New York State DMV 19A Certification Exam Practice Test!

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| By Rachael Roblyer
Rachael Roblyer
Community Contributor
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New York State DMV 19A Certification Exam Practice Test! - Quiz

Are you preparing for your New York State DMV 19A Certification? Our comprehensive quiz is designed to help you master the knowledge and skills needed to pass the certification exam with confidence.
The New York State DMV 19A Certification Quiz features a series of multiple-choice questions that simulate the actual exam. Each question is crafted to test your understanding of key concepts and ensure you are fully prepared for the certification process. Whether you're a new driver seeking certification or a seasoned professional looking to refresh your knowledge, this quiz is an invaluable resource.
By taking this quiz, Read moreyou'll be able to identify areas where you need further study and gain the confidence to excel in your certification exam. It’s an excellent tool for self-assessment and practice. Start the New York State DMV 19A Certification Quiz now and take the first step towards achieving your certification. Share your results with peers and encourage them to test their knowledge too!

New York State DMV 19A Certification Questions and Answers

  • 1. 

    The most important reason for being alert to hazards is so:

    • A.

      Law enforcement personnel can be called.

    • B.

      You will have time to plan your escape if the hazard becomes an emergency.

    • C.

      You can help impaired drivers.

    • D.

      Accident reports will be accurate

    Correct Answer
    B. You will have time to plan your escape if the hazard becomes an emergency.
    Being alert to hazards is important because it allows you to have time to plan your escape if the hazard becomes an emergency. This means that by being aware of potential dangers or risks, you can anticipate and prepare for any potential emergencies or dangerous situations that may arise. This can help ensure your safety and the safety of others around you.

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  • 2. 

    You are driving at 50 mph. Driving conditions are ideal (dry pavement, good visibility). What is the least amount of space that you should keep in front of your vehicle to be safe?

    • A.

      2 seconds

    • B.

      3 seconds

    • C.

      4 seconds

    • D.

      5 seconds

    Correct Answer
    D. 5 seconds
    In ideal driving conditions, it is recommended to keep a minimum of 5 seconds of space in front of your vehicle to ensure safety. This allows you enough time and distance to react to any sudden changes or emergencies on the road. It also provides a buffer zone in case the vehicle in front of you suddenly brakes or slows down. By maintaining this distance, you can reduce the risk of collisions and have more control over your vehicle.

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  • 3. 

    You are driving a new bus with a manual transmission. What gear will you probably use to take a steep downhill grade?

    • A.

      A higher gear than you would use to climb the hill

    • B.

      None; newer buses can coast down hills.

    • C.

      The same gear that you would use to climb the hill.

    • D.

      A lower gear than you would use to climb the hill

    Correct Answer
    D. A lower gear than you would use to climb the hill
    When driving a new bus with manual transmission on a long, steep downhill grade, it is recommended to use a lower gear than the one used to climb the hill. This is because using a lower gear helps to control the speed of the vehicle and prevent it from gaining too much momentum, which can be dangerous on a downhill slope. By using a lower gear, the engine braking effect can be utilized to slow down the vehicle and maintain better control.

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  • 4. 

    You are driving a vehicle that could safely be driven at 55 mph on an open road.  But traffic is now heavy, moving at 35 mph though the speed limit is 55.  The safest speed for your vehicle is most likely:

    • A.

      25 mph

    • B.

      35 mph

    • C.

      45 mph

    • D.

      55 mph

    Correct Answer
    B. 35 mpH
    In heavy traffic, it is important to maintain a safe distance from the vehicles ahead to avoid collisions. Driving at the same speed as the traffic flow ensures that you are not driving too fast or too slow compared to the other vehicles. Therefore, the safest speed for your vehicle in this situation would be 35 mph, which matches the speed of the traffic.

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  • 5. 

    While driving, you see a small (1-foot square) cardboard box ahead in your lane. You should:

    • A.

      Brake hard to avoid hitting it.

    • B.

      Hit with your vehcicle to knock it off the road.

    • C.

      Stop and direct traffic around it.

    • D.

      Steer around it without making a sudden or unsafe move.

    Correct Answer
    D. Steer around it without making a sudden or unsafe move.
    When encountering a small cardboard box in your lane while driving, it is important to steer around it without making any sudden or unsafe moves. This means maintaining control of your vehicle and smoothly maneuvering around the obstacle without abruptly changing lanes or braking hard, which could lead to a loss of control or cause an accident. By safely steering around the box, you can avoid any potential damage to your vehicle and ensure the safety of yourself and other drivers on the road.

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  • 6. 

    Which of these statements is a good rule to follow when backing up your vehicle?

    • A.

      Use a helper whenever possible.

    • B.

      Rely on mirrors for all information on your path of travel.

