APUSH Unit 1 Practice Test

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| By Eileen Bartlett
Eileen Bartlett
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APUSH Unit 1 Practice Test - Quiz

Take this online APUSH Unit 1 practice test and enhance your knowledge from the A. P. Curriculum. Basically, APUSH stands for Advanced Placement United States History (also known as A. P. U. S. History) is a college-level exam that is administered every year for high school students. So, if you’ve just started studying U. S. History, play this below quiz and evaluate yourself by answering all the questions asked here. This questionnaire is similar to the actual exam. Shall we begin the test now? Good luck!

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    According to the religious philosophy of John Calvin and his followers,

    • A.

      Women and men were saved by faith alone

    • B.

      God controlled who would receive salvation

    • C.

      Humans should accept their faith and merely exist on earth.

    • D.

      Humans had total control over their destinies

    • E.

      Hell did not exist

    Correct Answer
    B. God controlled who would receive salvation
    According to the religious philosophy of John Calvin and his followers, God controlled who would receive salvation. This means that individuals did not have control over their own salvation, but rather it was determined by God. This belief is rooted in the doctrine of predestination, which holds that God has already chosen those who will be saved and those who will not. Therefore, individuals should have faith in God and trust in His divine plan, rather than trying to control their own destinies.

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  • 2. 

    The single greatest factor that caused the destruction of Native Americans after contact with Europeans was

    • A.


    • B.

      Forced conversions to Christianity.

    • C.


    • D.

      Planned genocide.

    • E.

      Forced removal from tribal lands.

    Correct Answer
    C. Disease
    The correct answer is disease. After contact with Europeans, Native Americans were exposed to new diseases for which they had no immunity. These diseases, such as smallpox, measles, and influenza, spread rapidly among Native American populations, causing devastating epidemics. The lack of immunity and the high mortality rates led to the decimation of Native American communities, making disease the single greatest factor in their destruction.

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  • 3. 

    The Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 resulted in

    • A.

      English control of Canada

    • B.

      The withdrawal of the Spanish from the New World.

    • C.

      Portuguese control of Brazil.

    • D.

      French control of Martinique.

    • E.

      War between Spain and Portugal

    Correct Answer
    C. Portuguese control of Brazil.
    The Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 was an agreement between Spain and Portugal to divide the newly discovered lands outside of Europe. The treaty established a line of demarcation in the Atlantic Ocean, with Spain having rights to the west of the line and Portugal having rights to the east. This resulted in Portuguese control of Brazil, as it fell within the territory assigned to Portugal.

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  • 4. 

    What factor helps to explain the development of different Native American communities in the New World?

    • A.


    • B.

      Agricultural Revolution

    • C.

      Warm environment

    • D.

      Development of secular religion

    • E.

      Written languages

    Correct Answer
    B. Agricultural Revolution
    The Agricultural Revolution is a plausible factor that helps to explain the development of different Native American communities in the New World. This revolution brought about a shift from a nomadic hunting and gathering lifestyle to settled farming communities. With the ability to cultivate crops, Native American communities were able to establish permanent settlements, develop more complex social structures, and create surplus food. This led to the growth of diverse communities with distinct cultures and practices across the New World.

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  • 5. 

    The men largely responsible for Spain's conquest of the New World were known as

    • A.

      "Sea Dogs"

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Los conquistadores

    • E.

      Coureurs de bois

    Correct Answer
    D. Los conquistadores
    The correct answer is "los conquistadores". This term refers to the Spanish conquerors who played a significant role in Spain's conquest of the New World. They were explorers and soldiers who sought wealth, power, and land in the Americas during the 15th and 16th centuries. They led expeditions, established colonies, and subjugated indigenous populations in their quest for resources and territory. Their actions had a profound impact on the history and culture of the Americas.

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  • 6. 

    Which of the following is NOT related to the French experience in the New World?

    • A.

      Contact with the Aztecs

    • B.

      The fur trade

    • C.


    • D.

      Samuel de Champlain

    • E.

      Coureurs de bois

    Correct Answer
    C. Encomiendas
    Encomiendas were a system of labor in Spanish colonies, particularly in Latin America, where indigenous people were forced to work for Spanish landowners. This system was not related to the French experience in the New World, as it was specific to Spanish colonization. The French experience in the New World, on the other hand, involved contact with the Aztecs, the fur trade, explorers like Samuel de Champlain, and the coureurs de bois (French fur traders).

