Community Health Nursing MCQ Quiz

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Community Health Nursing MCQ Quiz - Quiz

The Community Health Nursing MCQ Quiz is designed to test your knowledge of key concepts in community health nursing. This quiz covers essential topics such as public health principles, epidemiology, health promotion, disease prevention, and community assessment. It is ideal for nursing students and professionals who want to review and reinforce their understanding of community health.

By taking this quiz, you can identify areas where you need further study, improve your problem-solving skills, and enhance your overall competency in community health nursing. This quiz is a valuable tool for exam preparation, continuing education, or professional development. Use it to ensure Read moreyou are well-prepared to provide high-quality care in community settings and contribute effectively to public health initiatives.

Community Health Nursing Questions and Answers

  • 1. 

    Which of the following would be the best way to determine the health of a community?

    • A.

      Ask a firefighter which neighborhoods have the fewest fires.

    • B.

      Ask a realtor which neighborhoods have the most expensive houses.

    • C.

      Ask people living in the neighborhood if they are happy with where they live.

    • D.

      Ask the police department which neighborhoods have the lowest crime rates.

    Correct Answer
    C. Ask people living in the neighborhood if they are happy with where they live.
    The best way to determine the health of a community is to ask the people living there if they are happy with where they live. This approach provides direct insights into residents' perceptions of their well-being and quality of life. Happiness and satisfaction are important indicators of overall community health because they reflect factors such as access to healthcare, safety, social connections, and environmental quality. While data from firefighters, realtors, and police departments can provide useful information, they do not fully capture the lived experiences and subjective well-being of the community members. Therefore, directly surveying residents is the most comprehensive method.

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  • 2. 

    Which of the following characteristics would be most indicative of a healthy community?

    • A.

      Excellent private schools and superb fire and police systems

    • B.

      A United Way that receives large donations each year

    • C.

      An extensive array of services offered by private physicians

    • D.

      Clean air and water and a sense of community cohesion

    Correct Answer
    D. Clean air and water and a sense of community cohesion
    A healthy community is characterized by an environment that supports the well-being of its residents. Clean air and water are fundamental to physical health, preventing diseases and promoting overall wellness. Additionally, a sense of community cohesion indicates strong social bonds and mutual support among residents, fostering mental and emotional health. While good schools, emergency services, and medical facilities are important, the most indicative features of a healthy community are those that ensure both environmental sustainability and social connectedness.

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  • 3. 

    A nurse was assessing the neighborhood near the health agency. The nurse drove around observing the condition of the buildings, sidewalks, and the people in the community. Which of the following best describes the actions of the nurse?

    • A.

      A drive-through

    • B.

      A neighborhood observation

    • C.

      A quick overview

    • D.

      A windshield survey

    Correct Answer
    D. A windshield survey
    A windshield survey is a method used by healthcare professionals, such as nurses, to assess the health of a community by driving through the area and making observations. During a windshield survey, the nurse notes the conditions of buildings, sidewalks, and other infrastructure, as well as the appearance and activities of the people. This type of survey provides a quick and comprehensive overview of the community's environment and can help identify potential health issues or areas needing improvement.

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  • 4. 

    Which of the following would be the best definition of a community?

    • A.

      People with open boundaries living in a particular area

    • B.

      People gathered together to solve a particular problem

    • C.

      People with a sense of belonging or common identity

    • D.

      People with at least one common demographic characteristic

    Correct Answer
    C. People with a sense of belonging or common identity
    A community is best defined as a group of people who share a sense of belonging or common identity. This sense of belonging can stem from shared values, interests, goals, or geographic location. It goes beyond just living in the same area or having common characteristics; it involves emotional and social connections that foster unity and support among its members. This definition encompasses the social and relational aspects that are crucial to forming a strong and cohesive community.

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  • 5. 

    What is the primary goal of a community assessment?

    • A.

      Identifying individual health concerns within the community.

    • B.

      Evaluating the financial resources of community organizations.

    • C.

      Understanding the strengths and needs of a community.

    • D.

      Promoting healthcare services to community members.