    • C.

      Use the highest reverse gear while backing

    • D.

      Back and turn toward the right side.

    Correct Answer
    A. Use a helper whenever possible.
    Using a helper whenever possible is a good rule to follow when backing up your vehicle. A helper can provide additional visibility and guidance, helping to avoid blind spots and potential obstacles. They can also alert you to any potential hazards or pedestrians that may be in your path. Having a helper can greatly enhance safety and minimize the risk of accidents while backing up.

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  • 7. 

    Immediately after a long, hot drive, you check the air pressure in a tire and it is 5 lb. high. You should:

    • A.

      Let out 5 lb. of air from the tire.

    • B.

      Before the next trip, set the cold air pressure 5 lb. below the recommended level.

    • C.

      Recheck the pressure after the tire cools.

    • D.

      When you resume your trip, drive slower

    Correct Answer
    C. Recheck the pressure after the tire cools.
    After a long, hot drive, the air inside the tire expands due to the heat, leading to an increase in air pressure. Therefore, it is recommended to recheck the pressure after the tire cools down to get an accurate reading. This will ensure that the tire is at the correct pressure level for safe driving.

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  • 8. 

    Which of these items is checked in a pre-trip inspection?

    • A.

      Whether all vehicle lights are working and are clean

    • B.

      Wiper blades

    • C.

      Emergency exits.

    • D.

      All of the above.

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above.
    In a pre-trip inspection, all of the mentioned items are checked. This includes checking whether all vehicle lights are working and are clean, inspecting the wiper blades for any damage or wear, and ensuring the emergency exits are in proper working condition. By checking all of these items, the driver can ensure the safety and functionality of the vehicle before starting the trip.

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  • 9. 

    Where or when should you test the stopping action of your service brakes?

    • A.

      In a parking lot when the vehicle is not moving

    • B.

      When moving at 5 MPH.

    • C.

      At a special Brake Testing Center only.

    • D.

      When the vehicle is going downhill without a load.

    Correct Answer
    B. When moving at 5 MpH.
    The correct answer is "When moving at 5 MPH." Testing the stopping action of your service brakes while moving at 5 MPH allows you to assess their effectiveness in a realistic scenario. This speed is slow enough to ensure safety while still providing a practical test of the brakes' ability to bring the vehicle to a stop. It is important to test the brakes under normal driving conditions to ensure they are functioning properly and can safely stop the vehicle when needed.

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  • 10. 

    Which of these can cause a vehicle to skid?

    • A.

      Turning too sharply.

    • B.


    • C.

      Not enough weight on the front axle.

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above
    All of the options listed can cause a vehicle to skid. Turning too sharply can cause the tires to lose traction and slide, leading to a skid. Overacceleration can cause the wheels to spin and lose grip on the road surface, resulting in a skid. Not enough weight on the front axle can cause a loss of traction on the front tires, causing the vehicle to skid. Therefore, all of these factors can contribute to a vehicle skidding.

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  • 11. 

    What is counter steering?

    • A.

      Turning the wheel back in the other direction after steering to avoid a traffic emergency.

    • B.

      Turning the steering wheel counterclockwise

    • C.

      Steering in the opposite direction from what other drivers expect you to do.

    • D.

      Using the steering axle brakes to prevent oversteering

    Correct Answer
    A. Turning the wheel back in the other direction after steering to avoid a traffic emergency.
    Counter steering is the technique of turning the wheel back in the opposite direction after initially steering in order to avoid a traffic emergency. This technique is commonly used by experienced drivers to regain control of the vehicle and avoid a potential collision. By quickly and smoothly counter steering, the driver can effectively maneuver the vehicle away from the danger and maintain control of the situation.

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  • 12. 

    High beams should be:

    • A.

      Used when it is safe and legal to do so.

    • B.

      Dimmed at the time that you get within 100 feet of another vehicle

    • C.

      Turned on when an oncoming driver does not dim his/her lights.

    • D.

      All of the above.

    Correct Answer
    A. Used when it is safe and legal to do so.
    High beams should be used when it is safe and legal to do so. This means that they should be used in situations where there are no other vehicles around, such as on empty roads or highways. Using high beams when it is not safe or legal can blind or distract other drivers, which can be dangerous. Dimming high beams when getting within 100 feet of another vehicle is important to avoid blinding the other driver. Turning on high beams when an oncoming driver does not dim their lights is not the correct response as it can escalate the situation and potentially cause an accident. Therefore, the correct answer is to use high beams when it is safe and legal to do so.

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  • 13. 

    Which of these statements about marking a stopped vehicle is true?

    • A.

      If a hill or curve keeps drivers behind you from seeing the vehicle within 500 feet, the rear reflective triangle should be moved back down the road to give adequate warning.

