Take This Cyber Safety Test: Quiz

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| By Gracemeyer
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 898
Questions: 15 | Attempts: 900

Take This Cyber Safety Test: Quiz - Quiz

Take this cyber safety test: quiz. A lot of people in the world today are accepting the use of technology in their everyday tasks and in so doing, introduce themselves to threats such as cybercrimes as well as bullying. As you plan to use the internet on a regular basis, do you know the different techniques you can use to ensure you and your data are safe? This quiz is a good test for you. Do give it a try and increase your cybersecurity.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Is it okay to download files from unknown websites?

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. No
    No. You should not download files from unknown websites because it may give your computer a virus. You should only download files from websites that are known.

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  • 2. 

    If you are being cyber bullied, do you respond to the messages?

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. No
    No. You should keep the messages as evidence and show a parent or caregiver. Do NOT delete the messages.

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  • 3. 

    If somebody uploads a photo of you to a social media site and you don't want it there, what do you do?

    • A.

      Comment on the photo repetitively until your friend gets the message.

    • B.

      Privately message the person asking to delete it, untag yourself from the photo and report it.

    • C.

      Upload an embarrassing photo of them to a social media site.

    Correct Answer
    B. Privately message the person asking to delete it, untag yourself from the pHoto and report it.
    Privately message the person asking to delete it, untag yourself from the photo and report it. If you don’t want a photo of you on the internet that somebody has put up, it is your right to have it taken down. By un-tagging yourself, the photo won’t be seen on your profile and by reporting it, the social media site may be able to remove it. Ask the person on private message to delete the photo instead of repetitively commenting on the photo or uploading an embarrassing photo of them and starting a feud.

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  • 4. 

    Someone that you don't know sends you a friend request on Facebook. You see that you have some mutual friends. Do you accept it?

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. No
    No. You should never accept a friend request from anybody online as it could be a false person. If necessary, you can private message the person asking if you know them and how. If they don’t give you a valid response, do not accept.

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  • 5. 

    Your friend asks you if you want to swap Facebook accounts online. Should you do it?

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. No
    No. You should not swap Facebook accounts online. Your friend will be able to read and access all of your messages and personal information. Even if you do trust them, other people may be able to find out your password as well. Your friend may not have the same ideas as you.

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  • 6. 

    If you sign up for a website, and it says that your age is too young to sign up, do you put in an incorrect age to be able to join the website?

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. No
    No. You should not submit an incorrect age for a sign up to join a website. There is probably a reason why you aren't allowed on the website (explicit content, coarse language, etc.) and it is illegal to submit an incorrect age. Try to look for another similar website to join.

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  • 7. 

    Someone sends you a nasty anonymous message on Ask.fm, Qooh Me, Tumblr, or any other site that allows people to anonymously send you questions. The questions are making you very upset. Should you answer them?

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. No
    No. You should not answer the questions. Leave them in your inbox and tell a parent or trusted adult. Nobody deserves to be cyber bullied. If cyber bullying is violent enough, then serious action can be taken place.

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  • 8. 

    When you receive an anonymous question on Ask.fm, Qooh me, Tumblr, or any other site that allows people to anonymously ask you questions, their questions remain anonymous and they cannot be tracked down. Is this true?

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. No
    No. If necessary, you can contact the Police about the messages you are receiving and you are able to track them down, as all electronic communications can be traced. Once again, if you are upset and unsettles by anonymous hate messages, you should talk to a trusted adult and if necessary, allow appropriate action to take place.

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  • 9. 

    You're at school and you come across inappropriate or illegal content on the computer. What do you do?

    • A.

      Click on the content and look through it with your friends

    • B.

      Tell your teacher

    • C.

      Ignore it and exit the window

    Correct Answer
    B. Tell your teacher
    Tell your teacher. The best thing to do in this situation is to let your teacher know so that he or she can follow necessary actions in order for the rest of the classroom to not come across inappropriate or illegal content. She/he will be thankful and acknowledge your mature actions.

