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| By Annwyn
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#1ai - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    U odnosu na smer pretrage, produkcioni sistemi se mogu kategorisati kao:

    • A.

      Usmereni sistemi

    • B.

      Neusmereni sistemi

    • C.

      Direktni sistemi

    • D.

      Dvostrani sistemi

    • E.

      Ireverzibilni sistemi

    • F.

      Reverzni sistemi

    Correct Answer(s)
    C. Direktni sistemi
    D. Dvostrani sistemi
    F. Reverzni sistemi
    The correct answer includes three categories of production systems: direct systems, bilateral systems, and reverse systems. These categories are based on the direction of the search in the production system. Direct systems refer to systems that search forward in a single direction, while bilateral systems search in both forward and backward directions. Reverse systems, on the other hand, search backward from the goal state.

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  • 2. 

    "Problem predstavljanja" je:

    • A.

      Nemogucnost da se misticko iskustvo nedvosmisleno prenese recima

    • B.

      Transformacija izvorne formulacije na jezika produkcionih sistema

    • C.

      Problem vezan za asocijativni aspekt verbalnih formulacija

    Correct Answer
    B. Transformacija izvorne formulacije na jezika produkcionih sistema
    The correct answer is "Transformacija izvorne formulacije na jezika produkcionih sistema" which translates to "Transformation of the original formulation into the language of production systems." This suggests that the problem of "problem predstavljanja" refers to the challenge of converting or translating the original formulation or expression into a language that can be understood and processed by production systems. This could involve converting complex or abstract ideas into a more structured and logical format that can be effectively utilized by the systems.

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  • 3. 

    Ako se uspostavi veza izmedju produkcionog sistema i ljudskog nacina resavanja problema, pravilima odgovara:

    • A.

      Kratkotrajna memorija

    • B.

      Dugotrajna memorija

    • C.


    Correct Answer
    B. Dugotrajna memorija
    When a connection is established between the production system and the human problem-solving process, it is the long-term memory that corresponds to the rules. Long-term memory stores information and knowledge that can be accessed and used in problem-solving. It allows individuals to recall and apply rules or strategies that have been learned and stored over time. This connection between the production system and long-term memory suggests that rules are stored and retrieved from long-term memory to guide problem-solving processes.

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  • 4. 

    "Kognitivna revolucija" podrazumeva:

    • A.

      Modelovanje univerzalnog jezika za reprezentaciju iskustva koji iskljucuje dvosmislenost

    • B.

      Teorijsko modelovanje internih aktivnosti ljudskog mozga

    • C.

      Primenu principa "cogito ergo sum"

    Correct Answer
    B. Teorijsko modelovanje internih aktivnosti ljudskog mozga
    The correct answer is "Teorijsko modelovanje internih aktivnosti ljudskog mozga". This is because "Kognitivna revolucija" refers to the theoretical modeling of internal activities of the human brain. It involves understanding and studying the processes and mechanisms of cognition, such as perception, memory, attention, and problem-solving. This approach aims to explain how the mind works and how cognitive processes can be understood and replicated. It does not involve the creation of a universal language for representing experience or the application of the principle "cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am).

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  • 5. 

    Treca poteskoca u razvoju vestacke inteligencije je nastala:

    • A.

      Zbog nedostatka racunarskih resursa

    • B.

      Zbog fundamentalnih ogranicenja osnovnih arhitektura inteligentnih sistema

    • C.

      Zbog prestanka finansiranja istrazivanja od strane britanske vlade

    Correct Answer
    B. Zbog fundamentalnih ogranicenja osnovnih arhitektura inteligentnih sistema
    The answer states that the third difficulty in the development of artificial intelligence arose due to the fundamental limitations of basic architectures of intelligent systems. This suggests that the limitations in the underlying structures and designs of intelligent systems have posed significant challenges in the development of artificial intelligence.

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  • 6. 

