AP US History Practice Quiz 1

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| By Djpackerfan4life
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Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 125
Questions: 25 | Attempts: 131

AP US History Practice Quiz 1 - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    The Pilgrims were also known as Separatists because they...

    • A.

      Wanted to separate Plymouth from the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

    • B.

      Believed in the complete separation of church and state.

    • C.

      Broke all ties with the Church of England.

    • D.

      Were the first to declare independence from Great Britain.

    • E.

      Tried to isolate the Native Americans from white settlers.

    Correct Answer
    C. Broke all ties with the Church of England.
    The Pilgrims were known as Separatists because they broke all ties with the Church of England. This group of English Protestants believed that the Church of England was corrupt and beyond reform, so they chose to separate from it completely. They sought religious freedom and established their own congregations and practices. This decision to break away from the Church of England was a significant step in the Pilgrims' journey towards establishing their own religious community in Plymouth.

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  • 2. 

    17th century English settlers of New England differed from those in Virginia by...

    • A.

      Living shorter lives because of the harsh climate.

    • B.

      Living in tightly clustered communities.

    • C.

      Settling on isolated farms.

    • D.

      Importing large numbers of slaves.

    • E.

      Having large families.

    Correct Answer
    B. Living in tightly clustered communities.
    The 17th century English settlers of New England differed from those in Virginia by living in tightly clustered communities. This means that they settled in close proximity to each other, forming compact villages or towns. This was in contrast to the settlers in Virginia who often settled on isolated farms, with more distance between their residences. The tightly clustered communities in New England allowed for easier social interaction, shared resources, and a sense of community among the settlers.

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  • 3. 

    Which of the following statements does NOT express the attitudes/beliefs of the founders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

    • A.

      They had a special covenant relationship with God.

    • B.

      Their colony should be a moral example to the entire world, especially to England.

    • C.

      Migrating to America was the best way to reform England.

    • D.

      The Church of England had become so corrupt that all true Christians were obligated to separate from it.

    • E.

      God would reward their obedience with temporal blessings.

    Correct Answer
    D. The Church of England had become so corrupt that all true Christians were obligated to separate from it.
    The founders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony believed in having a special covenant relationship with God, that their colony should be a moral example to the world, migrating to America was the best way to reform England, and that God would reward their obedience with temporal blessings. However, they did not believe that the Church of England had become so corrupt that all true Christians were obligated to separate from it.

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  • 4. 

    Prior to successfully colonizing the New World, England defeated a major rival, and just prior to losing many of its New World colonies, England defeated another major rival. The rivals were first...

    • A.

      France, then the United States.

    • B.

      France, then Holland.

    • C.

      Portugal, then Spain.

    • D.

      Spain, then France.

    • E.

      France, then Spain.

    Correct Answer
    D. Spain, then France.
    Prior to successfully colonizing the New World, England defeated a major rival, which was Spain. This victory over Spain allowed England to establish its presence and dominance in the New World. However, just prior to losing many of its New World colonies, England defeated another major rival, which was France. This victory over France further solidified England's control over the New World. Therefore, the correct answer is Spain, then France.

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  • 5. 

    King Philip's War of 1675-1676 was fought primarily in order to...

    • A.

      Remove Spanish Catholics from Florida.

    • B.

      Establish New England trade with the West Indies.

    • C.

      Establish English control over the Indians in New England.

    • D.

      Stop the French from settling the Ohio River Valley.

    • E.

      End Spanish control over the African slave trade.

    Correct Answer
    C. Establish English control over the Indians in New England.
    The correct answer is to establish English control over the Indians in New England. King Philip's War was a conflict between Native American tribes, led by the Wampanoag chief Metacom (also known as King Philip), and English colonists in New England. The war was sparked by tensions over land, resources, and cultural differences. The English colonists sought to assert their dominance and control over the Native American tribes in the region, leading to a brutal and devastating conflict.

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  • 6. 

    Colonial law generally defined slaves as chattels. This meant that slaves were considered as...

    • A.

      Human beings with limited rights.

    • B.

      Pieces of property with no rights.

    • C.

      Slaves who received freedom upon the death of their masters.

    • D.

      Servants who served for a limited period of time.

    • E.

      Employees who received pay for their work, including overtime (lol).

    Correct Answer
    B. Pieces of property with no rights.
    During the colonial era, slaves were legally classified as chattels, which means they were considered as pieces of property with no rights. This classification denied slaves basic human rights and treated them as objects that could be bought, sold, and owned by their masters. Slavery was a system of exploitation where slaves were treated as commodities rather than as human beings with inherent rights. This dehumanizing perspective allowed slave owners to exert complete control over their slaves, treating them as mere possessions rather than individuals deserving of freedom and autonomy.

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  • 7. 

    According to the Proclamation of 1763,

    • A.

      Contact between colonials and Indians was strictly forbidden.

