Zast 1.Kol

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| By Catherine Halcomb
Catherine Halcomb
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1436 | Total Attempts: 6,516,682
: 84 | Attempts: 976

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Zast 1.Kol - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Osoba koja poseduje visoka znanja informacionih tehnologija ali ih koristi za ostvarivanje sopstvene koristi, najcesce materijalne, kroz nanosenje stete drugima, naziva se:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Kreker
    A person who possesses high knowledge of information technology but uses it for their own benefit, usually material, by causing harm to others is called a "kreker".

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  • 2. 

    Filter paketa koji svoje odluke zasniva na izvorisnoj i odredisnoj IP adresi radi na: 

    • A.

      4. sloju OSI modela

    • B.

      3. sloju OSI modela

    • C.

      7. sloju OSI modela

    Correct Answer
    B. 3. sloju OSI modela
    This question is asking about the layer of the OSI model on which a packet filter that makes decisions based on source and destination IP addresses operates. The correct answer is the 3rd layer of the OSI model, which is the network layer. This layer is responsible for routing and forwarding IP packets, and it is where IP addresses are used to determine the source and destination of the packets.

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  • 3. 

    Koriscenje sledecih objekata za autentifikaciju potpada pod visefaktorsku autentifikaciju: 

    • A.

      SMS poruka i USB token

    • B.

      Lozinka i SMS poruka

    • C.

      Snimak irisa i smart-kartica

    • D.

      Otisak prsta i prepoznavanje glasa

    • E.

      Snimak lica i odgovor na tajno pitanje

    • F.

      Dvostruka lozinka

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Lozinka i SMS poruka
    C. Snimak irisa i smart-kartica
    E. Snimak lica i odgovor na tajno pitanje
    The correct answer is lozinka i SMS poruka, snimak irisa i smart-kartica, snimak lica i odgovor na tajno pitanje. These combinations involve the use of multiple factors for authentication. In the first combination, a password and an SMS message are used. In the second combination, an iris scan and a smart card are used. In the third combination, a facial scan and an answer to a secret question are used. Each combination involves the use of two different types of authentication factors, making it a multi-factor authentication method.

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  • 4. 

    Sistemi koji omogucavaju da se zadavanjem odredjenih kriterijuma neke mrezne komunikacije dozvole, a neke zabrane najopstije se nazivaju:

    • A.

      Filteri paketa

    • B.

      Sistemi za visefaktorsku autentifikaciju

    • C.

      Proksi serveri

    Correct Answer
    A. Filteri paketa
    Filteri paketa su sistemi koji omogućavaju kontrolu mrežne komunikacije na osnovu određenih kriterijuma. Oni omogućavaju da se određene vrste komunikacije dozvole, dok se druge zabrane. Na taj način, filteri paketa štite mrežu od neželjenog sadržaja ili napada, omogućavajući samo odobrenu komunikaciju da prođe kroz njih.

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  • 5. 

    Kompromitujuce elektromagnetno zracenje je termin koji se najcesce korsti kada se govori o: 

    • A.

      Bezicnim komunikacijama

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Bezbednosti
    The term "kompromitujuce elektromagnetno zracenje" is most commonly used when discussing safety. This suggests that the correct answer is "Bezbednosti" which translates to "safety" in English.

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  • 6. 

    Redosled pravila filtera paketa moze imati uticaj na njegove performanse: 

    • A.


    • B.

      Da, alli samo ukoliko je filter paketa realizovan u jezgru OS

    • C.

      Da, ali samo kod softverskih filtera paketa

    • D.


    • E.

      Da, ali samo ukoliko je filter paketa realizovan u korisnickom prostoru

    • F.

      Da, ali samo kod hardverskih filtera paketa

    Correct Answer
    A. Da
    The order of packet filter rules can indeed have an impact on its performance. However, this is true only for software packet filters, not hardware ones. Additionally, the performance is affected only if the packet filter is implemented in the OS kernel, not in the user space.

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  • 7. 

    Mrezni uredjaji, hardverski ili softverski, koji omogucavaju posredan pristup ostalim racunarima ili resursima u mrezi, nazivaju se:

    • A.

      Proksi serveri

    • B.

      Demilitarizovani hostovi

    • C.