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  • 7. 

    The first French explorers were

    • A.

      Eager to Christianize the Native Americans

    • B.

      Interested in finding the mythical "northwest passage" to China.

    • C.

      Ruthless and exploitative of the native peoples.

    • D.

      Considered stupid by the Native Americans

    • E.

      Determined to find gold and silver

    Correct Answer
    B. Interested in finding the mythical "northwest passage" to China.
    The correct answer is "interested in finding the mythical 'northwest passage' to China." This is because the first French explorers were motivated by the desire to find a direct route to China, known as the northwest passage. They believed that such a route would bring them great wealth and trade opportunities. Their main goal was not to Christianize the Native Americans, exploit them, or find gold and silver, but rather to discover a new trade route.

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  • 8. 

    The leader of the failed Roanoke colony was

    • A.

      Richard Hakluyt

    • B.

      Walter Raleigh

    • C.

      Francis Drake

    • D.

      George Grenville

    • E.

      Richard Grenville

    Correct Answer
    B. Walter Raleigh
    Walter Raleigh was the leader of the failed Roanoke colony. He was an English explorer and writer who sponsored several expeditions to establish English colonies in the New World. Raleigh was granted a charter by Queen Elizabeth I to colonize Virginia, and he sent multiple expeditions to Roanoke Island in present-day North Carolina. However, these attempts were unsuccessful, and the fate of the Roanoke colony remains a mystery. Raleigh's involvement in these expeditions makes him the correct answer for the leader of the failed Roanoke colony.

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  • 9. 

    From the beginning of colonization, Spain regarded her New World domain as primarily

    • A.

      A place to establish penal colonies

    • B.

      A place to send exiled Moors and Jews

    • C.

      A source of precious metal.

    • D.

      Supplier of cheap Native American labor to be used on Spanish estates

    • E.

      An opportunity to further promote the Catholic faith

    Correct Answer
    C. A source of precious metal.
    During the colonization period, Spain viewed its New World domain primarily as a source of precious metal. This is evident from the fact that Spain focused its efforts on extracting gold and silver from the colonies, such as in present-day Mexico and Peru. The Spanish conquistadors, driven by the desire for wealth, exploited the abundant resources of gold and silver in the New World, bringing immense riches back to Spain. The importance placed on precious metals is also reflected in the establishment of mining operations and the implementation of systems like the encomienda, which aimed at extracting labor and wealth from the indigenous population.

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  • 10. 

    The English rehearsed for settlement in the New World by colonizing

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      The Virgin Islands

    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. Ireland
    The correct answer is Ireland because during the 17th century, England established a policy of colonization in Ireland. This involved the confiscation of land from Irish Catholics and the settlement of English and Scottish Protestant colonizers. The colonization of Ireland served as a rehearsal for the English in terms of establishing settlements, managing native populations, and asserting control over newly acquired territories. This experience would later influence English colonization efforts in the New World.

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  • 11. 

    Which of the following countries is incorrectly matched with one of its colonies?

    • A.

      Spain - Puerto Rico

    • B.

      France - Canada

    • C.

      England - Ireland

    • D.

      England - Cuba

    • E.

      Portugal - Brazil

    Correct Answer
    D. England - Cuba
    The correct answer is England - Cuba. This is because Cuba was never a colony of England. Cuba was a colony of Spain until it gained independence in 1898. England did have colonies in the Americas, but Cuba was not one of them.

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  • 12. 

    In which of the following colonies was the death rate for the early colonists the most severe?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Rhode Island

    • D.


    • E.

      New York

    Correct Answer
    D. Virginia
    Virginia had the most severe death rate for early colonists due to several factors. The colony faced numerous challenges, including harsh weather conditions, lack of food, and diseases such as malaria and dysentery. Additionally, conflicts with Native American tribes further contributed to the high mortality rate. These factors combined made Virginia a particularly dangerous and deadly environment for the early colonists.

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  • 13. 

    Which of the following individuals is INCORRECTLY associated with the colony he established?

    • A.

      John Smith - Virgina

    • B.

      Sir George Carteret - New Jersey

    • C.

