, or mixed. Logical addresses refer to the column and row headers, such as A1 or B5. Physical addresses, on the other hand, refer to the actual physical location of the cells on the spreadsheet. Relative addresses are cell references that change when copied or moved, while absolute addresses remain constant. Mixed addresses combine elements of both relative and absolute addresses. Therefore, the correct answer is relative, absolute, and mixed.
Cu referire la Excel,care dintre urmatoarele enunturi sunt adevarate?
Correct Answer(s)
B. Intrun registru de lucru foile de calcul pot fi redenumite
C. Intr-un registru de lucru,utilizatorul poate adauga sau sterge foi de calcul
In Excel, the user can rename worksheets and add or delete worksheets in a workbook. This means that the statement "intr-un registru de lucru, utilizatorul poate adauga sau sterge foi de calcul" (in a workbook, the user can add or delete worksheets) is true. However, the statement "intr-un registru de lucru, numarul foilor de calcul nu poate fi mai mare ca 3" (in a workbook, the number of worksheets cannot be greater than 3) is false, as there is no limitation on the number of worksheets in Excel.
Care dintre urmatoarele constructii sunt adevarate?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Sheet2!C34
D. A:B
The correct answer includes "sheet2!C34" and "A:B". "sheet2!C34" refers to a specific cell in the "C" column of the "sheet2" worksheet. "A:B" represents all the cells in columns A and B.
In casutele foilor de calcul Excel,pot fi introduse:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Date numerice
B. Siruri de caractere
D. Formule
E. Functii
In casutele foilor de calcul Excel, pot fi introduse date numerice, siruri de caractere, formule si functii. Datele numerice pot fi numere sau valori numerice, cum ar fi sume sau procente. Sirurile de caractere sunt textele sau cuvintele introduse în celule. Formulele sunt utilizate pentru a efectua calcule și operații matematice pe datele introduse. Funcțiile sunt predefinite în Excel și pot fi utilizate pentru a efectua operații complexe sau pentru a returna valori specifice în funcție de anumite criterii.
Tipul datelor din casutele foilor excel este determinat de:
Correct Answer
A. Primul caracter introdus
The data type in Excel cells is determined by the first character entered. This means that if the first character is a number, Excel will recognize it as a numeric data type. If the first character is a letter or symbol, Excel will recognize it as a text data type. The data type affects how Excel treats the data for calculations and formatting.
Care sunt adevarate?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Intr-o casuta se poate scrie pe mai multe rinduri
C. Optiunea merge cell fuzioaneaza mai multe casute
In a cell, you can write on multiple lines. The "wrap text" option prevents writing on multiple lines in the same cell. The "merge cell" option combines multiple cells. Vertical alignment is not possible in cells.
Formatarea datelor din foile de calcul excel poate fin realizata:
Correct Answer
B. Dupa anumite sabloane oferite de sistem
The correct answer is "dupa anumite sabloane oferite de sistem" because formatting data in Excel can be done using predefined templates or patterns provided by the system. These templates allow users to quickly apply consistent formatting to their data without having to manually adjust each cell or range. This saves time and ensures that the data is presented in a visually appealing and organized manner.
IN excel protejarea poate fi realizata la nivel de:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Registru de lucru
B. Foaie de calcul
C. Casute
In Excel, protejarea (protection) can be done at the level of the workbook, worksheet, and cells. This means that you can protect the entire workbook, specific worksheets within the workbook, or individual cells within a worksheet. By protecting these levels, you can restrict certain actions such as editing, formatting, or deleting data, ensuring the integrity and security of your Excel file.
In excel,formulele:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Sunt elemente de baza a unei foi de calcul
D. Sunt construite de utilizator
The correct answer is "sunt elemente de baza a unei foi de calcul, sunt construite de utilizator." This is because the given statements describe the characteristics of formulas in Excel. Formulas are basic elements of a spreadsheet and they are built by the user. They are not limited to simple arithmetic calculations and they are not always preceded by the % sign.
In excel,formulele:
Correct Answer
A. Contin valori si operatori
The given answer states that in Excel, formulas can contain values and operators. These values can include numbers, dates, and text. However, the operators % and ^ cannot be included in the formulas.
In excel functiile:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Sunt formule predefinite
C. Permit executarea rapida a unor calcule complexe
D. Sunt precedate de semnul=
The correct answer is that Excel functions are predefined formulas, allow for the quick execution of complex calculations, and are preceded by the equals sign.