    • B.

      The vehicle’s tail lights should be kept on to warn other drivers.

    • C.

      You do not need to put out reflective triangles unless the vehicle will be stopped for 30 minutes or more.

    • D.

      All of the above are true.

    Correct Answer
    A. If a hill or curve keeps drivers behind you from seeing the vehicle within 500 feet, the rear reflective triangle should be moved back down the road to give adequate warning.
    If a hill or curve obstructs the view of drivers behind the stopped vehicle within a distance of 500 feet, it is necessary to move the rear reflective triangle further down the road to provide sufficient warning. This is important to ensure that approaching drivers have enough time to react and adjust their speed accordingly. By placing the reflective triangle at a suitable distance, it helps to enhance visibility and prevent potential accidents.

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  • 14. 

    You are driving in the right lane of a four-lane, undivided road. You come over a hill and find a car stopped ahead in your lane. You do not have room to stop, and the hill blocks your view to the rear. The shoulder is clear. Which of these is most likely the best action to take?

    • A.

      Steer to the right.

    • B.

      Use hard braking and brace for collision.

    • C.

      Steer into the left lane.

    • D.

      Steer into the oncoming lanes.

    Correct Answer
    A. Steer to the right.
    When driving in the right lane and encountering a car stopped ahead with limited visibility to the rear, the best action is to steer to the right. This allows the driver to utilize the clear shoulder as an escape route and avoid a potential collision. Steering into the left lane or oncoming lanes would increase the risk of a head-on collision, while hard braking and bracing for collision may not provide enough stopping distance. Therefore, steering to the right is the most appropriate and safest action in this situation.

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  • 15. 

    You can see a marking on a vehicle ahead of you. The marking is a red triangle with an orange center. What does the marking mean?

    • A.

      It is being driven by a student driver

    • B.

      It may be a slow-moving vehicle.

    • C.

      The vehicle is hauling hazardous materials

    • D.

      It is a law enforcement vehicle

    Correct Answer
    B. It may be a slow-moving vehicle.
    The marking of a red triangle with an orange center typically indicates a slow-moving vehicle. This marking is commonly used to warn other drivers that the vehicle may be traveling at a slower speed than the surrounding traffic. It is important for drivers to be cautious and patient when approaching and passing such vehicles to ensure everyone's safety on the road.

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  • 16. 

    When driving through work zones, you should:

    • A.

      Drive slowly.

    • B.

      Use your brake lights to warn drivers behind you.

    • C.

      Turn on your flashers.

    • D.

      Do all of the above.

    Correct Answer
    D. Do all of the above.
    When driving through work zones, it is important to drive slowly to ensure the safety of workers and other drivers. Using your brake lights to warn drivers behind you can help prevent rear-end collisions. Turning on your flashers can also alert other drivers to the presence of a work zone and increase visibility. Doing all of these actions together is the best approach to ensure safety in work zones.

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  • 17. 

    You should stop driving:

    • A.

      After 5 hours.

    • B.

      After 7 hours.

    • C.

      After 9 hours.

    • D.

      Whenever you become sleepy.

    Correct Answer
    D. Whenever you become sleepy.
    When driving, it is important to prioritize safety. The correct answer suggests that you should stop driving whenever you become sleepy. This is because drowsiness can impair your ability to focus and react quickly, increasing the risk of accidents. It is crucial to listen to your body and take breaks or rest when needed to ensure the safety of yourself and others on the road.

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  • 18. 

    Which of these statements about drugs is true?

    • A.

      A driver can use any prescription drug while driving

    • B.

      Use of drugs can lead to accidents and/or arrest.

    • C.

      Amphetamines (“pep pills” or “bennies”) can be used to help the driver stay alert.

    • D.

      All of the above.

    Correct Answer
    B. Use of drugs can lead to accidents and/or arrest.
    The correct answer is "Use of drugs can lead to accidents and/or arrest." This statement is true because the use of drugs can impair a person's judgment, coordination, and reaction time, making them more prone to causing accidents while driving. Additionally, driving under the influence of drugs is illegal in most jurisdictions and can result in arrest and legal consequences.

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  • 19. 

    Which of these statements about using turn signals is true?

    • A.

      You should use your turn signals to mark your vehicle when it is pulled off on the side of the road.

    • B.

      When turning, you should cancel the signal before you make the turn.

    • C.

      You do not need to use a signal when changing lanes in traffic on a four-lane highway.

    • D.

      When turning, you should signal early.

    Correct Answer
    D. When turning, you should signal early.
    When turning, you should signal early. This is important because signaling early gives other drivers enough time to react and adjust their driving accordingly. It helps to communicate your intentions and ensures a safer maneuver. Signaling at the last moment or after starting the turn can confuse other drivers and increase the risk of accidents. Therefore, it is necessary to signal early when turning.