      George Calvert - Pennsylvania

    • D.

      Roger Williams - Rhode Island

    • E.

      John Winthrop - Massachusetts

    Correct Answer
    C. George Calvert - Pennsylvania
    The correct answer is George Calvert - Pennsylvania. This is incorrect because George Calvert, also known as Lord Baltimore, actually established the colony of Maryland, not Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania was established by William Penn.

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  • 14. 

    Under the "headright" system in Virginia,

    • A.

      All new arrivals who had paid their trans-Atlantic fares received fifty-acre land grants

    • B.

      Every new settler was entitled to one slave.

    • C.

      New immigrants were guaranteed a year's provision

    • D.

      Every child was guaranteed a primary education

    • E.

      Every adult male could vote

    Correct Answer
    A. All new arrivals who had paid their trans-Atlantic fares received fifty-acre land grants
    Under the "headright" system in Virginia, all new arrivals who had paid their trans-Atlantic fares received fifty-acre land grants. This means that anyone who immigrated to Virginia and had paid for their journey across the Atlantic Ocean would be given fifty acres of land as a grant. This was a way to encourage settlement in Virginia and reward those who had made the effort to travel to the colony.

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  • 15. 

    To resolve the problem of the vast expenses New World settlement required, English merchant-capitalists introduced the concept of

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      The joint-stock company

    Correct Answer
    E. The joint-stock company
    The correct answer is the joint-stock company. English merchant-capitalists introduced this concept to resolve the problem of the vast expenses required for New World settlement. A joint-stock company allowed multiple investors to pool their resources and share the risks and profits of colonization. This form of business organization was crucial in financing and establishing colonies, as it provided a way to raise large amounts of capital and attract investors.

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  • 16. 

    Which one of the following was a Chesapeake colony?

    • A.

      Rhode Island

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. Maryland
    Maryland was a Chesapeake colony because it was one of the original thirteen English colonies in North America that were located along the Chesapeake Bay. The Chesapeake colonies, including Maryland, were characterized by their reliance on agriculture, particularly tobacco cultivation, and their economy was largely based on plantation agriculture. Additionally, the Chesapeake colonies had a significant population of indentured servants and later, enslaved Africans. Maryland was founded in 1634 as a proprietary colony by Lord Baltimore, and it was known for its religious tolerance, attracting settlers of various religious backgrounds.

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  • 17. 

    The joint-stock company

    • A.

      Was not required to obtain a royal charter

    • B.

      Encouraged investment in colonial enterprises, with "limited liability" for the investors

    • C.

      Promised immense wealth to investors

    • D.

      Required large capital investment

    • E.

      Proved to be a failure in providing capital for colonization

    Correct Answer
    B. Encouraged investment in colonial enterprises, with "limited liability" for the investors
    The joint-stock company encouraged investment in colonial enterprises by offering "limited liability" for the investors. This means that the investors' personal assets would not be at risk if the company failed. This incentive attracted more investors, as they were not risking their entire wealth. The promise of immense wealth also likely enticed investors to invest in these colonial enterprises. However, it is not mentioned in the given information that the joint-stock company required large capital investment. Additionally, there is no mention of the joint-stock company being a failure in providing capital for colonization.

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  • 18. 

    Anne Hutchinson's skillful self-defense at her trial before the magistrates of Massachusetts Bay was ruined by

    • A.

      Her claim of personal revelation.

    • B.

      The fact that she was female

    • C.

      Her rejection of free grace

    • D.

      Her affinity for the dictum of works

    • E.

      Her reliance on the Scriptures

    Correct Answer
    A. Her claim of personal revelation.
    Anne Hutchinson's skillful self-defense at her trial before the magistrates of Massachusetts Bay was ruined by her claim of personal revelation. This suggests that her assertion of receiving direct messages from God undermined her credibility and was seen as a threat to the established religious authorities. It likely challenged their power and control over religious interpretation, leading them to view her as a heretic and a danger to the community. By claiming personal revelation, Hutchinson may have been seen as challenging the authority of the church and the magistrates, ultimately leading to her downfall.

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  • 19. 

    By 1631 in Massachusetts, which of the following people could vote?

    • A.

      All married, adult men who owned property and were memebers of the Congregational Church

    • B.

      All adults

    • C.

      All adult men

    • D.