    Correct Answer
    C. Understanding the strengths and needs of a community.
    The primary goal of a community assessment is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the community's strengths and needs. This process involves gathering information about various aspects of the community, such as its demographics, health status, resources, and services. By identifying both the positive attributes and the areas that require improvement, community leaders and healthcare providers can develop effective strategies and programs to address the community's needs and enhance overall well-being. This assessment helps ensure that interventions are relevant and targeted to improve the community's health and quality of life.

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  • 6. 

    Which of the following is an essential characteristic of a community?

    • A.

      A geographic area with defined boundaries

    • B.

      A particular place over time for common purposes

    • C.

      A place and beliefs or value systems

    • D.

      A place or common demographic characteristics

    Correct Answer
    B. A particular place over time for common purposes
    An essential characteristic of a community is that it involves a particular place over time for common purposes. This means that a community is not just defined by its geographic boundaries or demographic traits, but by the shared goals, activities, and interactions that bring people together over time. These common purposes can include social, economic, cultural, or environmental objectives that create a sense of unity and collaboration among members, fostering a stable and supportive environment.

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  • 7. 

    Which of the following is an example of a phenomenology community?

    • A.

      The employees of Delco Manufacturing

    • B.

      The Miami Valley region

    • C.

      The village of Yellow Springs

    • D.

      The United States Census Bureau census tract #1017

    Correct Answer
    A. The employees of Delco Manufacturing
    A phenomenology community is defined by the shared experiences, interests, or activities of its members, rather than by geographic boundaries. The employees of Delco Manufacturing represent a phenomenology community because they share common work experiences, goals, and interactions related to their employment at the same company. This type of community forms through the relationships and shared purposes of its members, which are central to their sense of belonging and identity within the group.

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  • 8. 

    Which of the following best describes a group?

    • A.

      Those who are all living in the same geopolitical area

    • B.

      Those who are all members of the same phenomenology community

    • C.

      Those who engage in repeated face-to-face communication

    • D.

      Those who respect each others perspective

    Correct Answer
    C. Those who engage in repeated face-to-face communication
    A group is best described as individuals who engage in repeated face-to-face communication. This frequent interaction is crucial for forming relationships, developing trust, and fostering a sense of unity and cooperation among group members. While living in the same area, sharing experiences, or respecting each other's perspectives can contribute to group dynamics, it is the ongoing personal communication that solidifies the connections and functioning of a group. Through these interactions, members can collaborate, support each other, and achieve common goals.

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  • 9. 

    When community/public health personnel speak of a community of solution, to what are they referring?

    • A.

      A community that has resolved its major problems at least temporarily

    • B.

      The area in which some problems are approached on a wider regional basis

    • C.

      The fact that communities have to solve their own problems

    • D.

      The reality that some problems have to be approached on a federal basis

    Correct Answer
    B. The area in which some problems are approached on a wider regional basis
    A community of solution refers to a geographic area where problems are addressed through collaboration across a wider regional basis. This means that rather than being confined to traditional community boundaries, the focus is on bringing together resources, expertise, and efforts from various communities and stakeholders to tackle issues that are best addressed collectively. This approach allows for more effective and comprehensive solutions to public health challenges that may span across multiple areas, ensuring a coordinated and strategic response to improve overall health outcomes.

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  • 10. 

    When a community is assessed from a developmental framework, which data must be determined?

    • A.

      The demographics (such as age) of the persons living in the community

    • B.

      The emotional maturity of the community's residents

    • C.

      The history of the community

    • D.

      The number and quality of daycare centers and schools

    Correct Answer
    C. The history of the community
    When assessing a community from a developmental framework, understanding the history of the community is crucial. This includes how the community has evolved over time, significant events that have shaped its development, and past and present trends affecting its growth and changes. By examining the community's history, assessors can identify patterns, milestones, and challenges that have influenced its current state. This historical perspective provides context for understanding present conditions and planning future interventions that build on the community's developmental trajectory.

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  • 11. 

    Which of the following would be the focus of a nurse who is using an epidemiologic framework to assess a community?

    • A.

      Interviewing health care professionals concerning the community

    • B.

      Researching findings from epidemiologic studies

    • C.