      Aplikacioni serveri

    Correct Answer
    A. Proksi serveri
    Proksi serveri su mrežni uređaji, bilo hardverski ili softverski, koji omogućavaju posredan pristup ostalim računarima ili resursima u mreži. Oni rade kao posrednici između korisnika i ciljnih servera, čuvajući privatnost korisnika i poboljšavajući performanse pristupa resursima. Koriste se za filtriranje, keširanje i optimizaciju mrežnog saobraćaja, kao i za zaštitu mreže od potencijalnih napada. Demilitarizovani hostovi i aplikacioni serveri su takođe mrežni uređaji, ali nemaju istu funkcionalnost kao proksi serveri.

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  • 8. 

    Komutatori koji rade na trecem sloju OSI modela podrazumevano se koriste u kombinaciji sa sledecim tehnologijama: 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    • F.


    Correct Answer(s)
    C. VLAN
    D. IEEE802.1Q
    Komutatori koji rade na trećem sloju OSI modela podrazumevano se koriste u kombinaciji sa tehnologijama VLAN i IEEE802.1Q. VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) omogućava da se mreža fizički podeli na više logičkih mreža, dok IEEE802.1Q je standard koji definiše kako se VLAN informacije prenose preko mreže. Ove tehnologije omogućavaju bolju organizaciju i upravljanje mrežom, kao i efikasniju isporuku podataka.

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  • 9. 

    Primer autentifikacije koriscenjem iskljucivih karakteristika za postojanje je:

    • A.

      Koriscenje personalizovane smart-kartice

    • B.

      Uporedjivanje otiska prstiju

    • C.

      Unos lozinke

    Correct Answer
    B. Uporedjivanje otiska prstiju
    The correct answer is "Uporedjivanje otiska prstiju" (Comparing fingerprints). This method of authentication is considered to be a reliable and secure way to verify a person's identity. Fingerprints are unique to each individual, making it difficult for someone else to impersonate them. By comparing the fingerprint provided with the one stored in the system, the authentication process can determine if the person is who they claim to be. This method is commonly used in various applications, including access control systems and mobile devices.

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  • 10. 

    Proces kojim se otkrivaju otvoreni portovi na odredjenom sistemu naziva se:

    • A.

      Vertikalno izvidjanje

    • B.

      Dubinsko izvidjanje

    • C.

      Horizontalno izvidjanje

    Correct Answer
    A. Vertikalno izvidjanje
    Vertikalno izviđanje je proces otkrivanja otvorenih portova na određenom sistemu. Ovaj proces uključuje skeniranje portova jedan po jedan, sa ciljem pronalaženja onih koji su otvoreni i mogu biti iskorišćeni za komunikaciju. Ova tehnika se naziva vertikalno izviđanje jer se fokusira na vertikalno pretraživanje portova, odnosno skeniranje po jednom portu u isto vreme.

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  • 11. 

    Uopsteno gledano, kontrola pristupa resursima u racunarskim mrezama moze se posmatati kao pitanje:

    • A.

      Ko sme, sta, i sa cim da radi

    • B.

      Koja su vlasnistva i dozvole podesene na sistemu fajlova

    • C.

      Kako su podeseni filteri paketa

    Correct Answer
    A. Ko sme, sta, i sa cim da radi
    The correct answer is "Ko sme, sta, i sa cim da radi" which translates to "Who can, what, and with what to do". This answer aligns with the general concept of access control in computer networks, which involves determining the permissions and restrictions for users or entities accessing system resources. It encompasses the idea of specifying who is allowed to perform certain actions, what actions they can perform, and what resources they can access or manipulate.

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  • 12. 

    Neke od akcija koje administratori mogu preduzeti kao preventivnu odbranu od napada izvidjanja su: 

    • A.

      Iskljucivanje potpisa Apache HTTPD softvera

    • B.

      Iskljucivanje IDS/IPS sistema

    • C.

      Iskljucivanje filtera paketa

    • D.

      Iskljucivanje ICMP protokola

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Iskljucivanje potpisa Apache HTTPD softvera
    D. Iskljucivanje ICMP protokola
    Disabling the Apache HTTPD server signature prevents attackers from easily identifying the server software and its version, making it harder for them to exploit known vulnerabilities. Disabling the ICMP protocol can help prevent ICMP-based attacks, such as ping flooding or ICMP redirect attacks. By disabling these two features, administrators can reduce the attack surface and enhance the security of their system.

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  • 13. 

