Un document html are o structura standard. El trebuie sa contina urmatoarele sectiuni:
Correct Answer
A. HEAD – antetul documentului; BODY – corpul documentului.
The correct answer is HEAD – antetul documentului; BODY – corpul documentului. This is because an HTML document follows a standard structure, where the HEAD section contains the document's header information and the BODY section contains the main content of the document. The other mentioned sections, such as schema logic and pseudocode definition, are not part of the standard structure of an HTML document.
Ce inseamnă HTML ?
Correct Answer
A. HyperText Markup Language
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a standard markup language used for creating web pages and applications. It is the primary language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. HTML uses tags to define the structure and layout of a web document, allowing for the inclusion of text, images, links, and other media. It is the foundation of web development and is essential for creating and designing websites.
Pentru introducerea legaturilor intre paginile web se utilizeaza secventa:
- <a href="nume_pagina.html> text</a>
- <a href>="numea_pagina.htm"</a>
- <a href="http://nume_site">text</a>
Correct Answer
A. Varianta1
The correct answer is "Varianta1" because it is the first option listed after the given sequence.
Ce rol are următoarea secventă:<title>pagina mea</title>
Correct Answer
A. Stabileşte titlul paginii care va apărea în bara de titlu a browser-ului
The given correct answer is "stabileşte titlul paginii care va apărea în bara de titlu a browser-ului" which translates to "sets the title of the page that will appear in the browser's title bar". This is because the tag is used to specify the title of an HTML document, and this title is displayed in the title bar of the browser.
Antetul documentului este delimitat prin eticheta:
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "HEAD" because the question is asking for the tag that delimits the document header. In HTML, the tag is used to define the header section of a document, which typically contains meta information, title, and other elements that are not displayed on the webpage itself.
Atributele pentru "Font" sunt:
Correct Answer
A. Face, size, color
The attributes for "Font" are the face, size, and color. These attributes determine the style, size, and color of the text in the font. The "face" attribute refers to the specific typeface or font family that is used, such as Arial or Times New Roman. The "size" attribute determines the size of the text, typically measured in points. The "color" attribute determines the color of the text, which can be specified using a color name or code.
Care este eticheta folosita pentru a crea o pagina cu fundalul rosu?
Correct Answer
A. Body bgcolor="red"
The correct answer is "body bgcolor="red"". This is the correct HTML tag used to create a webpage with a red background color. The "body" tag is used to define the main content of the webpage, and "bgcolor" is an attribute that sets the background color of the body. In this case, the color value is set to "red", indicating that the background color of the webpage will be red.
Precizati atributul ce poate aparea in eticheta <OL>
Correct Answer
A. Type="A"
The attribute "type" can appear in the (ordered list) tag to specify the type of numbering or bullet style to be used. In this case, the correct answer is "type='A'", which indicates that uppercase alphabetical letters should be used as the list items' markers. The other options, "type='square'" and "align='right'", are not valid attributes for the tag.
Alegeti atributele care pot aparea in eticheta img
Correct Answer(s)
A. src = "nume imagine.extensie"
B. Align="right"
D. Width=300
The attributes that can appear in the img tag are src, align, and width. The src attribute is used to specify the source file path and name of the image. The align attribute is used to specify the alignment of the image, in this case, it is set to "right". The width attribute is used to specify the width of the image in pixels, in this case, it is set to 300.
Care dintre urmatoarele sunt etichete singulare?
Correct Answer(s)
The question is asking which of the following are singular tags. The tags mentioned are B, IMG, OL, and LI. The correct answer is IMG and LI. This means that both IMG and LI are singular tags, while B and OL are not.