AP Human Geography Practice Exam #3

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| By JokerIncolor1995
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AP Human Geography Quizzes & Trivia

The first two exams in our ongoing Human Geography quiz series treated you well, but do you have what it takes to pass AP Human Geography Practice Exam #3? Take the quiz and answer the following questions to ensure you’re on the right track with regards to your studies.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    The word "geography" literally means

    • A.

      The study of space

    • B.

      Earth study

    • C.

      People and nature

    • D.

      Earth writing

    • E.

      Human ground

    Correct Answer
    D. Earth writing
    The correct answer is "earth writing". The word "geography" is derived from the Greek words "geo" meaning earth and "graphy" meaning writing or description. Therefore, "earth writing" accurately reflects the literal meaning of the term "geography" as the study or description of the Earth.

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  • 2. 

    New York City is divided into five ____, in order to better organize social services for millions of people.

    • A.


    • B.

      Voting Precincts

    • C.

      Town Councils

    • D.

      School Districts

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Boroughs
    New York City is divided into five boroughs to better organize social services for millions of people. Each borough has its own government structure and provides essential services such as education, healthcare, and public safety to its residents. This division allows for more efficient administration and targeted allocation of resources to meet the specific needs of each borough's population.

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  • 3. 

    In which of the following countries would you expect to find the highest rate of population growth?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      The U.S.

    Correct Answer
    B. Namibia
    Namibia is likely to have the highest rate of population growth among the given countries. This is because Namibia is a developing country with a high fertility rate and a relatively lower level of economic development. Factors such as limited access to education, healthcare, and family planning services contribute to a higher population growth rate. On the other hand, countries like Canada, Sweden, Chile, and the U.S. have lower population growth rates due to their higher levels of economic development, better access to education and healthcare, and effective family planning measures.

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  • 4. 

    In distance decay models, the slope of the decay function illustrates

    • A.

      The type of interaction

    • B.

      The nature of the network

    • C.

      The influence of "friction of distance"

    • D.


    • E.

      Net dispersion

    Correct Answer
    C. The influence of "friction of distance"
    The slope of the decay function in distance decay models illustrates the influence of "friction of distance." Friction of distance refers to the idea that as distance increases, the interaction or connection between two locations decreases. The slope of the decay function shows how quickly this interaction diminishes with increasing distance. A steeper slope indicates a faster decay and a stronger influence of friction of distance, while a flatter slope indicates a slower decay and a weaker influence of friction of distance.

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  • 5. 

    Which of the following projections places the Norht or South Pole at the center of the view?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Pole View

    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Azimuthal
    Azimuthal projection is a type of map projection that places either the North or South Pole at the center of the view. This projection is commonly used to depict polar regions and is particularly useful for navigation purposes in these areas. The other options, such as Choropleth, Pole View, Fuller's, and Mercator, do not specifically place the poles at the center of the view, making Azimuthal the correct answer.

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  • 6. 

    Rap music first appeared in New York in the 1970s. Later, it spread to large cities with vibrant African-American populations- such as Los Angeles, Oakland, Chicago, and Detroit- without being absorbed by the smaller cities and rural areas in between. This type of spatial diffusion is called

    • A.

      Relocation diffusion

    • B.

      Hierarchial diffusion

    • C.

      Contagious diffusion

    • D.

      Cultural diffusion

    • E.

      Indeterminent diffusion

    Correct Answer
    B. Hierarchial diffusion
    The correct answer is hierarchical diffusion. This is because rap music initially spread from New York to other large cities with vibrant African-American populations, indicating a top-down diffusion pattern where it was adopted by influential individuals or groups in each city before spreading to a wider audience. This contrasts with contagious diffusion, which involves the rapid and widespread diffusion of a cultural trait without regard to hierarchical structures.

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  • 7. 

    Cartography is the art and science of

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Spatial orientation

    • D.

      Cognitive imagery

    • E.

      Spatial decision making

    Correct Answer
    B. Map-making
    Cartography is the art and science of creating maps. It involves the study and practice of designing, compiling, and producing maps that accurately represent geographic features, locations, and spatial relationships. Through cartography, information about the Earth's surface can be visually communicated, helping individuals navigate, understand spatial patterns, and make informed decisions.

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  • 8. 