    • B.

      Colonial paper money could not be printed.

    • C.

      Colonial militiamen were required to put down Pontiac's Rebellion.

    • D.

      Settlers were prohibited from crossing the Appalachians.

    • E.

      Speculators were allowed to purchase certain lands from trans-Appalachian tribes.

    Correct Answer
    D. Settlers were prohibited from crossing the Appalachians.
    The Proclamation of 1763 was issued by the British government after the French and Indian War. It aimed to prevent conflicts between colonists and Native American tribes by prohibiting settlers from crossing the Appalachian Mountains and settling in the western territories. This was done in order to maintain control over the western lands and avoid further conflicts with Native Americans. The proclamation angered many colonists who saw it as a restriction on their freedom to expand and settle in new territories.

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  • 8. 

    The most important consequence of the Boston Tea Party was the...

    • A.

      Enactment by Parliament of the Coercive Acts.

    • B.

      Opening of negotiations between Britain and Massachusetts.

    • C.

      Failure of other colonies to support Boston's actions.

    • D.

      Repeal of the tax on tea.

    • E.

      Reopening the Port of Boston to foreign trade.

    Correct Answer
    A. Enactment by Parliament of the Coercive Acts.
    The most important consequence of the Boston Tea Party was the enactment by Parliament of the Coercive Acts. This was a series of punitive measures imposed on the colonists in response to their protest against the British tea tax. The Coercive Acts were intended to punish the people of Boston and bring them under control, as well as to deter other colonies from engaging in similar acts of resistance. These acts included the closure of the port of Boston, the restriction of colonial self-government, and the quartering of British troops in private homes.

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  • 9. 

    Which of the following contributed most to the American victory in the Revolutionary War?

    • A.

      The failure of Loyalists to participate in military action.

    • B.

      Support from the French Canadians.

    • C.

      French military and financial assistance.

    • D.

      A major American military victory at Valley Forge.

    • E.

      The British failure to capture Philadelphia.

    Correct Answer
    C. French military and financial assistance.
    The French military and financial assistance contributed most to the American victory in the Revolutionary War. France played a crucial role in supporting the American colonies by providing troops, supplies, and funding. The French Navy's blockade of British ports prevented reinforcements and supplies from reaching the British forces, weakening their position. Additionally, the French army fought alongside the American troops in key battles, such as the decisive Battle of Yorktown, which ultimately led to the surrender of the British army. The French assistance boosted the morale and capabilities of the American forces, turning the tide of the war in their favor.

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  • 10. 

    One of the purposes for writing the Declaration of Independence was to...

    • A.

      Persuade the still undecided American populace to accept a permanent break with Great Britain.

    • B.

      Rally all the states behind a common cause.

    • C.

      Protect captured American soldiers from possible treatment as traitors.

    • D.

      Convince potential foreign allies of American determination to gain independence.

    • E.

      Convince the British government to accept American independence.

    Correct Answer
    D. Convince potential foreign allies of American determination to gain independence.
    The purpose of writing the Declaration of Independence was to convince potential foreign allies of American determination to gain independence. This document was intended to serve as a persuasive argument to other countries, demonstrating the resolve and commitment of the American colonies to break free from British rule. By highlighting the grievances and justifications for independence, the Declaration aimed to garner support and assistance from foreign nations in their fight for freedom.

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  • 11. 

    Which of these groups would be most likely to approve of the Articles of Confederation?

    • A.

      Those who held U. S. government securities.

    • B.

      Former officers in the Continental army.

    • C.

      Those who feared strong central government.

    • D.

      Bankers, merchants, and financiers.

    • E.

      Those who feared the dangers of unrestrained democracy.

    Correct Answer
    C. Those who feared strong central government.
    The Articles of Confederation established a weak central government, with most power residing in the state governments. Therefore, those who feared a strong central government would be most likely to approve of the Articles of Confederation. This group would prefer a system where the states retain more autonomy and the central government has limited power.

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  • 12. 

    Which of the following was NOT a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

    • A.

      It lacked the power to levy taxes.

    • B.

      It lacked the power to borrow money.

    • C.

      It lacked the power to regulate commerce.

    • D.

      It could not compel the states to abide by the terms of international treaties it had made.

    • E.

      It lacked a strong executive.

    Correct Answer
    B. It lacked the power to borrow money.
    The Articles of Confederation had several weaknesses, including the lack of power to levy taxes, regulate commerce, compel states to abide by international treaties, and a weak executive. However, it did have the power to borrow money, which means that it was not a weakness of the Articles of Confederation.

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  • 13. 

    During the early 1780s, with which of these branches did the national government's authority lie?

    • A.

      The legislative branch.

    • B.

      The judicial branch.

    • C.

      The executive branch

    • D.

      All three branches shared equal authority through a system of checks and balances.