    Kognitivna nauka i kognitivna neuronauka se ne proucavaju u okviru vestacke inteligencije:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Delimicno tacno

    Correct Answer
    B. Netacno
    The explanation for the given answer "Netacno" is that cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience are indeed studied within the field of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence aims to replicate human cognitive processes and understanding how the brain works is crucial in achieving this goal. Therefore, studying cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience is an integral part of research and development in artificial intelligence.

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  • 7. 

    Problemi koje reseva vestacka inteligencija:

    • A.

      Jasno se mogu podeliti na klase koje covek lakse resava od masine

    • B.

      Ne mogu se podeliti na klase koje covek lakse resava od masine

    • C.

      Mogu se podeliti na klase koje se medjusobno prozimaju

    Correct Answer
    A. Jasno se mogu podeliti na klase koje covek lakse resava od masine
    This answer states that the problems that artificial intelligence solves can be clearly divided into classes that humans can solve more easily than machines. It implies that there are certain problem-solving tasks where humans have an advantage over machines in terms of ease or efficiency.

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  • 8. 

    U pocetku razvoja vestacke inteligencije preovladavao je stav da je:

    • A.

      U osnovi ljudske sposobnosti resavanja problema lezi mali broj opstih principa

    • B.

      Nemoguce dostici nivo ljudkse inteigencije, ali je moguce pribliziti se postavljenom idealu

    • C.

      Ljudska sposobnost resavanja problema je veoma kompleksna i sadrzi znacajan broj principa

    Correct Answer
    A. U osnovi ljudske sposobnosti resavanja problema lezi mali broj opstih principa
    The answer states that in the early development of artificial intelligence, it was believed that a small number of general principles underlie human problem-solving abilities. This suggests that the approach to artificial intelligence was focused on identifying and applying these general principles to replicate human intelligence.

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  • 9. 

    Potpuni agent po definiciji ne mora da uci na osnovu primera odnosno okruzenja u kome se krece i na osnovu posmatranja rezultata svojih akcija:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Delimicno tacno

    Correct Answer
    B. Netacno
    The answer is "Netacno" because a complete agent, by definition, does require learning from examples and observing the results of its actions in the environment.

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  • 10. 

    Kategorije mogucih nacina definisanja vestacke inteligencije su:

    • A.

      Sistemi koji misle kao masine

    • B.

      Sistemi koji rezonuju perceptivno

    • C.

      Sistemi koji razmisljaju racionalno

    • D.

      Sistemi koji milse kao ljudi

    • E.

      Sistemi koji lice na ljude

    • F.

      Sistemi koji deluju racionalno

    • G.

      Sistemi koji deluju razumno

    • H.

      Sistemi koji deluju kao ljudi

    Correct Answer(s)
    C. Sistemi koji razmisljaju racionalno
    D. Sistemi koji milse kao ljudi
    F. Sistemi koji deluju racionalno
    H. Sistemi koji deluju kao ljudi
    The correct answer includes four categories of defining artificial intelligence: systems that think rationally, systems that think like humans, systems that act rationally, and systems that act like humans. These categories cover different aspects of AI, including the ability to think and reason, as well as the ability to act in a rational or human-like manner.

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  • 11. 

    Sta tvrdi Moravecom paradoks za tezinu prenosa ljudskih sposobnosti na racunar:

    • A.

      Sposobnosti kojih je covek svestan se lako prenose

    • B.

      Sposobnosti kojih je covek svestan se tesko prenose

    • C.

      Sposobnosti kojih je covek nesvestan se lako prenose

    • D.

      Sposobnosti kojih je covek nesvestan se tesko prenose

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Sposobnosti kojih je covek svestan se lako prenose
    D. Sposobnosti kojih je covek nesvestan se tesko prenose
    The Moravec's paradox states that the abilities that are easy for computers to perform are difficult for humans, and vice versa. This is because computers excel at tasks that require logical reasoning, calculations, and processing large amounts of data, while humans are better at tasks that involve intuition, perception, and social interaction. Therefore, the statement "Sposobnosti kojih je covek svestan se lako prenose" (Abilities that humans are aware of are easily transferred) aligns with the paradox, as humans are conscious of their abilities and can easily transfer them to computers. Similarly, "Sposobnosti kojih je covek nesvestan se tesko prenose" (Abilities that humans are unaware of are difficult to transfer) also aligns with the paradox, as humans may not be conscious of these abilities and therefore struggle to transfer them to computers.