      All adult men who owned property and were members of the Congregational Church

    • E.

      All men who owned property.

    Correct Answer
    D. All adult men who owned property and were members of the Congregational Church
    In 1631 in Massachusetts, the only people who were eligible to vote were adult men who owned property and were members of the Congregational Church. This indicates that the right to vote was restricted to a specific group of individuals who met these criteria, excluding women, unmarried men, and those who did not own property or were not members of the church.

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  • 20. 

    1622, The Native American tribes of Virginia

    • A.

      Formed an alliance with the Native American tribes of New England

    • B.

      Migrated westward to avoid future contact with settlers

    • C.

      Established permanently good relations with the English settlers

    • D.

      Learned from the English settlers how to grow tobacco

    • E.

      Viciously attacked the Jamestown settlement

    Correct Answer
    E. Viciously attacked the Jamestown settlement
    The correct answer is "viciously attacked the Jamestown settlement". This is because the question is asking for an explanation for the given correct answer. It implies that the Native American tribes of Virginia attacked the Jamestown settlement in a violent and aggressive manner.

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  • 21. 

    The most successful agricultural product in seventeenth-century North American colonies was

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. Tobacco
    Tobacco was the most successful agricultural product in seventeenth-century North American colonies. It became a highly profitable cash crop and played a significant role in the economic development of the colonies. The demand for tobacco in Europe was high, leading to its widespread cultivation and exportation. The favorable climate and soil conditions in the colonies made it an ideal crop to grow. The success of tobacco cultivation resulted in the establishment of large plantations and the growth of the colonial economy.

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  • 22. 

    Upon arriving in the New World, English settlers

    • A.

      Generally adapted old beliefs to the new environment

    • B.

      Immediately focused on converting the Native Americans

    • C.

      Rarely were forced to significantly change their old English ways

    • D.

      Quickly abandoned English beliefs and values

    • E.

      Usually adopted the customs of the local Indian tribes as a way to survive

    Correct Answer
    A. Generally adapted old beliefs to the new environment
    Upon arriving in the New World, English settlers generally adapted their old beliefs to the new environment. This can be attributed to the fact that they were familiar with their own cultural practices and traditions, and it was easier for them to adapt these beliefs rather than completely abandon them. Additionally, adapting their old beliefs allowed them to maintain a sense of identity and continuity in the midst of a new and unfamiliar environment. This adaptation also helped them to establish a sense of community and connection with the other settlers, as they shared common beliefs and values.

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  • 23. 

    Puritan dissenter Roger Williams established the colony of

    • A.

      Rhode Island

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      New Jersey

    • E.

      New York

    Correct Answer
    A. Rhode Island
    Roger Williams, a Puritan dissenter, established the colony of Rhode Island. He founded the settlement in 1636 after being banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony due to his controversial beliefs. Williams believed in the separation of church and state and advocated for religious freedom and tolerance. Rhode Island became a safe haven for individuals seeking religious liberty, attracting a diverse population of settlers. Williams' establishment of Rhode Island as a colony with religious freedom and democratic principles was a significant contribution to the development of the American colonies.

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  • 24. 

    A feudal land system was associated with which one of the following colonies?

    • A.


    • B.

      Rhode Island

    • C.


    • D.

      New Jersey

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Maryland
    A feudal land system was associated with Maryland. This means that the land in Maryland was owned by a small group of wealthy landowners who leased out land to tenant farmers in exchange for labor or other forms of payment. This system was similar to the feudal system in medieval Europe, where land was controlled by a small nobility class and worked by peasants.

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  • 25. 

    The Puritans of Massachusetts Bay believed that the best way to reform the Church of England was to

    • A.

      Rely on help from the English monarchy

    • B.

      Separate from it and reform it from the outside

    • C.

      Remain in the Church and reform it from the inside

    • D.

      Actively work to destroy the tenets with which they disagreed

    • E.

      Refuse to associate with it in any way

    Correct Answer
    C. Remain in the Church and reform it from the inside
    The Puritans of Massachusetts Bay believed that the best way to reform the Church of England was to remain in the Church and reform it from the inside. They saw themselves as loyal members of the Church and believed that by staying within it, they could influence and change it according to their beliefs and principles. They aimed to purify the Church from within by eliminating what they considered to be corrupt practices and returning to a more biblical and spiritual form of worship. This approach allowed them to maintain their religious identity while actively working towards the reform they desired.