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  • 20. 

    You must exit a highway using an off-ramp that curves downhill. You should:

    • A.

      Come to a full stop at the top of the ramp.

    • B.

      Wait until you are in the curve before downshifting

    • C.

      Slow down to a safe speed before the curve.

    • D.

      Slow down to the posted speed limit for the off-ramp

    Correct Answer
    C. Slow down to a safe speed before the curve.
    When exiting a highway using an off-ramp that curves downhill, it is important to slow down to a safe speed before entering the curve. This is because the curve can be more challenging to navigate at higher speeds, especially when going downhill. By reducing your speed before the curve, you can maintain better control of your vehicle and reduce the risk of losing control or skidding. It is also important to note that slowing down to the posted speed limit for the off-ramp is a good practice, as it ensures you are driving at a safe and appropriate speed for the specific road conditions.

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  • 21. 

    You are driving a heavy bus with a manual transmission. You have to stop the vehicle on the shoulder while driving on an uphill grade. Which of these is a good rule to follow when putting it back in motion up the grade?

    • A.

      Let the vehicle roll straight backwards a few feet before you engage the clutch.

    • B.

      Let the vehicle roll backwards a few feet before you engage the clutch, but turn the wheel so that the back moves away from the roadway.

    • C.

      Keep the clutch slipping while slowly accelerating

    • D.

      Use the parking brake to hold the vehicle until the clutch engages.

    Correct Answer
    D. Use the parking brake to hold the vehicle until the clutch engages.
    Using the parking brake to hold the vehicle until the clutch engages is a good rule to follow when putting a heavy bus with a manual transmission back in motion up an uphill grade. This helps prevent the vehicle from rolling backwards while the driver engages the clutch and accelerates, ensuring a smooth and controlled start on the incline.

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  • 22. 

    As the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) goes up, what happens?

    • A.

      Judgment and self-control are affected.

    • B.

      The drinker can sober up in less time.

    • C.

      The drinker more clearly sees how alcohol is affecting him/her.

    • D.

      The effects of alcohol decrease

    Correct Answer
    A. Judgment and self-control are affected.
    As the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) increases, judgment and self-control are affected. This means that the person's ability to make sound decisions and control their behavior becomes impaired. This is a well-known effect of alcohol consumption, as it affects the functioning of the brain and inhibits rational thinking and self-control. The other options, such as sobering up in less time, having a clearer perception of how alcohol is affecting them, or the effects of alcohol decreasing, are not supported by scientific evidence and are therefore incorrect.

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  • 23. 

    When looking ahead of your vehicle while driving, you should look:

    • A.

      To the right side of the road.

    • B.

      To the left side of the road.

    • C.

      Back and forth, near and far

    • D.

      Straight ahead at all times.

    Correct Answer
    C. Back and forth, near and far
    When looking ahead of your vehicle while driving, it is important to look back and forth, near and far. This means constantly scanning the road ahead to be aware of any potential hazards, such as pedestrians, other vehicles, or obstacles. By looking both near and far, you can anticipate any changes in the road conditions or traffic patterns, allowing you to react in a timely manner. This scanning technique helps to maintain situational awareness and ensures a safer driving experience.

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  • 24. 

    When the roads are slippery, you should:

    • A.

      Make turns as carefully as possible.

    • B.

      Stop and test the traction while going up hills.

    • C.

      Decrease the distance that you look ahead of your vehicle.

    • D.

      Drive alongside other vehicles.

    Correct Answer
    A. Make turns as carefully as possible.
    When the roads are slippery, it is important to make turns as carefully as possible. This is because slippery roads reduce the traction between the tires and the road surface, making it easier for the vehicle to skid or lose control during turns. By making turns carefully, the driver can maintain control of the vehicle and reduce the risk of accidents or skidding.

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  • 25. 

    Which of these is a good thing to remember about using mirrors?

    • A.

      You should look at a mirror for several seconds at a time.

    • B.

      Convex mirrors make things look larger and closer than they really are.

    • C.

      There are “blind spots” that your mirror cannot show you.

    • D.

      You should check your mirrors twice before making a lane change.

    Correct Answer
    C. There are “blind spots” that your mirror cannot show you.
    Mirrors have blind spots that they cannot show you, meaning that there are areas around your vehicle that cannot be seen in the mirrors. This is an important thing to remember when driving because it emphasizes the need for additional checks, such as looking over your shoulder, before making a lane change or turning. It is crucial to be aware of these blind spots to ensure the safety of yourself and others on the road.

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  • 26. 

    Which of these is a good thing to do when driving at night?

    • A.

      Wear sun glasses

    • B.

      Keep your instrument lights bright.

    • C.