    Which of the following is FALSE regarding slash-and-brun agriculture?

    • A.

      It occurs mainly in tropical environments

    • B.

      It is associated with deforestation in Brazil

    • C.

      It is part of the Green Revolution

    • D.

      It was practiced sustainably by indigenous people

    • E.

      It is uncommon in the temperate latitudes

    Correct Answer
    C. It is part of the Green Revolution
    Slash-and-burn agriculture is not part of the Green Revolution. The Green Revolution refers to the period of technological advancements in agriculture that occurred in the mid-20th century, leading to increased crop yields through the use of high-yielding varieties, irrigation, and synthetic fertilizers. Slash-and-burn agriculture, on the other hand, is a traditional farming method where vegetation is cut down and burned to clear land for cultivation. It is not associated with the modern agricultural practices of the Green Revolution.

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  • 9. 

    A population pyramid

    • A.

      Shows the age and sex structure of a population

    • B.

      Cannot be used to compare two different countries

    • C.

      Demonstrates the demographic transition model

    • D.

      Only accurately depicts declining populations

    • E.

      Is most useful in illustrating social upheaval

    Correct Answer
    A. Shows the age and sex structure of a population
    A population pyramid is a graphical representation that shows the distribution of different age groups and sexes within a population. It provides valuable information about the population's age composition and can be used to analyze various demographic patterns and trends. By examining the shape and characteristics of the pyramid, one can gain insights into factors such as birth rates, mortality rates, and population growth. Therefore, the statement "shows the age and sex structure of a population" accurately describes the purpose and function of a population pyramid.

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  • 10. 

    The Pleistocene overkill theory argues that

    • A.

      Hearths of early agriculture resulted from environmental conditions

    • B.

      Geographers have overemphasized the importance of environmental conditions in human history

    • C.

      Poor environmental management resulted in the ecological collapse of the fertile crescent

    • D.

      Current human geography is not a product of the distant past

    • E.

      Hunter-gatherers caused the extinction of many species after the end of the last ice age

    Correct Answer
    E. Hunter-gatherers caused the extinction of many species after the end of the last ice age
    The Pleistocene overkill theory argues that hunter-gatherers caused the extinction of many species after the end of the last ice age. This theory suggests that the hunting practices of early humans led to the overhunting and subsequent extinction of large mammals during this time period. Evidence such as fossil records and archaeological findings support this theory, showing a correlation between the arrival of humans in certain regions and the decline or disappearance of various species. This theory highlights the significant impact that early human activity had on the environment and the loss of biodiversity.

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  • 11. 

    In an adress to the 1994 United Nations International Conference on Population and Development, India argued that, although population growth has placed pressure on the world's natural resources, ______ by industrialized nations has also had extreme consequences for environmental quality.

    • A.

      Fiscal policy

    • B.

      Material consumption

    • C.


    • D.

      International aid

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. Material consumption
    India argued that although population growth has placed pressure on the world's natural resources, material consumption by industrialized nations has also had extreme consequences for environmental quality. This means that while population growth is a factor, the excessive consumption of resources by industrialized nations is equally responsible for the degradation of the environment.

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  • 12. 

    Geographical research that applies to one place or region is

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Cultural studies

    Correct Answer
    C. IdiograpHic
    The correct answer is idiographic. Geographical research that applies to one place or region is idiographic because it focuses on the unique characteristics, history, and context of that specific location. It aims to understand the particularities and complexities of a specific area rather than seeking generalizations or universal laws. This approach allows for in-depth analysis and interpretation of the specific geographical features, cultural practices, and social dynamics that are unique to that particular place or region.

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  • 13. 

    Approximately how long did it take for Eurasian hunter-gatherers to reach the tip of South America after their initial arrival in Alaska?

    • A.

      500 years

    • B.

      2,000 years

    • C.

      5,000 years

    • D.

      20,000 years

    • E.

      40,000 years

    Correct Answer
    B. 2,000 years
    The correct answer is 2,000 years. This suggests that it took Eurasian hunter-gatherers approximately 2,000 years to reach the tip of South America after their initial arrival in Alaska.

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  • 14. 

    The demographic accounting equation computes future population as a function of current population:

    • A.

      +births - infant mortality + cohort

    • B.

      +births - deaths x life expectancy

    • C.

