What Do You Know About Federal Bureaucracy? Trivia Quiz

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| By Arippee
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What Do You Know About Federal Bureaucracy? Trivia Quiz - Quiz


Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    In addition to a hierarchical authority structure, Max Weber argued that a bureaucracy involves all of the following EXCEPT

    • A.

      Extensive rules

    • B.

      An incentive system

    • C.

      Task specialization

    • D.

      The merit principle

    • E.

      A hierarchical authority structure

    Correct Answer
    B. An incentive system
    Max Weber argued that a bureaucracy involves a hierarchical authority structure, extensive rules, task specialization, and the merit principle. However, Weber did not include an incentive system as a necessary component of a bureaucracy.

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  • 2. 

    As a whole, the permanent federal bureaucracy is

    • A.

      Less diverse in terms of the type of jobs than the private sector

    • B.

      Dominated by white males

    • C.

      More broadly representative of the American people than the rest of the federal government

    • D.

      Composed of an American elite

    • E.

      Now employing 15 percent of the American work force

    Correct Answer
    C. More broadly representative of the American people than the rest of the federal government
    The answer suggests that the permanent federal bureaucracy is more broadly representative of the American people than the rest of the federal government. This implies that the composition of the bureaucracy includes a wider range of demographic groups, such as women, minorities, and individuals from different socio-economic backgrounds, compared to other branches of the federal government. This diversity in representation may contribute to a more comprehensive and inclusive decision-making process within the bureaucracy.

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  • 3. 

    Which individual helped end the spoils system?

    • A.

      Abraham Lincoln

    • B.

      Andrew Jackson

    • C.

      Andrew Johnson

    • D.

      Charles Guiteau

    • E.

      Jimmy Carter

    Correct Answer
    D. Charles Guiteau
  • 4. 

    Patronage is a hiring and promotion system based on

    • A.

      Knowing the right people

    • B.

      Civil service exams

    • C.

      Talent and skill

    • D.

      The Pendleton Act

    • E.

      The merit principle

    Correct Answer
    A. Knowing the right people
    Patronage is a hiring and promotion system that relies on personal connections and knowing the right people. This means that individuals are selected for positions based on their relationships and connections rather than their qualifications or merit. This system is often criticized for favoring nepotism and corruption, as it can lead to the hiring of unqualified individuals who may not be the best fit for the job.

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  • 5. 

    ____ systems are designed to hire and promote members of the bureaucracy on the basis of merit and to create a nonpartisan government service.

    • A.


    • B.

      Civil service

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. Civil service
    Civil service systems are designed to hire and promote members of the bureaucracy on the basis of merit and to create a nonpartisan government service. This means that individuals are selected and promoted based on their qualifications, skills, and abilities, rather than their political affiliations or connections. The goal of a civil service system is to ensure that government positions are filled by competent and capable individuals who can perform their duties impartially and effectively. This helps to prevent favoritism, corruption, and political interference in the functioning of the government.

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  • 6. 

    The Hatch Act, passed in 1940,

    • A.

      Established the patronage system for federal employment

    • B.

      Prohibited the president from firing the heads of independent executive agencies

    • C.

      Prohibits federal civil service employees from active participation in partisan politics

    • D.

      Required the publication of the plum book

    • E.

      Established the federal civil service

    Correct Answer
    C. Prohibits federal civil service employees from active participation in partisan politics
    The correct answer is that the Hatch Act prohibits federal civil service employees from active participation in partisan politics. This means that employees who work for the federal government are not allowed to engage in political activities that support or oppose a particular political party or candidate. This is to ensure that the civil service remains impartial and nonpartisan, and that government employees are not using their positions to influence political outcomes. The Hatch Act was enacted to promote good governance and to prevent the abuse of power within the federal bureaucracy.

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  • 7. 

    According to Government in America, which of the following is a legitimate criticism of the federal civil service?

    • A.

      Firing incompetents is extremely difficult

    • B.

      Workers are not protected against political firings

    • C.

      It does not operate on the merit principle

    • D.

      Too many federal civil servants are actively involved in partisan politics

    Correct Answer
    A. Firing incompetents is extremely difficult
    Firing incompetents being extremely difficult is a legitimate criticism of the federal civil service because it suggests that the system lacks efficiency in removing underperforming employees. This can hinder the overall effectiveness and productivity of the civil service as it may be challenging to hold individuals accountable for their performance.