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  • 12. 

    U razlike izmedju produkcionih sistema i klasicnih programskih sistema sa hijerarhijskom strukturom spadaju:

    • A.

      Veza izmedju pravila se ostvaruje samo preko globalne baze podataka

    • B.

      Produkcioni sistemi nude daleko vece performanse

    • C.

      Globalna baza podataka je dostupna svim pravilima produkcije

    • D.

      Klasicni programski sistemi sa hijerarhijskom strukturom koriste SSL algoritam

    • E.

      Sistem je u najvecoj meri modularan te se izmene u globalnoj bazi podataka mogu vrsiti gotovo nezavisno

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Veza izmedju pravila se ostvaruje samo preko globalne baze podataka
    C. Globalna baza podataka je dostupna svim pravilima produkcije
    E. Sistem je u najvecoj meri modularan te se izmene u globalnoj bazi podataka mogu vrsiti gotovo nezavisno
    The correct answer is that the connection between rules is established only through the global database, the global database is accessible to all production rules, and the system is highly modular, allowing changes in the global database to be made almost independently. This suggests that in production systems, rules are not directly connected to each other, but rather rely on the global database for communication. Additionally, the global database is accessible to all production rules, indicating that it serves as a central repository of information. The high modularity of the system allows for independent modifications to be made in the global database, further emphasizing its importance in the production system.

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  • 13. 

    Efikasne strategije upravljanja koje zahtevaju dovoljno informacija o prirodi resavanog problema, nazivaju se:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    B. Heuristickim
    Heurističke strategije upravljanja se nazivaju efikasnim jer zahtevaju dovoljno informacija o prirodi resavanog problema. Heuristika je pristup rešavanju problema koji se zasniva na iskustvu, intuiciji i brzom donošenju odluka, često bez potpunih informacija. Ova strategija može biti korisna kada je vreme ograničeno ili kada je nemoguće dobiti sve potrebne informacije.

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  • 14. 

    Delo Hermana Helmholca "Prirucnik psiholoske optike" izucava probleme iz:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Psihologije
    C. Fizike
    The correct answer is "Psychology, Physics". The book "Prirucnik psiholoske optike" by Delo Hermana Helmholca explores problems from both psychology and physics. It likely discusses the psychological aspects related to optics, such as perception, cognition, and the psychological effects of light and visual stimuli. Additionally, it may delve into the physics behind optics, covering topics like the behavior of light, lenses, and the principles of vision.

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  • 15. 

    Data mining:

    • A.

      Predstavlja oblast izucavanja vestacke inteligencije

    • B.

      Ne predstavlja oblast izucavanja vestacke inteligencije

    • C.

      Predstavlja oblast izucavanja vestacke inteligencije samo u domenu heuristickih pretraga

    Correct Answer
    A. Predstavlja oblast izucavanja vestacke inteligencije
    Data mining is a field of study that involves the extraction and analysis of large sets of data to discover patterns, relationships, and insights. It uses various techniques such as machine learning, statistics, and database systems to uncover hidden patterns and make predictions. While it is closely related to artificial intelligence, it is not limited to heuristic searches. Data mining can be applied to various domains and industries to solve complex problems and make informed decisions.

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  • 16. 

    Prvi racunar koji je koriscen u operativnoj upotrebi konstruisao je:

    • A.

      Alan Tjuring

    • B.

      Konrad Zuse

    • C.

      Clifford Berry

    Correct Answer
    A. Alan Tjuring
    Alan Turing is credited with constructing the first computer that was used in operational use. He is known for his work in developing the concept of a universal machine, which later became the basis for modern computers. Turing's machine, known as the "Turing machine," was designed to simulate any computer algorithm and paved the way for the development of the first programmable computers. Therefore, Alan Turing is the correct answer to the question.

