Applied Behavior Analysis Test Questions And Answers

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| By Thebehaviorguy
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Applied Behavior Analysis Test Questions And Answers - Quiz

Do you know about applied behavior analysis? If so, attempt these behavioral engineering test questions and answers to review your knowledge regarding the same. Human behavior can be predictable or unpredictable depending on the situation one is found in. One can study human behavior and know what you can expect from someone and how to explain such. Take up the behavioral analysis practice quiz below to help in your upcoming exam. All the best, buddy!

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Manipulating a students chair in a classroom setting to avoid distraction fro the window is an example of a manipulation of a

    • A.

      Context variable

    • B.

      Antecedent variable

    • C.

      Confounding variable

    • D.

      Ecological variable

    Correct Answer
    A. Context variable
    Manipulating a student's chair in a classroom setting to avoid distraction from the window is an example of manipulating the context variable. In this scenario, the context variable refers to the physical environment or the specific conditions in which the behavior is occurring. By changing the placement of the chair, the teacher is modifying the context in order to create a more conducive learning environment and reduce distractions.

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  • 2. 

    What is the most reasonable reinforcement method used for the development of stimulus control?

    • A.

      More frequent reinforcement of a target behavior in the presence of the discriminative stimulus than in the presence of the S-delta

    • B.

      Accidental reinforcement

    • C.

      The Premack Principle.

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. More frequent reinforcement of a target behavior in the presence of the discriminative stimulus than in the presence of the S-delta
    The most reasonable reinforcement method used for the development of stimulus control is more frequent reinforcement of a target behavior in the presence of the discriminative stimulus than in the presence of the S-delta. This method involves reinforcing the desired behavior when the discriminative stimulus is present, while not reinforcing it when the S-delta is present. By consistently reinforcing the behavior in the presence of the discriminative stimulus, and not reinforcing it in the presence of the S-delta, the individual learns to associate the behavior with the discriminative stimulus and is more likely to perform the behavior in the appropriate context.

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  • 3. 

    Select the schedule of reinforcement being used in the example:Jamie gets a candy bar after every 10 questions answered

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Fr
    In the given example, Jamie receives a candy bar after every 10 questions answered. This indicates a fixed ratio (FR) schedule of reinforcement. In FR schedules, reinforcement is provided after a fixed number of responses. In this case, the fixed number is 10 questions answered. This means that Jamie knows exactly how many questions they need to answer before receiving the candy bar, which can serve as a motivator to continue answering questions.

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  • 4. 

    Select the schedule of reinforcement being used in the example:David gets to go to the play room after every 20 minutes that he works on his spelling.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Fi
    The correct answer is "fi" which stands for fixed interval. In this example, David is rewarded with going to the playroom after a fixed interval of 20 minutes of working on his spelling. This means that the reinforcement is delivered consistently after a set amount of time has passed, regardless of how many correct responses David has made.

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  • 5. 

    Select the schedule of reinforcement being used in the example:Shawn wants a new car so he checks the ebay website all day hoping to find the car he wants.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Vr
    The correct answer is VR (Variable Ratio). In this example, Shawn is checking the eBay website all day hoping to find the car he wants. VR schedule of reinforcement is based on a variable number of responses, meaning that the reinforcement (finding the car he wants) is delivered after an unpredictable number of responses (checking the website). This schedule tends to result in high and steady rates of responding, as the individual is motivated to keep engaging in the behavior in the hopes of receiving reinforcement.

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  • 6. 

     By altering a variable between a setting event and a behavior we are utilizing what dimension of behavior analysis?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Analytic
    By altering a variable between a setting event and a behavior, we are utilizing the analytic dimension of behavior analysis. The analytic dimension focuses on identifying functional relationships between variables by systematically manipulating and measuring them. In this case, by altering a variable, we are able to determine if it has an effect on the behavior, allowing us to analyze and understand the relationship between the setting event and the behavior.

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  • 7. 

    When altering variables based on the identification of functional relations, caution should be take to

    • A.

      Avoid stengthening wanted behavior

    • B.

      Avoiding confounding variable

    • C.