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  • 8. 

    Which of the following is NOT true about presidential appointees to bureaucracies?

    • A.

      They often do not know their own agency subordinates very well, much less people in other agencies.

    • B.

      They must be recommended by the Office of Personnel Management's "rule of three.”

    • C.

      As political appointees, they are often unaccustomed to the administrative routines, budget cycles, and legal complexities of their agencies or departments.

    • D.

      They tend to spend fewer years in their positions than those in the civil service.

    Correct Answer
    B. They must be recommended by the Office of Personnel Management's "rule of three.”
    Presidential appointees to bureaucracies are not required to be recommended by the Office of Personnel Management's "rule of three." This rule refers to a process in which the agency provides the President with a list of three qualified candidates for a position, and the President selects one from that list. However, political appointees are typically chosen directly by the President or high-level officials in the administration.

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  • 9. 

    Which cabinet department is charged with overseeing the nation's national resources?

    • A.

      Homeland Security

    • B.

      Environmental Protection Agency

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Interior
    The correct answer is Interior. The Department of the Interior is responsible for overseeing the nation's national resources, including the management and conservation of federal lands, natural resources, and wildlife. This department plays a key role in protecting and preserving the environment, managing national parks, and promoting responsible use of natural resources for the benefit of current and future generations.

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  • 10. 

    There are ____ cabinet departments headed by a secretary chosen by the president and approved by the Senate.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. 15
    There are 15 cabinet departments headed by a secretary chosen by the president and approved by the Senate. Each department is responsible for a specific area of government and is headed by a secretary who is appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. These departments play a crucial role in advising the president and implementing policies in their respective areas of expertise.

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  • 11. 

    What is known as the “granddaddy” of the government corporations?

    • A.

      The Tennessee Valley Authority

    • B.

      The U.S. Postal Service

    • C.


    • D.

      General Services Administration

    • E.

      National Science Foundation

    Correct Answer
    A. The Tennessee Valley Authority
    The Tennessee Valley Authority is known as the "granddaddy" of the government corporations because it was the first major government-owned corporation established in the United States. It was created in 1933 as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal program to provide economic development and public infrastructure in the Tennessee Valley region. The TVA was given broad powers to generate and distribute electricity, manage natural resources, and promote economic development in the area. Its establishment paved the way for the creation of other government corporations and set a precedent for government involvement in economic development and infrastructure projects.

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  • 12. 

    The General Services Administration and the National Aeronautical and Space Administration are examples of

    • A.

      Government corporations

    • B.

      Independent regulatory agencies

    • C.

      Cabinet departments

    • D.

      Independent executive agencies

    Correct Answer
    D. Independent executive agencies
    The General Services Administration and the National Aeronautical and Space Administration are examples of independent executive agencies. These agencies are established by the President and are responsible for carrying out specific government functions. They operate independently from the executive departments and have a narrower focus on specific areas of government administration or policy implementation. They have more flexibility and autonomy compared to cabinet departments and are not subject to the same level of political influence.

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  • 13. 

    Independent regulatory agencies have

    • A.

      Complete independence from the president, but their policymakers are appointed by Congress

    • B.

      Powerful rule-making, dispute-settling, and enforcement authority.

    • C.

      No formal ties to either the president or the Congress

    • D.

      Governing commissions composed of long-time federal Civil Service employees

    Correct Answer
    B. Powerful rule-making, dispute-settling, and enforcement authority.
  • 14. 

    Government corporations

    • A.

      Operate an airline, manufacture steel, and provide health insurance

    • B.

      Provide services and charge for them

    • C.

      Tend to be captured by interest groups

    • D.

      Are independent regulatory agencies

    • E.

      Sell stock and pay dividends

    Correct Answer
    B. Provide services and charge for them
    Government corporations provide services and charge for them. This means that they offer certain services to the public, such as operating an airline, manufacturing steel, and providing health insurance, and in return, they charge fees or prices for these services. Unlike independent regulatory agencies or corporations that sell stock and pay dividends, government corporations generate revenue by offering services to the public and charging for them.

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  • 15. 

    Once a policy decision has been made, such as by passing a legislative act or issuing an executive order, the bureaucracy is responsible for

    • A.

      Its ratification

    • B.

      Its implementation

    • C.

      Funding it

    • D.