    Correct Answer
    A. The legislative branch.
    During the early 1780s, the national government's authority primarily lied with the legislative branch. This branch was responsible for making laws and had the power to pass legislation. The judicial branch, on the other hand, is responsible for interpreting laws and the executive branch is responsible for enforcing laws. However, during this time, the legislative branch held the most authority in the national government.

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  • 14. 

    Why did Hamilton propose a tariff soon after the launching of the United States government?

    • A.

      To stop the export of raw materials to Great Britain.

    • B.

      To help develop the American labor movement.

    • C.

      To help develop manufacturing in the United States.

    • D.

      To punish Great Britain for postwar harassment of American shipping.

    • E.

      To support the creation of an American merchant marine.

    Correct Answer
    C. To help develop manufacturing in the United States.
    Hamilton proposed a tariff soon after the launching of the United States government to help develop manufacturing in the United States. By imposing tariffs on imported goods, Hamilton aimed to protect American industries from foreign competition and encourage domestic manufacturing. This would not only boost the economy but also reduce dependence on foreign goods, promoting self-sufficiency and economic growth within the country.

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  • 15. 

    Both the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions were similar in the fact that they both argued the right to determine the constitutionality of a law passed by Congress rested where?

    • A.

      With Congress

    • B.

      With the states

    • C.

      With the President

    • D.

      With the Supreme Court

    • E.

      With the majority vote

    Correct Answer
    B. With the states
    The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions both argued that the right to determine the constitutionality of a law passed by Congress rested with the states. These resolutions were written in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, which were seen as an overreach of federal power. The resolutions asserted that the states had the authority to declare federal laws unconstitutional and nullify them within their own borders. This concept, known as nullification, emphasized the importance of states' rights and their ability to protect their citizens from what they perceived as unconstitutional laws.

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  • 16. 

    In Marbury v. Madison, Chief Justice John Marshall argued successfully that the Supreme Court could do which of the following:

    • A.

      Remove federal officials who would not or could not perform their duties.

    • B.

      Determine cases involving interstate commerce.

    • C.

      Decide whether debts should be considered in contracts.

    • D.

      Declare federal laws unconstitutional.

    • E.

      Uphold the authority of the federal government over the states.

    Correct Answer
    D. Declare federal laws unconstitutional.
    In Marbury v. Madison, Chief Justice John Marshall argued successfully that the Supreme Court could declare federal laws unconstitutional. This landmark case established the principle of judicial review, giving the Court the power to review and interpret the Constitution, and declare laws passed by Congress as unconstitutional if they violated the Constitution's provisions. This decision solidified the Court's role as the ultimate arbiter of the Constitution and significantly strengthened the power of the judicial branch of government.

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  • 17. 

    Which major event in American history did the Lewis and Clark expedition occur after?

    • A.

      The War of 1812

    • B.

      The Louisiana Purchase

    • C.

      The Embargo Act of 1807

    • D.

      The Missouri Compromise

    • E.

      The nullification controversy

    Correct Answer
    B. The Louisiana Purchase
    The Lewis and Clark expedition occurred after the Louisiana Purchase. The Louisiana Purchase was a major event in American history in which the United States acquired a vast territory from France in 1803. The expedition, led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, was commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson to explore and map this newly acquired land. Therefore, the expedition took place after the Louisiana Purchase.

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  • 18. 

    During both the Washington and Jefferson administrations, what was the Western settlers' most urgent and consistent demand on the federal government?

    • A.

      A guaranty of an outlet to the sea for their produce.

    • B.

      Repeal of the whiskey tax.

    • C.

      Reduction of tariffs.

    • D.

      The removal of Native Americans to reservations.

    • E.

      The establishment of a national banking system.

    Correct Answer
    A. A guaranty of an outlet to the sea for their produce.
    During the Washington and Jefferson administrations, Western settlers consistently demanded a guarantee of an outlet to the sea for their produce. This means that they wanted the federal government to ensure that they had access to trade routes and ports to export their goods. This demand was likely driven by the fact that Western settlers relied heavily on agriculture and needed a reliable way to transport and sell their products to markets outside of their region.

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  • 19. 

    The rise of the Industrial Revolution led to...

    • A.

      A rise in the standard of living for the working class.

    • B.

      Great difficulty for the workers in adapting to the new way of life.

    • C.

      The development of the middle class.

    • D.

      All of the above.

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above.
    The rise of the Industrial Revolution had multiple effects. Firstly, it led to a rise in the standard of living for the working class. With the introduction of new technologies and increased production, workers were able to earn higher wages and afford better living conditions. Secondly, it brought great difficulty for the workers in adapting to the new way of life. The transition from rural agriculture to urban industrialization was challenging, with long working hours, poor working conditions, and overcrowded cities. Lastly, the Industrial Revolution also resulted in the development of the middle class, as entrepreneurs and industrialists emerged and accumulated wealth. Therefore, "all of the above" is the correct answer.

