ESL 154 Practice Test Quiz

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| By Bhaecker
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ESL 154 Practice Test Quiz - Quiz

Are you gearing up for the ESL 154 exam? If so, you're in the right place! We've designed an exceptional ESL 154 Practice test quiz tailored to assist you in your preparation journey. The ESL 154 exam is a specialized supplemental test focusing on English as a Second Language. Teachers take this exam to validate their proficiency in teaching students whose first language isn't English. Our practice test mirrors the format and content of the actual ESL exam, providing you with a realistic experience. It's an invaluable tool to gauge your readiness and identify areas for improvement. Eager to assess Read moreyour knowledge? Dive into the quiz and see how you fare!

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Upon enrolling in school, ELL (English Language Learners) are tested to determine their ability to function in English. This is referred to as:

    • A.


    • B.

      Language Proficiency

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Language Proficiency
    When ELL students enroll in school, they are assessed to determine their level of proficiency in English, or their ability to understand and communicate in the language. This assessment helps determine the appropriate level of support and instruction needed for these students to succeed in an English-speaking classroom. Therefore, the term "Language Proficiency" accurately describes the process of testing ELL students' ability to function in English.

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  • 2. 

    Mrs. Radomski is preparing a math lesson for her 3rd-grade class.  She has several ELL students in her class. Their language proficiency has been recorded as a Level I, Pre-production. Because of how important it is, Mrs. Radomski has gathered manipulatives, realia, and visuals to use for the math lesson.  Mrs. Radomski should expect the ELL students in her class to respond to her questions during the lesson by:

    • A.

      Pointing, gesturing, or drawing

    • B.

      Completing fill in the blank responses

    • C.

      Answering in complete sentences

    • D.

      Raising their hands and answering orally

    Correct Answer
    A. Pointing, gesturing, or drawing
    Mrs. Radomski should expect the ELL students in her class to respond to her questions during the lesson by pointing, gesturing, or drawing. Since their language proficiency is recorded as Level I, Pre-production, it indicates that they are in the early stages of language acquisition and may have limited verbal skills. Therefore, using visual aids and allowing them to express their understanding through non-verbal means such as pointing, gesturing, or drawing would be more effective in facilitating their participation and comprehension of the math lesson.

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  • 3. 

    When Mrs. Finegan introduces lessons in her ESL classroom, she makes sure that she uses visuals, gestures, and questioning to help the students with concepts that they do not understand. The language that a student is able to understand using this type of instruction (aid contextual clues such as body language, gestures, context, or prior knowledge) is known as:

    • A.

      Comprehensible input

    • B.


    • C.

      Linguistic competence

    • D.

      Content based ESL

    Correct Answer
    A. Comprehensible input
    The language that a student is able to understand using contextual clues such as body language, gestures, context, or prior knowledge, as described in the scenario with Mrs. Finegan, is known as comprehensible input. This term was popularized by linguist Stephen Krashen and refers to language input that can be understood by learners even though they might not understand all the words and structures in it. The use of visuals, gestures, and questioning to aid understanding is a key strategy in providing comprehensible input, making the language accessible to learners at various levels of linguistic competence.

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  • 4. 

    Marvin says "He want now go eat." Which linguist term best describes this error?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Syntax
    The error in Marvin's statement is a syntactic error. Syntax refers to the rules and structure governing the arrangement of words and phrases to create meaningful sentences. In this case, the error lies in the incorrect word order and lack of proper verb conjugation. The correct sentence should be "He wants to go eat now."

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  • 5. 

    Carlos is a second year ESL student who loves his ESL teacher and enjoys going to his ESL class. He likes the other students in his class and enjoys the stories that his teacher shares. Field sensitive learners can be described by all of the following except:

    • A.

      Is attentive to persons and things in the environment

    • B.

      Analytical processing

    • C.

      Like a supportive environment

    • D.

      Socially preceptive

    Correct Answer
    B. Analytical processing
    Field sensitive learners are individuals who are attentive to persons and things in the environment, like a supportive environment, and are socially perceptive. However, they may not necessarily demonstrate analytical processing skills. Analytical processing refers to the ability to break down information into smaller parts and analyze them systematically. Therefore, Carlos, as a field sensitive learner, may not possess strong analytical processing skills.

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  • 6. 

    Jose was observed talking to his friends during recess. He was overheard telling Carlos "the dude was driving fast going home." After recess, Jose's teacher asked him to share a moment that surprised him. He told the class "a man was accelerating as he drove home."  The meaning of the sentence was the same but delivered in a different way. This is an example of:

    • A.