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  • 26. 

    For seventeenth-century Puritans in New England, the most important institution in society was the:

    • A.

      Public school

    • B.

      English Crown

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. Church
    For seventeenth-century Puritans in New England, the most important institution in society was the church. The Puritans placed a central emphasis on their religious beliefs and sought to create a society based on their interpretation of Christianity. The church played a pivotal role in all aspects of Puritan life, including governance, education, and social structure. Theocratic principles influenced the legal and moral framework of the community, and church attendance and participation were considered essential to a person's standing in society.

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  • 27. 

    The Glorious Revolution in Maryland was stronly influenced by

    • A.

      Debates over the treatment of the region's Indian population

    • B.

      Charges of favoritism toward tobacco growers

    • C.

      The debate over slavery

    • D.

      Economic disagreements among the colonists

    • E.

      Pent-up anti proprietary and anti-Catholic sentiment

    Correct Answer
    E. Pent-up anti proprietary and anti-Catholic sentiment
    The Glorious Revolution in Maryland was strongly influenced by pent-up anti-proprietary and anti-Catholic sentiment. This means that there was a buildup of negative feelings towards the proprietary system of government and the Catholic religion in Maryland. These sentiments likely played a significant role in the revolution, as they fueled discontent and resistance against the existing political and religious structures.

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  • 28. 

    The sources of the witchcraft hysteria in Salem

    • A.

      Reflected the community's underlying resistance to the teachings of Calvinism

    • B.

      Lay in the community's dislike of English authority

    • C.

      Are not known exactly

    • D.

      Were primarily economic

    • E.

      Were rooted in personal grudges within the community

    Correct Answer
    C. Are not known exactly
    The sources of the witchcraft hysteria in Salem are not known exactly. This suggests that there is no definitive explanation or clear understanding of what caused the hysteria. There may be various factors at play, but none can be pinpointed as the exact cause. The answer implies that historians and researchers have been unable to determine the precise reasons behind the witchcraft hysteria in Salem.

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  • 29. 

    New England families were unique because of the presence of

    • A.


    • B.

      Extended families living in one household

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Native American wives

    Correct Answer
    D. Grandparents
    New England families were unique because of the presence of grandparents. This suggests that in New England, it was common for multiple generations to live together in one household, with grandparents playing a significant role in the family structure. This could have been influenced by cultural or practical reasons, such as the need for support and care for elderly family members, passing down traditions and knowledge, or economic considerations. The presence of grandparents in the household would have contributed to a sense of extended family and a strong intergenerational bond within New England families.

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  • 30. 

    The Staple Act of 1663 stated that

    • A.

      Nothing could be imported to America unless first shipped through England

    • B.

      Americans could not produce iron products.

    • C.

      Americans could only produce staple foodstuffs

    • D.

      Rum had to be manufactured in the West Indies

    • E.

      Americans must stop raising corn and wheat

    Correct Answer
    A. Nothing could be imported to America unless first shipped through England
    The correct answer is that nothing could be imported to America unless first shipped through England. This means that all goods destined for America had to first go through England before reaching their final destination. This policy was implemented by the Staple Act of 1663 in order to ensure that England maintained control over the trade and economy of its American colonies. By requiring goods to be shipped through England, the British government aimed to regulate and profit from the colonial trade.

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  • 31. 

    The Navigation Acts established the principle that

    • A.

      All foreign goods that were to be sold in England had to be shipped in England

    • B.

      Only English or colonial merchants could engage in colonial trade

    • C.

      Certain American products could be sold only in England

    • D.

      All of the above

    • E.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above
    The Navigation Acts, established in the 17th century, were a series of laws passed by the British Parliament that aimed to regulate colonial trade and increase England's wealth and power. These acts required all foreign goods to be shipped to England before being sold, thereby ensuring that England benefited economically from the trade. Additionally, the acts limited colonial trade to only English or colonial merchants, excluding foreign competitors. Certain American products, such as tobacco and sugar, were also restricted to be sold exclusively in England. Therefore, the correct answer is "all of the above" as all three statements accurately reflect the principles established by the Navigation Acts.

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  • 32. 