      Keep your speed slow enough that you can stop within the range of your headlights.

    • D.

      Look directly at oncoming headlights only briefly.

    Correct Answer
    C. Keep your speed slow enough that you can stop within the range of your headlights.
    When driving at night, it is important to keep your speed slow enough that you can stop within the range of your headlights. This is because visibility is reduced at night, and you need to have enough time to react and stop if you encounter any obstacles or hazards on the road. By driving at a slower speed, you give yourself more time to assess the situation and avoid any potential accidents. Wearing sunglasses at night is not recommended as it further reduces visibility, keeping instrument lights bright can be distracting, and looking directly at oncoming headlights can temporarily blind you.

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  • 27. 

    Which of these is a sign of tire failure?

    • A.


    • B.

      A loud “bang”

    • C.

      Steering that feels heavy

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above
    All of the given options are signs of tire failure. Vibration can occur when the tires are out of balance or have uneven wear, indicating a potential issue. A loud "bang" can indicate a blowout or sudden tire failure. Steering that feels heavy can be a result of a flat tire or a loss of air pressure. Therefore, all of these signs suggest a possible tire failure.

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  • 28. 

    Your vehicle is in a traffic emergency and may collide with another vehicle if you do not take action. Which statement is true?

    • A.

      Leaving the road is always more risky than hitting another vehicle.

    • B.

      Unbuckle your safety belt before impact so you will not be trapped inside your vehicle.

    • C.

      You can almost always turn to miss an obstacle more quickly than you can stop.

    • D.

      Stopping is always the safest action in a traffic emergency

    Correct Answer
    C. You can almost always turn to miss an obstacle more quickly than you can stop.
    In a traffic emergency where there is a risk of colliding with another vehicle, it is generally true that you can almost always turn to miss an obstacle more quickly than you can stop. This is because turning allows you to change direction and avoid the obstacle, while stopping requires more time and distance to come to a complete halt. However, it is important to assess the situation and consider factors such as the speed, distance, and available space before making a decision to turn or stop.

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  • 29. 

    What should you do when your vehicle hydroplanes?

    • A.

      Accelerate slightly

    • B.

      Counter steer hard

    • C.

      Release the accelerator

    • D.

      Start stab-braking

    Correct Answer
    C. Release the accelerator
    When your vehicle hydroplanes, it means that it is skidding or sliding on a layer of water on the road surface. In this situation, it is important to release the accelerator to reduce the speed and regain control of the vehicle. By releasing the accelerator, you allow the tires to regain traction with the road surface, which can help prevent further skidding or sliding. Accelerating or counter steering hard can worsen the situation and increase the risk of losing control of the vehicle. Stab-braking, which involves rapidly applying and releasing the brakes, is not recommended as it can further destabilize the vehicle.

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  • 30. 

    You are testing the stopping action of service brakes on a hydraulic system. Which of these can mean there is a problem?

    • A.

      The brake pedal “feels” unusual

    • B.

      The vehicle pulls to one side when the brake pedal is pressed.

    • C.

      Stopping action is delayed.

    • D.

      All of the above.

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above.
    If the brake pedal "feels" unusual, it could indicate a problem with the hydraulic system, such as air in the brake lines or a malfunctioning brake component. If the vehicle pulls to one side when the brake pedal is pressed, it suggests that there is an imbalance in the braking system, such as uneven brake pad wear or a stuck caliper. If the stopping action is delayed, it could indicate a loss of hydraulic pressure or a problem with the brake master cylinder. Therefore, all of these symptoms can indicate a problem with the stopping action of the service brakes on a hydraulic system.

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  • 31. 

    To avoid a crash, you had to drive onto the right shoulder. You are now driving at 40 MpH on the shoulder. What should you do next to move back onto the roadway?

    • A.

      Keep moving at the present speed and steer very gently back onto the roadway

    • B.

      If the shoulder is clear, stay on it until your vehicle comes to a stop.

    • C.

      Brake hard to slow the vehicle, then steer sharply onto the roadway

    • D.

      Steer sharply onto the roadway, then brake hard as you counter steer.

    Correct Answer
    B. If the shoulder is clear, stay on it until your vehicle comes to a stop.
    If the shoulder is clear, it is recommended to stay on it until your vehicle comes to a stop. This is because abruptly steering back onto the roadway at high speed can be dangerous and potentially cause a crash. By staying on the shoulder until your vehicle comes to a stop, you can safely assess the traffic conditions and merge back onto the roadway when it is safe to do so.

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  • 32. 

    While driving, ice builds up on your wipers and they no longer clean the windshield. You should:

    • A.

      Keep driving and spray the windshield with washer fluid.

    • B.

      Stop safely and fix the problem

    • C.