In excel,formulele sunt formate din:
Correct Answer
C. Nume(cuvinte rezervate de semnul =)
Formulas in Excel are formed by using reserved words, which are indicated by the equal sign (=) followed by the name of the function or operation. These reserved words are predefined by Excel and have specific meanings. When creating a formula, the equal sign is used to indicate that the following characters are part of a formula and not regular text. Therefore, the correct answer states that formulas in Excel are formed using reserved words indicated by the equal sign (=).
In excel prin operatiile de copiere adresele absolute se modifica?
Correct Answer
A. Nu
The correct answer is "no." In Excel, absolute references do not change when copied. Absolute references are used to fix a specific cell or range of cells in a formula so that it does not adjust when the formula is copied to other cells. This is useful when you want to maintain a constant reference to a specific cell or range in your calculations.
In memoria interna,o data calendaristica Excel este reprezentata:
Correct Answer
A. Ca un numar
In memoria interna, data calendaristica Excel este reprezentata ca un numar. Aceasta se datoreaza faptului ca in Excel, datele calendaristice sunt stocate sub forma de numere seriale, unde fiecare numar reprezinta o anumita data. De exemplu, data 1 ianuarie 2022 poate fi reprezentata prin numarul 44405. Acest format numeric permite utilizatorului sa efectueze operatii matematice si calcule pe datele calendaristice, precum adunari, scaderi sau comparatii.
Argumentele functiilor excel sunt incluse intre caracterele:
Correct Answer
C. ()
The correct answer is "()". The parentheses are used to enclose the arguments of Excel functions. The arguments are the values or references that the function uses to perform calculations or operations. By enclosing the arguments in parentheses, Excel can identify and process them correctly within the function.
In excel,argumentele functiilor pot fi
Correct Answer(s)
A. Nume atribuite zonelor din foaia de calcul
B. Expresii logice
C. Alte functii
D. Constante
The correct answer is that in Excel, the arguments of functions can be assigned names to ranges in the worksheet, logical expressions, other functions, and constants.
La modificarea continutului unei casute are loc:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Refacerea automata a graficului,in care este reprezentata valoarea din casuta respectiva
B. Recalcularea automata a formulelor si functiilor,in care este referita celula respectiva
When the content of a cell is modified, the graph representing the value in that cell is automatically updated and the formulas and functions referencing that cell are also automatically recalculated.
Protejarea unei foi de calcul asigura:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Evitarea riscului deterioararii voluntare a aplicatiilor
B. Evitarea riscului deteriorarii involuntare a aaplicatiilor
The correct answer is the protection of a spreadsheet ensures the avoidance of deliberate deterioration of applications and the avoidance of unintentional deterioration of applications. This means that by protecting a spreadsheet, the risk of intentional and unintentional damage to the applications within it is minimized.
Functiile financiare permit:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Realizarea unor game variate de calcule
B. Realizarea de analize economico financiare
D. Calculul amortizarii
The correct answer is "realizarea unor game variate de calcule, realizarea de analize economico financiare, calculul amortizarii." This is because financial functions allow for a wide range of calculations, such as determining interest rates, performing financial analysis, and calculating depreciation expenses. These functions are essential for managing and analyzing financial data in various contexts, such as budgeting, investment analysis, and financial reporting.
In excel care dintre urm enunturi sunt adevarate?
Correct Answer
A. Argumentele functiilor pot fi si alte functii
The statement "argumentele functiilor pot fi si alte functii" is true. In Excel, it is possible to use functions as arguments within other functions. This allows for more complex calculations and enables users to create dynamic formulas. By using functions as arguments, users can perform calculations based on the results of other functions, making their formulas more flexible and powerful.
Sunt adevarate:
Correct Answer(s)
A. In calculul anuitatilor se folosesc varsaminte egale in intervale regulate de timp
B. In calculul amortizarilor se foolosesc varsaminte inegale
The correct answer states that in the calculation of annuities, equal payments are used at regular intervals of time, while in the calculation of amortizations, unequal payments are used. This means that when calculating annuities, the amount paid at each interval is the same, whereas in amortizations, the amount paid at each interval can vary. Additionally, the answer mentions that the Vlookup function allows for vertical searching of a value in the rightmost column of a table.
In excel ,rata de rambursat dintr-un credit se determina cu ajutorul functiei:
Correct Answer
A. =PMT()
The correct answer is =PMT(). In Excel, the PMT() function is used to calculate the periodic payment for a loan or an investment based on a constant interest rate and a fixed number of periods. It takes inputs such as the interest rate, the number of periods, and the present value of the loan or investment, and returns the amount that needs to be paid or received at each period. This function is commonly used in financial calculations and planning.
In excel,care dintre urm enunturi sunt adevarate?