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  • 20. 

    All of the following were causes of the American Industrial Revolution during the early 1800s, EXCEPT...

    • A.

      The appearance of better transportation systems.

    • B.

      Monetary assistance from the federal government to new factories.

    • C.

      Technological advanced imported from England.

    • D.

      New inventions such as the cotton gin.

    Correct Answer
    B. Monetary assistance from the federal government to new factories.
    The American Industrial Revolution in the early 1800s was primarily driven by factors such as better transportation systems, technological advancements imported from England, and new inventions like the cotton gin. However, monetary assistance from the federal government to new factories was not a significant cause of the Industrial Revolution. The revolution was mainly fueled by private investments and entrepreneurial initiatives rather than direct financial support from the government.

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  • 21. 

    The Presidential election of 1828 demonstrated most clearly that...

    • A.

      Supporters of common people would have difficulty being elected.

    • B.

      The new political parties were strongly sectional in their sources of strength.

    • C.

      First-term presidents usually can be reelected.

    • D.

      New Englanders would never vote for a southerner for president.

    Correct Answer
    B. The new political parties were strongly sectional in their sources of strength.
    The correct answer is "the new political parties were strongly sectional in their sources of strength." This is because the election of 1828 marked the rise of the Democratic Party, led by Andrew Jackson, and the decline of the Federalist Party. These parties were divided along regional lines, with the Democrats gaining support from the South and West, while the Federalists were stronger in the Northeast. This election highlighted the growing sectionalism in American politics, with different regions supporting different parties and candidates.

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  • 22. 

    Which of the following did Jacksonian Democrats OPPOSE?

    • A.

      Rotation in office.

    • B.

      Universal suffrage for white males.

    • C.

      The caucus system of nominating candidates.

    • D.

      Rewarding political supporters with government jobs.

    • E.

      Presidential electors being chosen by popular vote.

    Correct Answer
    C. The caucus system of nominating candidates.
    Jacksonian Democrats opposed the caucus system of nominating candidates. The caucus system was seen as undemocratic and elitist, as it allowed a small group of party leaders to select candidates without input from the general population. Jacksonian Democrats believed in a more participatory democracy, where candidates were chosen through popular vote and represented the will of the people. They also advocated for rotation in office, universal suffrage for white males, and rewarding political supporters with government jobs. However, they did not oppose the idea of presidential electors being chosen by popular vote.

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  • 23. 

    The Oneida Community was best-known for...

    • A.

      Advocating "free love" to redefine gender roles.

    • B.

      Calling for celibacy and attracting members of conversion.

    • C.

      Believing it liberated women from the demands of male "lust" and from traditional bonds of family.

    • D.

      Being so widely accept and having almost no critics.

    Correct Answer
    C. Believing it liberated women from the demands of male "lust" and from traditional bonds of family.
    The Oneida Community was best-known for believing that it liberated women from the demands of male "lust" and from traditional bonds of family. This suggests that the community promoted gender equality and challenged traditional gender roles by advocating for women's sexual freedom and independence from male dominance. By rejecting the traditional expectations of marriage and family, the community aimed to empower women and provide them with more agency and autonomy in their lives.

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  • 24. 

    Policies based on the idea of Manifest Destiny led to all of the following EXCEPT?

    • A.

      War with Mexico.

    • B.

      Increased sectional conflict over slavery.

    • C.

      The annexation of Texas.

    • D.

      The decline of the Democratic party.

    Correct Answer
    D. The decline of the Democratic party.
    The policies based on the idea of Manifest Destiny, which promoted the expansion of the United States across the North American continent, had several consequences. These included the war with Mexico, as the United States sought to acquire more territory, and the annexation of Texas, which was a result of the belief in Manifest Destiny. Additionally, the policies led to increased sectional conflict over slavery, as the expansion of the country brought up debates over whether new states should allow slavery or not. However, the decline of the Democratic party is not directly linked to Manifest Destiny, as it was influenced by various other factors such as the rise of the Republican party and internal divisions within the Democratic party.

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  • 25. 

    Advocates of Manifest Destiny claimed the motive for territorial expansion was to...

    • A.

      Achieve a political balance between North and South.

    • B.

      Secure new resources and markets for the United States.

    • C.

      Extend American liberty to new territories.

    • D.

      Ensure that no foreign powers gained territory in North America.

    Correct Answer
    C. Extend American liberty to new territories.
    The advocates of Manifest Destiny believed that it was the duty and destiny of the United States to spread its democratic principles and way of life to new territories. They saw the expansion of American liberty as a means to fulfill this destiny. By extending American liberty to new territories, they believed that they were spreading the benefits of democracy and freedom to more people. This belief in the spread of American liberty was a driving force behind the territorial expansion of the United States during the 19th century.

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