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  • 17. 

    Delo "Logisticka struktura sveta" 1928., napisao je:

    • A.

      Ludwig Wittgenstein

    • B.

      Bertrand Russell

    • C.

      Rudolf Carnap

    Correct Answer
    C. Rudolf Carnap
    Rudolf Carnap wrote the book "Logisticka struktura sveta" in 1928.

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  • 18. 

    Kod produkcionih sistema, tipovi kod kojih pojedini koraci u resavanju se mogu u potpunosti ignorisati (dokazivanje teorema), zovu se:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. Ignorantni
    The term "ignorantni" refers to the types of code in production systems where certain steps in the solution can be completely ignored, such as in the case of proving theorems. These steps are not necessary for the overall functioning of the system and can be disregarded.

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  • 19. 

    U osnovi ljudske inteligencije je:

    • A.


    • B.

      Logicko-simbolicko procesiranje

    • C.

      Pitanje nije reseno

    Correct Answer
    C. Pitanje nije reseno
  • 20. 

    Kod produkcionih sistema, strategija upravljanja odredjuje:

    • A.

      U koje komponente sistema ce se investirati u cilju dobijanja optimalnih rezultata

    • B.

      Koje od primenjivih pravila ce se aktivirati u odredjenom koraku rada

    • C.

      Kojim redosledom ce sistem vestacke inteligencije biti realizovan, odnosno, osposobljen za produkcionu upotrebu

    Correct Answer
    B. Koje od primenjivih pravila ce se aktivirati u odredjenom koraku rada
    The strategy of managing production systems determines which applicable rules will be activated at a specific step of work.

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  • 21. 

    Tjuringov test proverava:

    • A.

      Da li ispitanik ispravno rezonuju

    • B.

      Da li je ispitanik mentalno zdrav

    • C.

      Da li je ispitanik emotivno stabilan

    • D.

      Da li je ispitanik covek ili masina

    Correct Answer
    D. Da li je ispitanik covek ili masina
    The Turing test is a test that determines whether a machine can exhibit intelligent behavior indistinguishable from that of a human. It involves a human evaluator engaging in a conversation with an unknown entity, which can be either a human or a machine. The evaluator's task is to determine whether they are communicating with a human or a machine based solely on the responses received. Therefore, the correct answer states that the Turing test checks whether the subject is a human or a machine.

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  • 22. 

    Nova filozofska aktivnost inspirisana inovativnoscu je:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Hermetika
    The correct answer is "Hermetika". Hermetika refers to a philosophical activity that is inspired by innovation. It is a term derived from Hermeticism, a philosophical and religious tradition that emerged during the Hellenistic period and was influenced by ancient Egyptian and Greek philosophy. Hermetika focuses on the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment through a combination of philosophy, alchemy, astrology, and magic. It emphasizes the exploration of hidden truths and the understanding of the divine nature of the universe.

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  • 23. 

    Program DENDRAL je zasnovan na:

    • A.

      DO-WHILE pravilima

    • B.

      FOR-NEXT pravilima

    • C.

      IF-THEN pravilima

    Correct Answer
    C. IF-THEN pravilima
    The correct answer is "IF-THEN pravilima". This means that the DENDRAL program is based on IF-THEN rules. IF-THEN rules are a type of logical rule that states if a certain condition is met, then a specific action or outcome should follow. In the context of the DENDRAL program, it suggests that the program uses IF-THEN rules to make decisions or draw conclusions based on certain conditions or inputs.

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  • 24. 

    Alan Tjuring je:

    • A.

      Australijski sahovski velemajstor koji je pobedio racunar

    • B.

      Americki naucnik koji je tvorac ekspertskih sistema

    • C.

      Britanski matematicar

    • D.

