Digital Video Editing Final Exam

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| By Wwicklund
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Quizzes Created: 4 | Total Attempts: 2,692
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Digital Video Editing Final Exam - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Name the tool that trims the In and Out points of a single clip at the same time. The Clip duration remains the same but you are showing different clip content.

    The Slip Tool allows you to trim the In and Out points of a single clip simultaneously. This means that the duration of the clip remains the same, but you can change the content that is shown within that duration.

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  • 2. 

    Name the tool that affects the edit point between two adjacent clips.

    The tool that affects the edit point between two adjacent clips is the Roll Tool or simply referred to as Roll. This tool allows the user to adjust the position of the edit point, either by moving the Out point of the first clip and the In point of the second clip simultaneously or by sliding the edit point between the two clips. This tool is commonly used to fine-tune the timing and duration of clips in video editing software.

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  • 3. 

    Name the tool that trims two edit points but involves three contiguous clips. You can shift or slide the middle clip into the clip on the left or the right.

    The tool that trims two edit points but involves three contiguous clips is called the Slide Tool. This tool allows you to shift or slide the middle clip into the clip on the left or the right, effectively adjusting the timing and positioning of the clips in the timeline.

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  • 4. 

    What are cover shots that go Jump Cuts called?

    • A.


    • B.

      Jump Cut

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Cutaway
    Cutaway shots are used in film and video editing to show a different angle or perspective of a scene. They are typically used to provide additional context or to emphasize a specific detail. In the context of cover shots that go jump cuts, a cutaway shot would be a suitable term. This is because jump cuts involve abrupt transitions between shots, and using a cutaway shot can help smooth out the visual flow and maintain continuity.

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  • 5. 

    What are the additional frames outside the marked portion of a clip called?

    • A.


    • B.

      Jump Cut

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Handles
    Handles are the additional frames outside the marked portion of a clip. They are used to provide flexibility in editing by allowing for adjustments in the duration of a clip without affecting the content within the marked portion. Handles are important when adding transitions or making changes to the timing of a clip, as they provide extra footage to work with.

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  • 6. 

    Name the cut between slightly different angles of any single subject.

    • A.


    • B.

      Jump Cut

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Jump Cut
    A jump cut refers to a cut in film editing where there is a sudden jump in time or space, resulting in a noticeable discontinuity. It is often used to create a jarring effect or to compress time. In this context, a jump cut can be seen as a cut between slightly different angles of a single subject, as it creates a visual disruption in the continuity of the shot.

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  • 7. 

    What is the source of a cutaway and is not the primary footage?

    • A.


    • B.

      Jump Cut

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. B-Roll
    B-Roll is the correct answer because it refers to supplementary footage that is used to enhance the primary footage. It is usually shot separately from the main footage and can include additional angles, close-ups, or establishing shots. B-Roll is often used to provide context, cover edits, or add visual interest to a video. Unlike the primary footage, B-Roll is not the main focus of the scene but rather supports and complements it.

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  • 8. 

     When you trim an edit point you are lengthening or shortening the clip either at the head or the tail.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    When you trim an edit point, you are adjusting the length of the clip either at the beginning (head) or the end (tail). This means that you are either making the clip longer or shorter by removing or adding frames. Therefore, the statement "When you trim an edit point you are lengthening or shortening the clip either at the head or the tail" is true.

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  • 9. 

    You can add markers to a clip in the viewer window.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    In video editing software, markers can be added to a clip in the viewer window. These markers serve as reference points for specific moments or events within the clip, making it easier for the editor to navigate and make precise edits. By adding markers, editors can quickly locate important sections, mark specific actions or transitions, and communicate instructions or notes to other team members. Therefore, the statement "You can add markers to a clip in the viewer window" is true.

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  • 10. 

    Define the keyboard shortcut A.

    Correct Answer
    Selection Tool

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  • 11. 

    Define the keyboard shortcut B.

