Protokol je skup pravila I konvencija koji definiše komunikacioni okvir između dva ili više
ućesnika u komunukaciji.
Correct Answer
A. Tačno
The given statement is true. A protocol is indeed a set of rules and conventions that define the communication framework between two or more participants in communication. These protocols ensure that the participants understand and follow a standardized format for exchanging information, allowing for effective and efficient communication.
Osnovne stavke koje se definišu unutar jednog komunikacionog protokola su:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Uspostava veze
B. Održavanje veze
C. Raskid veze
D. Oporavak u slučaju prekida veze
E. Učesnici u komunikaciji
The basic elements defined within a communication protocol include establishing a connection, maintaining the connection, terminating the connection, recovering from connection interruptions, participants in the communication, ensuring the security of the connection, the number of participants in the communication, and the packet size during transmission.
Kriptografski protokoli su protokoli koji se oslanjaju na kriptografske metode zaštite
kako bi učesnicima u komunikaciji obezbedili usluge:
Correct Answer
F. Poverljivosti, integriteta I neporecivostin 6
The correct answer is "Poverljivosti, integriteta I neporecivostin". This answer is selected because it correctly identifies the services provided by cryptographic protocols, which are confidentiality, integrity, and non-repudiation. These services ensure that the communication between participants is secure, private, and trustworthy.
Naznačite prednosti kriptografskih protokola na mrežnom sloju.
Correct Answer(s)
E. Smanjeno premašenje izazvano razmenom ključeva
F. Transportni I aplikacioni protokoli dele infrastrukturu upravljanja ključem
G. Minimalne promene aplikacija
H. Mogućnost izgradnje VPN-a
The advantages of cryptographic protocols at the network layer include reduced overhead caused by key exchange, the ability for transport and application protocols to share key management infrastructure, minimal changes required in applications, and the possibility of building a VPN (Virtual Private Network). These advantages contribute to improved security and efficiency in network communication.
Naznačite prednosti kriptografskih protokola na aplikacionom sloju.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Proširivanje aplikacije bez oslanjanja na sigurnosne usluge OS-a
B. Kompletan pristup podacima koje korisnik želi da zaštiti
C. Lako obezbeđivanje sigurnosnih uslugaption 3
D. Lak pristup akreditivima korisnika
The advantages of cryptographic protocols at the application layer include the ability to expand the application without relying on the security services of the operating system, providing complete access to the data that the user wants to protect, easily ensuring security services, and providing easy access to user credentials. These protocols also reduce the overhead caused by key exchange, share key management infrastructure with transport and application protocols, require minimal changes to applications, allow for the design of multiple different systems, and enable the design of security mechanisms for each application individually.
Naznačite loše strane kriptografskih protokola na aplikacionom sloju.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Posebno projektovanje sigurnosnih mehanizama svake aplikacije
B. Projektovanje više različitih sistema što iziskuje greške I sigurnosne propuste
The correct answer is "Posebno projektovanje sigurnosnih mehanizama svake aplikacije, Projektovanje više različitih sistema što iziskuje greške i sigurnosne propuste". This answer suggests that one of the main challenges of cryptographic protocols at the application layer is the need for designing specific security mechanisms for each application and dealing with multiple systems that may introduce errors and security vulnerabilities. This highlights the importance of tailoring security measures to the specific requirements and characteristics of each application, as well as the need for thorough testing and vulnerability management in a multi-system environment.
Naznačite loše strane kriptografskih protokola na mrežnom sloju.
Correct Answer(s)
D. Teško obezbeđivanje usluge neporecivosti
E. Teško ostvarivanje kontrole na nivou korisnika na višekorisničkom računaru
The correct answer is "Teško obezbeđivanje usluge neporecivosti" (Difficult to provide non-repudiation service) and "Teško ostvarivanje kontrole na nivou korisnika na višekorisničkom računaru" (Difficult to achieve user-level control on a multi-user computer). These options highlight the challenges and limitations of cryptographic protocols at the network layer. Cryptographic protocols primarily focus on ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data, but they may face difficulties in providing non-repudiation services and user-level control in a multi-user environment.