      Britanski biolog koji se bavio proucavanjem inteligencije

    Correct Answer
    C. Britanski matematicar
    Alan Turing was a British mathematician. He is known for his significant contributions to the field of mathematics, logic, and computer science. Turing played a crucial role in the development of the concept of the modern computer and the theory of computation. He is also famous for his work on code-breaking during World War II, where he played a vital role in cracking the German Enigma code. Turing's work laid the foundation for artificial intelligence and he is considered one of the pioneers in the field.

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  • 25. 

    Tjuringov test podrazumeva direktnu fizicku interakciju izmedju ispitivaca i ispitivanog sistema:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Delimicno tacno

    Correct Answer
    B. Netacno
    The correct answer is "Netacno" which means "False" in English. The explanation for this answer is that the Turing test does not involve direct physical interaction between the examiner and the system being tested. Instead, the test is based on the ability of a machine to exhibit intelligent behavior indistinguishable from that of a human. The examiner interacts with the machine through a text-based interface, without any physical contact or direct sensory perception.

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  • 26. 

    Pojam "problem-igracka" prvi je upotrebio:

    • A.

      Edmund Husserl

    • B.

      Burrhus Fredric Skinner

    • C.

      Sejmur Papert

    Correct Answer
    C. Sejmur Papert
    Seymour Papert is credited with first using the term "problem-toy." He was a mathematician and computer scientist who developed the concept of "constructionism," which emphasizes learning through hands-on experiences and problem-solving. Papert believed that children could learn complex concepts by engaging with educational toys and technology. His influential work in the field of educational technology and his advocacy for the use of computers in education make him the most likely candidate to have first used the term "problem-toy."

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  • 27. 

    Produkcioni sistemi koji koriste П i О pravila produkcije zovu se:

    • A.

      Dvostrani sistemi

    • B.

      Direktni sistemi

    • C.

      Reverzni sistemi

    Correct Answer
    A. Dvostrani sistemi
    The correct answer is "Dvostrani sistemi" because the question is asking for the name of production systems that use both "П" (pi) and "О" (o) production rules. "Dvostrani" translates to "bilateral" or "two-sided" in English, indicating that these systems have rules that can be applied in both directions.

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  • 28. 

    Ako se uspostavi veza izmedju produkcionog sistema i ljudskog nacina resavanja problema, razresenju konflitnog skupa odgovara:

    • A.

      Kratkotrajna - radna memorija

    • B.

      Dugotrajna memorija

    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. Rezonovanje
    When a connection is established between the production system and human problem-solving, the resolution of a conflicting set corresponds to reasoning.

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  • 29. 

    U Tjuringove argumente spadaju:

    • A.

      Argument svesti

    • B.

      Argument logicnosti

    • C.

      Matematicki argument

    • D.

      Argument ireverzibilnosti

    • E.

      Argument neformalnosti

    • F.

      Argument nesposobnosti

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Argument svesti
    C. Matematicki argument
    E. Argument neformalnosti
    F. Argument nesposobnosti
    The correct answer includes four types of arguments: argument svesti (argument of consciousness), matematicki argument (mathematical argument), argument neformalnosti (argument of informality), and argument nesposobnosti (argument of inability). These types of arguments are commonly used in various fields of study and reasoning processes.

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  • 30. 

    Da li su evolutivni procesi koji su doveli do neke visoke optimizovane osbine trajali:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Nije bitno

    Correct Answer
    B. Dugo
    The correct answer is "Dugo" because evolutionary processes that lead to highly optimized traits typically take a long time to occur. Evolution is a gradual and slow process that involves genetic changes and natural selection over many generations. It takes time for advantageous traits to emerge and become widespread in a population. Therefore, the development of highly optimized traits is not a short-term or immediate process, but rather a long-term one.

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  • 31. 

    Osnovni principi Aristotelove logike su:

    • A.

      Princip identiteta

    • B.

      Princip bivalentnosti

    • C.

      Princip polivalentnosti

    • D.

      Princip kontradikcije

    • E.

      Princip iskljucenja treceg

    • F.