      Avoid stenghtening unwanted behavior

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Avoid stenghtening unwanted behavior
    When altering variables based on the identification of functional relations, it is important to avoid strengthening unwanted behavior. This means that any changes made should not unintentionally reinforce or increase behaviors that are considered undesirable or unwanted. Instead, the focus should be on identifying and strengthening behaviors that are desired or preferred. This caution ensures that the intervention or alteration of variables is effective in promoting positive outcomes and minimizing negative ones.

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  • 8. 

    Which of the following is NOT  an example of an ecological strategy to evoke appropriate behaviors?

    • A.

      Providing choice

    • B.

      Task variation

    • C.

      Teaching to ask for breaks

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. Teaching to ask for breaks
    Teaching to ask for breaks is not an example of an ecological strategy to evoke appropriate behaviors. Ecological strategies involve creating an environment that supports and encourages desired behaviors, such as providing choice and task variation. However, teaching someone to ask for breaks is more of a behavioral strategy that focuses on teaching an individual a specific behavior.

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  • 9. 

    Teacher wants to use incidental teaching to a student for the skill of washing hands. Which is the best example of how to do that

    • A.

      Set up trials for hand washing

    • B.

      Social story on hand washing

    • C.

      Take student outside to play in mud and then call for lunch

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. Take student outside to play in mud and then call for lunch
    Taking the student outside to play in the mud and then calling for lunch is the best example of incidental teaching for the skill of washing hands. By allowing the student to get their hands dirty and then prompting them to wash their hands before eating, the teacher is creating a real-life situation where the skill of hand washing becomes relevant and necessary. This approach provides a natural opportunity for the student to practice and reinforce the skill in a meaningful context.

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  • 10. 

    Which of the following is NOT a procedure for determining a potential reinforcer for a student

    • A.

      Send a list of reinforcers to parent and have them complete and cirlcle choices

    • B.

      Have a set of reinforcers on a table and have student select

    • C.

      Conduct an interview with the student and talk bout choices

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Send a list of reinforcers to parent and have them complete and cirlcle choices
    Sending a list of reinforcers to a parent for completion is not a procedure for directly determining a potential reinforcer for a student. The other options involve direct interaction with the student to assess their preferences and choices, which is more effective in understanding what might serve as a reinforcer.

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  • 11. 

    By selecting candy as a reinforcer and deciding that the child can have 3 pieces for every correct response. The teacher has utilized which parameter of reinforcement:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Quantity
    The correct answer is "quantity" because the teacher has determined that the child will receive 3 pieces of candy for every correct response. This parameter of reinforcement focuses on the amount or number of reinforcers given in response to a behavior. In this case, the teacher is using the quantity of candy as a way to reinforce and increase the likelihood of the child's correct responses.

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  • 12. 

    The longer the latency of delivery of reinforcement the more likely

    • A.

      Behavior will be reinforced

    • B.

      Behavior will remain the same

    • C.

      Intervening response will be reinforced

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. Intervening response will be reinforced
    When there is a longer latency of delivery of reinforcement, it means that there is a delay between the behavior and the reinforcement. In this case, it is more likely that an intervening response, which is a behavior that occurs during the delay period, will be reinforced. This is because the individual may engage in other behaviors while waiting for the reinforcement, and if any of these behaviors are reinforced, they are more likely to be repeated in the future. Therefore, the correct answer is that the intervening response will be reinforced.

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  • 13. 

    Select the schedule of reinforcement being used in the example: Shawn wants a new car so he checks the paper once a day in the morning hoping to find the car he wants.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Fi
    In this example, Shawn checks the paper once a day in the morning hoping to find the car he wants. This behavior is reinforced on a fixed interval (FI) schedule. The reinforcement is delivered after a fixed amount of time has passed since the last reinforcement, which in this case is once a day. Therefore, Shawn is checking the paper on a fixed interval schedule.

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  • 14. 

    By placing a limited hold on an intervals of reinforcement the following is possible:

    • A.

      Rate will increase

    • B.

      Rate will decrease

    • C.

      Rate will stay the same

    • D.

      Nothing will happen.