      +births - deaths + immigration - emigration

    • D.

      Births / deaths - immigration + emigration

    • E.

      +immigration - emigration x demographic transition

    Correct Answer
    C. +births - deaths + immigration - emigration
    The correct answer is +births - deaths + immigration - emigration. This equation takes into account the factors that affect population growth or decline. Births and immigration add to the population, while deaths and emigration subtract from it. By adding the number of births, subtracting the number of deaths, adding the number of immigrants, and subtracting the number of emigrants, we can calculate the future population based on the current population.

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  • 15. 

    Longitude is

    • A.

      The angular distance north or south of the prime meridian

    • B.

      The angular distance east or west of Greenwich, England

    • C.

      The angular distance north or south of the equator

    • D.

      Useful in determining relative location

    • E.

      Useful in describing a place's situation

    Correct Answer
    B. The angular distance east or west of Greenwich, England
    Longitude is the angular distance east or west of Greenwich, England. This means that it measures the position of a location in relation to the Prime Meridian, which passes through Greenwich. By using longitude, we can determine how far east or west a place is from this reference point. This is crucial for accurately describing a place's location and for navigation purposes.

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  • 16. 

    The idea that our impressions and experiences of the world around us are filtered through the lens of our culture and our individual experiences, which critiques the sort of scientific, universalist grad theories offered by modernists is called

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Postmodernism
    Postmodernism is the correct answer because it refers to the idea that our perceptions and experiences of the world are influenced by our cultural background and personal experiences. It criticizes the scientific and universalist theories proposed by modernists, suggesting that there is no one objective truth or reality. Postmodernism emphasizes the subjectivity of knowledge and the importance of recognizing different perspectives and interpretations.

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  • 17. 

    The religious practices of some Native American groups combine elements both from their traditional religion and from Christianity. This is an example of

    • A.

      A cultural complex

    • B.

      A cultural confluence

    • C.

      A counter culture

    • D.

      A diametric culture

    • E.

      A cultural syncretism

    Correct Answer
    E. A cultural syncretism
    The given correct answer, "a cultural syncretism," refers to the blending of different cultural practices and beliefs into a new, cohesive system. In the context of the question, it suggests that some Native American groups have incorporated elements from both their traditional religion and Christianity into their religious practices. This blending of different religious traditions showcases the cultural syncretism that has occurred within these communities, resulting in a unique combination of beliefs and rituals.

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  • 18. 

    The demographic transition model posits that

    • A.

      Advanced industrialized countires will have rapid population growth

    • B.

      Pre-industrial states will have both low birth and death rates

    • C.

      Countries with high levels of economic production will have lower birth rates

    • D.

      Underdeveloped countries cannot become developed

    • E.

      Time is the dominant force behind population change

    Correct Answer
    C. Countries with high levels of economic production will have lower birth rates
    The demographic transition model suggests that countries with high levels of economic production will have lower birth rates. This is because as countries develop economically, there are improvements in healthcare, education, and access to contraception, which lead to a decline in birth rates. Additionally, economic development often leads to a shift from an agrarian economy to an industrialized one, where children are less economically valuable and the cost of raising them increases. Therefore, couples tend to have fewer children, resulting in lower birth rates in economically developed countries.

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  • 19. 

    One important consequence of cultural extinction is

    • A.

      Decreasing population

    • B.

      Increased poverty in peripheral regions

    • C.

      Loss of genetic diversity

    • D.

      Loss of indigenous knowledge about ecosystems

    • E.

      Increasing populations

    Correct Answer
    D. Loss of indigenous knowledge about ecosystems
    Cultural extinction refers to the disappearance of a particular culture or way of life. When a culture becomes extinct, the indigenous knowledge about ecosystems that was passed down through generations is lost. This knowledge includes understanding of local plants, animals, and their interactions, as well as sustainable practices for resource management. The loss of this knowledge can have detrimental effects on ecosystems, as it hinders the ability to effectively manage and conserve natural resources. Additionally, it can also impact the cultural identity and well-being of indigenous communities.

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  • 20. 

    _____ maps work well for locating and navigating between places, while ____ maps display one or more variables across a specific space.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Reference...thematic
    Reference maps are designed to provide information about the location and navigation between places. They typically include features such as roads, landmarks, and boundaries. On the other hand, thematic maps are used to display specific variables or themes across a particular space. These variables could be anything from population density to temperature distribution. Therefore, the given answer that states "Reference...thematic" correctly explains the distinction between these two types of maps and their respective purposes.