      Princip modalnosti

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Princip identiteta
    D. Princip kontradikcije
    E. Princip iskljucenja treceg
    The basic principles of Aristotelian logic are the Principle of Identity, the Principle of Contradiction, and the Principle of Excluded Middle. The Principle of Identity states that a statement is true if it refers to itself. The Principle of Contradiction states that a statement cannot be both true and false at the same time. The Principle of Excluded Middle states that a statement must either be true or false, with no middle ground. These principles form the foundation of Aristotelian logic and are essential for reasoning and argumentation.

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  • 32. 

    Za svaki izracunljic akdiomatski sistem koji je dovoljno snazan da opise aritmetiku prirodnih brojeva vazi:

    • A.

      Konzistentnost aksiome ne moze biti dokazana unutar sistema

    • B.

      Sistem aksioma je dokazivo konzistentan (neprotivrecan)

    • C.

      Sva matematika proizilazi iz ispravno odabranog konacnog sistema aksioma

    • D.

      Ako je sistem konzistentan, on moze biti potpun

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Konzistentnost aksiome ne moze biti dokazana unutar sistema
    D. Ako je sistem konzistentan, on moze biti potpun
    The given answer states two statements about the consistency of axioms in a computationally diplomatic system that describes the arithmetic of natural numbers. The first statement is that the consistency of an axiom cannot be proven within the system itself. This means that the system cannot prove that its axioms are free from contradiction. The second statement is that if the system is consistent, then it can be complete. This means that the system can prove or disprove any statement within its domain.

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  • 33. 

    Produkcioni sistemi koji koriste O pravila produkcije zovu se:

    • A.

      Direktni sistemi

    • B.

      Dvostrani sistemi

    • C.

      Reverzni sistemi

    Correct Answer
    C. Reverzni sistemi
    Reverzni sistemi su produkcioni sistemi koji koriste O pravila produkcije.

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  • 34. 

    Vestacka inteligencija se primenjuje prilikom resavanja sledecih problema:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Nestruktuiranih
    D. Perceptivnih
    Artificial intelligence is applied in solving unstructured and perceptual problems. Unstructured problems refer to those that do not have a clear framework or set of rules, requiring AI to analyze and interpret information in a flexible and adaptable way. Perceptual problems involve tasks that require AI to understand and interpret sensory information, such as visual or auditory data. Therefore, AI is used in solving these types of problems to provide intelligent and automated solutions.

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  • 35. 

    Oblasti operacionih istrazivanja je sastavni deo:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. Ekonomije
    Oblasti operacionih istrazivanja je sastavni deo ekonomije. Operaciona istrazivanja koriste matematicke metode i tehnike za resavanje problema i optimizaciju procesa u ekonomiji. Ova oblast se primenjuje za analizu i poboljsanje efikasnosti proizvodnje, upravljanje lancem snabdevanja, planiranje rasporeda resursa i mnoge druge ekonomske probleme.

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  • 36. 

    Sistemi u kojima primena nekog pravila ne sprecava kasniju primenu nekog drugog pravila, koje je moglo biti primenjeno u momentu primene prvog pravila, zovu se:

    • A.

      Parcijalno komutativni produkcioni sistemi

    • B.

      Komutativni produkcioni sistemi

    • C.

      Monotoni produkcioni sistemi

    Correct Answer
    C. Monotoni produkcioni sistemi
    Monotoni produkcioni sistemi refer to systems where the application of one rule does not prevent the subsequent application of another rule that could have been applied at the time of applying the first rule. This means that the order in which rules are applied does not affect the final outcome.

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  • 37. 

    Uredjaj kom najvise odgovara koncept sistema fizickih simbola je:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Digitalni racunar

    • D.

      Racunarska mreza

    • E.

      Analogni racunar

    Correct Answer
    C. Digitalni racunar
    A digital computer is the device that best corresponds to the concept of a physical symbol system because it can manipulate and process symbols in a discrete and precise manner. Unlike analog computers, which operate on continuous values, digital computers use binary code to represent and manipulate information. This allows for precise calculations and logical operations, making digital computers ideal for complex tasks such as data processing, simulations, and problem-solving. Therefore, a digital computer is the most suitable device for implementing a physical symbol system.