      Keep driving and turn the wipers off

    • D.

      Keep driving and turn your defroster on.

    Correct Answer
    B. Stop safely and fix the problem
    When ice builds up on your wipers and they no longer clean the windshield, it is important to stop safely and fix the problem. Continuing to drive with impaired visibility can be dangerous and increase the risk of accidents. Stopping safely allows you to remove the ice from the wipers and ensure that they are functioning properly before continuing to drive. It is not advisable to keep driving and spray the windshield with washer fluid, as this may not effectively remove the ice. Similarly, turning the wipers off or turning the defroster on without addressing the ice buildup will not solve the problem.

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  • 33. 

    Which of these is the most important thing to remember about emergency braking?

    • A.

      If the wheels are skidding, you cannot control the vehicle.

    • B.

      Never do it without downshifting first

    • C.

      It helps to keep the brake linings clean.

    • D.

      Disconnecting the steering axle brakes will help keep your vehicle in a straight line during emergency braking.

    Correct Answer
    A. If the wheels are skidding, you cannot control the vehicle.
    The most important thing to remember about emergency braking is that if the wheels are skidding, you cannot control the vehicle. Skidding wheels have reduced traction, which means that the driver has limited control over the direction and movement of the vehicle. This is why it is crucial to avoid skidding during emergency braking situations in order to maintain control and minimize the risk of accidents.

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  • 34. 

    Which of these statements about cold-weather driving is true?

    • A.

      Exhaust system leaks are less dangerous in cold weather.

    • B.

      In snowstorms, wiper blades should be adjusted so they do not make direct contact with the windshield.

    • C.

      An engine cannot overheat when the weather is very cold.

    • D.

      Windshield washer antifreeze should be used.

    Correct Answer
    D. Windshield washer antifreeze should be used.
    Windshield washer antifreeze should be used in cold weather because regular windshield washer fluid can freeze and potentially damage the washer system. Antifreeze helps to prevent freezing and keeps the washer fluid flowing properly, ensuring clear visibility while driving in cold conditions.

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  • 35. 

    The road you are driving on becomes very slippery due to glare ice. Which of these is a good thing to do in such a situation?

    • A.

      Stop driving as soon as you can safely do so.

    • B.

      Downshift to stop.

    • C.

      Apply the brakes often to keep the linings dry.

    • D.

      Keep varying your speed by accelerating and braking.

    Correct Answer
    A. Stop driving as soon as you can safely do so.
    In a situation where the road becomes very slippery due to glare ice, the best course of action is to stop driving as soon as you can safely do so. This is because driving on glare ice can greatly reduce traction and control, increasing the risk of accidents. By stopping the vehicle, you eliminate the possibility of losing control and allow for safer conditions to assess the situation and determine the best course of action.

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  • 36. 

    For your safety, when setting out reflective triangles, you should:

    • A.

      Turn off your flashers

    • B.

      Carry the triangles at your side

    • C.

      Hold the triangles between yourself and oncoming traffic.

    • D.

      Keep them out of sight while you walk to the spot where you want to place them.

    Correct Answer
    C. Hold the triangles between yourself and oncoming traffic.
    When setting out reflective triangles for safety, it is important to hold them between yourself and oncoming traffic. This ensures that the triangles are visible to approaching vehicles, alerting them to the presence of a hazard ahead. Holding the triangles at your side or keeping them out of sight would defeat the purpose of their reflective properties and could potentially lead to accidents. Therefore, holding the triangles between yourself and oncoming traffic is the correct way to use them effectively for safety purposes.

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  • 37. 

    Which fires can you put out with water?

    • A.

      Tire fires.

    • B.

      Gasoline/Diesel fuel fires

    • C.

      Electrical fires.

    • D.

      All of the above.

    Correct Answer
    A. Tire fires.
    Water can be used to put out tire fires because it cools down the fire and reduces the temperature below the ignition point. Additionally, water can help to suppress the smoke and prevent the fire from spreading. However, water should not be used to extinguish gasoline/diesel fuel fires or electrical fires as it can spread the flames or cause electrocution.

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  • 38. 


    • A.

      Is more likely if tire pressure is low.

    • B.

      Only occurs when there is a lot of water.

    • C.

      Only occurs when there is a lot of water.

    • D.

      Cannot occur when driving through a puddle

    Correct Answer
    A. Is more likely if tire pressure is low.
    Hydroplaning occurs when a layer of water builds up between the tires of a vehicle and the road surface, causing a loss of traction. Low tire pressure can increase the likelihood of hydroplaning because it reduces the contact area between the tires and the road, making it easier for the tires to lose grip and slide on the water. Adequate tire pressure helps maintain better traction and reduces the risk of hydroplaning. Therefore, the correct answer is that hydroplaning is more likely if tire pressure is low.