    Correct Answer
    Blade Tool
    Razor Blade
    Razor Blade Toll
    The keyboard shortcut B refers to multiple options, including Blade Tool, Blade, Razor Blade, and Razor Blade Toll. These options likely represent different functions or tools within a software or program. The user can press the B key on the keyboard to access these options and perform various actions, such as cutting or splitting objects, selecting specific tools, or navigating through different features.

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  • 12. 

    Define the keyboard shortcut E.

    Correct Answer
    Extend Edit
    Extend an Edit
    The correct answer is "Extend Edit, Extend an Edit, Extend." This is because the question asks for the definition of the keyboard shortcut "E," and all three options provided - "Extend Edit," "Extend an Edit," and "Extend" - can be used to define this shortcut. Therefore, all three options are correct.

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  • 13. 

    Define the keyboard shortcut I.

    Correct Answer
    In Point
  • 14. 

    Define the keyboard shortcut Shift-I.

    Correct Answer
    Move the playhead to the In point.
    Go to the In point
    Go to In Point
    Go to In
    Move the playhead to the In.
    The keyboard shortcut Shift-I is used to move the playhead to the In point. This allows the user to quickly navigate to the starting point of a video or audio clip in a media editing software.

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  • 15. 

    Define the keyboard shortcut J.

    • A.

      Play clip or sequence forward

    • B.

      Stop Playing Clip or Sequence

    • C.

      Play clip or sequence backward

    Correct Answer
    C. Play clip or sequence backward
    The keyboard shortcut J is used to play a clip or sequence backward. This means that when this shortcut is pressed, the clip or sequence will start playing in reverse from its current position. This can be useful when reviewing footage or when trying to find a specific moment in a video.

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  • 16. 

    Define the keyboard shortcut K.

    • A.

      Play clip or sequence forward

    • B.

      Stop Playing Clip or Sequence

    • C.

      Play clip or sequence backward

    Correct Answer
    B. Stop Playing Clip or Sequence
    The keyboard shortcut K is used to stop playing a clip or sequence. This shortcut allows users to quickly pause or halt the playback of a video or audio clip, providing a convenient way to control the media playback. By pressing the K key, users can easily stop the playback without having to navigate through menus or use the mouse. This shortcut is commonly used in video editing software or media players to provide efficient control over the playback process.

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  • 17. 

    Define the keyboard shortcut L.

    • A.

      Play clip or sequence forward

    • B.

      Stop Playing Clip or Sequence

    • C.

      Play clip or sequence backward

    Correct Answer
    A. Play clip or sequence forward
    The keyboard shortcut L is used to play the clip or sequence forward.

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  • 18. 

    Define the keyboard shortcut M.

    • A.

      Set a marker

    • B.

      Move the playhead to the next marker.

    • C.

      When on a marker, open the Edit Marker dialog

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Set a marker
    C. When on a marker, open the Edit Marker dialog
    The keyboard shortcut M is used to set a marker. Additionally, when the playhead is on a marker, the shortcut M can be used to open the Edit Marker dialog.

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  • 19. 

    Define the function of keyboard shortcut N.

    • A.

      Turn timeline off and on

    • B.

      Turn linked section off and on

    • C.

      Turn snapping off and on

    Correct Answer
    C. Turn snapping off and on
    The function of keyboard shortcut N is to toggle the snapping feature on and off. This feature helps in aligning objects or elements precisely by snapping them to specific points or grids. By using the N shortcut, users can easily enable or disable this snapping functionality based on their requirements.

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  • 20. 

    Define the keyboard shortcut O.

    Correct Answer
    Out Point
    Set an Out point
    The keyboard shortcut "O" is used to set an Out point in various software applications. An Out point is a marker that indicates the end of a selected range or section in a video or audio clip. By pressing "O," users can quickly and easily define the endpoint of a specific segment, allowing for precise editing and trimming of media files. This shortcut is commonly used in video editing software, where it helps streamline the editing process and improve efficiency.