      Social Language

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Register
    Register refers to the variation in language that is used in different social contexts or situations. In this scenario, Jose used different language registers when talking to his friend during recess and when sharing a moment with his teacher and classmates. Although the meaning of the sentence remained the same, the choice of words and the way it was delivered varied based on the social context. Therefore, this is an example of register.

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  • 7. 

    School districts in Texas shall by local board policy establish and operate a LPAC (Language Proficiency Committee). Which of the following should the district have on file?

    • A.

      Policy and procedures for appointment

    • B.

      Policy and procedures for training of members

    • C.

      Policy and procedures for selection

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above
    The school district in Texas should have all of the above on file. This means that they should have policy and procedures for the appointment, training of members, and selection of the Language Proficiency Committee (LPAC). These policies and procedures are important for ensuring that the LPAC operates effectively and in accordance with the district's guidelines.

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  • 8. 

    A first-year ESL teacher uses formal knowledge of the grammar system, phonetic decoding, and rules of usage in her classroom. What type of language approach is she using?

    • A.

      Cognitive Approach

    • B.

      Sheltered Approach

    • C.

      Whole Langauge Approach

    • D.

      Natural Approach

    Correct Answer
    A. Cognitive Approach
    The first-year ESL teacher is using a cognitive approach in her classroom. This approach involves the use of formal knowledge of grammar, phonetic decoding, and rules of usage. It focuses on understanding and using language structures and rules.

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  • 9. 

    When an ESL teacher incorporates small group learning, which of the following should be used?

    • A.

      Arrange to ensure equal number of boys and girls

    • B.

      Change groups every two the three days

    • C.

      Experiment with different group compositions

    • D.

      Assign more difficult tasks

    Correct Answer
    C. Experiment with different group compositions
    When an ESL teacher incorporates small group learning, it is important to experiment with different group compositions. This allows for a variety of interactions and promotes diversity in the classroom. It also helps students develop their communication and collaboration skills by working with different peers. By mixing up the group compositions, the teacher can create a dynamic learning environment that caters to the needs and abilities of all students.

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  • 10. 

    When an teacher wishes to communicate with an ESL parent on a regular basis, she should use what type of communication?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Conversations with parents

    • D.

      All the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All the above
    When a teacher wishes to communicate with an ESL parent on a regular basis, it is important to use various types of communication methods. Announcements can be used to share important information with all parents, including ESL parents. Newsletters can be helpful in providing updates, resources, and important dates to ESL parents. Conversations with parents are crucial for building a strong parent-teacher relationship and addressing any concerns or questions. Therefore, using all the above-mentioned methods of communication is the most effective way to regularly communicate with ESL parents.

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  • 11. 

    There has been an increase in immigrant students in a local junior high school (Santa Fe Jr. High) whose primary language is not English. The teachers asked the administration for training that would assist them in helping the new students. What type of training would assist the teachers in terms of learning more about their students?

    • A.

      Submersion Training

    • B.

      Cultural Diversity Training

    • C.

      Motivational Training

    • D.

      Community Awareness Training

    Correct Answer
    B. Cultural Diversity Training
    Cultural Diversity Training would assist the teachers in learning more about their immigrant students. This type of training would provide teachers with knowledge and understanding of different cultures, customs, and languages, allowing them to better support and engage with their students. It would help teachers develop cultural sensitivity and awareness, enabling them to create a more inclusive and supportive classroom environment for all students.

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  • 12. 

    When their is little or no expressive language, an ESL student is going through what period of learning?

    • A.

      Early Production Period

    • B.

      Silent Period

    • C.

      Speech Emergence

    Correct Answer
    B. Silent Period
    The silent period refers to a stage in language learning where the student has little or no expressive language. During this period, the student is primarily focused on listening and comprehending the new language rather than speaking it. This stage is considered normal and necessary for language acquisition as the student is building their vocabulary and understanding of the language before attempting to speak.

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  • 13. 

    Mr. Guest knows that students learn a second language by using what they already know about their first language. He has encouraged parents of his ELL students to have their children "play" (songs, rhymes, riddles) with the English Language. He does this because language is:

    • A.

      Acquired at a subconscious level

    • B.

      Thrives on informal atmosphere

    • C.