    Napadac ima mogucnost da pasivno analizira signale koji prolaze kroz komunikacioni kanal. U pitanju je napad na:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    B. Poverljivost
    The correct answer is "Poverljivost." The explanation for this is that the attacker has the ability to passively analyze signals passing through the communication channel. This indicates a potential breach of confidentiality, as the attacker can intercept and access sensitive information without the knowledge or consent of the intended recipients.

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  • 14. 

    Ukoliko u filteru paketa Linuks OS-a zadamo sledece naredbe # iptables -I INPUT 2 -i eth0 -p tcp -j ACCEPT # iptables -I INPUT 1 -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DROP rezultat ce biti:

    • A.

      Zabrana svih komunikacija pod TCP protokolom

    • B.

      Odobravanje svih komunikacija pod TC protokolom

    • C.

      Odobravanje svih komunikacija pod TCP protkolom, osim na portu 80

    Correct Answer
    C. Odobravanje svih komunikacija pod TCP protkolom, osim na portu 80
    The given correct answer states that the result will be "Odobravanje svih komunikacija pod TCP protkolom, osim na portu 80" which translates to "Allowing all communications under TCP protocol, except on port 80." This means that the first command allows all TCP traffic on interface eth0, while the second command drops TCP traffic specifically on port 80. Therefore, all TCP traffic will be allowed except for traffic on port 80.

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  • 15. 

    Napadi na racunarske sisteme  i mreze poznati pod skracenicom DoS su napadi na:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    B. Dostupnost
    The correct answer is "Dostupnost". This is because Denial of Service (DoS) attacks target the availability of computer systems and networks. These attacks aim to overwhelm the resources of a system or network, making it inaccessible to legitimate users. The goal is to disrupt the normal functioning of the targeted system or network by flooding it with excessive traffic or exploiting vulnerabilities. Therefore, the correct answer is "Dostupnost" which translates to "Availability" in English.

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  • 16. 

    Napadac izvrsava naredbu: # nmap  -O Moze se pretpostaviti da je u pitanju:

    • A.

      Dubinsko izvidjanje

    • B.

      Horizontalno izvidjanje

    • C.

      Vertikalno izvidjanje

    Correct Answer
    A. Dubinsko izvidjanje
    The given command "nmap -O" suggests that the attacker is executing a network scanning tool called nmap with the "-O" flag, which is used to perform operating system detection on the target IP address ( This type of scanning is known as "fingerprinting" and helps the attacker gather information about the target's operating system. Therefore, the correct answer is "Dubinsko izvidjanje" which translates to "Deep reconnaissance" in English.

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  • 17. 

    Dva kriticna zadatka u vezi sa kontrolom pristupa su: 

    • A.

      Koriscenje visefaktorske autentifikacije

    • B.

      Utvrdjivanje posedovanja prava za izvodjenje zahtevane akcije

    • C.

      Sifrovanje lozinki u repozitorijumu primenom hes funkcija

    • D.

      Provera identiteta pristupaoca

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Utvrdjivanje posedovanja prava za izvodjenje zahtevane akcije
    D. Provera identiteta pristupaoca
    The correct answer is "Utvrdjivanje posedovanja prava za izvodjenje zahtevane akcije, Provera identiteta pristupaoca." This is because these two tasks are critical in access control. "Utvrdjivanje posedovanja prava za izvodjenje zahtevane akcije" refers to determining whether the user has the necessary permissions to perform a requested action. "Provera identiteta pristupaoca" refers to verifying the identity of the user attempting to access the system. Both of these tasks are important in ensuring that only authorized individuals can perform specific actions and access sensitive information.

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  • 18. 

    Osnovna uloga napada izvidjanja je:

    • A.

      Da se izvidi da li postoje aktivni napadi na sistem koji se stiti

    • B.

      Da se oslabe odbrambeni mehanizmi sistema koji se napada

    • C.

      Da napadacu pruze informacije o sistemu koji napada

    Correct Answer
    C. Da napadacu pruze informacije o sistemu koji napada
    The correct answer is "Da napadacu pruze informacije o sistemu koji napada." The role of reconnaissance attacks is to provide the attacker with information about the system they are targeting. This information can include details about vulnerabilities, weak points in the system's defenses, and potential entry points for an attack. By gathering this information, the attacker can better plan and execute their attack, increasing their chances of success.

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  • 19. 

    Za horizontalno skeniranje racunarskih mreza najcesce se koristi sledeci protokol:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    • F.