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  • 21. 

    Which of the following religions originated in northern India and then spread across central and southeast Asia, Indonesia, and Japan?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. Buddhism
    Buddhism originated in northern India and then spread across central and southeast Asia, Indonesia, and Japan. It was founded by Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha, around the 5th century BCE. The teachings of Buddhism emphasize the pursuit of enlightenment and the cessation of suffering through practices such as meditation and following the Eightfold Path. As Buddhism spread, it adapted to different cultural contexts and developed various schools and traditions, making it one of the major religions in Asia.

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  • 22. 

    States with federal forms of governemnt must also have

    • A.

      Territorial organization

    • B.

      Facist regimes

    • C.

      Social- democacies

    • D.

      Proportional representation

    • E.

      Congressional oversight

    Correct Answer
    A. Territorial organization
    States with federal forms of government must also have territorial organization. This is because federalism involves the division of power between a central government and regional or state governments. In order to effectively implement this division of power, there needs to be a clear and organized system of territorial organization. This allows for the allocation of specific powers and responsibilities to the different regions or states within the federal system. Without territorial organization, it would be difficult to maintain the balance of power and ensure that each region or state has its own jurisdiction and authority.

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  • 23. 

    In the world systems model, the core nations of the world are

    • A.

      Situated in the present-day Middle East

    • B.

      Located in the prodperous southern continents

    • C.

      Located mainly in Europe and North America

    • D.

      Located in the former Soviet republics

    • E.

      Located in the heartland, not rimland

    Correct Answer
    C. Located mainly in Europe and North America
    In the world systems model, developed by sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein, countries are categorized into three types: core, periphery, and semi-periphery. Core countries are typically those with strong, industrially developed economies and substantial influence on a global scale.
    The correct answer here is that the core nations of the world are located mainly in Europe and North America. These regions are characterized by their advanced technological infrastructure, high levels of industrialization, and significant global economic and political power, which fits the definition of core nations in Wallerstein's model.

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  • 24. 

    The study of the interaction between human cultures and natural ecosystems is called

    • A.

      Cultural ecology

    • B.


    • C.

      Cognitive science

    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Cultural ecology
    Cultural ecology is the study of how human cultures interact with and adapt to their natural environments. It examines the ways in which human societies shape and are shaped by their surrounding ecosystems. This field of study explores the relationship between culture and the environment, including how cultural practices, beliefs, and behaviors influence resource use, land management, and sustainability. By studying cultural ecology, researchers gain insights into the complex dynamics between human societies and the natural world, helping to inform strategies for promoting environmental conservation and sustainable development.

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  • 25. 

    Which of the following is NOT a potential cause of Balkanization

    • A.

      Ethnic divisions

    • B.

      Varying levels of economic development within a country

    • C.

      External pressure

    • D.

      Centripetal forces

    • E.

      A strong central government

    Correct Answer
    D. Centripetal forces
    The term "Balkanization" refers to the process of fragmentation or division of a region or state into smaller regions or states that are often hostile or uncooperative with each other. This term originated from the historical division of the Balkan Peninsula.
    Centripetal forces are not a cause of Balkanization. In fact, centripetal forces are the opposite; they refer to the forces or factors that help to unify a state or bring elements within a state together, promoting national unity and stability. Hence, centripetal forces work against Balkanization by strengthening the state's unity.

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  • 26. 

    Which of the follwoing is true about language extinctions?

    • A.

      They happen suddenly and without warning

    • B.

      They are usually the result of genocide

    • C.

      There could be several thousand over the next century

    • D.

      They are increasingly rare

    • E.

      They are unrelated to cultural imperialism

    Correct Answer
    C. There could be several thousand over the next century
    Language extinctions could potentially occur in large numbers over the next century. This suggests that there is a significant risk of numerous languages disappearing in the future. The answer implies that language extinctions are not only a thing of the past but are also a current and future concern. It does not provide any information about the suddenness of language extinctions, their relationship to genocide or cultural imperialism, or their rarity.

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  • 27. 