      Requires positive reinforcement

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above
    The explanation for the correct answer "All of the above" is that Mr. Guest encourages parents to have their children "play" with the English language through songs, rhymes, and riddles because language acquisition occurs at a subconscious level. By creating an informal atmosphere, students feel more comfortable and engaged in the learning process, which helps language thrive. Additionally, positive reinforcement is essential in motivating students and reinforcing their language skills. Therefore, all of these factors contribute to effective language learning.

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  • 14. 

    Ms. Jackson knows that when positive attention is given a student regarding his/her listening and speaking skills, it helps the student:

    • A.

      Increase listening and speaking abilities

    • B.

      Increase listening abilities

    • C.

      Overcome speech repitition

    • D.

      Increase thinking abilities

    Correct Answer
    A. Increase listening and speaking abilities
    When positive attention is given to a student regarding their listening and speaking skills, it can have a positive impact on their abilities in these areas. By receiving recognition and encouragement, the student is likely to feel motivated and confident, which can lead to an increase in their listening and speaking abilities. This positive reinforcement can help them to develop better communication skills and become more proficient in understanding and expressing themselves verbally.

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  • 15. 

    Mrs. Patrick and Mrs. Tanner are discussing Santa Fe's ESL program. There are several groups of students who speak different languages being served.  Mrs. Patrick remarked that Bilingual Education is relatively new to the educational system. Mrs. Tanner shared that she had learned that there was a school established many years ago to serve ____ speaking students. Which language group did the public schools first serve?  

    • A.


    • B.

      Native American

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. German
    The correct answer is German. This is because Mrs. Tanner mentioned that there was a school established many years ago to serve a specific language group, and out of the given options, German is the only language mentioned.

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  • 16. 

    Mrs. Finegan knows that by providing positive attention to a Marvin's listening and speaking will help him:

    • A.

      Overcome speech repetition

    • B.

      Increase listening and speaking abilities

    • C.

      Increase listening abilities

    • D.

      Increase speaking abilities

    Correct Answer
    B. Increase listening and speaking abilities
    By providing positive attention to Marvin's listening and speaking, Mrs. Finegan believes that it will help him improve his abilities in both areas. This suggests that Marvin may currently struggle with his listening and speaking skills, and Mrs. Finegan believes that giving him positive attention will encourage him to practice and develop these skills further. Therefore, the correct answer is "Increase listening and speaking abilities."

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  • 17. 

    When identifying limited English proficient students, districts shall administer to each student in Prekindergarten through Grade 1:

    • A.

      A test of reading approved by the Texas Education Agency

    • B.

      A test of reading and math

    • C.

      An oral language proficiency test approved by the Texas Education Agency

    • D.

      A norm-referenced test approved by the Texas Education Agency

    Correct Answer
    C. An oral language proficiency test approved by the Texas Education Agency
    The correct answer is an oral language proficiency test approved by the Texas Education Agency. This is because when identifying limited English proficient students, it is important to assess their language skills. An oral language proficiency test can provide insight into a student's ability to understand and communicate in English. This type of test is specifically designed to assess language proficiency and can help determine the level of support and resources needed for English language learners. The Texas Education Agency approves this type of test as a reliable measure for identifying limited English proficient students.

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  • 18. 

    Level I Pre-production is the first stage of language acquisition. It is characterized by:

    • A.

      Very good comprehension

    • B.


    • C.

      Comprehension and near-native speech

    • D.

      No verbal production

    Correct Answer
    D. No verbal production
    Level I Pre-production is the initial stage of language acquisition where learners have very good comprehension skills and can understand the language well. However, they are not yet able to produce verbal speech themselves. This means that although they can understand and comprehend the language, they are not yet able to speak it fluently or express themselves verbally.

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  • 19. 

    Ms. Criswell, an ESL teacher, has a kindergarten class that has two levels one English Language Level (ELL) students, three level two ELL students and five levels five ELL students. She has invited the parents of the ELL students to school for a meeting to explain that they should encourage their children to “play” with their new language through songs, rhymes, and riddles. She also encouraged the parents to read to their children in the home language. Ms. Criswell shares with the parents that people learn a new language by using what they already know about their primary or first language and by going through some of the same stages of first language development. Why does Ms. Criswell encourage the parents to read to the children in the home language?

    • A.

      She wants the children to produce expressive language.

    • B.

      She wants the children to learn cognates.

    • C.

      She thinks that it will increase the use of idiomatic expressions.

    • D.

      She knows people learn a second language by using what they already know about their first language.