    The character of the first English settlements in the New World

    • A.

      Was greatly dependent on geography

    • B.

      Differed from colony to colony because of government rules

    • C.

      Was determined primarily by the religious preference of each colony

    • D.

      Remained remarkably similar throughout the seventeenth century

    • E.

      Different substantially from colony to colony from the very beginning of colonization

    Correct Answer
    E. Different substantially from colony to colony from the very beginning of colonization
    The correct answer is that the character of the first English settlements in the New World differed substantially from colony to colony from the very beginning of colonization. This means that each colony had its own unique characteristics and qualities that set it apart from the others. The differences could be attributed to various factors such as geography, government rules, and religious preference. This suggests that there was no uniformity among the colonies and each one developed its own distinct identity.

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  • 33. 

    Colonial involvement with imperial wars began with

    • A.

      The French and Indian War

    • B.

      King Phillip's War

    • C.

      King William's War

    • D.

      Queen Anne's War

    • E.

      The Thirty Years' War

    Correct Answer
    C. King William's War
    Colonial involvement with imperial wars began with King William's War. This conflict, which took place between 1689 and 1697, was the first in a series of wars fought between France and England for control of the North American colonies. It was named after King William III of England, who was involved in the war. The war resulted in attacks and raids on colonial settlements by both French and Native American forces, leading to increased military engagement and colonial participation in future imperial conflicts.

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  • 34. 

    Followers of the Great Awakening, who emphasized a powerful, emotional religion, were known

    • A.


    • B.

      "Old Lights"

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      "New Lights"

    Correct Answer
    E. "New Lights"
    The correct answer is "New Lights". The followers of the Great Awakening, a religious movement in the 18th century, were known as "New Lights". They emphasized a powerful and emotional religious experience, encouraging personal conversion and spiritual awakening. This contrasted with the traditional religious practices of the "Old Lights", who were more conservative and resistant to the changes brought about by the Great Awakening. The term "New Lights" became associated with the revivalist movement and its emphasis on individual religious experience.

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  • 35. 

    The failure of the Albany Plan can be attributed, primarily, to the

    • A.

      Fiscal jealousies of colonial assemblies

    • B.

      Beginning of the French and Indian War

    • C.

      Refusal of the Iroquois tribes to support it

    • D.

      Lack of interest from colonial representatives

    • E.

      Opposition of British authorities

    Correct Answer
    A. Fiscal jealousies of colonial assemblies
    The failure of the Albany Plan can be attributed primarily to the fiscal jealousies of colonial assemblies. This means that the colonial assemblies were not willing to contribute financially to the plan, which ultimately led to its failure. The plan aimed to create a unified colonial government to better coordinate defense and trade, but without the necessary financial support from the colonies, it could not be implemented effectively. The fiscal jealousies among the colonial assemblies prevented them from coming together and working towards a common goal, thus leading to the failure of the Albany Plan.

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  • 36. 

    Which of the following wars between England and France had the greatest political and economic impact on colonial America

    • A.

      The Seven Years' War (aka French and Indian War)

    • B.

      The War of the League of Augsburg

    • C.

      Queen Anne's War

    • D.

      King George's War

    • E.

      King William's War

    Correct Answer
    A. The Seven Years' War (aka French and Indian War)
    The Seven Years' War, also known as the French and Indian War, had the greatest political and economic impact on colonial America. This war was fought between England and France, with the British ultimately emerging victorious. The outcome of the war resulted in significant territorial changes in North America, with France losing its colonies in Canada and the Mississippi Valley region to Britain. This shift in power greatly influenced the political landscape of colonial America and set the stage for future conflicts and tensions between the British government and the American colonists. Additionally, the war had a significant economic impact, as it left Britain heavily in debt and led to increased taxation on the colonies, which ultimately played a role in sparking the American Revolution.

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  • 37. 

    In eighteenth-century Great Britain, the constitution was

    • A.

      In desperate need of revision

    • B.

      A rigid and static collection of laws and regulations

    • C.

      A formal written document

    • D.

      Rarely the subject of thought and discussion

    • E.

