Луѓето кои пишуваат програми се нарекуваат
Correct Answer
C. програмери
The correct answer is "програмери". This is because the term "програмери" translates to "programmers" in English, which refers to individuals who write and create computer programs. Therefore, this is the most suitable answer choice in relation to the question.
Посебен вид на вештачки јазици развиени за комуникација помеѓу човекот и компјутерот се нарекува
Correct Answer
програмски јазик
A special type of artificial languages developed for communication between humans and computers is called a programming language.
Постапката на запишување на инструкции преку наредби на некој програмски јазик се нарекува
Correct Answer
The process of recording instructions through commands in a programming language is called programming.
Програмските јазици се делат на
Correct Answer
B. виши и нижи
The correct answer is "виши и нижи" because it accurately describes the categorization of programming languages into higher-level and lower-level languages. Higher-level languages are more abstract and user-friendly, while lower-level languages are closer to machine code and provide more control over hardware resources. This categorization is important in understanding the level of abstraction and complexity of different programming languages.
Постапка од конечен број на прецизно формулирани дејства со точно зададен редослед на нивното извршување.
Correct Answer
A. Алгоритам
The given sequence of steps suggests a process that involves a finite number of precisely formulated actions with a specific order of execution. This process is commonly known as an algorithm. Therefore, the correct answer is "Алгоритам."
Дејствата од кои се состои алгоритамот се нарекуваат
Correct Answer
алгоритамски чекори
The actions that make up an algorithm are called algorithmic steps.
Алгоритмите треба да се
Correct Answer
недвосмислени,јасни и прецизни
The correct answer is "недвосмислени, јасни и прецизни" which translates to "unambiguous, clear, and precise" in English. This answer aligns with the statement in the question that "алгоритмите треба да се" which means "algorithms should be." Therefore, it can be inferred that the algorithms should be unambiguous, clear, and precise to ensure their effectiveness and accuracy.
Програма напишана на некој од вишите програмски јазици се нарекува
Correct Answer
изворна програма
The given correct answer states that a program written in one of the higher-level programming languages is called an "изворна програма" which translates to "source program" in English. This term is commonly used to refer to the original code written by a programmer before it is compiled or interpreted into machine code that a computer can understand and execute.
Програма која ја извршува компјутерот се нарекува
Correct Answer
A. извршна програма
The correct answer is "извршна програма" because it refers to the program that is executed by the computer. "Изворна програма" means source program, which is the program written by a programmer. "Изворен код" means source code, which is the human-readable version of the program. "Ништо од наведеното" means none of the above, which is not the correct answer in this case.
Претворањето на изворниот код во извршен код се врши во два чекора со помош на посебни системски програми наречени
Correct Answer
The given answer is "преведувачи". The explanation for this answer is that the process of converting source code into executable code is done in two steps using special system programs called "преведувачи" which translates the code from one language to another. These translators are responsible for converting the human-readable source code into machine-readable instructions that can be executed by the computer.
Претпроцесорска наредба која не се преведува се нарекува
Correct Answer
A. #
The given code is an example of a preprocessor directive that is not translated or compiled. In this case, the preprocessor directive is denoted by the "#" symbol. The code snippet also includes a placeholder for a main function, which is typically the entry point for a C or C++ program. However, since there is no code inside the main function, it is empty.
Библиотеките се ставаат помеѓу знаците
Correct Answer
A. <>
The given statement states that libraries are placed between the signs . However, the correct answer is which means "nothing from the given options". This suggests that none of the options provided accurately describes the placement of libraries between the signs . Therefore, the correct answer is none of the options provided.
Int maint() – представува главна функција-ако е неточно види го точниот одговор
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is false because "Int maint()" is not a valid main function in any programming language. The correct syntax for the main function in C++ is "int main()". Therefore, the correct answer is false.
Променливи кои не ја менуваат својата вредност се наречени
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "константи" because it refers to variables that do not change their value. In programming, constants are used to store values that remain the same throughout the execution of a program. These values cannot be modified or reassigned. By using constants, programmers can ensure that certain values remain consistent and cannot be accidentally altered.
Променливи кои ја менуваат својата вредност се наречени
Correct Answer
The given question is in Macedonian and it asks for the term used to describe variables that change their value. The correct answer is "променливи", which translates to "variables" in English.