    Correct Answer
    D. She knows people learn a second language by using what they already know about their first language.
    Ms. Criswell encourages the parents to read to the children in the home language because she knows that people learn a second language by using what they already know about their first language. Reading in the home language helps children develop their language skills and provides a foundation for learning a new language. By exposing children to their home language, they can make connections and transfer their knowledge to the new language, which can aid in language acquisition and development.

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  • 20. 

    Santa Fe ISD reports student progress to parents of the ELL children that participate in the programs that are offered at each campus at least __________________.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Semi-annually
    Many school districts, including Santa Fe ISD, typically report student progress to parents of English Language Learner (ELL) children at least semi-annually. This frequency ensures that parents are regularly informed about their child's progress and can be involved in supporting their educational development.

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  • 21. 

    Marvin and Scott are playing in the gymnasium before school. They stop and have a short discussion about the rules for the game. The sentences are short and the questions and answers seem to be complemented by facial expressions and hand gesturing. These children are speaking using which register?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Casual
    The children are speaking using a casual register because they are playing in a gymnasium before school and having a short discussion about the rules for the game. The sentences are short and their communication is complemented by facial expressions and hand gesturing, indicating an informal and relaxed conversation.

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  • 22. 

    Mrs. Barker is preparing a math lesson for her second-grade class.  She has three English Language Level ( ELL) students in her class.  All three of the students have been assessed and their language proficiency has been recorded as Level I, Pre-Production. She has gathered manipulatives, realia, and plenty of visuals for the math lesson because she knows it will encourage student success.   Mrs. Barker is trying to provide ___________ __________ for her students?

    • A.

      Pattern Language

    • B.

      Concurrent Language

    • C.

      Predictable Language

    • D.

      Comprehensible Input

    Correct Answer
    D. Comprehensible Input
    Mrs. Barker is trying to provide comprehensible input for her students. Comprehensible input refers to language input that is understandable to the learners, even if they don't understand every word or grammar structure. By using manipulatives, realia, and visuals, Mrs. Barker is making the math lesson more visually and contextually rich, which helps her ELL students understand and make meaning of the content being taught. This approach increases the likelihood of student success as they can better comprehend and engage with the lesson.

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  • 23. 

    Mrs. Scales utilizes portfolios to assess and monitor her ELL students achievement during the school year. Portfolios are useful because:  

    • A.

      They are easy to keep

    • B.

      They can be used as a self-assessment tool

    • C.

      Parents can see evidence of their child's progress

    • D.

      B and C only

    Correct Answer
    D. B and C only
    Portfolios are useful for Mrs. Scales because they are easy to keep, allowing her to organize and track her ELL students' achievements throughout the school year. Additionally, portfolios can be used as a self-assessment tool, allowing students to reflect on their own progress and identify areas for improvement. Furthermore, portfolios provide tangible evidence of a child's progress, which can be shared with parents to keep them informed and involved in their child's education. Therefore, options B and C are correct as they highlight the benefits of using portfolios in assessing and monitoring ELL students' achievements.

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  • 24. 

    Mrs. Radomski records observations in a notebook she keeps on her desk. She takes time each day to observe her kindergarten students as they work in different centers in her classroom. She uses the information when she talks to parents about the progress of the children. Which of the following is a running record of an observed behavior or behaviors over a period of time?  

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Anecdotal Record

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Anecdotal Record
    An anecdotal record is a running record of observed behaviors over a period of time. In this scenario, Mrs. Radomski uses her notebook to record observations of her kindergarten students as they work in different centers in her classroom. These observations are then used to inform her conversations with parents about the progress of the children. Anecdotal records provide a detailed account of specific behaviors, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of the child's development and progress.

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  • 25. 

    Language 1 (L1) and Language 2 (L2) have many similarities. Those are:

    • A.

      Both are developmental and have stages.

    • B.

      Both are at a subconscious level.

    • C.

      Both focus on communication and meaning.

    • D.

      All of the above.

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above.
    The given answer, "All of the above," is correct because it encompasses all the similarities mentioned in the question. Both Language 1 and Language 2 are developmental and have stages, meaning that they progress and evolve over time. Additionally, both languages operate at a subconscious level, meaning that speakers do not consciously think about the rules and structures of the language while using it. Lastly, both languages prioritize communication and meaning, indicating that the primary goal of using language is to convey information and understand each other.

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  • 26. 