Za razliku od aplikacionog sloja, mrežni sloj obezbeđuje usluge poverljivosti, integriteta I
Correct Answer
B. Netačno
The given statement is incorrect. Unlike the application layer, the network layer does not provide services such as confidentiality, integrity, and non-repudiation. The network layer is responsible for routing and forwarding data packets between different networks, while the application layer is responsible for providing services such as encryption, authentication, and data integrity.
Šta predstavlja zadatak SSL protokola?
Correct Answer
A. Ostvarivanje zaštićenog prenosa podataka kroz mrežu
The correct answer is "Ostvarivanje zaštićenog prenosa podataka kroz mrežu" (Achieving secure data transmission over the network). This is because SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol is designed to ensure that data transmitted between a client and a server is encrypted and protected from unauthorized access or tampering. SSL protocol establishes a secure connection between the client and server, allowing for the secure transmission of sensitive information such as passwords, credit card details, etc.
Koji su kriterijumi projektovanja kod SSL-a?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Kriptografska zaštita
C. Nezavisnot od softvera I hardvera
E. Proširivost
F. Efikasnost
The criteria for designing SSL include cryptographic protection, independence from software and hardware, scalability, and efficiency. These criteria ensure that SSL provides secure communication by using encryption algorithms, is compatible with different software and hardware configurations, can handle increasing amounts of data and users, and performs efficiently without causing significant delays.
Šta se podrazumeva pod kriterijum proširivosti kod SSL protokola
Correct Answer
B. Projektovanje podprotokola nije neophodno
The correct answer is "Projektovanje podprotokola nije neophodno." This means that designing subprotocols is not necessary for SSL protocol. This suggests that SSL protocol already includes all the necessary features and functionalities for secure communication between two different programs. Therefore, there is no need for additional subprotocols to be designed or implemented.
Šifrovanje podataka simetričnim algoritmima kod SSL-a predstavlja svojstvo
Correct Answer
B. Netačno
Data encryption using symmetric algorithms in SSL does not necessarily guarantee reliability. While SSL does provide secure encryption, reliability refers to the ability of a system or process to consistently perform its intended function without failure or errors. Reliability is not directly related to the encryption algorithm used, but rather to the overall design, implementation, and maintenance of the system. Therefore, the statement that data encryption with symmetric algorithms in SSL represents reliability is incorrect.
Koji slojevi OSI i TCP/IP protokola implementiraju SSL Handshake?
Correct Answer
E. Nijedno od ponuđenog
None of the layers mentioned in the options - OSI Application layer, OSI Session layer, TCP/IP Transport layer, TCP/IP Presentation layer, and TCP/IP Application layer - implement SSL Handshake. SSL Handshake is implemented in the SSL/TLS layer, which is not mentioned in any of the options. Therefore, the correct answer is "None of the above".
SSL Handshake protocol između ostalog, definiše komunikaciju server I klijenta sa CA
dok je SSL Record protocol zadužen za šifrovanje I prenos poruka.
Correct Answer
B. Netačno
The given answer is incorrect. The statement accurately describes the roles of the SSL Handshake protocol and the SSL Record protocol. The SSL Handshake protocol is responsible for establishing communication between the server and the client, including verifying the server's identity with a Certificate Authority (CA). On the other hand, the SSL Record protocol is responsible for encrypting and transmitting the messages. Therefore, the correct answer should be "Tačno" (True).
Označite attribute kojima je opisana sesija kod SSL Handshake-a:
Correct Answer
G. Nijedno od ponuđenog
The given answer states that none of the attributes listed describe the session during an SSL handshake. This suggests that the attributes mentioned in the options (random values of the client and server, server and client MAC secret, server and client symmetric key, message sequence numbers, encryption mode of the request, and communication channel) are not relevant or do not accurately describe the session during an SSL handshake.
Secure Shell(SSH) je protocol za šifrovanje komunikacionih kanala, koji se najčešće
koristi za obezbeđivanje sigurnih sesija udaljenog prijavljivanja na sistem.