      Judging its merits

    Correct Answer
    B. Its implementation
    Once a policy decision has been made, the bureaucracy is responsible for its implementation. This means that the bureaucracy is tasked with putting the policy into action and ensuring that it is carried out effectively and efficiently. This may involve creating and enforcing regulations, coordinating with different government agencies, and overseeing the day-to-day operations necessary to implement the policy. The bureaucracy plays a crucial role in translating policy decisions into practical actions that can have a real impact on society.

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  • 16. 

    Those civil service employees who are in constant contact with the public (often a hostile one) and have considerable discretion are known as

    • A.

      Street-level bureaucrats

    • B.


    • C.

      General Schedule foot soldiers

    • D.

      The Senior Executive Service

    • E.

      Civil servants

    Correct Answer
    A. Street-level bureaucrats
    Street-level bureaucrats are civil service employees who have direct contact with the public and often have to deal with a hostile environment. They have a significant amount of discretion in their decision-making processes. This term is used to describe the frontline workers who implement and enforce public policies and programs at the local level. They have the authority to interpret and apply policies based on their own judgment and are responsible for the day-to-day interactions with the public.

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  • 17. 

    The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was successful for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

    • A.

      Its goal was clear

    • B.

      Its implementation was straightforward

    • C.

      The authority of the implementers was plain

    • D.

      It was universally supported

    Correct Answer
    D. It was universally supported
    The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was successful for all of the given reasons except for the fact that it was universally supported. While the Act had a clear goal, straightforward implementation, and the authority of the implementers was evident, it did not have universal support. In fact, the Act faced significant opposition from certain groups and individuals who were resistant to granting equal voting rights to marginalized communities. Despite this lack of universal support, the Act still managed to have a significant impact in protecting voting rights and combating racial discrimination.

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  • 18. 

    The _____ is the president’s own final authority on any agency’s budget.

    • A.

      Congressional Budget Office

    • B.

      Department of Treasury

    • C.

      Securities and Exchange Commission

    • D.

      Office of Management and Budget

    • E.

      Office of the Vice President

    Correct Answer
    D. Office of Management and Budget
    The Office of Management and Budget is the president's own final authority on any agency's budget. This office is responsible for assisting the president in preparing the budget proposal, reviewing agency budget requests, and overseeing the implementation of the budget once it is approved by Congress. It plays a crucial role in ensuring that the president's budget priorities are reflected in the budgetary decisions of the various government agencies.

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  • 19. 

    A major problem for presidents and Congress in controlling bureaucracies is the existence of

    • A.

      The plum book

    • B.

      Supreme Court rulings curbing the scope of their oversight

    • C.

      "iron triangles.”

    • D.

      Standard operating procedures

    • E.

      The incentive system

    Correct Answer
    C. "iron triangles.”
    Iron triangles refer to the close and mutually beneficial relationships that often develop between interest groups, congressional committees, and bureaucratic agencies. These relationships can make it difficult for presidents and Congress to effectively control bureaucracies. Interest groups provide campaign contributions and support to members of Congress who oversee the agencies, creating a symbiotic relationship. Congressional committees rely on agencies for expertise and information, while agencies benefit from congressional support and funding. This triangular relationship can lead to a lack of oversight and accountability, as well as the potential for agencies to prioritize the interests of these groups over the public interest.

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  • 20. 

    An "iron triangle" consists of

    • A.

      Representatives of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the government

    • B.

      The president, the head of a relevant congressional committee, and the head of any regulatory agency

    • C.

      A bureaucratic agency, an interest group, and a congressional committee or subcommittee

    • D.

      The metal stamp used to certify that the president has approved a new regulation and it now takes legal effect

    • E.

      Those favoring regulation X, those opposing regulation X, and the regulatory agency in charge of overseeing X

    Correct Answer
    C. A bureaucratic agency, an interest group, and a congressional committee or subcommittee
    An "iron triangle" refers to a mutually beneficial relationship between a bureaucratic agency, an interest group, and a congressional committee or subcommittee. These three entities work together to influence and shape public policy in their favor. The bureaucratic agency provides expertise and resources, the interest group provides support and advocacy, and the congressional committee or subcommittee provides legislative power and oversight. This arrangement often leads to policy decisions that prioritize the interests of these three entities over the broader public interest.

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  • Mar 20, 2023
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  • Jan 27, 2012
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