    Mrs. Norvell always sets up stations in her classroom before she begins her science classes. She understands the importance of  ESL students using a variety of manipulatives, demonstrations, and experiments. The materials are used to complement and support the lesson to help students better understand abstract ideas. Which of the following terms describe this type of instruction?

    • A.

      Material learning

    • B.

      Total Physical Response

    • C.

      Hands On

    • D.

      Learner Centered

    Correct Answer
    C. Hands On
    The correct answer is "Hands On". This term describes the type of instruction where students actively engage with materials, manipulatives, demonstrations, and experiments to better understand abstract ideas. By using hands-on activities, students can interact with the lesson content in a tangible way, which can enhance their comprehension and retention of the material. This approach is particularly beneficial for ESL students as it allows them to experience and manipulate the concepts being taught, making the learning process more concrete and meaningful.

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  • 27. 

    Mrs. Williams is a first-year ESL teacher assigned to a school in a predominately Chinese neighborhood; however, she does not speak Chinese.  The school requires her to make home visits after the first six weeks of school.  What should Mrs. Williams do prior to making the home visits?

    • A.

      Send notes home to the parents in English

    • B.

      Identify a bilingual liaison to assist in making the home visits

    • C.

      Ask the principal to excuse her from making home visits

    • D.

      Find a child who speaks Chinese and some English to assist with the home visits

    Correct Answer
    B. Identify a bilingual liaison to assist in making the home visits
    Mrs. Williams should identify a bilingual liaison to assist in making the home visits. Since she does not speak Chinese, having a bilingual liaison who can communicate effectively with the parents will help bridge the language barrier. The liaison can help Mrs. Williams understand the parents' concerns and provide any necessary translations during the home visits. This will ensure effective communication and allow Mrs. Williams to fulfill her responsibilities as an ESL teacher in a predominately Chinese neighborhood.

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  • 28. 

    Mrs. Balle is aware that the English Language Learners (ELL) students need extended wait time. She slows her rate of speech when introducing new vocabulary words. What type of instruction is characterized by strategies that have been developed to assure that language is adjusted to a simpler syntactical level; vocabulary is controlled; the pacing of instruction is slowed, and the conceptual load is regulated?

    • A.

      Sheltered Instruction

    • B.

      Functional Instruction

    • C.

      Supportive Instruction

    • D.

      Communicative Language Instruction

    Correct Answer
    A. Sheltered Instruction
    Sheltered Instruction is characterized by strategies that adjust language to a simpler syntactical level, control vocabulary, slow down the pacing of instruction, and regulate the conceptual load. This type of instruction is designed to support English Language Learners (ELL) by making content more accessible and comprehensible. By slowing her rate of speech when introducing new vocabulary words, Mrs. Balle is implementing a strategy commonly used in sheltered instruction to meet the needs of ELL students.

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  • 29. 

    What should administrators first determine prior to selecting a bilingual program?

    • A.

      Certified program staff

    • B.

      The student population that will be served

    • C.

      The state rules

    • D.

      The bilingual instructional methodology

    Correct Answer
    B. The student population that will be served
    Administrators should first determine the student population that will be served before selecting a bilingual program. This is important because the needs and preferences of the students will vary depending on their language background, proficiency level, and cultural background. By understanding the student population, administrators can ensure that the selected bilingual program aligns with their specific needs and goals, leading to a more effective and successful program implementation.

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  • 30. 

    Which of the following practices would not be included when designing effective language and literacy instruction for second language learners?

    • A.

      Encourage only oral language

    • B.

      Create an academically challenging environment

    • C.

      Have high expectations for learning

    • D.

      Use non-verbal cues that include gesture and facial expressions

    Correct Answer
    A. Encourage only oral language
    Encouraging only oral language would not be included when designing effective language and literacy instruction for second language learners. This practice neglects the development of reading and writing skills, which are crucial components of language and literacy proficiency. Effective instruction should provide opportunities for students to practice and develop all language skills, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing. By solely focusing on oral language, learners may not fully develop their literacy skills, hindering their overall language proficiency and academic success.

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  • 31. 

    Most language teachers advocate that:

    • A.

      Language learning should be included in the teaching of social studies but not mathematics.

    • B.

      Language learning should be included in the teaching of mathematics but not science.

    • C.

      Language learning should be integrated across the curriculum.

    • D.

      Language learning should only be taught in the study of language arts.