      An expanding body of laws, statutes, and decisions

    Correct Answer
    E. An expanding body of laws, statutes, and decisions
    During the eighteenth century in Great Britain, the constitution was not a rigid and static collection of laws and regulations, nor was it a formal written document. Instead, it was an expanding body of laws, statutes, and decisions. This suggests that the constitution was constantly evolving and growing, with new laws and decisions being added over time. It also implies that there was ongoing discussion and consideration of the constitution, as it was subject to change and adaptation.

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  • 38. 

    The French empire in North America succeeded because of the

    • A.

      Withdrawal of the Spanish

    • B.

      Complete annihilation of the Native American tribes in Canada

    • C.

      Fur trade

    • D.


    • E.

      Discovery of huge amounts of gold

    Correct Answer
    C. Fur trade
    The French empire in North America succeeded because of the fur trade. Fur trading was a major economic activity in the region, and the French established profitable trading relationships with Native American tribes to obtain fur pelts. This allowed them to establish a strong presence in North America and expand their empire. The fur trade provided a valuable source of income and resources for the French, enabling them to establish settlements and maintain control over the region.

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  • 39. 

    The tribes of eastern North America defined their place in society through

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Interibal marriages

    • D.

      Land ownership

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Kinship
    The tribes of eastern North America defined their place in society through kinship. Kinship refers to the social relationships and connections based on blood ties, marriage, and adoption within a community. In these tribes, kinship determined one's identity, roles, responsibilities, and rights within the society. It provided a framework for organizing social, economic, and political systems. Kinship ties were crucial in establishing alliances, resolving conflicts, and maintaining social cohesion within the tribes. Therefore, kinship played a significant role in shaping the social structure and individual's position in the eastern North American tribes.

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  • 40. 

    Those who migrated to the Chesapeake Bay area as indenture servants were

    • A.

      Normally single, lower-class males in their teens or early twenties

    • B.

      English farmers who saw a better future in the New World

    • C.

      Generally convicted criminals who traded jail time in England for indentures

    • D.

      Usually from the dregs of English society

    • E.

      Married individuals who met with their families

    Correct Answer
    A. Normally single, lower-class males in their teens or early twenties
    Indentured servitude was a common practice in the Chesapeake Bay area during the colonial period. Many individuals who migrated to this region as indentured servants were typically young, unmarried men from lower social classes. They saw the New World as an opportunity for a better future and agreed to work for a certain number of years in exchange for passage to America. This system attracted many individuals from the lower rungs of English society, seeking a chance to improve their circumstances.

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  • 41. 

    The _________________ Company was responsible for the settlement of Jamestown in Virginia

    Correct Answer
    Virginia, London, VA
    the Virginia Company is also known as the London Company

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  • 42. 

    Which one of the following was NOT a factor that stimulated English migration to the New World

    • A.

      Religious disagreements in Egnaldn

    • B.

      A desire for land ownership

    • C.

      Rapid population growth

    • D.

      Government laws that forced the migration of the poorer classes

    • E.

      Poverty or the fear of falling into poverty

    Correct Answer
    D. Government laws that forced the migration of the poorer classes
    Government laws that forced the migration of the poorer classes was NOT a factor that stimulated English migration to the New World. This means that there were no laws in place that specifically mandated or compelled the poorer classes to migrate to the New World. Other factors such as religious disagreements, a desire for land ownership, rapid population growth, poverty, or the fear of falling into poverty may have played a role in stimulating English migration to the New World.

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  • 43. 

    In Massachusetts Bay, "freeman status" was granted to adult males who

    • A.

      Owned land

    • B.

      Were church members

    • C.

      Were married

    • D.

      Were no longer indentured servants

    • E.

      Agreed to abide by the colony's legal codes

    Correct Answer
    B. Were church members
    In Massachusetts Bay, "freeman status" was granted to adult males who were church members. This means that in order to obtain the status of a freeman, one had to be a member of the church. This requirement reflects the strong influence of religion in the colony, as being a church member was seen as a necessary qualification for full participation in the political and social life of the community. It also suggests that the colony valued religious conformity and sought to maintain a close relationship between the church and the government.

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  • 44. 

    The labor system of Jamestown in its early years

    • A.

      Provided indications of the laziness of settlers there

    • B.

      Relied heavily on African slaves

    • C.

      Was the basis for labor sharecropping system

    • D.

      Replicated the traditional work experience of the settlers

    • E.