Correct Answer
B. =RATE() este functia care calculeaza procentul dobinzii pentru o anuitate
The correct answer is that =RATE() is the function that calculates the interest rate for an annuity. This is true because the RATE() function in Excel is used to calculate the interest rate for an annuity or a loan. It returns the interest rate per period for a loan or an investment based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate. Therefore, this statement accurately describes the functionality of the RATE() function in Excel.
In excel,comezile pot fi apelate din:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Meniuri si submeniuri
B. Pitograme din linii de intrumente(standart,formating)
The correct answer is meniuri si submeniuri, pitograme din linii de instrumente (standard, formatting). This means that in Excel, commands can be accessed from menus and submenus, as well as from icons in the toolbar (standard, formatting).
Care dintre urm constructii sunt corecte din punct de vedere sintactic?
Correct Answer
D. =VLOOKUP(A40,A2:D35,3)
The correct answer is "=VLOOKUP(A40,A2:D35,3)". This is a valid syntax for the VLOOKUP function in Excel. It searches for a value in the first column of a table array and returns a value in the same row from a specified column. In this case, it is searching for the value in cell A40 in the range A2:D35 and returning the value in the third column of the range.
CE realizeaza functia if?
In excel,care dintre aceste constructii dau acelasi rezultat
Correct Answer(s)
A. =(B3+C3+D3+E3)/4
B. =SUM(B3:E3)/4
All of the given constructions yield the same result because they are all calculating the average of the values in cells B3, C3, D3, and E3. The first construction directly adds the values and divides by 4, the second construction uses the SUM function to add the values and then divides by 4, and the third construction uses the AVERAGE function to calculate the average of the values. The fourth construction, =(B3:E3)/4, is incorrect as it divides the range by 4 instead of calculating the average.
Care dintre urma functii sunt corecte?
Correct Answer(s)
A. =IF(A11>0."X","Y")
D. =IF(A11=0,O,IF(AND(A11>0,A11
O casuta din foaia de calcul poate fi identificata prin:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Adrese absolute
B. Adrese mixte
D. Adresa relativa
E. Un nume atribuit in prealabil
A casuta din foaia de calcul poate fi identificata prin adrese absolute, adrese mixte, adresa relativa sau un nume atribuit in prealabil. Adresele absolute sunt fixe si nu se schimba atunci cand sunt copiate sau mutate. Adresele mixte combina referinte absolute si relative si se schimba in functie de cum sunt copiate sau mutate. Adresele relative se schimba in functie de cum sunt copiate sau mutate. Un nume atribuit in prealabil poate fi utilizat pentru a identifica o casuta si este mai usor de recunoscut decat adresele.
Pentru calculul amortizarii se folosesc functiile:
Correct Answer(s)
A. =SLN()
C. =DDB()
D. =SYD()
These functions are used for calculating depreciation.
- =SLN() is used to calculate straight-line depreciation, which evenly distributes the cost of an asset over its useful life.
- =DDB() is used to calculate the declining balance depreciation, which applies a higher depreciation rate in the early years and decreases it over time.
- =SYD() is used to calculate the sum-of-years' digits depreciation, which allocates more depreciation in the early years and less in the later years.
These functions are commonly used in financial analysis and accounting to determine the value of assets over time.
Reprezentarea structurii profitului anual pe cele patru trimestre se realizeaza intr-un grafic de tip:
Correct Answer
B. Pie
The correct answer is "pie" because a pie chart is commonly used to represent the distribution or proportion of different categories or parts of a whole. In this case, the annual profit is being represented, and a pie chart would be suitable for showing the percentage or share of profit contributed by each of the four quarters.
In fereastra unei functii excel se afiseaza:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Formatul functiei
B. Descrieres succinta a fucntiei
C. Zone distincte pentru argumentele functiei
The correct answer is the format of the function, a brief description of the function, and distinct ranges for the function's arguments. This means that in the Excel function window, you will see the format of the function, a short description of what the function does, and separate boxes or areas where you can input the arguments for the function. It also suggests that the window may display the result obtained from the previous execution of the function.
Care dintre urm functii intra in categoria functiilor statistice?
Correct Answer(s)
D. =MIN()
The correct answer is =AVERAGE(), =COUNT(), =MIN(). These functions are considered statistical functions because they are commonly used in statistical analysis. The AVERAGE() function calculates the average of a range of values, the COUNT() function counts the number of cells that contain numbers in a range, and the MIN() function returns the smallest value in a range. These functions are useful for analyzing data and drawing conclusions in statistics.
Care enunturi sunmt adev?
Correct Answer
A. In calculul anuitatilor se folosesc varsaminte egale si intervale regulate de timp
The answer is explaining that in the calculation of annuities, equal deposits and regular intervals of time are used. The number of periods and the interest rate should refer to the same time interval. The function PMT() calculates the future value for a series of cash flows.