    Correct Answer
    C. Language learning should be integrated across the curriculum.
    The correct answer is "Language learning should be integrated across the curriculum." This means that language learning should not be limited to a specific subject or area of study, but should be incorporated into all subjects and disciplines. This approach recognizes that language is a fundamental tool for communication and learning in all areas of study, and that students can benefit from developing their language skills across the curriculum. By integrating language learning into all subjects, students are able to see the relevance and application of language skills in various contexts, enhancing their overall language proficiency and understanding.

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  • 32. 

    Oral language activities should be incorporated as:

    • A.

      Skills that are taught in isolation.

    • B.

      Skills that are taught on a one-to-one basis.

    • C.

      Skills to be learned after learning to read.

    • D.

      Skills to be learned along with reading and writing.

    Correct Answer
    D. Skills to be learned along with reading and writing.
    Oral language activities should be incorporated along with reading and writing because they complement and support each other. By engaging in oral language activities, such as discussions, debates, and presentations, students can develop their speaking and listening skills, which are essential for effective communication. These activities also help students to expand their vocabulary, improve their comprehension, and enhance their overall language proficiency. Additionally, incorporating oral language activities alongside reading and writing promotes a balanced approach to language development, allowing students to practice and apply their skills in various contexts.

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  • 33. 

    Students need to experience realia, real-life objects, sounds, and aromas in an effective multicultural and multilingual environment. This means that is is important for an ELL teacher to engage:

    • A.

      All five senses

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. All five senses
    To create an effective multicultural and multilingual environment for ELL students, it is important for the teacher to engage all five senses. This allows students to fully experience real-life objects, sounds, and aromas, which can enhance their understanding and learning. By incorporating visual aids, auditory materials, and sensory experiences, the teacher can create a more immersive and engaging learning environment for ELL students. This approach helps to cater to different learning styles and promotes a deeper understanding and connection to the content being taught.

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  • 34. 

    Language tests are given to students in order to assess a student's progress in English. This information is helpful for the ESL teacher. The process of determining or analyzing a students' performance level or level of language proficiency is called:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Diagnosis
    The process of determining or analyzing a student's performance level or level of language proficiency is called diagnosis. In this context, language tests are given to assess a student's progress in English, which provides valuable information for the ESL teacher to diagnose the student's language proficiency level.

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  • 35. 

    The ability to read and write with high levels of proficiency through the effective use of the grammatical, syntactic, graphophonic, semantic and pragmatic system is demonstrating which of the following?

    • A.

      Phonological awareness

    • B.

      Literacy development

    • C.

      Alphabetic principle

    • D.

      Cognitive style

    Correct Answer
    B. Literacy development
    Literacy development refers to the process of acquiring and improving the skills necessary for reading and writing. The ability to read and write with high levels of proficiency, utilizing various components such as grammar, syntax, phonics, meaning, and context, demonstrates a strong level of literacy development. This answer accurately reflects the description provided in the question.

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  • 36. 

    The manner in which words and other structural elements of a language are arranged to construct sentences is:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Syntax
    Syntax refers to the rules and principles that govern the arrangement of words and other structural elements in a language to form grammatically correct sentences. It involves the study of sentence structure, word order, and the relationships between different parts of a sentence. Syntax is essential for understanding and producing meaningful and coherent sentences in a language.

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  • 37. 

    As an ESL teacher, Ms. Ostermayer knows that it is important to invite, involve, and build on the participation of families and community in the classroom. To do this, she must find ways to:

    • A.

      Overcome fear of the new culture

    • B.

      Communicate in culturally responsive ways

    • C.

      Demonstrate cultural differences

    • D.

      Avoid culture shock

    Correct Answer
    B. Communicate in culturally responsive ways
    Ms. Ostermayer understands the significance of involving families and the community in the classroom, which is why she must find ways to communicate in culturally responsive ways. This means that she should be able to effectively communicate with individuals from different cultural backgrounds, taking into consideration their values, beliefs, and communication styles. By doing so, she can create an inclusive and welcoming environment that respects and acknowledges cultural differences, leading to better engagement and participation from families and the community.

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  • 38. 

    Mr. Guest overheard a mother talking her daughter in Spanish. Based on his observation, he can conclude that Spanish is the student's:

    • A.

      Second Language

    • B.

      Primary Language

    • C.

      Interactional Language

    • D.

      Transitional Language

    Correct Answer
    B. Primary Language
    Based on Mr. Guest's observation of the mother speaking Spanish to her daughter, he can conclude that Spanish is the student's primary language. This means that Spanish is the language that the student learned first and is most proficient in.