Correct Answer
A. Tačno
SSH (Secure Shell) is a protocol used for encrypting communication channels. It is commonly used for securing remote login sessions to a system. This means that when using SSH, the communication between the client and the server is encrypted, providing a secure way to access and manage remote systems.
Mana OpenSSH protokola je što pristup nije moguć ukoliko se slučajno obriše ključ sa
računara kom je dozvoljen pristup.
Correct Answer
A. Tačno
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the statement is true. The mana of the OpenSSH protocol is that access is not possible if the key is accidentally deleted from the computer with authorized access. This means that without the key, the user will not be able to authenticate and access the system.
Dobra praksa je da se sistem na koji se pristupa preko SSH servisa omogući svima koji
žele da koriste sistem.
Correct Answer
B. Netačno
The statement suggests that it is good practice to allow everyone who wants to use the system to access it through the SSH service. However, the correct answer is "Netačno" (False). This means that the statement is incorrect and it is not considered good practice to enable access to the system via SSH to anyone who wants to use it. It is important to restrict access to authorized users only in order to maintain security and prevent unauthorized access or malicious activities.
Protokoli koji obezbeđuju Neporecivost su:
Correct Answer
A. Kriptografski protokoli aplikacionog sloja
The correct answer is "Kriptografski protokoli aplikacionog sloja". Cryptographic protocols at the application layer ensure non-repudiation, which means that the sender of a message cannot deny sending it. These protocols use techniques like digital signatures to provide proof of authenticity and integrity of the message. Examples of such protocols include S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) for email security and PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) for secure communication.
Komandni interpreter je:
Correct Answer
B. Proces koji obezbeđuje izvršavanje naredbi korisnika
The given correct answer states that the command interpreter is a process that provides the execution of user commands. This means that the command interpreter is responsible for taking the commands inputted by the user and executing them accordingly. It acts as an interface between the user and the operating system, allowing the user to interact with the system by giving commands and receiving output.
U komandnoj liniji naredba može biti interna ili eksterna
Correct Answer
A. Tačno
The statement is correct. In the command line, a command can be either internal or external. An internal command is a command that is built into the operating system and can be executed directly from the command prompt. Examples of internal commands are dir, cd, and echo. On the other hand, an external command is a command that is stored in an external file or program and needs to be accessed by specifying its location or adding it to the system's PATH variable.
Ime komande, opcije i argumenti nisu osetljivi na velika i mala slova
Correct Answer
B. Netačno
The statement is incorrect. In the given question, it is stated that the command name, options, and arguments are not case-sensitive. However, in most programming languages and systems, the command line is case-sensitive, meaning that uppercase and lowercase letters are treated as distinct characters. Therefore, the correct answer is "Netačno" (False).
Kompletiranje imena datoteka u Bourne-again shell-u postiže se pritiskom tastera:
Correct Answer
E. Tab
In the Bourne-again shell, pressing the Tab key completes the file names. This means that when you start typing a file name and press Tab, the shell will automatically complete the name for you, based on the available files in the current directory. This can save time and effort, especially when dealing with long or complex file names.
Ako kompletiranje imena datoteke ne radi to znači da ta datoteka ne postoji.
Correct Answer
A. Tačno
If completing the file name does not work, it means that the file does not exist.
Naredba „cd ..“ je:
Correct Answer
A. Prelazak u roditeljski direktorijum
The correct answer is "Prelazak u roditeljski direktorijum". This is because the command "cd .." is used in command line interfaces to navigate to the parent directory of the current directory. By typing "cd ..", the user can move up one level in the directory hierarchy.
Naredba „cd /“ je:
Correct Answer
B. Prelazak na početak aktivnog stabla (root)
The command "cd /" is used to navigate to the root directory of the file system. The root directory is the top-level directory in a file system hierarchy and is represented by the forward slash (/) symbol. By using this command, the user can change their current working directory to the root directory, allowing them to access and navigate through all other directories and files in the file system.
Šta prikazuje izvršavanje naredbe „ls -l /etc“?