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  • 39. 

    You should avoid driving through deep puddles or flowing water. But if you must, which of these steps can help keep your brakes working?

    • A.

      Driving through quickly

    • B.

      Gently applying pressure on the brakes while driving through the water.

    • C.

      Applying hard pressure on both the brake pedal and accelerator after coming out of the water.

    • D.

      Turning on your brake heaters.

    Correct Answer
    B. Gently applying pressure on the brakes while driving through the water.
    When driving through deep puddles or flowing water, it is important to avoid applying hard pressure on the brakes as it can cause them to lock up and lose effectiveness. Gently applying pressure on the brakes while driving through the water allows the brake pads to make contact with the rotors and maintain some level of friction, which helps to keep the brakes working. This gradual application of pressure helps to prevent water from entering the brake system and reduces the risk of brake failure.

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  • 40. 

    You must park on the side of a level, straight, two-lane road. Where should you place the reflective triangles?

    • A.

      One within 10 feet of the front of the vehicle, one about 200 feet to the front, and one about 100 feet to the rear.

    • B.

      One within 10 feet of the rear of the vehicle, one about 100 feet to the rear, and one about 200 feet to the rear.

    • C.

      One within 10 feet to the rear of the vehicle, one about 100 feet to the rear, and one about 100 feet to the front of the vehicle.

    • D.

      One about 50 feet to the rear of the vehicle, one about 100 feet to the rear, and one about 100 feet to the front of the vehicle.

    Correct Answer
    C. One within 10 feet to the rear of the vehicle, one about 100 feet to the rear, and one about 100 feet to the front of the vehicle.
    When parking on the side of a level, straight, two-lane road, it is important to place reflective triangles to warn other drivers of your presence. The correct placement of the reflective triangles is one within 10 feet to the rear of the vehicle, one about 100 feet to the rear, and one about 100 feet to the front of the vehicle. This placement ensures that drivers approaching from both directions can see the warning triangles in advance and take necessary precautions to avoid any potential accidents.

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  • 41. 

    According to the Driver’s Manual, why should you limit the use of your horn?

    • A.

      It can startle other drivers.

    • B.

      On vehicles with air brakes, it can use air pressure that may be needed to stop.

    • C.

      The horn is not a good way to let others know you are there.

    • D.

      You should keep both hands tightly gripping the steering wheel at all times.

    Correct Answer
    A. It can startle other drivers.
    According to the Driver's Manual, limiting the use of your horn is recommended because it can startle other drivers. Startling other drivers can be dangerous as it may cause them to react abruptly or lose control of their vehicle. It is important to use the horn responsibly and only when necessary to avoid causing unnecessary panic or confusion on the road.

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  • 42. 

    Which of these is a proper use of vehicle lights?

    • A.

      Turning on your headlights during the day when visibility is reduced due to rain or snow.

    • B.

      Flashing your brake lights to warn someone behind you that you are going to stop on the road.

    • C.

      Flashing your brake lights to warn someone behind you of a hazard that will require slowing down.

    • D.

      All of the above.

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above.
    All of the above options are proper uses of vehicle lights. Turning on headlights during the day when visibility is reduced due to rain or snow helps increase visibility for other drivers. Flashing brake lights to warn someone behind you that you are going to stop on the road is a common practice to prevent rear-end collisions. Similarly, flashing brake lights to warn someone behind you of a hazard that will require slowing down is a way to communicate potential dangers on the road. Therefore, all of these options are appropriate uses of vehicle lights.

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  • 43. 

    Your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is determined by which of the following

    • A.

      Your weight.

    • B.

      The amount of alcohol you drink

    • C.

      How fast you drink

    • D.

      All of the above.

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above.
    The correct answer is "All of the above" because your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is influenced by multiple factors. Your weight plays a role because alcohol is distributed throughout your body, and a higher weight can dilute the alcohol concentration. The amount of alcohol you drink directly affects your BAC because the more alcohol you consume, the higher your BAC will be. Additionally, the speed at which you drink is important as your body needs time to metabolize alcohol, so drinking faster can lead to a higher BAC. Therefore, all of these factors contribute to determining your BAC.

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  • 44. 

    What is the proper way to hold a steering wheel?

    • A.

      With both hands close together, near the bottom of the wheel.

    • B.

      With both hands, on opposite sides of the wheel

    • C.

      With one hand.

    • D.

      With both hands close together, near the top of the steering wheel

    Correct Answer
    B. With both hands, on opposite sides of the wheel
    The proper way to hold a steering wheel is with both hands, on opposite sides of the wheel. This hand position allows for better control and stability while driving, as it provides equal leverage for both hands to make precise steering adjustments. It also ensures that both hands are ready to react quickly in case of an emergency or sudden maneuver. Holding the wheel with both hands close together, near the bottom or top, may limit range of motion and decrease control over the vehicle. Holding the wheel with one hand is not recommended as it can lead to reduced control and slower reaction times.