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  • 39. 

    The ability to understand a message is:

    • A.

      Receptive language

    • B.

      Expressive language

    • C.

      Complex language

    • D.

      Context embedded language

    Correct Answer
    A. Receptive language
    Receptive language refers to the ability to understand and comprehend spoken or written language. It involves the processing and interpretation of words, sentences, and overall messages. This includes understanding the meaning, context, and intent behind the communication. Receptive language skills are essential for effective communication and can vary in individuals based on their language development and cognitive abilities.

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  • 40. 

    According to the National Reading Panel, one way an ESL teacher can prepare children for reading and writing is to:

    • A.

      Build self esteem

    • B.

      Introduce them to the tools of literacy

    • C.

      Talk about real-life experiences

    • D.

      Read aloud to them

    Correct Answer
    D. Read aloud to them
    Reading aloud to children is an effective way for an ESL teacher to prepare them for reading and writing. By reading aloud, the teacher exposes the children to the sounds, rhythms, and patterns of the language. This helps them develop their listening and comprehension skills, as well as their vocabulary and understanding of sentence structure. Additionally, reading aloud can spark children's interest in books and storytelling, fostering a love for reading and writing.

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  • 41. 

    When children who are learning a second language are making their first attempts at communication, recognizable imitating is usually:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Words Like

    Correct Answer
    B. Nonverbal
    When children who are learning a second language are making their first attempts at communication, recognizable imitating is usually nonverbal. This means that they may use gestures, facial expressions, or body language to imitate and convey their message, rather than relying solely on verbal language. Nonverbal communication is often easier for young children to grasp and imitate, as it does not require the same level of linguistic skill as verbal communication.

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  • 42. 

    Mrs. Norvell strives to create a climate in her classroom that is positive, encouraging, and low anxiety. Which of Krashen’s theories is she applying in her classroom?  

    • A.

      Aptitude Hypothesis

    • B.

      Monitor Hypothesis

    • C.

      Input Hypothesis

    • D.

      Filter Hypothesis

    Correct Answer
    D. Filter Hypothesis
    Mrs. Norvell is applying Krashen's Filter Hypothesis in her classroom. The Filter Hypothesis suggests that learners have an affective filter that can either allow or block input from reaching the language acquisition part of the brain. By creating a positive, encouraging, and low anxiety classroom climate, Mrs. Norvell is helping to lower the affective filter of her students, thus allowing them to better receive and process input for language acquisition.

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  • 43. 

    "Marvin's mother enrolled him in Santa Fe High School and inquired about the program location. How are the district's Bilingual Education and English as a Second Language (ESL) programs typically situated?"

    • A.

      In separate facilities as designated by the district

    • B.

      In the regular public schools of the district rather than in separate facilities

    • C.

      In neighboring school districts with high limited English proficient populations (over 60%)

    • D.

      In neighborhood schools where they live in a special facility

    Correct Answer
    B. In the regular public schools of the district rather than in separate facilities
    The correct answer is "In the regular public schools of the district rather than in separate facilities." This means that the Bilingual education and English as a second language programs are integrated within the regular public schools of the district, instead of being located in separate facilities. Marvin's mother's concern about the program location is addressed by this answer, as it assures her that her son will be attending the regular public school along with other students.

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  • 44. 

    The ability to carry on a conversation in familiar, predictable face-to-face situations is called:

    • A.


    • B.

      Language proficiency

    • C.

      Social language

    • D.

      Academic language

    Correct Answer
    C. Social language
    Social language refers to the ability to engage in conversation in familiar and predictable face-to-face situations. It involves using appropriate language and communication skills to interact with others in social settings. This includes understanding and using greetings, introductions, small talk, and other conversational skills. Social language is different from academic language, which is used in more formal and structured settings such as classrooms or professional environments.

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  • 45. 

    Teachers today believe that children should:

    • A.

      Write before they learn to read

    • B.

      Have control over oral language before they learn to write

    • C.

      Know how to read before they learn to write

    • D.

      Be introduced to oral language, reading, and writing from their earliest years

    Correct Answer
    D. Be introduced to oral language, reading, and writing from their earliest years
    Teachers today believe that children should be introduced to oral language, reading, and writing from their earliest years. This approach recognizes the importance of developing all three language skills simultaneously. By exposing children to oral language, reading, and writing from an early age, they can start building a strong foundation in language and literacy. This approach allows children to develop their oral language skills, which are essential for effective communication. It also introduces them to reading and writing, helping them develop literacy skills and a love for reading. By starting early, children can have a well-rounded language and literacy development.