      Was highly organized and efficient

    Correct Answer
    D. Replicated the traditional work experience of the settlers
    The correct answer is that the labor system of Jamestown in its early years replicated the traditional work experience of the settlers. This means that the labor system in Jamestown was similar to the way the settlers were used to working in their previous experiences.

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  • 45. 

    During the colonial period, the bulk of the slaves were sent to the North American colonies by the ____________. 

    • A.


    • B.

      American slave merchants

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. British
    During the colonial period, the British were responsible for the majority of slaves sent to the North American colonies. The British established a significant presence in the Americas, particularly in regions like Virginia and South Carolina, where they heavily relied on slave labor for their agricultural industries, such as tobacco and rice cultivation. The British also played a major role in the transatlantic slave trade, capturing and transporting enslaved Africans to the colonies. Therefore, it can be concluded that the British were the primary source of slaves during this period.

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  • 46. 

    The _______________ were designed to enforce the dictates of the British commercial policy of the seventeenth century.

    Correct Answer
    Navigation Acts
    The Navigation Acts were a series of laws implemented by the British government in the seventeenth century. These acts were specifically designed to enforce and regulate British commercial policies. The purpose of these acts was to restrict colonial trade and ensure that all colonial goods were first shipped to England before being sold to other countries. By doing so, the British government aimed to control and monopolize colonial trade, ultimately benefiting the British economy.

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  • 47. 

    The term ____________ was used in Spanish America to describe people of mixed European and Indian ancestry

    Correct Answer
    Mestizo, mestizo, MESTIZO
    Mestizo is the correct answer because it refers to people of mixed European and Indian ancestry in Spanish America. This term was commonly used to describe individuals who had a combination of European and indigenous American heritage. It is derived from the Spanish word "mestizo," which means mixed. This term was significant in Spanish America as it helped categorize and identify individuals with a mixed racial background.

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  • 48. 

    Which of the following was NOT an important effect of the Great Awakening?

    • A.

      It stimulated higher education in the colonies

    • B.

      It fostered an optimistic view of the future among those touched by it

    • C.

      It encouraged the development of individualism

    • D.

      It strengthened the authority of the old colonial religions

    • E.

      It evoked a sense of "new birth" among believers

    Correct Answer
    D. It strengthened the authority of the old colonial religions
    The Great Awakening was a religious revival movement in the American colonies during the 18th century. It had several important effects, including stimulating higher education in the colonies, fostering an optimistic view of the future among those touched by it, encouraging the development of individualism, and evoking a sense of "new birth" among believers. However, it did not strengthen the authority of the old colonial religions. In fact, the Great Awakening challenged the traditional religious institutions and led to the rise of new denominations and religious practices.

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  • 49. 

    Calvinists in Scotland founded the

    • A.

      Lutheran Church

    • B.

      Baptist Church

    • C.

      Unitarian Church

    • D.

      Methodist Church

    • E.

      Presbyterian Church

    Correct Answer
    E. Presbyterian Church
    The correct answer is the Presbyterian Church. Calvinists in Scotland played a significant role in the establishment of the Presbyterian Church. The church follows a Presbyterian form of church government, which means that it is governed by elders elected by the congregation. The Calvinist theology, which emphasizes the sovereignty of God and predestination, is also a key component of the Presbyterian Church's beliefs. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that Calvinists in Scotland founded the Presbyterian Church.

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  • 50. 

    ______________ was the first American most Europeans recognized as a true intellectual

    • A.

      Benjamin Franklin

    • B.

      John Locke

    • C.

      Isaac Newton

    • D.

      Jonathan Edwards

    • E.

      Thomas Jefferson

    Correct Answer
    A. Benjamin Franklin
    Benjamin Franklin was the first American most Europeans recognized as a true intellectual because of his wide range of accomplishments and contributions to various fields. He was a renowned scientist, inventor, writer, and diplomat, making significant advancements in areas such as electricity, printing, and public libraries. His experiments with lightning and the invention of the lightning rod brought him international recognition. Furthermore, his writings, including his famous autobiography and Poor Richard's Almanack, showcased his intellect and wisdom. Franklin's diplomatic efforts during the American Revolution also demonstrated his intellectual prowess and strategic thinking. Overall, his diverse talents and achievements made him highly respected and acknowledged by Europeans as a true intellectual.

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