    _____________ involves the economic and political domination of one state by another, while _____________ includes official, institutionalized government rule.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. Imperialism...colonialism
    Imperialism involves the economic and political domination of one state by another, while colonialism includes official, institutionalized government rule. Imperialism refers to the practice of extending a nation's power and influence over other territories, often through military force or economic control. Colonialism, on the other hand, refers to the establishment and maintenance of colonies by a foreign power. In colonialism, the ruling state directly controls the government and resources of the colonized territory. Therefore, imperialism and colonialism are closely related concepts, with imperialism being the broader term encompassing various forms of domination, including colonialism.

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  • 28. 

    Sources of forced migration include

    • A.

      Complementarity and individual choice

    • B.

      Economic opportunities and religious freedom

    • C.

      Political unrest and ecological degradation

    • D.

      The draw of a pleasant climate

    • E.

      Familial ties in another country

    Correct Answer
    C. Political unrest and ecological degradation
    Forced migration refers to the movement of people who are compelled to leave their homes due to various reasons. Political unrest and ecological degradation are two significant sources of forced migration. Political unrest, such as conflicts, wars, or persecution, can force individuals or communities to flee their homes in search of safety and security. Ecological degradation, such as natural disasters, climate change, or environmental degradation, can also lead to forced migration as people are forced to leave their homes due to the unlivable conditions caused by these factors. These two sources highlight the impact of social and environmental factors on displacement and the need for individuals to seek refuge elsewhere.

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  • 29. 

    In 1995 plebiscite, the Canadian province of Quebec sought which of the following?

    • A.

      Electoral reapportionment

    • B.

      Economic freedom

    • C.

      Unitary standing

    • D.


    • E.

      Membersip in the United Nations

    Correct Answer
    D. Self-determinism
    In the 1995 plebiscite, the Canadian province of Quebec sought self-determinism. This means that Quebec wanted the ability to determine its own political status and make decisions about its own future, including the possibility of becoming an independent nation separate from Canada. This was a significant issue in Quebec at the time, as there had been ongoing debates and discussions about Quebec's place within Canada and its desire for greater autonomy. The plebiscite was a way for Quebecers to express their views on this matter.

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  • 30. 

    The disproportionate siting of power plants and waste disposal facilities in African- American and Latino neighborhoods- independent of other economic and historical factors- is an example of

    • A.


    • B.

      Environmental racism

    • C.


    • D.

      Environmental justice

    • E.

      Ecological inferiority

    Correct Answer
    B. Environmental racism
    The correct answer is environmental racism. This term refers to the unjust and discriminatory practice of placing environmentally hazardous facilities, such as power plants and waste disposal sites, in predominantly African-American and Latino neighborhoods. This phenomenon occurs regardless of other economic or historical factors, highlighting the systemic racism and unequal distribution of environmental burdens faced by marginalized communities.

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  • 31. 

    Advanced economic countries, like the U.S., may produce more pollution than less economically advanced countries because

    • A.

      They consumer more resources

    • B.

      They are less concerned about the environment

    • C.

      They desire global domination

    • D.

      They have more resources to begin with

    • E.

      They lack waste management technology

    Correct Answer
    A. They consumer more resources
    Advanced economic countries, like the U.S., may produce more pollution than less economically advanced countries because they consume more resources. As countries become more economically developed, their consumption patterns tend to increase, leading to higher resource usage and subsequently more pollution. This can be attributed to higher levels of industrialization, urbanization, and consumerism in advanced economies, which result in greater production and consumption of goods and services. Consequently, the increased resource consumption leads to higher pollution levels in these countries compared to less economically advanced nations.

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  • 32. 

    Latitude is

    • A.

      The angular distance north or south of teh prime meridian

    • B.

      The angular distance east or west of Greenwich, England

    • C.

      The angular distance north or south of the equator

    • D.

      Useful in determining relative location

    • E.

      A measure of social or political freedom

    Correct Answer
    C. The angular distance north or south of the equator
    Latitude is the angular distance north or south of the equator. It is a geographical coordinate that helps determine the position of a point on the Earth's surface in relation to the equator. It is measured in degrees, with positive values indicating locations north of the equator and negative values indicating locations south of the equator. Latitude is an essential component in navigation and cartography, as it provides information about the relative location of a place on the Earth's surface.