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  • 21. 

    Define the function of keyboard shortcut Shift-O.

    Correct Answer
    Move the playhead to the Out point.
    Go to the Out point
    Go to Out Point
    Go to Out
    Move the playhead to Out.
    The function of the keyboard shortcut Shift-O is to move the playhead to the Out point. It can also be used to go to the Out point or go to Out Point. Essentially, pressing Shift-O allows the user to quickly navigate to the end of a video or timeline.

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  • 22. 

    Define the function of keyboard shortcut Shift-Z.

    • A.

      Fit a clip image in the viewer or Canvas window

    • B.

      Fit the entire sequence in the Timeline window

    • C.

      None of the above

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above
    The keyboard shortcut Shift-Z is used to perform multiple functions. It can be used to fit a clip image in the viewer or Canvas window, as well as to fit the entire sequence in the Timeline window. Therefore, the correct answer is "All of the above."

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  • 23. 

    Define the function of keyboard shortcut X.

    • A.

      Mark the full length of a clip

    • B.

      Mark the full length of a timeline

    • C.

      Set a in and out point at the marker of a clip

    Correct Answer
    A. Mark the full length of a clip
    The function of keyboard shortcut X is to mark the full length of a clip. This means that when the shortcut X is pressed, it will indicate the starting and ending points of the clip, allowing the user to easily identify the entire duration of the clip. This can be useful for various purposes, such as editing or organizing clips in a timeline.

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  • 24. 

    What is the name of the tool RR?

    Correct Answer
    Ripple Tool
    What is the name of the tool you get when you press RR?

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  • 25. 

    What is the name of the tool SS?

    Correct Answer
    Slide Tool
    What is the name of the tool you get when you press SS?

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  • 26. 

    What is the name of the tool R?

    Correct Answer
    Roll Tool
    Select the roll tool
    The correct answer is "Roll Tool, Roll, Select the roll tool." This suggests that the name of the tool in question is "Roll Tool." Additionally, "Roll" and "Select the roll tool" are also mentioned as possible names for the tool. Therefore, all three options are correct answers for the name of the tool.

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  • 27. 

    What is the name of the tool S?

    Correct Answer
    Slip Tool
    Select the slip tool
    The correct answer for this question is Slip Tool, Slip, Select the slip tool. This suggests that the tool being referred to is called the "Slip Tool" and it can also be referred to simply as "Slip." Additionally, one can select the slip tool to use it.

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  • 28. 

    Define the function of keyboard shortcut Option +.

    • A.

      Zoom in on the timeline

    • B.

      Zoom out on the timeline

    • C.

      Fit the entire timeline into the window

    Correct Answer
    A. Zoom in on the timeline
    The keyboard shortcut Option + is used to zoom in on the timeline. By pressing this shortcut, the user can magnify the timeline view, allowing for a closer look at the details. This can be useful when working with intricate or complex timelines, as it helps to focus on specific sections and make precise edits or adjustments.

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  • 29. 

    Define the function of keyboard shortcut Option -.

    • A.

      Zoom in on the timeline

    • B.

      Zoom out on the timeline

    • C.

      Fit the entire timeline into the window

    Correct Answer
    B. Zoom out on the timeline
    The keyboard shortcut Option - is used to zoom out on the timeline. This means that when this shortcut is pressed, the timeline will be displayed at a smaller scale, allowing more of the timeline to be visible in the window. This can be useful when working with a large timeline and needing to see a broader view of the content.

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  • 30. 

    Command -V pastes clips as an insert edit.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    The statement "Command -V pastes clips as an insert edit" is false. In most software applications, the keyboard shortcut Command -V is used to paste clips or content from the clipboard, but it does not perform an insert edit. An insert edit is a specific type of editing operation where a clip is inserted into the timeline without overwriting or moving existing clips. The correct keyboard shortcut for an insert edit may vary depending on the software being used.

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 22, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Dec 16, 2010
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