    Correct Answer
    A. Rate will increase
    By placing a limited hold on an interval of reinforcement, it means that the reinforcement will only be available for a specific period of time after the behavior occurs. This creates a sense of urgency and motivation for the individual to engage in the behavior more frequently and quickly in order to receive the reinforcement before the time limit expires. As a result, the rate of the behavior is likely to increase.

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  • 15. 

    By thinning a schedule of reinforcement gradually we actually avoid

    • A.


    • B.

      Decreased performance

    • C.

      Increased aggression

    • D.

      Increased performance

    Correct Answer
    A. Satiation
    Satiation refers to a decrease in the effectiveness of a reinforcer due to its overuse or excessive presentation. Gradually thinning a schedule of reinforcement helps prevent satiation by reducing the frequency or predictability of reinforcement, thereby maintaining the effectiveness of the reinforcement schedule over time.

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  • 16. 

    We are using a crf-1 schedule we must be trying to do what to the behavior?

    • A.

      Reduce strength

    • B.

      Increase duration

    • C.

      First strengthen a low rate behavior

    • D.

      Decrease duration

    Correct Answer
    C. First strengthen a low rate behavior
    The use of a crf-1 schedule indicates that we are trying to first strengthen a low rate behavior. A crf-1 schedule, also known as a continuous reinforcement schedule, involves reinforcing a behavior every time it occurs. This is typically used when trying to establish a new behavior or increase the frequency of a behavior that is currently occurring at a low rate. By reinforcing the behavior every time it happens, we are aiming to increase its strength and likelihood of occurring in the future.

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  • 17. 

    Jesse has been keeping his hands to himself in the classroom for most of the school year. Our best schedule of reinforcement would be the following:

    • A.

      Reward him with edible every time he shares without hitting

    • B.

      Suprise him with verbal praise when he shares

    • C.

      Ignore the behavior of sharing when it is shown

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. Suprise him with verbal praise when he shares
    The best schedule of reinforcement in this situation would be to surprise Jesse with verbal praise when he shares. This is because Jesse has been keeping his hands to himself for most of the school year, indicating that he has already learned the appropriate behavior of not hitting. By providing verbal praise when he shares, it reinforces and encourages this positive behavior, making it more likely for Jesse to continue sharing without hitting in the future.

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  • 18. 

    Jerry has to climb 25 stairs to get one drop of water. This is an example of

    • A.


    • B.

      Ratio strain

    • C.

      Great effort in responding with a low probability of the behavior occurring

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. Great effort in responding with a low probability of the behavior occurring
    This scenario illustrates the concept of great effort in responding with a low probability of the behavior occurring. Jerry has to climb 25 stairs in order to obtain just one drop of water, indicating that he needs to put in a significant amount of physical effort. Additionally, the fact that he needs to climb so many stairs for just a small reward suggests that the behavior of climbing stairs has a low probability of occurring. Therefore, this situation exemplifies the idea of great effort in responding with a low probability of the behavior occurring.

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  • 19. 

    Jerry at most can walk up 8 stairs, but if Jerry walks up 10 stairs or more then he will get a glass of water. This is an example

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. DRH
    Jerry can walk up to 8 stairs, but if he walks up 10 stairs or more, he will get a glass of water. The given answer, DRH, fits this scenario. The letters represent different options or scenarios, and in this case, DRH indicates that Jerry can walk up to 8 stairs (represented by DRL) but not more than 10 stairs (represented by DRO). Therefore, DRH is the correct answer that aligns with the given information.

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  • 20. 

    Jerry at most can walk up 800 stairs, but if Jerry walks up 10 stairs or LESS then he will get a glass of water. This is an example

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. DRL
    Jerry can walk up to 800 stairs, but if he walks up 10 stairs or less, he will get a glass of water. The options given are DRL, DRH, DRO, and ADF. None of these options mention anything about walking up stairs or getting a glass of water. Therefore, it is not clear how the given information relates to the options. The question is incomplete or not readable, and an explanation cannot be generated.

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  • 21. 

    Jerry sits in a chair and is reinforced.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. DRI
    In this scenario, the correct answer is DRI. DRI stands for Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible behavior. This means that Jerry is being reinforced for engaging in a behavior that is incompatible with the behavior that is being targeted for reduction. Sitting in a chair is incompatible with engaging in a different behavior that needs to be reduced, and therefore, Jerry is being reinforced for sitting in the chair. This technique is commonly used in behavior modification to encourage desired behaviors while simultaneously reducing undesired behaviors.