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  • 33. 

    Primary economic activities involve

    • A.

      The transformation and assembly of raw materials

    • B.

      The sale and exchange of goods and services

    • C.

      The handling and processing of information

    • D.

      Research and development

    • E.

      The direct extraction or harvest of natural resources

    Correct Answer
    E. The direct extraction or harvest of natural resources
    Primary economic activities involve the direct extraction or harvest of natural resources. This means that these activities are focused on obtaining raw materials directly from the environment, such as mining, fishing, forestry, and agriculture. These activities are essential as they provide the necessary resources for the production of goods and services in other sectors of the economy.

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  • 34. 

    According to Thomas Malthus, ____ grows arithmetically, but _____ grows geometrically.

    • A.

      Population...food production

    • B.

      Passion between the sexes...willingness to have sex

    • C.

      Food production...population

    • D.

      Technology...environmental impact

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. Food production...population
    According to Thomas Malthus, population grows arithmetically, meaning it increases at a constant rate over time. On the other hand, food production grows geometrically, meaning it increases exponentially or at an accelerating rate. Malthus believed that this disparity between population growth and food production would eventually lead to overpopulation and scarcity of resources, causing social and economic problems.

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  • 35. 

    Since 1960, the difference between per capita Gross National Products of the world's wealthiest countries and the world's poorest countries has

    • A.

      Remained about the same

    • B.

      Decreased somewhat

    • C.

      Decreased dramatically

    • D.

      Increased dramatically

    • E.

      Increased slightly

    Correct Answer
    D. Increased dramatically
    The correct answer is "increased dramatically." This means that since 1960, the gap between the per capita Gross National Products (GNP) of the wealthiest countries and the poorest countries has significantly widened. This suggests that the wealthiest countries have experienced substantial economic growth, while the poorest countries have struggled to catch up, leading to a significant increase in the disparity between them.

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  • 36. 

    In the gravity model of spatial interaction, population and distance

    • A.

      Are inversely related

    • B.

      Are directly related

    • C.

      Each have multiple measures

    • D.

      Do not affect the final solution

    • E.

      Vary significantly

    Correct Answer
    A. Are inversely related
    In the gravity model of spatial interaction, population and distance are inversely related. This means that as the population decreases, the distance between locations increases, and vice versa. This relationship suggests that larger populations are more likely to interact with each other, while smaller populations are less likely to interact. Additionally, this relationship implies that shorter distances between locations increase the likelihood of interaction, while longer distances decrease it.

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  • 37. 

    Core-periphery patterns exist within countries as well as among them. In the U.S., economic peripheries include

    • A.

      New England and the Great Basin

    • B.

      Southern Appalachia and the lower Mississippi Valley

    • C.

      The northern Rockies and Pacific Northwest

    • D.

      The Desert Southwest and Great Lakes

    • E.

      The Rust Belt

    Correct Answer
    B. Southern Appalachia and the lower Mississippi Valley
    Core-periphery patterns refer to the spatial distribution of economic activities within a country or between countries. In the given options, southern Appalachia and the lower Mississippi Valley can be considered economic peripheries within the United States. These regions are characterized by lower levels of economic development and may have limited access to resources, infrastructure, and economic opportunities compared to the core regions of the country. This can lead to disparities in income, employment, and overall economic well-being between the core and periphery regions.

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  • 38. 

    Agricultural techniques developed in the temperate latitudes are frequently inappropriate for wet tropical climates because rainforest soils tend to be

    • A.

      Poorly drained

    • B.

      Nutrient rich

    • C.

      Nutrient poor

    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. Nutrient poor
    Agricultural techniques developed in the temperate latitudes are frequently inappropriate for wet tropical climates because rainforest soils tend to be nutrient poor. This means that they lack essential nutrients required for plant growth and productivity. The high rainfall and warm temperatures in tropical rainforests lead to rapid decomposition of organic matter, which results in the leaching of nutrients from the soil. As a result, the soil becomes depleted of nutrients, making it challenging for crops to thrive without proper fertilization and management techniques.

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  • 39. 

    All choropleth maps use

    • A.

      Shading and coloring

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Graphs and charts

    • E.