      Learning about the health of the community's population

    • D.

      Discovering groups among the community residents who are most at risk

    Correct Answer
    D. Discovering groups among the community residents who are most at risk
    Using an epidemiologic framework, a nurse focuses on discovering groups within the community who are most at risk for health issues. This involves identifying patterns and determinants of health and disease in specific populations. By understanding which groups are more susceptible to certain conditions, interventions can be better targeted to prevent and manage health problems. Epidemiology helps in tracking disease trends, identifying risk factors, and implementing measures to protect and improve community health, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently to those who need them most.

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  • 12. 

    Which of the following situations is a reason why a community/public health nurse would choose to focus on a particular subgroup instead of on the entire community?

    • A.

      The subgroup can more easily afford health care services.

    • B.

      The subgroup has more political power and can influence health funding.

    • C.

      The subgroup has notably higher statistical risk for experiencing health problems.

    • D.

      The subgroup knows how to obtain publicity if their needs are not met.

    Correct Answer
    C. The subgroup has notably higher statistical risk for experiencing health problems.
    A community/public health nurse would focus on a particular subgroup if it has a notably higher statistical risk for experiencing health problems. Targeting high-risk groups allows for more effective and efficient use of resources, as interventions can be specifically designed to address the unique needs and vulnerabilities of these populations. By concentrating efforts on those who are most at risk, the nurse can help prevent or mitigate health issues more effectively, ultimately improving the overall health outcomes of the community. This approach ensures that the most vulnerable receive the attention and care they need.

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  • 13. 

    When assessing a community by using the structural-functional framework, the nurse recognizes that all communities must

    • A.

      Address financial needs of residents.

    • B.

      Engage in functions that can be measured.

    • C.

      Provide for socialization and a sense of identity.

    • D.

      Require that public safety structures be built.

    Correct Answer
    C. Provide for socialization and a sense of identity.
    The structural-functional framework focuses on the roles and functions that are necessary for a community to operate effectively. One of the essential functions is to provide for socialization and a sense of identity among its members. This means creating an environment where individuals can learn social norms, build relationships, and feel a sense of belonging. These social structures help integrate individuals into the community, ensuring cohesion and stability. While financial needs, measurable functions, and public safety are important, socialization and identity are fundamental for the long-term health and functionality of the community.

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  • 14. 

    A nurse is completing a community assessment by using a systems framework. Which of the following is the key to the success of the assessment?

    • A.

      Demanding a reasonable budget for assessment expenses

    • B.

      Telling everyone what he or she is doing so that the listener may have input

    • C.

      Using a tool to systematically identify, collect, and organize appropriate data

    • D.

      Allowing at least 2 weeks to collect data to ensure thoroughness

    Correct Answer
    C. Using a tool to systematically identify, collect, and organize appropriate data
    The key to a successful community assessment using a systems framework is the use of a tool to systematically identify, collect, and organize appropriate data. This structured approach ensures that all relevant aspects of the community are evaluated comprehensively and consistently. By using a systematic tool, the nurse can gather accurate and reliable information on various components and interactions within the community, leading to a thorough understanding of its health status and needs. This methodical process helps in making informed decisions and planning effective interventions to address community health issues.

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  • 15. 

    What is the first step in beginning a community assessment?

    • A.

      Choosing persons who live in the community and may share their insights

    • B.

      Creating a budget of both time and money to devote to assessment

    • C.

      Defining the community and determining its boundaries or parameters

    • D.

      Outlining the data needed and determining where they might be found

    Correct Answer
    C. Defining the community and determining its boundaries or parameters
    The first step in beginning a community assessment is to define the community and determine its boundaries or parameters. This is important because it helps to establish the scope of the assessment and identify the specific population that will be included. By defining the community and its boundaries, the assessment can focus on gathering relevant data and insights from the appropriate individuals and sources. It also provides a clear starting point for conducting the assessment and ensures that all aspects of the community are considered.

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  • 16. 

    Why would a nurse be concerned when a community has relatively closed, rigid boundaries?

    • A.

      The community does not have an identity.

    • B.

      The community is probably resistant to change.