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  • 10. 

    You're throwing a party this weekend and you're thinking about making an event on Facebook for it. Is this a good idea?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. Both
    The correct answer is Both. You should be very careful about sharing party details online as words can spread fast and not always to the people that you want to be showing up. However, if the event on Facebook or the social media site you are on is private and non-accessible to people that aren't invited, then it can be a good idea to put the event online.

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  • 11. 

    You receive an email from Trade Me claiming that there is a problem with your password. It looks a bit risky and it is encouraging you to click on a link to change your password. Should you go ahead with it or ask a parent or caregiver just in case?

    • A.

      Ask a parent or caregiver

    • B.

      Go ahead with it - you can't pretend to be the Trade Me company!

    Correct Answer
    A. Ask a parent or caregiver
    Ask a parent or caregiver. You must be aware of spoof emails claiming to be from Trade Me, eBay, PayPal, or a bank or business company asking for personal or sensitive information. This is called phishing. The email may inform you that there is a problem with your account/password. There may be a link to click inside. You should always forward any of these emails to the company it claims to be sent from, and they will confirm whether it is real or not. If it is not real, they can get a hold of your account and access/change ANYTHING that is in there.

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  • 12. 

    Your Facebook account has apparently been hacked. You manage to get the access back into your account and you see that no settings have been changed. You think about how the hacker could have hacked into your account. What do you need to remember from now on?

    • A.

      To never have a lazy password

    • B.

      To make sure that no-one sees you enter your Facebook password

    • C.

      To make sure you are always logged off when you are finished on Facebook

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above
    The correct answer is all of the above. When you are using a Facebook account, you should always remember these vital things to keep your account safe. Choosing a password like 'password' or '1234' is not safe and people will be able to easily guess it and hack your account. Instead, come up with a longer password that contains both letters and numbers/characters, preferably one that only you would know. You should never use the same password for different accounts and always write your passwords down so that you don't forget them. Make sure when you are finished entering your password that nobody is watching you typing on the keys. You should always log out when you are finished using Facebook, especially when you are not at home.

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  • 13. 

    You are always careful on the Internet and have never given your computer a virus. Your mum asks you to download and regularly update an anti-virus program, an anti-spyware program, and a firewall. Is it necessary to download these things?

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. Yes
    Yes. You should listen to your mum, even if you are safe on the computer because you could still get a computer virus. Free anti-virus programmes and spyware are accessible and all anti-virus products are very beneficial to have. Make sure you don't use two firewalls at once, as they can interfere with/weaken one another. It is better to be safe than sorry.

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  • 14. 

    You are making a transaction on the internet and it is all going well. Suddenly, you notice that the URL begins with 'http://' instead of 'https://' like it usually does. Do you go ahead with the transaction anyway?

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. No
    No. When giving any bank details or other information, make sure the connection is secure (URLs like this begin with https:// instead of http://) and the site is trustworthy. (Not every site which runs HTTP or accepts payments is trustworthy, even if the connection is.) You may see a gold lock and the bottom of the page to indicate a secure site.

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  • 15. 

    Your parents want to have a look at your email account and Facebook account settings. They have noticed that you are spending a lot of time on the internet and you are quite reluctant to leave your room. They are quite worried about you. What should you do?

    • A.

      Let them see your accounts and show them what you have been doing

    • B.

      Assure them that there is nothing to worry about and you need your privacy

    • C.

      Get angry and tell them they should trust you

    Correct Answer
    A. Let them see your accounts and show them what you have been doing
    Let them see your accounts and show them what you have been doing. Your parents care about you and your safety, and they will feel a lot better with proof of confirmation that you are not taking bad steps online. You could suggest to them that they make a Facebook account or add you as a friend on Facebook so that they can monitor what you are doing without having to bug you to go on your account. They will probably see the benefits of having a Facebook account and start to understand why teens spend so much time on it.

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 20, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Jun 12, 2013
    Quiz Created by

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