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  • 38. 

    Racionalni agent mora biti napravljen po uzoru na ljude i njihov nacin ostvarivanja ciljeva:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Delimicno tacno

    Correct Answer
    B. Netacno
    The given statement is incorrect. A rational agent does not necessarily have to be made in the likeness of humans and their way of achieving goals. Rationality in agents refers to their ability to make decisions based on logical reasoning and maximizing their expected utility, which may differ from human behavior. Therefore, it is not necessary for a rational agent to mimic human behavior in achieving goals.

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  • 39. 

    Da li Tjuringova masina moze da izracuna nesto sto ne moze da izracuna produkcioni sistem?

    • A.


    • B.

      Ne moze

    • C.

      Zavisi od problema

    Correct Answer
    B. Ne moze
    The correct answer is "Ne moze" (Cannot). This suggests that a Turing machine cannot compute something that a production system can. Turing machines are theoretical devices that can simulate any algorithmic computation, while production systems are rule-based systems used in artificial intelligence. Therefore, it is implied that a production system has capabilities beyond what a Turing machine can achieve.

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  • 40. 

    Sesija o masinskom ucenju na Datmut koledzu 1955. godine odrzana je u:

    • A.

      San Francisku

    • B.

      Los Andjelesu

    • C.


    Correct Answer
    B. Los Andjelesu
    The correct answer is Los Angeles. The question is asking where the machine learning session at Datmut College in 1955 was held. The answer is Los Angeles because it is stated in the question that the session took place there.

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  • 41. 

    Prva vrsta poteskoca u razvoju vestacke inteligencije je nastala:

    • A.

      Zato sto je doslo do nedvosmilenog zakljucka da je humano rezonovanje nedostizan ideal

    • B.

      Zato sto se svetsko znanje uvecava eksponencijalnom brzinom te ga nije moguce subllimirati

    • C.

      Zato sto je vecina ranih programa sadzala malo ili nimalo znanja o domenu na koji se odnosi

    Correct Answer
    C. Zato sto je vecina ranih programa sadzala malo ili nimalo znanja o domenu na koji se odnosi
    The correct answer suggests that one of the first difficulties in the development of artificial intelligence arose because most early programs contained little or no knowledge about the domain they were addressing. This lack of knowledge hindered the ability of these programs to effectively reason and make intelligent decisions.

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  • 42. 

    Akronim SOAR znaci:

    • A.

      Superior organization of artificial reasoning

    • B.

      State, operator and result

    • C.

      Secondary option for artificial requirement

    Correct Answer
    B. State, operator and result
    SOAR stands for State, Operator, and Result. This acronym is commonly used in the field of artificial intelligence and refers to a problem-solving approach. In this approach, the problem is divided into three components: the current state, the operators or actions that can be applied to the state, and the result that is obtained after applying the operators. By considering these three elements, AI systems can effectively analyze and solve complex problems.

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  • 43. 

    Produkcioni sistemi kod kojih se GB i terminalni uslovi mogu razloziti na komponente koje dozvoljavaju nazavisnu primenu pravila, zove se:

    • A.

      Razgradivi produkcioni sistemi

    • B.

      Rekurzivni produkcioni sistemi

    • C.

      Razlozivi prodkcioni sistemi

    Correct Answer
    C. Razlozivi prodkcioni sistemi
  • 44. 

    Kod produkcionih sistema, tipovi kod kojih se koraci resavanja mogu opovrgnuti (igra 8 kockica), zovu se:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    B. Povratni
    The correct answer is "Povratni". In production systems, "povratni" refers to the types of code where the steps of solving a problem can be undone or reversed. This means that if a mistake is made or if the solution needs to be changed, it is possible to go back and modify the steps that were previously taken. This type of code allows for flexibility and the ability to backtrack in order to find the most optimal solution.

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  • 45. 