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  • 22. 

    Which of the following is a guideline for the use of punsihment

    • A.

      Low intensity and high frequency

    • B.

      Reduce stimuli

    • C.

      Deliver high intensity every time it is given

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. Deliver high intensity every time it is given
    The correct answer is "deliver high intensity every time it is given." This guideline suggests that punishment should be administered consistently and with a high level of intensity every time it is used. This approach aims to ensure that the punishment is effective in discouraging the undesired behavior. By consistently delivering a strong punishment, individuals are more likely to associate the negative consequences with their actions and be deterred from repeating them in the future.

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  • 23. 

    Billy states he did not know that he broke a rule because he could not see the rules. Upon your review you discover the rules were not clear in their writing. This demonstrates which variable affecting punsihment effectiveness:

    • A.

      Quantity of rules

    • B.

      Intensity of rule selection

    • C.

      Clarity of rules

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. Clarity of rules
    This scenario demonstrates the variable of clarity of rules affecting punishment effectiveness. Billy claims that he did not know he broke a rule because he could not see the rules, indicating that the rules were not clearly written. This lack of clarity in the rules makes it difficult for individuals to understand and follow them, leading to ineffective punishment as people may unintentionally violate the rules due to their unclear nature.

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  • 24. 

    Billy receives the punishment and now is very angry with the school and attacks a teacher the following day. This exemplifies which of the followingnegative effects

    • A.

      May serve as a model

    • B.

      Increase use by teachers

    • C.

      Result in undesired conditioned emotional responses

    • D.

      Increase use by students

    Correct Answer
    C. Result in undesired conditioned emotional responses
    The given situation of Billy receiving punishment and then attacking a teacher the next day exemplifies the negative effect of "resulting in undesired conditioned emotional responses." This means that Billy's punishment has caused him to develop negative emotions and reactions towards the school, resulting in his aggressive behavior towards the teacher.

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  • 25. 

    Teacher wants to use extinction to ignore a student's tantrums.  She has in the past gone iover and given attention and at other times ignore the behavior. This pattern has gone on for months. This pattern makes the behavior:

    • A.

      More resistant to change

    • B.

      Less resistant to change

    • C.

      More likley to be reinforced

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. More resistant to change
    The behavior is more resistant to change because the teacher has unintentionally reinforced the student's tantrums by sometimes giving attention and sometimes ignoring the behavior. This inconsistent pattern of reinforcement has made the behavior more persistent and difficult to eliminate.

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  • 26. 

    Tantruming was extinguished for months and then one day Jimmy decides to throw a tantrum to get candy. This is an example of

    • A.

      Extinction burst

    • B.

      Spontaneous recovery

    • C.


    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. Spontaneous recovery
    Spontaneous recovery refers to the reappearance of a previously extinguished behavior after a period of time without reinforcement. In this scenario, Jimmy had stopped tantruming for months, indicating that the behavior had been extinguished. However, he suddenly decides to throw a tantrum to get candy, which suggests a spontaneous recovery of the behavior. This means that even though the behavior had been suppressed, it resurfaced without any apparent reinforcement.

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  • 27. 

    Tantruming was extinguished for months and then one day Jimmy decides to throw a tantrum to get candy. This is an example of

    • A.

      Extinction burst

    • B.

      Spontaneous recovery

    • C.


    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. Spontaneous recovery
    Spontaneous recovery refers to the sudden reappearance of a previously extinguished behavior after a period of time without reinforcement. In this scenario, tantruming behavior was extinguished for months, meaning that Jimmy's tantrums were no longer reinforced. However, on one particular day, Jimmy decides to throw a tantrum again in an attempt to get candy. This sudden reoccurrence of the behavior after a period of extinction is an example of spontaneous recovery.

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  • 28. 

    Variables influencing the effectiveness of instructions include whether the person's repertoire includes behavior under instructional control or whether rule governance needs to be developed; whether the verbal stimuli are prompts or the actual discriminative stimuli of concern; and....

