Mbi nje suste eshte vendosur nje gure.Ploteso vendet bosh ne fjalite e meposhtme:
Susta e ngjeshur zoteron .Kjo ben qe guri te kerceje lart.Kur guri ndodhet lart ai zoteron .
Gjate renies per shkak te terheqjes se tokes ai deformon derrasen dhe shkakton zhurme,duke bere qe energjia kinetike e tij te shnderrohet ne .
The filled blanks in the sentences indicate that the stone possesses both elastic energy and gravitational potential energy. When the stone is compressed on the spring, it gains elastic energy. When the stone is lifted up, it gains gravitational potential energy. During its fall, the stone deforms the ground and produces noise, which indicates the conversion of its kinetic energy into other forms, such as sound energy. Therefore, the correct answer includes elastic energy, gravitational potential energy, and sound energy.
Emerto llojin e energjise:
Energjia e dobishme ne nje televizor eshte .
Energjia e humbur eshte .
The correct answer is "energji dritore, energji termike". This is because a television converts electrical energy into light energy (energji dritore) and thermal energy (energji termike). The electrical energy powers the screen to produce light, while some of the electrical energy is also converted into heat energy. Therefore, these two forms of energy are the useful and lost energy in a television, respectively.
Nje sobe gatimi me energji elektrike harxhon 7200KJ ne nje ore.Sa eshte sasia e energjise qe merr mjedisi dhe tenxherja nese 1800KJ eshte marre nga gjella?
Correct Answer
C. 5400KJ
The total amount of energy consumed by the kitchen in one hour is 7200KJ. If 1800KJ is taken by cooking, then the remaining energy consumed by the environment and the pot is 7200KJ - 1800KJ = 5400KJ.
Sa eshte rendimenti i nje sobe gatimi me energji elektrike e cila harxhon 8200KJ ne nje ore dhe ku sasia e energjise qe merr mjedisi dhe tenxherja eshte 1800KJ dhe sasia e energjise qe merr gjella eshte 6400KJ.
Correct Answer
B. 78%
The efficiency of a kitchen stove can be calculated by dividing the useful energy output (in this case, the energy absorbed by the food) by the total energy input (in this case, the energy consumed by the stove). In this scenario, the useful energy absorbed by the food is 6400KJ, and the total energy input is 8200KJ. Dividing 6400KJ by 8200KJ and multiplying by 100 gives us an efficiency of approximately 78%.
Energjia kinetike e nje trupi qe leviz me shpejtesi 5m/s eshte 25J.Sa eshte masa e trupit?
Correct Answer
C. 2kg
The equation for kinetic energy is KE = 0.5 * m * v^2, where KE is the kinetic energy, m is the mass of the object, and v is the velocity. In this case, we are given that the kinetic energy is 25J and the velocity is 5m/s. Plugging these values into the equation, we can solve for the mass. Therefore, mass (m) = 2kg.
Trupi me mase 2kg ndoodhet ne lartesine 3m nga toka.Sa eshte puna me e madhe qe mund te kryeje trupi?
Correct Answer
C. 60J
The work done by an object is equal to the force applied on the object multiplied by the distance over which the force is applied. In this case, the object has a mass of 2kg and is lifted to a height of 3m. The work done can be calculated using the formula: work = force x distance. Since the force applied is equal to the weight of the object (mass x gravity), and the distance is given as 3m, the work done is equal to the weight of the object multiplied by the distance, which is 2kg x 9.8m/s^2 x 3m = 58.8J, which is closest to 60J.
Energjia nuk ose nga asgjeja,ajo vetem nga nje lloj ne tjetrin.
Ne natyre sasia e energjise nuk kurre.Ne nje paisje energjia e eshte e barabarte me shumen e energjise me energjine e .
Correct Answer
zhduket,krijohet,shnderrohet, pergjithshme,ndryshon,harxhuar,dobishme,humbur
The correct answer includes a list of words that describe the different ways in which energy can be transformed or changed. These words include "zhduket" (disappears), "krijohet" (created), "shnderrohet" (converted), "pergjithshme" (general), "ndryshon" (changes), "harxhuar" (used), "dobishme" (useful), and "humbur" (lost). These words illustrate the various processes and states that energy can undergo, highlighting the dynamic nature of energy and its ability to be transformed from one form to another.