    Correct Answer
    B. ICMP
    ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is commonly used for horizontal scanning of computer networks. ICMP is a network protocol that allows devices to send error messages and operational information to indicate network problems. It is often used for network diagnostics and troubleshooting, making it a suitable choice for scanning networks horizontally. Other protocols listed, such as IPSec, UDP, IGMP, IP, and TCP, are not typically used for network scanning purposes.

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  • 20. 

    Ukoliko za zastitu odredjene  racunarske mreze izaberemo filter paketa neodgovarajuceg kapaciteta, ocekivana posledica je:  

    • A.

      Ranjivost na napade putem 'trojanaca'

    • B.

      Usporavanje mreznih komunikacija

    • C.

      Nizi nivo bezbednosti

    Correct Answer
    B. Usporavanje mreznih komunikacija
    If we choose a packet filter with inadequate capacity to protect a specific computer network, the expected consequence is a slowdown in network communications.

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  • 21. 

    Performanse i opterecenje servera ce ostati nepromenjeno ukoliko:

    • A.

      Koristimo hardverski filter paketa

    • B.

      Koristimo softverski filter paketa

    • C.

      Koristimo bilo hardverski bilo softverski filter paketa

    Correct Answer
    A. Koristimo hardverski filter paketa
    Using a hardware packet filter will not affect the performance and load of the server. This is because hardware filters are designed to handle packet filtering tasks efficiently and independently, offloading the processing from the server's main CPU. By using a hardware filter, the server can maintain its performance and handle the load effectively without being burdened by the packet filtering tasks.

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  • 22. 

    Protokol koji omogucava kontrolu pristupa privatnoj mrezi na osnovu korisnickog imena i lozinke ili digitalnog sertifikata je: 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. IEEE802.1X
    IEEE802.1X is the correct answer because it is a protocol that enables access control to a private network based on a username and password or a digital certificate. It provides authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access the network. This protocol is commonly used in wired and wireless networks to enhance network security and prevent unauthorized access.

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  • 23. 

    Utvrdjivanje i postovanje prava i ogranicenja koje korisnik ima u radu sa odredjenim objektima racunarskog sistema ili mreze naziva se:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Prijavljivanje na sistem

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Autorizacija
    Autorizacija se odnosi na proces utvrđivanja i postovanja prava i ograničenja koje korisnik ima u radu sa određenim objektima računarskog sistema ili mreže. Ova funkcionalnost omogućava kontrolu pristupa i određivanje dozvola korisnika na osnovu njihovih identiteta i uloga. Autentifikacija se odnosi na proces potvrđivanja identiteta korisnika, dok prijavljivanje na sistem i logovanje se odnose na aktivnosti koje korisnik obavlja kako bi pristupio računarskom sistemu ili mreži.

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  • 24. 

    Porast rizika u racunarskim mrezama direktna je posledica:

    • A.

      Osamostaljenog razvoja vestacke inteligencije

    • B.

      Porasta znanja prosecnog korisnika racunara

    • C.

      Migracije vrednosti iz stvarnog sveta u digitalni

    • D.

      Razvoja tehnologija za vreme II svetskog rata

    Correct Answer
    C. Migracije vrednosti iz stvarnog sveta u digitalni
    The increase in risk in computer networks is a direct result of the migration of values from the real world to the digital world. This means that as more and more aspects of our lives become digital, such as financial transactions, personal information, and communication, the potential risks and vulnerabilities in computer networks also increase. This can include threats such as hacking, data breaches, identity theft, and cyber attacks.

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  • 25. 

    Ukoliko zelimo da korisniku omogucimo da samo jednom pristupi odredjenom resursu, to najjednostavnije mozemo uciniti koristeci:

    • A.

      Visefaktorsku autentifikaciju

    • B.

      CAPTCHA sistem

    • C.

      Sistem tiketa

    Correct Answer
    C. Sistem tiketa
    The ticket system is a method that allows users to access a specific resource only once. When a user requests access to the resource, they are issued a unique ticket. This ticket grants them access to the resource but can only be used once. Once the ticket is used, it becomes invalid, preventing the user from accessing the resource again. This ensures that only one-time access is granted to the user.

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  • 26. 

    Osnovne tabele u filteru paketa (Linuks OS) su:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    • F.


    • G.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Nat
    B. Mangle
    E. Raw
    F. Filter
    The basic tables in the packet filter of Linux OS are nat, mangle, raw, and filter. These tables are used for different purposes in the packet filtering process. The nat table is responsible for network address translation, the mangle table is used for packet alteration, the raw table is used for configuring exemptions from connection tracking, and the filter table is used for filtering packets based on various criteria. These tables collectively provide the necessary functionality for packet filtering and network security in the Linux operating system.