    Kod osnovnih kriterijuma za inteligentno ponasanje sistema najcesce se uzimaju:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Neuronske mreze

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Rezonovanje
    B. Ponasanje
    The basic criteria for intelligent behavior in a system often include reasoning and behavior. Reasoning refers to the ability to think logically and make decisions based on available information, while behavior refers to the actions and responses exhibited by the system. These two criteria are essential for a system to demonstrate intelligent behavior as they involve the ability to process information, analyze it, and act accordingly.

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  • 46. 

    Vestacka inteligencija se moze smatrati univerzalnom naucnom disciplinom:

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. Tacno
    Artificial intelligence can be considered a universal scientific discipline because it encompasses various fields such as computer science, mathematics, psychology, and neuroscience. It involves developing intelligent machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI has applications in almost every industry, from healthcare to finance, and has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work. Its interdisciplinary nature and wide-ranging impact make it a universal scientific discipline.

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  • 47. 

    Da bi prosao Tjuringov test, racunar mora da poseduje svojstva:

    • A.

      Obrada prirodnih jezika (NLP)

    • B.

      Reprezentacija znanja

    • C.


    • D.

      Neogranicena kolicina radne memorije

    • E.

      Viseprocesorska obrada

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Obrada prirodnih jezika (NLP)
    B. Reprezentacija znanja
    C. Samoposmatranje
    The correct answer is a combination of three properties that a computer must possess to pass the Turing test: natural language processing (NLP), knowledge representation, and self-awareness. NLP allows the computer to understand and process human language, while knowledge representation enables it to store and utilize information. Self-awareness refers to the computer's ability to recognize and understand its own existence and actions. These three properties are crucial for a computer to successfully imitate human intelligence and pass the Turing test.

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  • 48. 

    Tjuringov test je do danas prosao veci broj sistema vestacke inteligencije:

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. Netacno
    The given statement is "Tjuringov test je do danas prosao veci broj sistema vestacke inteligencije" which translates to "A greater number of artificial intelligence systems have passed the Turing test to this day." The correct answer is "Netacno" which means "False." This suggests that the statement is not true, and it implies that a lesser number of AI systems have passed the Turing test so far.

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  • 49. 

    Za prolazak totalnog Tjuringovog testa racunar mora da poseduje sledece karakteristike:

    • A.

      Racunarska vizija (opazanje objekaa)

    • B.

      Robotika (kretanje i manipulacija objektima u fizickom svetu)

    • C.

      Centar za emocionalnu obradu

    • D.

      Instiktivno delovanje

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Racunarska vizija (opazanje objekaa)
    B. Robotika (kretanje i manipulacija objektima u fizickom svetu)
    The correct answer is "Racunarska vizija (opazanje objekaa), Robotika (kretanje i manipulacija objektima u fizickom svetu)". To pass the total Turing test, a computer must have the ability to observe objects through computer vision and manipulate objects in the physical world through robotics. These two characteristics are essential for the computer to interact with the environment and demonstrate human-like intelligence. The other two options, "Centar za emocionalnu obradu" (Emotional processing center) and "Instiktivno delovanje" (Instinctive action), are not mentioned as criteria for passing the test.

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  • 50. 

    "Kognitivna revolucija" odnosi se na:

    • A.

      Psihologiju zasnovanu na procesiranju informacija

    • B.

      Promenu stepena svesnosti covecanstva kao posledicu hipi pokreta

    • C.

      Odbacivanje emotivnih, instiktivnih i motorickih pristupa u korist intelektualnog

    Correct Answer
    A. Psihologiju zasnovanu na procesiranju informacija
    The term "Kognitivna revolucija" refers to the revolution in psychology that is based on information processing. This revolution marked a shift in focus from behaviorism to understanding the internal mental processes involved in perception, memory, thinking, and problem-solving. It emphasized the importance of cognitive processes such as attention, perception, and memory in understanding human behavior and mental processes. This approach revolutionized the field of psychology and led to advancements in cognitive psychology and cognitive science.

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