    • C.

      The nurse will not be able to share community resources.

    • D.

      The nurse may have limited access to the community.

    Correct Answer
    D. The nurse may have limited access to the community.
    A nurse would be concerned when a community has relatively closed, rigid boundaries because these boundaries can limit the nurse's access to the community. This restriction can hinder the ability to perform thorough assessments, deliver health services, and implement necessary interventions. Limited access can also mean that the community might be less receptive to external support and resources, making it challenging to address health issues effectively. Ensuring open communication and cooperation is vital for successful public health initiatives and for fostering a supportive environment for community health improvements.

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  • 17. 

    Which of the following events illustrates how the supra system affects a community as a system?

    • A.

      A group of concerned citizens points out the rising number of homeless persons in the community.

    • B.

      A subgroup of the community demands that housing for homeless persons be built.

    • C.

      Homeless persons decide to picket in front of the city government building.

    • D.

      The state legislature passes a law that all communities must build some housing for homeless persons.

    Correct Answer
    D. The state legislature passes a law that all communities must build some housing for homeless persons.
    The supra system refers to larger systems or external influences that impact a community, such as government policies or broader societal trends. When the state legislature passes a law requiring all communities to build housing for homeless persons, it is an example of how the supra system affects a community. This external mandate directly influences the community's actions and priorities, requiring changes and adaptations within the community to comply with the new law. Such legislative actions can significantly shape community structures, resources, and overall functioning.

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  • 18. 

    How might the goals of communities best be summarized?

    • A.

      Ensuring that the community's history is remembered

    • B.

      Encouraging socialization with persons outside the community

    • C.

      Maximizing availability of financial and other resources

    • D.

      Promoting survival and maximizing the well-being of members

    Correct Answer
    D. Promoting survival and maximizing the well-being of members
    The primary goals of communities can best be summarized as promoting survival and maximizing the well-being of their members. This encompasses ensuring that basic needs such as food, shelter, and safety are met, while also fostering conditions that enhance overall health, happiness, and quality of life. Communities aim to create supportive environments where individuals can thrive, socially, economically, and emotionally. These goals guide the development of services, resources, and policies that benefit all members, contributing to a cohesive and resilient community.

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  • 19. 

    Which demographic factors of a community are important for the nurse to consider when assessing a community?

    • A.

      Census tract data can be used to determine needed agency staffing.

    • B.

      Density of housing is associated with contagious infections.

    • C.

      Ethnicity determines how health is defined and protected.

    • D.

      Income determines what community services can be financed.

    Correct Answer
    C. Ethnicity determines how health is defined and protected.
    When assessing a community, it is important for a nurse to consider demographic factors such as ethnicity because it influences how health is defined, perceived, and protected. Different ethnic groups may have unique health beliefs, practices, and cultural norms that affect their health behaviors and responses to medical care. Understanding these cultural differences enables the nurse to provide more culturally competent and effective care, ensuring that health interventions are respectful and relevant to the community's needs. This consideration helps in designing health programs that are accepted and supported by the community members.

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  • 20. 

    Which of the following is an example of the relationship between demographic factors and health needs?

    • A.

      Persons with high incomes typically have nutritional problems resulting from diet choices.

    • B.

      Low educational level is associated with more health promotion behaviors.

    • C.

      Religion may suggest beliefs concerning use of contraception, health care, and food choices.

    • D.

      Being the majority population group, young adult men help determine which service agencies are most needed.

    Correct Answer
    C. Religion may suggest beliefs concerning use of contraception, health care, and food choices.
    Religion is a demographic factor that can significantly influence health needs and behaviors. Religious beliefs may dictate practices related to contraception, healthcare, dietary restrictions, and other health-related decisions. For instance, some religions may prohibit certain medical procedures or medications, impact dietary choices through prescribed or forbidden foods, and shape attitudes toward preventive care and wellness practices. Understanding these religious influences allows healthcare providers to deliver care that is respectful and aligned with the patients' beliefs, ensuring better adherence to health interventions and improved health outcomes.

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  • 21. 

    What might be the implications of knowing where members of the community are employed (i.e., their occupations)?