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  • 27. 

    Vec postojeci lanci u filteru paketa Linuks OS-a su:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    • F.


    Correct Answer(s)
    D. INPUT
    The correct answer is OUTPUT, INPUT, FORWARD because these are the existing chains in the packet filter of the Linux operating system. These chains are used to filter and control the flow of network packets. The OUTPUT chain is responsible for packets generated by the local system, the INPUT chain is for packets destined for the local system, and the FORWARD chain is for packets that are being forwarded to another network.

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  • 28. 

    Sve popularniji CAPTCHA sistemi se koriste za:

    • A.

      Odbranu od DoS napada

    • B.

      Visefaktorsku autentifikaciju

    • C.

      Zastitu poverljivosti

    • D.

      Prepoznavanje robota

    Correct Answer
    D. Prepoznavanje robota
    The popular CAPTCHA systems are used for recognizing robots. CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. It is a security measure designed to distinguish between human users and automated bots. By presenting users with a challenge that is easy for humans to solve but difficult for bots, CAPTCHA helps prevent automated attacks and ensures the security and integrity of online systems.

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  • 29. 

    Da bismo putem filtera paketa omogucili samo komunikacije koje su putem TCP protokola inicirane iz unutrasnje mreze ka spoljnoj, dozvolicemo prolazak paketa sa sledecom kombinacijom zastavica: 

    • A.

      SYN iz unutrasnje mreze, SYN iz spoljne

    • B.

      SYN+ACK iz unutrasnje mreze, SYN iz spoljne

    • C.

      SYN iz unutrasnje mreze, SYN+ACK iz spljne

    Correct Answer
    C. SYN iz unutrasnje mreze, SYN+ACK iz spljne
    The given answer states that to enable only TCP protocol communications initiated from the internal network to the external network through a packet filter, packets with the combination of flags "SYN from internal network, SYN+ACK from external network" should be allowed. This means that the internal network is initiating a TCP connection by sending a SYN packet, and the external network is responding with a SYN+ACK packet. Allowing this combination of flags ensures that only TCP connections initiated from the internal network are allowed to pass through the filter.

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  • 30. 

    U osnovne mete napada u racunarskim mrezama spadaju:

    • A.

      Mrezni uredjaji (krajnji i posredni)

    • B.

      Krajnji korisnici

    • C.

      Komunikacioni kanali

    • D.

      Hardverska infrastruktura

    • E.

      Sifarski algoritmi

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Mrezni uredjaji (krajnji i posredni)
    B. Krajnji korisnici
    C. Komunikacioni kanali
    The correct answer includes network devices (end and intermediate), end users, and communication channels. These are the primary targets for attacks in computer networks. Network devices, such as routers and switches, can be targeted to gain unauthorized access or control over the network. End users are targeted through social engineering or phishing attacks to gain access to their credentials or sensitive information. Communication channels, such as wired or wireless connections, can be exploited to intercept or manipulate data. By targeting these components, attackers can compromise the security and integrity of the network.

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  • 31. 

    Razlika izmedju 'drop' i 'reject' akcija u filteru paketa Linuks OS-a je u tome sto: 

    • A.

      Obe akcije odbacuju paket, ali akcija 'reject' o tome ne salje obavestenje posiljaocu

    • B.

      Obe akcije odbacuju paket, ali akcija 'drop' o tome ne salje obavestenje posiljaocu

    • C.

      Akcija 'drop' dozvoljava prolazak paketa, ali nakon toga prekida vezu

    Correct Answer
    B. Obe akcije odbacuju paket, ali akcija 'drop' o tome ne salje obavestenje posiljaocu
    The correct answer states that both the "drop" and "reject" actions in the packet filter of a Linux OS discard the packet. However, the difference is that the "reject" action does not send a notification to the sender, while the "drop" action simply discards the packet without any notification.

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  • 32. 

    Napadac salje mejlove u kojima se predstavlja kao administrator. Najverovatnije je u pitanju:

    • A.

      Napad na komunikacione kanale

    • B.

      Napad na mrezne uredjaje

    • C.

      Napad na krajnje korisnike

    Correct Answer
    C. Napad na krajnje korisnike
    The correct answer is "Napad na krajnje korisnike" (Attack on end users). This is because the attacker is sending emails pretending to be an administrator, which indicates that the attack is targeting the end users of the system. The goal of such an attack could be to deceive the users into providing sensitive information or performing certain actions that could compromise their security.