      The Mercator projection

    Correct Answer
    A. Shading and coloring
    Choropleth maps use shading and coloring to represent data. This technique involves assigning different colors or shades to different areas or regions on the map based on the values of the data being represented. The intensity of the color or shade corresponds to the magnitude or density of the data. This allows viewers to easily interpret and compare the data across different regions. Isolines, dots, graphs, charts, and the Mercator projection are not typically used in choropleth maps.

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  • 40. 

    Hearths of early Eurasian agriculture were generally located

    • A.

      In Mediterranean climates

    • B.

      On the moist, windward side of mountain ranges

    • C.

      In fertile river valleys

    • D.

      Along the coast

    • E.

      At high latitudes and altitudes

    Correct Answer
    C. In fertile river valleys
    Early Eurasian agriculture was primarily located in fertile river valleys. These areas provided the necessary conditions for successful farming, including rich soil, access to water for irrigation, and a suitable climate for growing crops. River valleys also offered protection from harsh weather conditions and potential flooding, making them ideal locations for agriculture to thrive. Additionally, the presence of rivers allowed for easy transportation and trade, further contributing to the development and expansion of agricultural societies in these regions.

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  • 41. 

    The aggregate measure of economic development that accounts for the depreciation of capital and natural resources is called the

    • A.

      Gross National Product

    • B.

      Gross Domestic Product

    • C.

      Net National Product

    • D.

      Human Development Index

    • E.

      Gender Empowerment Index

    Correct Answer
    C. Net National Product
    Net National Product is the correct answer because it is an aggregate measure of economic development that takes into account the depreciation of capital and natural resources. Unlike Gross National Product and Gross Domestic Product, which do not consider depreciation, Net National Product provides a more accurate representation of a country's economic growth by subtracting the value of capital and natural resource depletion. The Human Development Index and Gender Empowerment Index, on the other hand, are measures of social development and gender equality, respectively, and do not specifically account for economic factors.

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  • 42. 

    The Kurds are an example of an ethnic group that

    • A.

      Has a stable and prosperous nation

    • B.

      Has recognized an antecedent boundary between Iraq and Jordan

    • C.

      Has historical homelands spanning many national borders

    • D.

      Does not want to live in an independent country

    • E.

      Has disappeared due to cultural extinction

    Correct Answer
    C. Has historical homelands spanning many national borders
    The Kurds are an example of an ethnic group that has historical homelands spanning many national borders. This means that the Kurdish people have a long-standing presence and connection to specific territories that are spread across multiple countries. They have a distinct cultural identity and heritage that is tied to these historical homelands, which often transcend political boundaries. This has resulted in the Kurdish population being dispersed across different nations, but still maintaining a shared sense of identity and attachment to their ancestral lands.

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  • 43. 

    Which of the following is an example of an edge city?

    • A.

      Anchorage, Alaska

    • B.

      Seattle, Washington

    • C.

      Boston, Massachusetts

    • D.

      Tyson's Corner, Virginia

    • E.

      Las Vegas, Nevada

    Correct Answer
    D. Tyson's Corner, Virginia
    Tyson's Corner, Virginia is an example of an edge city because it is a suburban area located on the outskirts of a major city (Washington, D.C.). Edge cities are characterized by having a high concentration of office buildings, retail centers, and entertainment facilities, making them significant economic and commercial hubs. Tyson's Corner is known for its large shopping malls, corporate headquarters, and numerous job opportunities, which align with the characteristics of an edge city.

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  • 44. 

    Hearth regions of early agriculture included present day

    • A.

      China, India, Turkey, and Mexico

    • B.

      China, India, Sudan, and Malaysia

    • C.

      India, Ethiopia, Greece, and Morocco

    • D.

      Anatolia, Peru, Borneo, and Hanalee

    • E.

      California, Illinois, New Brunswick, and Ireland

    Correct Answer
    A. China, India, Turkey, and Mexico
    The correct answer is China, India, Turkey, and Mexico. These regions are considered hearth regions of early agriculture because they were among the first places where agriculture developed independently. In China, early agricultural practices such as rice cultivation and silk production originated. India is known for the domestication of various crops like wheat, barley, and rice. Turkey is recognized for the domestication of wheat and barley, as well as the development of irrigation systems. Mexico is the birthplace of maize cultivation, which had a significant impact on the development of agriculture in the Americas.

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  • 45. 

