Fr. Demetrius Gallitzin, a Russian prince, founded the town of __________ in western Pennsylvania. p. 362
Fr. Demetrius Gallitzin, a Russian prince, founded the town of Loretto in western Pennsylvania. This information is mentioned on page 362.
In Exodus 20, the sabbath was the _______ Day of the week, the day on which the Lord rested. p. 363
In Exodus 20, the sabbath is described as the seventh day of the week, the day on which the Lord rested. This is significant because it establishes the concept of a day of rest and worship, which is observed by many religious traditions. The number "seventh" or "7th" indicates that it is the last day of the week and is considered holy and set apart from the other days. This commandment serves as a reminder to honor and dedicate this day to rest and spiritual reflection.
The purpose of the Sabbath was to renew our __________ with God. p. 363
The purpose of the Sabbath was to renew our covenant with God. This means that observing the Sabbath was a way for people to reaffirm their commitment and relationship with God. By setting aside a specific day for rest and worship, individuals were able to reflect on their faith and renew their dedication to following God's commandments and living a righteous life. The Sabbath served as a reminder of the covenant between God and his people, and provided an opportunity for spiritual rejuvenation and connection with the divine.
There is an interior law which tells us to render to God visilbe and public ___________. p. 364
The correct answer is worship. The question is referring to an interior law that instructs us to publicly and visibly worship God. This implies that there is a belief or understanding that worshiping God should not be a private or hidden act, but rather something that is done openly and for others to see.
Sunday extends the celebration of _________ throughout the year. p. 364
Sunday extends the celebration of Easter throughout the year. This suggests that Sunday is a day that symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is the central event of the Easter celebration. By celebrating Sunday every week, Christians are reminded of the significance of Easter and its message of hope and new life.
Although it is the first day of the week Sunday is also called the "___________" day to signify eternity. p. 365
Sunday is referred to as the "eighth" or "8th" day to symbolize eternity. This is because in Christian tradition, Sunday is considered the day of resurrection, signifying the beginning of a new era and eternal life. By calling it the "eighth" day, it goes beyond the usual seven-day week and represents the concept of everlasting existence.
We are not allowed to work on Sunday if it impedes the worship to be rendered to ____. p. 367
The given correct answer is "God." The explanation for this answer is that the statement mentions that we are not allowed to work on Sunday if it impedes the worship to be rendered to someone or something. Since the question is related to worship and religious practices, it can be inferred that the worship being referred to is the worship of God. Therefore, the correct answer is God.
The third commandment has been concretized for Catholics by one of the _____________ of the Church. p. 366
The third commandment, which pertains to keeping the Sabbath day holy, has been made more specific and applicable for Catholics through the establishment of certain rules known as "precepts" by the Church. These precepts provide guidance and direction for Catholics in terms of their religious obligations and practices.
Under this Roman emperor, civil laws were passed to limit unnecessary work on Sunday. p. 367
During the reign of Constantine, civil laws were implemented to restrict unnecessary work on Sundays. This indicates that Constantine was concerned about promoting rest and religious observance on this day of the week. The passage suggests that these laws were aimed at limiting the burden of work on Sundays, potentially allowing individuals to engage in religious activities or spend time with their families.
In our consumer society millions deny themselves a day of ______. p. 368
In our consumer society, where people are constantly driven by the desire to acquire more and keep up with the latest trends, many individuals often neglect or deny themselves the opportunity to take a day of rest. This could be due to the pressure to constantly work, earn money, or engage in consumerism. However, taking a day of rest is essential for physical and mental well-being, allowing individuals to recharge, relax, and rejuvenate themselves.
Keeping the Lord's Day is a __________ for a society that tends to value production over people. p. 368
Keeping the Lord's Day as a corrective for a society that tends to value production over people means that it serves as a way to counterbalance the emphasis on productivity and remind society of the importance of rest, leisure, and spiritual reflection. By setting aside a specific day for rest and worship, it helps to restore a sense of balance and prioritize the well-being of individuals over constant work and productivity.
Scheduling ___________ events so that young people cannot observe Sunday Mass is a form of child abuse. p. 368
Scheduling athletic events so that young people cannot observe Sunday Mass is a form of child abuse. This is because Sunday Mass is an important religious practice for many individuals, and denying young people the opportunity to participate in this religious activity can be seen as a violation of their rights and a form of emotional and spiritual harm. By prioritizing athletic events over religious practices, it disregards the religious beliefs and values of young people, potentially causing distress and undermining their overall well-being.
We can prepare for Mass by reading over the __________ texts beforehand. p. 371
To prepare for Mass, it is beneficial to read over the scripture and liturgical texts beforehand. This allows individuals to familiarize themselves with the readings and prayers that will be used during the Mass. By doing so, they can better understand and reflect upon the Word of God and actively participate in the liturgical celebration. Reading these texts in advance helps to enhance the overall experience and engagement during Mass.
For Christians, the observance of the Sabbath is transferred to ______, the day Jesus rose from the dead. p. 370
For Christians, the observance of the Sabbath is transferred to Sunday because it is the day Jesus rose from the dead. This change was made to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus and to honor the significance of this event in Christian theology. Sunday became the new day of worship and rest for Christians, replacing the traditional Jewish Sabbath which was observed on Saturdays.