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  • 33. 

    Sledeci sadrzaj: Aug 29 09:45:04 sshd[26154]: pam_unix(sshd:auth):authentication failure; Aug 29 09:45:06 sshd[26154]: Failed password for cp6 from Aug 29 09:45:11 sshd[26154]: Failed password for cp6 from bi mogao da predstavlja:

    • A.

      Skup naredbi korisnika na UNIX sistemu

    • B.

      Izvod iz 'log' fajla

    • C.

      Snimak komunikacije putem WireShark alata

    Correct Answer
    B. Izvod iz 'log' fajla
    The given content appears to be a log file entry from an SSH server. It includes information about failed authentication attempts from a user named "cp6" with the IP address This suggests that the content represents an excerpt from a log file, which is commonly used to record system events and activities. Therefore, the correct answer is "Izvod iz 'log' fajla."

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  • 34. 

    Bezbednosni mrezni koncept kod koga se odredjeni deo privatne mreze istura ka javnoj mrezi da bi mu se iz nje moglo pristupati, naziva se:

    • A.

      'statefull' filter paketa

    • B.

      SYN+ACK uspostavljanje veze

    • C.

      Demilitarizovana zona

    Correct Answer
    C. Demilitarizovana zona
    A demilitarized zone (DMZ) is a security networking concept where a specific part of a private network is extended or exposed to a public network in order to provide access to it. In a DMZ, the exposed network is typically isolated from the internal network and serves as a buffer zone between the public and private networks. This allows for controlled access to a specific part of the private network from the public network while maintaining security.

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  • 35. 

    Ukoliko zelimo da ispraznimo lanac pravila (u filteru paketa Linuks OS-a) koji se odnosi na ulazne pakete, potrebno je da izvrsimo sledecu naredbu:

    • A.

      Iptables --empty INPUT

    • B.

      Iptables -P INPUT DROP

    • C.

      Iptables -F INPUT

    Correct Answer
    C. Iptables -F INPUT
    The correct answer is "iptables -F INPUT". This command flushes (or clears) all the rules in the INPUT chain of the iptables firewall. This means that all the rules that were previously set for incoming packets will be removed, effectively emptying the chain.

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  • 36. 

    Osnovni nedostaci sifrovanja podataka na nivou aplikacije su: 

    • A.

      Potreba da se za svaku aplikaciju razvija zaseban sistem sifrovanja

    • B.

      Izvorni kod mnogih aplikacija nije dostupan za izmenu 

    • C.

      Mala fleksibilnost u pogledu izbora sifarskog algoritma

    • D.

      Daleko nize performanse nego kod resenja na nizim nivoima

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Potreba da se za svaku aplikaciju razvija zaseban sistem sifrovanja
    B. Izvorni kod mnogih aplikacija nije dostupan za izmenu 
    The basic disadvantages of application-level data encryption are the need to develop a separate encryption system for each application and the unavailability of source code for modification. This means that for every application, a unique encryption system needs to be created, which can be time-consuming and inefficient. Additionally, the source code of many applications is not accessible for modification, making it difficult to implement any necessary changes or updates to the encryption system.

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  • 37. 

    Najveci bezbednosni problem kod prisluskivanja cine: 

    • A.

      DoS napadi

    • B.

      Nekoriscenje sifarskih sistema uopste

    • C.

      Presecanje komunikacionih kanala

    • D.

      Koriscenje zastarelih sifarskih sistema

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Nekoriscenje sifarskih sistema uopste
    D. Koriscenje zastarelih sifarskih sistema
    The correct answer is the non-use of encryption systems in general and the use of outdated encryption systems. These two factors pose the greatest security risk in eavesdropping. Without encryption systems, the communication channels are vulnerable to interception and unauthorized access. Additionally, the use of outdated encryption systems can be easily exploited by attackers, as they may have known vulnerabilities or weak encryption algorithms. Therefore, not utilizing encryption systems and relying on outdated ones significantly compromises the security of eavesdropping activities.

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  • 38. 

    Ukoliko u filteru paketa izmedju unutrasnje i spoljasnje mreze zabranimo TCP pakete koji poticu iz spoljasnje mreze, a imaju ukljucenu samo SYN zastavicu, odbranicemo se od: 

    • A.

      Uspostavljanja veza iz spoljne mreze

    • B.