Correct Answer
A. Sadržaj direktorijuma „etc“ i prava pristupa korisnika
The correct answer explains that the command "ls -l /etc" displays the content of the "etc" directory and the access rights of the users. The "-l" option is used to display the long format of the output, which includes information such as file permissions, ownership, size, and modification date. By running this command, the user can see the detailed listing of the files and directories in the "etc" directory along with the permissions assigned to them.
U objekte Linux sistema datoteka spadaju:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Regularne datoteke
B. Direktorijumi
D. Hard linkovi
The given answer is correct. In a Linux system, regular files, directories, and hard links are all types of objects that can exist within the file system. Regular files refer to the typical files that contain data, such as text files or binary files. Directories are used to organize and store other files and directories. Hard links are additional names given to a file, allowing multiple paths to access the same file content. Therefore, the correct answer includes regular files, directories, and hard links as objects in a Linux system.
Izlaz naredbe file „/dev/hda: block special (3/0)“ predstavlja:
Correct Answer
D. Blok uređaj
The correct answer is "Blok uređaj" (Block device). This is because the given output "file „/dev/hda: block special (3/0)“" indicates that the file is a block device. Block devices are a type of special file that provide buffered access to hardware devices, such as hard drives or SSDs, in fixed-size blocks. They are used for reading and writing data in larger chunks, rather than individual bytes or characters.
Kod imenovanja datoteka dozvoljeni su sledeći karakteri i grupe karaktera:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Mala slova
B. Velika slova
C. Cifre
F. Underscore
H. Tačka
The allowed characters and character groups for file naming are lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, underscore, dot, and semicolon.
Komanda „less ~/myfile.txt“ kao rezultat prikazuje:
Correct Answer
E. Nijedno od ponuđenih
The command "less ~/myfile.txt" will display the content of the text file "myfile.txt" located in the user's home directory. None of the other options mentioned in the question are correct.
Koji karakter(i) menja bilo koji niz znakova proizvoljne dužine?
Correct Answer
A. *
The correct answer is "*". The asterisk character (*) is a wildcard that can represent any number of characters, including zero characters. Therefore, it can be used to replace any string of any length.
Na ekranu su ispisani sledeći direktorijumi:
Korisnik je uneo naredbu:
Correct Answer
E. Nijedan od ponuđenih
None of the provided options is the correct answer because none of them match the given command. The given command is "ls -l /home/dusan/muzika/A*", which lists all files and directories in the "/home/dusan/muzika" directory that start with "A" and have any number of characters after it. The provided options do not match this command, so none of them is the correct answer.
Znak „<“ preusmerava izlaz komande
Correct Answer
B. Netačno
The symbol "<“" does not redirect the output of a command. It is an incorrect statement.
Shell programiranje obuhvata sledeće elemente:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Tipove podataka
B. Naredbeon 2
E. Programske strukture
Shell programiranje obuhvata tipove podataka, naredbe i programske strukture. Tipovi podataka se koriste za definisanje vrsta podataka koje se mogu koristiti u programu. Naredbe se koriste za izvršavanje određenih operacija ili akcija. Programske strukture se koriste za organizaciju koda i kontrolisanje toka izvršavanja programa.
Da bi se script fajl pokrenuo dovoljno je u terminalnu uneti samo njegov naziv.
Correct Answer
B. Netačno
To run a script file, it is not enough to just enter its name in the terminal. The correct way to run a script file is by entering the command "python" followed by the name of the script file in the terminal.
Script datoteke jedino se mogu pokretati korišćenjem naredbe „sh ili „bash“
Correct Answer
A. Tačno
The correct answer is "Tačno" (True). The explanation is that script files can only be executed using the "sh" or "bash" command. This means that in order to run a script file, you need to use either the "sh" or "bash" command followed by the name of the script file.
Koje od naredbi služe za pronalaženje nekog fajla:
Correct Answer
F. Locate
The correct answer is "locate". The locate command is used to find a file by searching a pre-built database of files on the system. It quickly locates files based on their names or patterns in their names, making it a useful tool for finding files on a computer.