    • A.

      Interest of student

    • B.

      The rates at which instructions are presented.

    • C.

      Instructional control of teacher

    • D.

      Interest of teacher

    Correct Answer
    B. The rates at which instructions are presented.
    The effectiveness of instructions can be influenced by the rates at which they are presented. If instructions are presented too quickly, the person may not have enough time to process and understand them, leading to a decrease in effectiveness. On the other hand, if instructions are presented too slowly, the person may become bored or lose interest, also resulting in a decrease in effectiveness. Therefore, finding the appropriate rate at which to present instructions is important for maximizing their effectiveness.

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  • 29. 

    Instructions may be more effective when combined with other procedures such as modeling,rehearsal and

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Prompting
    Instructions may be more effective when combined with other procedures such as modeling, rehearsal, and prompting. Prompting refers to providing cues or reminders to help individuals remember and follow the instructions. By using prompting, individuals are more likely to successfully carry out the desired actions or behaviors. This can be especially helpful for individuals who may have difficulty remembering or understanding instructions on their own.

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  • 30. 

    Jerry is showing Shawn how to walk and carry a tray. Shawn really does not like Jerry and would like to work with someone else. This is an example of

    • A.

      Model prestige

    • B.

      The "difficulty" of the modeled behavior

    • C.

      Whether or not the modeled behavior is reinforced

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. Model prestige
    Model prestige refers to the perceived status or attractiveness of the person demonstrating a behavior. If Shawn does not like Jerry, he may not view Jerry as a prestigious or desirable model, which can affect Shawn's willingness to learn from him. The dislike for Jerry affects how Shawn perceives the value and credibility of the demonstrated behavior. The other options do not directly address the influence of Shawn's feelings towards Jerry on the learning process.

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  • 31. 

    32. Jerry is showing Shawn how to walk and carry a tray. Shawn really does not like Jerry and would like to work with someone else. This is an example of

    • A.

      Model prestige

    • B.

      The "difficulty" of the modeled behavior

    • C.

      Whether or not the modeled behavior is reinforced

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. Model prestige
    This situation is an example of model prestige because Jerry is being seen as a role model or someone to imitate, even though Shawn does not like him. Model prestige refers to the influence and attractiveness of a role model, regardless of personal feelings towards them.

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  • 32. 

    Jerry is showing Shawn how to walk and carry a tray. Shawn has carried a tray in the school kitchen with Jerry several times but every time Jerry gets distracted. This is an example of

    • A.

      Model prestige

    • B.

      The "difficulty" of the modeled behavior

    • C.

      Whether or not the modeled behavior is reinforced

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. Whether or not the modeled behavior is reinforced
    This situation demonstrates whether or not the modeled behavior is reinforced. Jerry is showing Shawn how to walk and carry a tray, but Jerry gets distracted every time they practice together. This lack of reinforcement for the modeled behavior may result in Shawn not fully learning or internalizing the behavior.

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  • 33. 

    David touches Shawn on the shoulder to let him know it is time to go. This is an example of ______prompt.

    • A.

      Tactual or physical

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Tactual or pHysical
    The act of David touching Shawn on the shoulder is a physical prompt. This type of prompt involves using physical contact, such as touch, to communicate a message or signal. In this case, David is using the touch on the shoulder to convey the message that it is time to go.

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  • 34. 

    David gets prompted with a touch to the shoulder...then a light touch on back and then just a hand in front pointing where to go this is an example of

    • A.

      Graduated guidance

    • B.

      Most to least prompting( fading out0

    • C.

      Least to most prompting ( fading in)

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. Most to least prompting( fading out0
    This scenario describes the technique of most to least prompting (fading out). Graduated guidance involves providing varying levels of assistance based on the learner's needs, which is not explicitly mentioned in the scenario. Similarly, the option of least to most prompting (fading in) suggests starting with minimal assistance and increasing it gradually, which is not consistent with the scenario. Therefore, the best explanation is that the scenario demonstrates most to least prompting, where initially, the learner receives more guidance (touch on the shoulder and back) and gradually less guidance (just a hand in front pointing where to go).

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  • 35. 