      Trojanaca u lokalnoj mrezi

    • C.

      DoS napada

    Correct Answer
    A. Uspostavljanja veza iz spoljne mreze
    By blocking TCP packets originating from the external network that only have the SYN flag enabled, we are defending ourselves against the establishment of connections from the external network. This means that any attempts to initiate a connection from outside will be blocked, providing a measure of protection against unauthorized access or potential security threats.

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  • 39. 

    Ukoliko u filteru paketa Linuks OS-a zadamo sledece naredbe # iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --ddport 80 -j DROP # iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -j ACCEPT rezultat ce biti:

    • A.

      Zabrana svih komunikacija pod TCP protkolom

    • B.

      Odobravanje svih komunikacija pod TCP protkolom, osim na portu 80

    • C.

      Odobravanje svih komunikacija pod TCP protokolom

    Correct Answer
    B. Odobravanje svih komunikacija pod TCP protkolom, osim na portu 80
    The given correct answer states that the result will be "Odobravanje svih komunikacija pod TCP protkolom, osim na portu 80" which translates to "Allowing all communications under the TCP protocol, except on port 80". This means that the first command in the filter is blocking any communication on port 80, while the second command is allowing all other TCP communications.

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  • 40. 

    U osnovne akcije filtera paketa Linuks OS-a spadaju:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    • F.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Accept
    C. Reject
    F. Drop
    The given answer includes the main actions performed by a packet filter in the Linux operating system. "accept" is used to allow the packet to pass through the filter, "reject" is used to reject the packet and send an error message back to the sender, and "drop" is used to silently discard the packet without notifying the sender. These actions are essential for controlling the flow of network traffic and ensuring security.

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  • 41. 

    Primenom kriptografskih metoda u racunarskim mrezama direktno se ostvaruju sledeci principi:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Poverljivosti
    B. Verodostojnosti 
    D. Dostupnosti
    The correct answer is a combination of the principles of confidentiality, authenticity, and availability. These principles are essential in ensuring the security and integrity of data in computer networks. Confidentiality refers to the protection of sensitive information from unauthorized access. Authenticity ensures that the information is genuine and trustworthy. Availability ensures that the information and network resources are accessible to authorized users when needed. By implementing cryptographic methods, these principles can be directly achieved, providing a secure and reliable network environment.

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  • 42. 

    Napadi izvidjanja se:

    • A.

      Iskljucivo odnose na vise sistema

    • B.

      Iskljucivo odnose na jedan sistem

    • C.

      Mogu koristiti i za jedan i za vise sistema

    Correct Answer
    C. Mogu koristiti i za jedan i za vise sistema
    The correct answer is "Mogu koristiti i za jedan i za vise sistema." This means that napadi izvidjanja can be used for both one system and multiple systems.

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  • 43. 

    Sistemi koji nadgledaju desavanja u posmatranom racunarskom sistemu  ili racunarskoj mrezi, otkrivaju sumnjive aktivnosti, beleze ih u dnevnike i o njima obavestavaju administratore, nazivaju se:

    • A.

      Filteri paketa

    • B.

      Sistemi za otkrivanje napada

    • C.

      Demilitarizovani hostovi

    • D.

      Sistemi za sprecavanje napada

    Correct Answer
    B. Sistemi za otkrivanje napada
    The correct answer is "Sistemi za otkrivanje napada" because it accurately describes the systems that monitor computer systems or networks, detect suspicious activities, log them in journals, and inform administrators about them. "Filteri paketa" refers to packet filters, which are a different type of system used for network security. "Sistemi za sprecavanje napada" refers to intrusion prevention systems, which are designed to prevent attacks rather than just detect them. "Demilitarizovani hostovi" translates to demilitarized hosts, which is not relevant to the description provided.

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  • 44. 

    Provera identiteta je akcija kojom se, najsire gledano:

    • A.

      Utvrdjuju prava za izvodjenje zahtevanih akcija nad odredjenim objektima

    • B.

      Potvrdjuje ili osporava istovetnost izjavljenog i stvarnog identiteta pristupaoca

    • C.

      Uporedjuje skladistena hes vrednost lozinke sa unetom

    Correct Answer
    B. Potvrdjuje ili osporava istovetnost izjavljenog i stvarnog identiteta pristupaoca
    The action of verifying identity confirms or challenges the claimed and actual identity of the person accessing a system or object. This process ensures that the person is who they say they are, preventing unauthorized access and potential security breaches.