Poziv naredbe „expr 25.4+11“ na terminalu ispisuje vrednost:
Correct Answer
A. 25.4+11
The correct answer is 36.4. This is because the command "expr 25.4+11" in the terminal calculates the sum of 25.4 and 11, which equals 36.4.
Tekst pod obrnutim navodnicima `Back quote` izvršavanjem u terminalu se tretira kao:
Correct Answer
C. Tekst koji se tretira kao naredba
The correct answer is "Tekst koji se tretira kao naredba" because when the text is enclosed in back quotes and executed in the terminal, it is treated as a command or code that will be executed by the system. Back quotes are commonly used in command substitution in Unix-like operating systems.
Naredba „echo $((10/3))“ vratiće nazad na terminalu ispisuje vrednost:
Correct Answer
The command "echo $((10/3))" will return the value 3 on the terminal because it performs integer division between 10 and 3, resulting in a quotient of 3.
Nareba sa kojom se menjaju privilegije nad nekim dokumentom je:
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "chmod." Chmod is a command in Unix-like operating systems that is used to change the permissions of a file or directory. It allows the user to modify the access permissions for the owner, group, and others. By using chmod, the user can grant or revoke various privileges such as read, write, and execute on a particular file or directory.
Koje privilegije ima datoteka da bi kreator mogao da je čita i u nju da upisuje vrednost, a ostale
grupe korisnika samo da je čitaju. Rešenje izraziti kao broj u decimalnom sistemu:
Correct Answer
The answer 644 represents the file permissions in the Unix/Linux system. In this case, the file has the privilege to be read and written by the owner (6), while other groups of users can only read the file (4). The numbers in the file permissions represent the level of access for the owner, group, and other users respectively. The first digit represents the owner's permissions, the second digit represents the group's permissions, and the third digit represents the permissions for other users.
Poziv naredbe „echo 6+3“ na terminalu ispisuje vrednost:
Correct Answer
The answer is "6+3" because the command "echo" in the terminal is used to display text or variables. In this case, it is displaying the exact string "6+3" as it is, without evaluating the arithmetic expression.
Sledeći program
#!/bin/bashS1="Pop Music"
S2="Progressive Music"
if [ "$S1" \> "$S2" ]; then
echo "Yes"
echo "No"
kao odgovor vraća reč:
Correct Answer
The given program is a bash script that compares two strings, S1 and S2. It uses the "if" statement and the ">" operator to check if S1 is greater than S2. In this case, "Pop Music" is not greater than "Progressive Music", so the condition is false. Therefore, the program will execute the "else" block and print "No" as the output.
Za „ime=Johny“ poziv naredbe „echo ime“ na terminalu ispisuje vrednost:
Correct Answer
The command "echo" is used to display a message or a variable value on the terminal. In this case, the variable "ime" is not defined, so when the command "echo ime" is executed, it will simply display the string "ime" as it is.
Karakter koji se koristi za komentar u shell script-u je:
Correct Answer
The character "#" is used as a comment symbol in shell scripting. Comments are used to add explanatory notes or to disable certain lines of code that are not required to be executed. When a line starts with "#", the shell ignores it and treats it as a comment. This helps in improving code readability and understanding for both the programmer and other people who may read the script.
Za prebrojavanje reči u datoteci koristimo naredbu
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "wc" because it is the command used to count the number of words in a file.
Tip datoteke određuje se korišćenjem komande:
Correct Answer
The given correct answer is "file". This command is used to determine the type of a file. It provides information about the file's format, such as whether it is a text file, image file, or executable file. By using the "file" command, users can easily identify the type of a file without relying on its extension or content.
Naredba za prikazati sadržaj bilo kog direktorijuma aktivnog UNIX stabla je:
Correct Answer
The given answer "ls" is the correct command to display the contents of any directory in the active UNIX tree. The "ls" command is short for "list" and it is used to list the files and directories in the current directory by default. However, it can also be used to list the contents of a specific directory by specifying the path to that directory as an argument. Therefore, running the command "ls" without any arguments will display the contents of the current directory.