Kur ne nje cajnik ngrohim uje:Energjia elektrike qe merr cajniku nga rrjeti elektrik,eshte energjia e dobishme.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because the energy that the kettle receives from the electrical network is not useful energy. The electrical energy is converted into heat energy to heat the water, but this heat energy is not directly usable for any other purpose.
Kur ne nje cajnik ngrohim uje:Energjia termike qe merr uji eshte energjia e humbur.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because when water is heated in a kettle, the thermal energy that the water absorbs is not lost. Instead, it is converted into heat energy, which can be used for various purposes such as cooking or making hot beverages.
Kur ne nje cajnik ngrohim uje:Energjia termike qe marrin cajniku dhe mjedisi,jane energji te humbura.
Correct Answer
A. True
When heating water in a teapot, the thermal energy that the teapot and the surrounding environment receive is considered wasted energy. This is because the purpose of heating the water is to increase its temperature for specific uses, such as making tea, rather than to provide thermal energy to the teapot or the surroundings. Therefore, the statement is true.
Kur perdorim burimet e energjise energjine e tyre ne trupa te tjere ose e ate ne forma te tjera .Kur ngrohim ujin ne furnele me gaz,energjia termike qe clirohet nga djegia e gazit, ne energji termike te: , dhe rrethues.Kur perdorim nje celular,energjia e baterise shnderrohet ne energji ,dhe me pas ne energji: , dhe .
Correct Answer
When we use energy resources, we convert their energy into other forms or transfer it to other bodies. When we heat water in a gas stove, the thermal energy released from burning the gas is converted into thermal energy of the water. When we use a cell phone, the energy of the battery is converted into electrical energy and then into sound and light energy. In both cases, we are transforming or transferring energy in different forms such as thermal, electrical, sound, and light energy.
Susta dhe fija e llastikut te shformuara jane burime te energjise kimike.
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is false. The susta dhe fija e llastikut te shformuara (carbon dioxide and water vapor) are not sources of chemical energy, but rather the products of a chemical reaction. In this case, they are the products of the combustion of a fuel, which releases chemical energy in the form of heat and light.
Trupat e ngritur mbi siperfaqen e tokes jane burim i energjise potenciale gravitacionale.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because objects raised above the surface of the Earth possess gravitational potential energy. This energy is a result of the gravitational force between the object and the Earth. The higher the object is lifted, the greater the potential energy it possesses. Therefore, objects raised above the surface of the Earth do have gravitational potential energy.
Trupat qe levizin jane burime te energjise elektrike.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement in the question states that moving objects are sources of electrical energy. This statement is false because moving objects do not generate electrical energy. Electrical energy is typically generated through the use of power plants, which convert other forms of energy (such as mechanical or chemical energy) into electrical energy.
Ne nje llambe energjia dritore eshte 20J dhe energjia termike eshte 80J.Sa eshte energjia elektrike hyrese.
Correct Answer
C. 100J
In a closed system, energy is conserved, meaning that the total amount of energy remains constant. In this case, the total energy input is the sum of the electrical energy and the thermal energy. Given that the electrical energy is 20J and the thermal energy is 80J, the total energy input is 100J. Therefore, the correct answer is 100J.
Sipas Anjshtajnit lenda eshte nje tjeter forme e:
Correct Answer
C. Energjise
According to Anjshtajni, the subject is considered as another form of energy.
Cilat nga formulat e meposhtme shpreh lidhjen ndemjet mases dhe lartesise?
Correct Answer
C. E=mgh
The formula E=mgh represents the relationship between mass (m), gravitational acceleration (g), and height (h). It calculates the potential energy (E) of an object based on its mass, the acceleration due to gravity, and the height at which it is located. This formula is derived from the concept of gravitational potential energy, which is the energy possessed by an object due to its position in a gravitational field. The potential energy is directly proportional to the mass and height of the object, and the gravitational acceleration.
Sa eshte rendimenti ne nje ndricues ne te cilin per cdo 100J energji elektrike te harxhuar 25J energji shkojne si energji drite.
Correct Answer
C. 25%
The correct answer is 25%. This means that for every 100J of electrical energy consumed, only 25J of energy is converted into light energy. The remaining 75J is likely converted into other forms of energy, such as heat or sound, or lost due to inefficiencies in the lighting system.