Care sunt adev>?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Funstia VLOOKUP efectueaza cautarea pe verticala a unui element in coloana cea mai din stinga a unui domeniu intr-o tabela indexata
B. Functia LOOKUP este folosita pentru cautarea valorilor dintr-un vector sau matrice
The correct answer is "funstia VLOOKUP efectueaza cautarea pe verticala a unui element in coloana cea mai din stinga a unui domeniu intr-o tabela indexata" and "functia LOOKUP este folosita pentru cautarea valorilor dintr-un vector sau matrice". These statements explain the functions of VLOOKUP and LOOKUP in Excel. VLOOKUP is used to search for a value vertically in the leftmost column of a table, while LOOKUP is used to search for values in a vector or matrix.
Pentru care dintre componentele excel sunt disponibili asistenti wizard?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Grafice
B. Functii
The correct answer is "grafice" and "functii". In Excel, there are wizards available for creating charts and graphs (grafice) to visually represent data, as well as for using functions (functii) to perform calculations and manipulate data. These wizards provide step-by-step guidance and make it easier for users to create charts and use functions effectively in Excel.
Care sunt adevara?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Dupa realizare un grafic execl poate fi modificat folosind optiunile meniului chart
B. Modificarea datelor din foaia de calcul determina si modificarea graficelor
The correct answer states that after creating a chart in Excel, it can be modified using the options in the chart menu. Additionally, it states that modifying the data in the spreadsheet will also result in changes to the charts. This explanation highlights the functionality of Excel in allowing users to customize and update their charts based on the data in the spreadsheet.
Un program de calcul tabelar performat trebuie sa permita:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Lucru simultan cu mai multe tabele
B. Reprezentarea grafica a datelor
C. Folosirea tehnicii de legare si incorporare prin DDE si OLE
A performant spreadsheet program should allow for simultaneous work with multiple tables, graphical representation of data, and the use of linking and embedding techniques through DDE and OLE. Additionally, it should not restrict the use of predefined functions for financial calculations.
In excel in casutele foilor de calcul se introduc:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Date numarice
B. Siruri de caractere
C. Date calendaristice
D. Formule
E. Functii
In Excel, the cells are used to input various types of data such as numeric data, character strings, calendar dates, formulas, and functions. Numeric data refers to any numerical values that can be used for calculations. Character strings are sequences of characters or text. Calendar dates are used to represent specific dates or time periods. Formulas are used to perform calculations and manipulate data in cells. Functions are predefined formulas that perform specific operations and return results.
In excel,specificarea Preturi!B45 indica:
Correct Answer
B. Casuta B45 din foaia de calcul Preturi
The correct answer is "casuta B45 din foaia de calcul Preturi". This means that the specific area "Preturi!B45" refers to cell B45 in the worksheet named "Preturi".
Care enunturi sunt adevarate:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Registrul de lucru este un fisier .xls
D. Datele calendarristice sunt reprezentate in memoria interna ca numere
The correct answer is "registrul de lucru este un fisier .xls" because it states that the workbook is a .xls file, which is a common file format for spreadsheets. The other statements are not accurate or relevant to the question.
Programele de calcul tabelar:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Sunt produse integrate care permit lucrul cu tabele,baze se date,grafice
B. Preiau din sarcina functionarilor lucrarilor de rutina
Programmele de calcul tabelar sunt produse integrate care permit lucrul cu tabele, baze de date și grafice. Aceste programe preiau din sarcina functionarilor lucrările de rutină, oferindu-le posibilitatea de a automatiza și simplifica procesele repetitive. De asemenea, ele preiau din sarcina utilizatorilor partea creativă a unei aplicații, oferindu-le instrumente și funcționalități avansate pentru a crea și manipula datele într-un mod flexibil și eficient.
Prin operatiile de copiere sua mutare adresele absolute se modifica?
Correct Answer
B. Nu
The correct answer is "no." In operations such as copying or moving, absolute addresses do not change. Absolute addresses refer to specific locations in memory or on a storage device, and they remain the same regardless of any copying or moving operations.
Intrun grafic de tip column sau bar,seriile de date sunt reprezentate pe :
Correct Answer
A. Axa Oy
The correct answer is "axa Oy". In a column or bar graph, the data series are represented on the y-axis. The y-axis is the vertical axis of the graph, which typically represents the dependent variable or the variable being measured. The x-axis, on the other hand, represents the independent variable or the variable that is being manipulated or controlled. Therefore, in this case, only the y-axis is used to represent the data series.