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  • 45. 

    Which of these statements about speed management is true?

    • A.

      When the road is slippery, it will take longer to stop and it will be harder to turn without skidding.

    • B.

      On a wet road, you should reduce your speed by about one-third.

    • C.

      On packed snow, you should reduce your speed by one-half.

    • D.

      All of the above.

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above.
    All of the statements about speed management are true. When the road is slippery, it will indeed take longer to stop and it will be harder to turn without skidding. On a wet road, it is recommended to reduce your speed by about one-third. Similarly, on packed snow, it is advised to reduce your speed by one-half. Therefore, all of the given statements are correct.

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  • 46. 

    On which fires can you use the “A:B:C” fire extinguisher?

    • A.

      Electrical fires.

    • B.

      Burning liquids.

    • C.

      Burning cloth.

    • D.

      All of the above.

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above.
    The "A:B:C" fire extinguisher can be used on electrical fires, burning liquids, and burning cloth. This type of fire extinguisher is versatile and effective in extinguishing different types of fires. It contains dry chemicals that can smother the flames and prevent further spread. Therefore, it is suitable for use on all three types of fires mentioned.

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  • 47. 

    When should you wear seat belts?

    • A.

      Only when traveling on a highway.

    • B.

      Only when engaged in interstate commerce

    • C.

      Any time you are in a moving vehicle

    • D.

      Only in states where it is required by law.

    Correct Answer
    C. Any time you are in a moving vehicle
    Seat belts should be worn any time you are in a moving vehicle. Wearing seat belts is important for safety and can help prevent injuries in the event of a collision or sudden stop. It is recommended to wear seat belts regardless of the type of road or the purpose of the trip. Seat belt laws may vary by state, but it is always advisable to buckle up for personal safety.

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  • 48. 

    Which of these is a good thing to remember when crossing or entering traffic with a heavy vehicle?

    • A.

      The heavier your load, the smaller the gap needed to cross traffic.

    • B.

      Because heavy vehicles are easy to see, you can count on other drivers to move out of your way or slow down for you.

    • C.

      Heavy vehicles need larger gaps in traffic than cars

    • D.

      The best way to cross traffic is to pull the vehicle part of the way across the road and block one lane while waiting for the other lane to clear.

    Correct Answer
    C. Heavy vehicles need larger gaps in traffic than cars
    The correct answer states that heavy vehicles need larger gaps in traffic than cars. This is because heavy vehicles take longer to accelerate and decelerate due to their weight, so they require more space to safely enter or cross traffic. This is important to remember to ensure the safety of both the heavy vehicle and other vehicles on the road.

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  • 49. 

    The Driver’s Manual suggests several things to do when you pass a vehicle. Which of these is not one of them?

    • A.

      Assume the other driver does not see you.

    • B.

      Lightly tap your horn.

    • C.

      At night, turn on your high beams before you start to pass, and leave them on until you have completely passed the vehicle.

    • D.

      Drive carefully to avoid a crash.

    Correct Answer
    C. At night, turn on your high beams before you start to pass, and leave them on until you have completely passed the vehicle.
    The correct answer is "At night, turn on your high beams before you start to pass, and leave them on until you have completely passed the vehicle." This is not one of the suggested things to do when passing a vehicle according to the Driver's Manual. The manual suggests assuming the other driver does not see you, lightly tapping your horn, and driving carefully to avoid a crash. Turning on your high beams before passing and leaving them on until you have completely passed the vehicle is not mentioned as a recommended action.

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  • 50. 

    Which of these statements about drinking alcohol is true?

    • A.

      Not everyone who drinks is affected by alcohol.

    • B.

      Coffee and fresh air will help a drinker sober up.

    • C.

      A few beers have the same effect on driving as a few shots of whiskey or a few glasses of wine.

    • D.

      All of the above are true

    Correct Answer
    C. A few beers have the same effect on driving as a few shots of whiskey or a few glasses of wine.
    The correct answer is that a few beers have the same effect on driving as a few shots of whiskey or a few glasses of wine. This statement is true because the amount of alcohol consumed, regardless of the type of beverage, affects a person's ability to drive. The level of impairment is determined by the blood alcohol concentration (BAC), which is influenced by the total amount of alcohol consumed, rather than the specific type of alcohol. Therefore, consuming a few beers can have the same effect on driving as consuming a few shots of whiskey or a few glasses of wine.

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  • Jul 10, 2024
    Quiz Edited by
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  • Jul 18, 2010
    Quiz Created by
    Rachael Roblyer
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