Nje kamion leviz me shpejtesi konstante,Forca shtytese e motorrit te tij eshte 1000N.Rezistenca qe ushtron ajri mbi kamion eshte e paperfillshme.Cilat jane forcat qe veprojne mbi kamion:
Correct Answer
D. Te gjitha me lart.
The truck is moving at a constant speed, which means that the net force acting on it is zero. The force of gravity is always acting on the truck, pulling it downwards. The reaction force, also known as the normal force, is the force exerted by the ground on the truck to support its weight. The force of friction, or the force of resistance, is the force that opposes the motion of the truck. Since the question states that there is no air resistance, the only forces acting on the truck are gravity, reaction force, and friction. Therefore, all of the above forces mentioned (gravity, reaction, and friction) are acting on the truck.
Ferkimi eshte nje force qe ngadaleson levizjen e trupave
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement states that "friction is a force that slows down the movement of objects." This is true because friction is a force that opposes the motion of objects in contact with each other. When two surfaces rub against each other, the friction between them converts some of the kinetic energy into heat energy, causing the objects to slow down. Therefore, the statement is correct.
Sa me te lemuara jane siperfaqet e trupave rreshqites, aq me i madh eshte ferkimi i rreshqitjes ndermjet tyre.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement claims that the larger the friction between sliding bodies, the larger the sliding force. However, this is incorrect. The magnitude of the sliding force depends on factors such as the normal force and the coefficient of friction, not the size of the friction itself. Therefore, the answer is false.
Nese koshi i nje biciklete eshte bosh,e kemi me te ta ngasim ate.Sa me i rende te jete koshi aq me i eshte ferkimi qe mposhtim gjate levizjes.Pra ferkimi varet nga e bicikletes.
Correct Answer
veshtire, madh,pesha
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the difficulty and resistance experienced while pedaling a bicycle depend on the weight of the bicycle. If the basket of a bicycle is empty, it is easier to pedal because there is less weight to overcome. However, if the basket is heavy, it becomes more difficult to pedal due to the increased resistance caused by the weight. Therefore, the words "veshtire" (difficult), "madh" (big), and "pesha" (weight) accurately describe the effect of the weight of the bicycle on the pedaling experience.
Telat percjelles te rrymes elektrike ndertohen prej alumini dhe bakri dhe jo prej materialeve te tjera sepse:
Correct Answer
D. Te gjitha me siper.
The correct answer is "Te gjitha me siper" (All of the above). This means that all of the given reasons are true. Aluminum and copper are better conductors of electricity compared to other materials, they have less weight than other materials, and they are less expensive. Therefore, using aluminum and copper for transmitting electrical currents is more efficient and cost-effective.
Aparati qe sherben per matjen e mases se trupave eshte peshorja
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is in Albanian and it translates to "The device used to measure the mass of bodies is a scale." This statement is true because a scale is a common device used to measure the mass of objects or bodies. It works by comparing the weight of the object being measured to a known weight or standard. Therefore, the correct answer is true.
Aparati qe sherben per matjen e forces eshte ampermetri .
Correct Answer
B. False
The correct answer is False because the instrument used for measuring force is not an ammeter, but rather a force gauge or a dynamometer. An ammeter is used to measure electric current, not force.
Aparati qe sherben per matjen e rrymes elektrike eshte Ampermetri .
Correct Answer
A. True
The correct answer is true because an ammeter is an instrument used to measure electric current. It is specifically designed to measure the flow of electric current in amperes, making it the appropriate device for measuring electric current.
Elementet perberese te qarkut elektrik te ndricuesit te dores jane:
Correct Answer
A. LLamba ,percjellesi.celesi,bateria.
The correct answer is "LLamba ,percjellesi.celesi,bateria." This answer states that the elements that make up the electric circuit of a light bulb are the bulb itself, the conductor, and the battery.
Letra eshte percjelles i mire i elektricitetit.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement in the question is in Albanian language and it translates to "Letra is a good conductor of electricity." The correct answer is False because paper (letra) is not a good conductor of electricity. It is an insulator and does not allow the flow of electric current easily.
Metalet jane percjelles te mire te elektricitetit.
Correct Answer
A. True
Metals are good conductors of electricity due to the presence of free electrons in their atomic structure. These free electrons can easily move through the metal lattice, allowing the flow of electric current. Therefore, it is true that metals have good electrical conductivity.
Argjendi eshte jopercjelles i elektricitetit.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement in the question is that "Argjendi eshte jopercjelles i elektricitetit," which translates to "Silver is not a conductor of electricity." However, this statement is incorrect. In reality, silver is a very good conductor of electricity due to its high electrical conductivity. Therefore, the correct answer is False.
Plastmasi eshte jopercjelles i elektricitetit.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement "Plastmasi eshte jopercjelles i elektricitetit" translates to "Plasma is a non-conductor of electricity." This statement is true because plasma, which is a state of matter that consists of highly ionized gas, does not conduct electricity. In plasma, the electrons are separated from the atoms, creating a mixture of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons. Due to this separation of charges, plasma does not allow the flow of electric current, making it a non-conductor of electricity.
Ferkimi ne akull eshte shume i prandaj nepermjet zinxhireve ne e ate.Kur ferkimi eshte i ne perpiqemi ta rritim ate.Ferkimi varet nga e siperfaqes se trupave ne takim.
Correct Answer
Ferkimi në akull është shumë i vogël, prandaj nëpërmjet zinxhirëve e rritim atë. Ferkimi varet nga e sipërfaqja e trupave në takim. Kështu, ferkimi është i rritur dhe i dobishëm për të shkuar nëpër akull pa rrezikuar ashperinë.
Teli i zhveshur eshte i parrezikshem per ne.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement "Teli i zhveshur eshte i parrezikshem per ne" translates to "Naked wire is not dangerous for us." This statement is false because naked wires can be extremely dangerous as they can cause electric shocks, fires, and other accidents. It is important to handle electrical wires with caution and ensure they are properly insulated to prevent any harm.
Njesia matese e rrymes elektrike eshte 1 mililiter.
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is incorrect. The unit of measurement for electric current is ampere (A), not milliliter (ml). Therefore, the correct answer is False.
Kur jemi te merzitur nga syte tane dalin lote.Lotet jane uje i paster(pa kripera ).
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement says "When we are sad, tears come out of our eyes. Tears are pure water (without salt)". This statement is false because tears are not just pure water, but also contain salt and other substances.