    • A.

      How or whether community members worship

    • B.

      How and when the community members prefer to engage in recreation

    • C.

      The diseases or injuries for which they may be at risk

    • D.

      Where residents do their grocery shopping and what they typically buy

    Correct Answer
    C. The diseases or injuries for which they may be at risk
    Knowing the occupations of community members provides insights into the diseases or injuries they may be at risk for. Different jobs have varying risk factors; for example, manual laborers might be more prone to musculoskeletal injuries, while office workers might experience issues like repetitive strain injuries. Certain industries also expose workers to specific hazards, such as respiratory issues in construction or chemical exposure in manufacturing. Understanding these occupational risks helps healthcare providers to tailor health interventions, conduct targeted screenings, and implement preventive measures to address the specific health needs of the community.

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  • 22. 

    When a nurse assesses a community, which of the following components is essential to determine first?

    • A.

      Areas of strength

    • B.

      Areas of need

    • C.

      Balance of inputs to outputs

    • D.

      Openness to intervention

    Correct Answer
    B. Areas of need
    When assessing a community, it is essential to determine the areas of need first. Identifying these needs helps prioritize where interventions and resources should be focused to address the most pressing issues affecting the community’s health and well-being. By understanding the specific challenges and deficiencies, the nurse can develop targeted strategies to effectively improve health outcomes. Addressing the areas of need lays the foundation for subsequent assessments of strengths, resource balance, and openness to intervention, ensuring that efforts are both relevant and impactful.

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  • 23. 

    A community/public health nurse is planning to implement a new community-based education program. Why is it crucial for the nurse to understand the organizational structure of a community, as well as its leadership?

    • A.

      The nurse may have to convince the informal leaders of the need for the program before it can be successful.

    • B.

      The nurse may need to ask the formal leaders to provide leadership for the programs.

    • C.

      The nurse will want to know political priorities before deciding on any actions to be taken.

    • D.

      The nurse will want the approval of the elected governing body before making decisions about health programming.

    Correct Answer
    A. The nurse may have to convince the informal leaders of the need for the program before it can be successful.
    Understanding the organizational structure and leadership of a community is crucial because informal leaders often hold significant influence over community members. These leaders, who may not hold official titles but are respected and trusted within the community, can significantly impact the acceptance and success of new initiatives. By gaining their support, the nurse can enhance community buy-in, facilitate smoother implementation, and ensure the program meets the community’s needs. Engaging informal leaders early in the planning process helps build trust and encourages active participation, which is essential for the program’s effectiveness and sustainability.

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  • 24. 

    Which group of persons is least likely to be considered a vulnerable group at high risk for medical problems?

    • A.

      Homeless women and children

    • B.

      Intravenous drug users

    • C.

      Pregnant single teenage girls

    • D.

      Single adolescent boys

    Correct Answer
    D. Single adolescent boys
    Single adolescent boys are least likely to be considered a vulnerable group at high risk for medical problems compared to the other groups listed. Homeless women and children, intravenous drug users, and pregnant single teenage girls all face significant health risks due to factors such as lack of stable housing, exposure to drug-related health issues, and complications related to pregnancy at a young age. While single adolescent boys can still experience health challenges, they generally do not face the same level of systemic vulnerabilities and health risks as the other groups mentioned.

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  • 25. 

    A community/public health nurse determines there are 200 persons in a particular community who are older than age 65, another 300 younger than 21, and about 1500 persons aged 21 to 65. What is that community's dependency ratio?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Cannot be determined from the given data

    Correct Answer
    A. 1:3
    The dependency ratio is calculated by dividing the number of dependents (people younger than 21 and older than 65) by the number of working-age individuals (ages 21 to 65). In this community, there are 200 people older than 65 and 300 younger than 21, totaling 500 dependents. There are 1500 working-age individuals. The dependency ratio is calculated as follows:Dependency Ratio= Number of Dependents/Number of Working-age Individuals = 500/1500=1/3So, the dependency ratio is 1:3, meaning there is one dependent for every three working-age individuals.

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  • 26. 

    Which of the following is a very practical and feasible way of obtaining comprehensive community health data?