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  • 45. 

    Podrazumevan korisnicki alat za podesavanje filtera paketa u Linuks operativnom sistemu je:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    B. Iptables
    The correct answer is iptables. Iptables is the default user-space utility program for configuring the Linux kernel's netfilter firewall. It allows users to set up rules and filters to control incoming and outgoing network traffic. Iptables is commonly used for network address translation (NAT), packet filtering, and packet mangling. It provides a powerful and flexible way to secure and manage network connections in a Linux operating system.

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  • 46. 

    Elektromagnetno zracenje koje se odnosi na oticanje nezeljenih informacija kroz 'zice', kao sto su komunikacioni kablovi ili uzemljenje, naziva se:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. Kondukciono
    Kondukciono se odnosi na elektromagnetno zračenje koje se širi kroz žice, kao što su komunikacioni kablovi ili uzemljenje. Ova vrsta zračenja može biti neželjena i može rezultirati curenjem informacija. TEMPEST se odnosi na mjere i tehnike koje se koriste za sprječavanje curenja informacija putem elektromagnetnog zračenja. Emisiono se odnosi na emitovanje elektromagnetnog zračenja, ali ne u kontekstu curenja informacija kroz žice.

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  • 47. 

    Prilikom autentifikacije korisnika moguce je koristiti i vise podataka razlicitih kategorija u cilju potvrdjivanja identiteta. Na primer, od korisnika se moze trazi davanje tokena ili biometrijskih podataka, uz dodatnu vrifikaciju unosom tajne lozinke. Ovakav nacin autentifikacije se naziva:

    • A.

      Multikriterijumska autentifikacija

    • B.


    • C.

      Visefaktorska autentifikacija

    Correct Answer
    C. Visefaktorska autentifikacija
    The given correct answer is "Visefaktorska autentifikacija" which translates to "Multifactor authentication" in English. This type of authentication involves using multiple categories of data, such as tokens or biometric information, along with an additional verification step like entering a secret password. It enhances the security of the authentication process by requiring multiple factors to confirm the user's identity.

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  • 48. 

    Prvu fazu napada u racunarskim mrezama obicno cini:

    • A.

      Uklanjanje tragova

    • B.

      Planiranje i simulacija napada

    • C.

      Ostvarivanje ciljeva napada

    • D.


    • E.

      Izvrsavanje napada

    Correct Answer
    D. Izvidjanje
    The correct answer is "Izvidjanje". In the first phase of a cyber attack, known as reconnaissance, the attacker gathers information about the target system or network. This includes identifying potential vulnerabilities, mapping the network, and collecting data on the target's infrastructure, systems, and users. This information is crucial for the attacker to plan and execute a successful attack.

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  • 49. 

    U sustini, gotovo sve sifarske algoritme koji se danas koriste u racunarskim telekomunikacijama:

    • A.

      Jednostavno je razbiti u roku od nekoliko sati pokusavanja

    • B.

      Moguce je razbiti, ali za neracionalno mnogo vremena

    • C.

      Apsolutno nije moguce razbiti

    Correct Answer
    B. Moguce je razbiti, ali za neracionalno mnogo vremena
    The correct answer suggests that it is possible to break the cipher algorithms used in computer telecommunications, but it would take an irrational amount of time. This implies that the algorithms are secure and resistant to attacks, but not completely invulnerable. Breaking them would require an impractical amount of time and resources.

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  • 50. 

    Dve osnovne tehnologije za kontrolu pristupa u privatnim racunarskim mrezama koje koriste Eternet tehnologiju su:

    • A.

      IEEE802.1X protokol

    • B.

      Virtualne mreze na lokalnom podrucju (VLAN)

    • C.

      Proksi serveri

    • D.

      Virtualne privatne mreze (VPN)

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. IEEE802.1X protokol
    B. Virtualne mreze na lokalnom podrucju (VLAN)
    The correct answer is IEEE802.1X protocol and Virtualne mreze na lokalnom podrucju (VLAN). These two technologies are commonly used for access control in private computer networks that utilize Ethernet technology. The IEEE802.1X protocol provides authentication and authorization for devices connecting to the network, ensuring that only authorized devices can gain access. VLANs, on the other hand, allow for the segmentation of a network into multiple virtual networks, providing enhanced security and control over network traffic.

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  • Mar 21, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
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  • Nov 25, 2019
    Quiz Created by
    Catherine Halcomb
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