    Von Thunen's model of rural land use is based on which of the following premises?

    • A.

      Land values decrease farther from the urban center

    • B.

      Land values increase farther from the urban center

    • C.

      Perishable goods are least valuable

    • D.

      Railroads provide fixed transportation costs

    • E.

      Vegetarianism is socially beneficial

    Correct Answer
    A. Land values decrease farther from the urban center
    Von Thunen's model of rural land use is based on the premise that land values decrease farther from the urban center. This means that land closer to the urban center is more valuable and is used for activities that require frequent transportation and have higher land rent, such as market gardening. As one moves farther away from the urban center, land becomes less valuable and is used for activities that require less frequent transportation and have lower land rent, such as extensive grain farming or forestry. This model helps explain the spatial organization of different land uses in rural areas.

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  • 46. 

    Washington D.C.'s Lincoln Memorial and Mall, with their dramatic neoclassical architechture and symbolic references to democracy and populism, are associated with

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      The City Beautiful movement

    Correct Answer
    E. The City Beautiful movement
    The Lincoln Memorial and Mall in Washington D.C. are associated with the City Beautiful movement. This movement, which emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, aimed to beautify urban spaces and promote civic pride through the creation of grand, monumental architecture and well-designed public spaces. The neoclassical architecture of the Lincoln Memorial, with its grand columns and statue of Abraham Lincoln, reflects the ideals of the City Beautiful movement. Additionally, the Mall, a long, open green space lined with museums and monuments, embodies the movement's emphasis on creating harmonious and aesthetically pleasing urban environments.

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  • 47. 

    The theory that explains the regional organization of urban areas, based on their functions and the goods and services they offer is called

    • A.

      Metropolitan area theory

    • B.

      Sector theory

    • C.

      Central place theory

    • D.

      Urban matrix theory

    • E.

      The rank-size rule

    Correct Answer
    C. Central place theory
    Central place theory is a theory that explains the regional organization of urban areas based on their functions and the goods and services they offer. It suggests that cities and towns serve as central places that provide goods and services to surrounding areas. According to this theory, larger cities offer a wider range of goods and services, while smaller towns offer more basic and localized goods and services. The theory also explains the spatial distribution and hierarchy of urban centers within a region.

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  • 48. 

    The city of San Francisci is known for which of the following?

    • A.

      Beaux arts architecture

    • B.

      Early 20th centruy modernism

    • C.

      19th century Victorian architecture

    • D.

      Its balmy climate

    • E.

      Postmodern architecture

    Correct Answer
    C. 19th century Victorian architecture
    San Francisco is known for its 19th century Victorian architecture. The city has a rich history of Victorian-era buildings, including the famous Painted Ladies, which are colorful Victorian houses. These architectural styles became popular during the late 19th century and are characterized by ornate details, intricate woodwork, and vibrant colors. San Francisco's Victorian architecture is a significant part of the city's cultural heritage and attracts tourists from around the world.

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  • 49. 

    The geographic differentiation between the colonizing countries of Europe, North America, and eastern Asia and the colonized states of Africa and South America has been called

    • A.

      The north/south divide

    • B.

      The iron curtain

    • C.

      The east/west divide

    • D.

      The thin red line

    • E.

      The western front

    Correct Answer
    A. The north/south divide
    The correct answer is the north/south divide. This term refers to the geographical and economic divide between the more developed countries in the northern hemisphere (Europe, North America, and eastern Asia) and the less developed countries in the southern hemisphere (Africa and South America). The north/south divide represents the disparities in wealth, technology, infrastructure, and quality of life between these regions, which have been shaped by historical colonization and global economic systems.

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  • 50. 

    Which city's dense urban core became the "birthplace of the skyscraper"?

    • A.

      New York

    • B.


    • C.

      Sao Paulo

    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Chicago
    Chicago's dense urban core became the "birthplace of the skyscraper" because it was in this city that the first skyscrapers were built. The development of steel-frame construction techniques in the late 19th century allowed for the construction of taller buildings, and Chicago was at the forefront of this architectural revolution. The city's rapid growth and need for space led to the construction of innovative skyscrapers, such as the Home Insurance Building in 1885, which is considered the world's first skyscraper. Chicago's skyline became a symbol of modernity and urban progress, making it the correct answer to this question.

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