    • A.

      Completing a comprehensive survey with community residents

    • B.

      Performing a windshield survey

    • C.

      Requesting community residents respond to an Internet survey

    • D.

      Using data already collected and available on the Internet

    Correct Answer
    D. Using data already collected and available on the Internet
    Using data already collected and available on the Internet is a very practical and feasible way to obtain comprehensive community health data. This method allows for quick access to a wealth of existing information without the need for extensive time and resources to conduct new surveys. Many reliable sources, such as government health departments, public health organizations, and research institutions, provide detailed community health statistics and reports online. Leveraging these readily available data can help community/public health nurses efficiently assess health needs, identify trends, and plan appropriate interventions.

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  • 27. 

    What is the primary reason why entire populations are not surveyed to determine a community's health needs?

    • A.

      A nurse would not know how to conduct the survey.

    • B.

      Community members would refuse to answer questions.

    • C.

      Such a survey would be too expensive and time consuming.

    • D.

      No community agency would want to be responsible for the results.

    Correct Answer
    C. Such a survey would be too expensive and time consuming.
    The primary reason entire populations are not surveyed to determine a community's health needs is that it would be too expensive and time-consuming. Conducting a comprehensive survey of every individual in a community requires significant financial resources, manpower, and time, making it impractical. Instead, sampling methods are used to gather data from a representative portion of the population, which can then be extrapolated to understand the health needs of the entire community. This approach is more efficient and cost-effective, while still providing valuable insights into the community's health status.

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  • 28. 

    A community/public health nurse wants to use key informants to gather additional information. Which of the following actions would be useful to perform first?

    • A.

      Sending an e-mail message to all community residents

    • B.

      Conducting a focus group with informal leaders from the community

    • C.

      Publishing a survey in the local newspaper

    • D.

      Requesting that children's parents complete a survey

    Correct Answer
    B. Conducting a focus group with informal leaders from the community
    Conducting a focus group with informal leaders from the community is a useful first step when using key informants to gather additional information. Informal leaders are individuals who are respected and trusted within the community and have a deep understanding of its dynamics, needs, and concerns. By engaging these leaders in a focus group, the nurse can obtain valuable insights and qualitative data that reflect the perspectives and experiences of the community. This approach facilitates open discussion, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of the community's health issues and potential solutions.

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  • 29. 

    The nurse is using previously collected data about the incidence and prevalence of lead poisoning in the community as a starting point when conducting a community assessment. What would be the nurse's next step?

    • A.

      Assessing the community in relation to lead poisoning

    • B.

      Determining how best to help other personnel decrease the incidence of lead poisoning

    • C.

      Gathering external resources to help meet the needs of the community

    • D.

      Working with collaborating agencies to obtain external funding to prevent lead poisoning

    Correct Answer
    A. Assessing the community in relation to lead poisoning
    After reviewing previously collected data about the incidence and prevalence of lead poisoning, the nurse's next step should be to assess the community in relation to lead poisoning. This involves identifying sources of lead exposure, at-risk populations, and the current effectiveness of existing interventions. By conducting a thorough assessment, the nurse can gain a deeper understanding of the specific factors contributing to lead poisoning in the community. This information is crucial for developing targeted strategies to address the issue, educate the community, and reduce the incidence of lead poisoning effectively.

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  • 30. 

    Which of the following conclusions would require the nurse to obtain more assessment data?

    • A.

      A major health problem is identified.

    • B.

      An identified subpopulation is seen to be at high risk for and vulnerable to medical problems.

    • C.

      Data that have been collected are incongruent and contradictory.

    • D.

      Strengths in the community outweigh the areas of weakness.

    Correct Answer
    C. Data that have been collected are incongruent and contradictory.
    If the data collected are incongruent and contradictory, the nurse would need to obtain more assessment data. Discrepancies and inconsistencies in the data indicate that the information might not be reliable or comprehensive enough to form accurate conclusions about the community's health status. Additional data collection helps clarify these contradictions, ensuring that the assessment accurately reflects the community's needs and conditions. This thorough approach is essential for making informed decisions and planning effective health interventions.

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