    Mrs. Bones does not want to follow a curriculum to teacher her pre-school class. She thinks it is too rigid and her best choice would be

    • A.

      Precision teaching

    • B.

      Keller Plan (PSI)

    • C.

      Discrete trials

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. Keller Plan (PSI)
    The Keller Plan (PSI) would be the best choice for Mrs. Bones because it is a self-paced, individualized learning approach that allows students to progress at their own pace and explore their own interests. This method would provide the flexibility and freedom that Mrs. Bones desires, as it does not strictly follow a rigid curriculum.

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  • 36. 

    A task analysis involves breaking a chain into it's:

    • A.

      Task responses

    • B.

      Component responses

    • C.

      Behavioral responses

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. Component responses
    A task analysis involves breaking a chain into its component responses. This means that the chain is broken down into its individual parts or steps, allowing for a detailed examination and understanding of each component's response or action. By analyzing the component responses, one can gain insight into the specific behaviors and actions required to complete the task effectively.

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  • 37. 

    Breaking down tasks into it's component responses is called

    • A.

      Task analysis

    • B.

      Component analysis

    • C.

      Behavioral analysis

    • D.

      System analysis

    Correct Answer
    A. Task analysis
    Task analysis is the process of breaking down a complex task into its individual components or steps. It involves identifying the specific actions, skills, and knowledge required to complete a task successfully. By analyzing tasks, individuals or organizations can gain a better understanding of the requirements and can design effective training programs, create job aids, or improve task performance. Task analysis helps to ensure that tasks are performed accurately and efficiently, and it is widely used in fields such as instructional design, human factors engineering, and occupational therapy.

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  • 38. 

    Forward chaining, backward chaining and concurrent chaining are commonly used to teach

    • A.

      Complex behaviors

    • B.

      Simple behaviors

    • C.

      Individualized behaviors

    • D.

      Applied behavior

    Correct Answer
    A. Complex behaviors
    Forward chaining, backward chaining, and concurrent chaining are commonly used to teach complex behaviors. These chaining techniques involve breaking down complex behaviors into smaller, more manageable steps. Forward chaining involves teaching the initial steps of the behavior first, gradually adding on subsequent steps until the entire behavior is learned. Backward chaining starts with the final step of the behavior and works backward, teaching each step in reverse order. Concurrent chaining involves teaching multiple behaviors simultaneously and allowing the learner to choose which behavior to perform. These techniques are effective in teaching complex behaviors by systematically building upon simpler components.

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  • 39. 

    When teaching self control strategies control ultimately comes from

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Self and others

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Environment
    When teaching self-control strategies, control ultimately comes from the environment. This means that external factors such as the physical surroundings, social influences, and situational contexts play a significant role in helping individuals develop and maintain self-control. The environment can provide cues, structure, and support that enable individuals to regulate their behavior and resist temptations. It can also offer opportunities for practicing self-control and reinforcing positive behaviors. By creating an environment that promotes self-control, individuals are more likely to succeed in managing their impulses and achieving their goals.

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  • 40. 

    Teacher wants to implement a token economy for her student Mike. The first step for teacher is to

    • A.

      Selection of tokens

    • B.

      Identification of target behavior

    • C.

      Creating menu of reinforcement

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. Selection of tokens
    The correct answer is "selection of tokens". In a token economy system, tokens are used as a form of currency to reinforce desired behaviors. Therefore, the first step for the teacher would be to choose the specific tokens that will be used in the system. This involves selecting tokens that are desirable to the student and can be easily exchanged for rewards or privileges. Once the tokens are selected, the teacher can move on to identifying the target behavior to be reinforced and creating a menu of reinforcement options.

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  • 41. 

    Token economy programs are not static, but evolve and are revised depending on

    • A.

      Teacher discretion

    • B.

      Student performance

    • C.

      Time implemented

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. Student performance
    Token economy programs are not static because they are designed to adapt and change based on various factors. One of these factors is student performance. The effectiveness of the program is evaluated based on how well students respond to it and whether it is helping them improve their behavior or achieve their goals. If student performance indicates that the program is not working effectively, adjustments can be made to improve it. Therefore, student performance is an important consideration in the evolution and revision of token economy programs.

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