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  • 46. 

    The Lau Remedies of 1974 made the identification of students whose primary language is not English and the evaluation of their English-language proficiency mandatory in all school districts. How is this accomplished?

    • A.

      Identified through Home Language Survey

    • B.

      Tested to assess English language proficiency

    • C.

      Test oral language proficiency

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above
    The Lau Remedies of 1974 require the identification of students whose primary language is not English and the evaluation of their English-language proficiency. This is achieved through multiple methods. First, students are identified through a Home Language Survey, which helps schools determine if English is their primary language. Secondly, students are tested to assess their English language proficiency. This may involve written tests, reading comprehension tests, and other assessments. Lastly, students' oral language proficiency is also tested to evaluate their ability to communicate in English. Therefore, all of the above methods are used to accomplish the identification and evaluation of students' English-language proficiency.

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  • 47. 

    Mrs. Criswell introduces the new spelling list to her students by clapping her hands for each syllable in every word. (ex. Football) The exercise is likely to help language development by:

    • A.

      Stressing letter/sound agreement

    • B.

      Prompting phonological awareness

    • C.

      Emphasizing vowel placement

    • D.

      Developing syntax

    Correct Answer
    B. Prompting pHonological awareness
    Clapping her hands for each syllable in every word helps to prompt phonological awareness in students. Phonological awareness refers to the ability to recognize and manipulate the sounds in spoken language. By clapping out the syllables, Mrs. Criswell is drawing attention to the different sounds and rhythms in words, helping students become more aware of the phonological structure of language. This can ultimately improve their reading and spelling skills.

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  • 48. 

    When Mrs. Patrick teaches math, she makes sure to use manipulatives and hands-on activities. The ESL students in her class are doing very well in math. They are able to do the same activities as the other students in the classroom. Language is best acquired when students are using it to learn something other than English. This statement applies to:

    • A.

      Best practice

    • B.

      Promoting Literacy

    • C.

      Content-based ESL Instruction

    • D.

      SDAIE (Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English)

    Correct Answer
    C. Content-based ESL Instruction
    Content-based ESL Instruction is the correct answer because the statement suggests that language acquisition is best achieved when students are using it to learn something other than English. In this case, Mrs. Patrick's use of manipulatives and hands-on activities in teaching math allows ESL students to engage in meaningful learning experiences while also developing their English language skills. This approach aligns with the principles of content-based ESL instruction, which integrates language learning with academic content to promote language acquisition and overall academic success.

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  • 49. 

    Sometimes we find that parents of ELL students are reluctant to participate or interfere in the school experience which may be directly related to cultural beliefs or practices. Which of the following would be most effective in encouraging parenting involvement?

    • A.

      Provide tutorial activities

    • B.

      Plan parent workshops

    • C.

      Send notes home in the language used in the home

    • D.

      Communicate that parent involvement is a good way to encourage student success

    Correct Answer
    D. Communicate that parent involvement is a good way to encourage student success
    Communicating that parent involvement is a good way to encourage student success can be the most effective in encouraging parenting involvement. By emphasizing the positive impact of parental involvement on their child's academic achievement, parents may be more motivated to participate and engage in their child's school experience. This approach addresses any potential cultural beliefs or practices that may be causing reluctance and highlights the benefits of parental involvement. Providing tutorial activities, planning parent workshops, and sending notes home in the language used in the home can also be helpful strategies, but they may not directly address the underlying reasons for parental reluctance.

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  • 50. 

    Mrs. Tanner understands that biliteracy includes the development of the:

    • A.

      The ability to write

    • B.

      The ability to read

    • C.

      The full range of understanding and skills appropriate for an educated speaker of two languages.

    • D.

      The ability to read and write in English.

    Correct Answer
    C. The full range of understanding and skills appropriate for an educated speaker of two languages.
    Biliteracy refers to the ability to understand and communicate effectively in two languages. It goes beyond just reading and writing, encompassing a broader range of skills and understanding. This includes not only the ability to read and write in both languages, but also to comprehend and express oneself fluently, accurately, and appropriately in different contexts. It involves a deep understanding of the cultural nuances, grammar, vocabulary, and language conventions of both languages. Therefore, the correct answer is the full range of understanding and skills appropriate for an educated speaker of two languages.

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