Emotional And Social Development

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| By Spaz23
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Emotional And Social Development - Quiz

This quiz will test your knowledge on what you know about emotional and social development.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Emotional development tends to go in ___ all throughout childhood.

    • A.

      Self centered

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Cycles
    Emotional development tends to go in cycles all throughout childhood. This means that children experience different stages and patterns of emotional growth and regression. They may go through phases of increased emotional awareness and understanding, followed by periods of emotional turmoil or regression. These cycles are a normal part of development and contribute to the overall emotional growth and maturity of a child.

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  • 2. 

    By the age of eighteen months children have become ...

    Correct Answer
    self dependent
    By the age of eighteen months, children have developed a certain level of independence and are able to perform basic tasks on their own. They have acquired various skills such as walking, feeding themselves, and communicating their needs. While they may still require some assistance and guidance from adults, they are gradually becoming more self-reliant and less dependent on constant supervision. This stage of development is crucial for fostering their autonomy and building their self-confidence.

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  • 3. 

    Saying _____ is a way for children to say "let me do it myself"

    Correct Answer
    The given answer "no" is a way for children to assert their independence and express their desire to do things on their own. It signifies their refusal to accept help or assistance from others, as they are eager to take control and demonstrate their capabilities. By saying "no," children are asserting their autonomy and asserting their need for independence.

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  • 4. 

    The child welcomes the power of _______

    Correct Answer
    The child welcomes the power of independence because it allows them to make their own choices, explore their own interests, and become more self-reliant. Independence gives them the freedom to grow, learn, and develop their own identity, enabling them to become confident individuals capable of taking on responsibilities and making decisions for themselves.

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  • 5. 

    Around eighteen months many children start to have _______

    Correct Answer
    temper tantrums
    Around eighteen months, many children start to have temper tantrums. This is because at this age, children are going through a stage of development called the "terrible twos" or the "toddler tantrum phase." During this time, children are learning to assert their independence and communicate their needs and desires. However, they may not have the vocabulary or emotional regulation skills to do so effectively. As a result, they may resort to temper tantrums as a way to express their frustration, anger, or disappointment. These tantrums can involve crying, screaming, kicking, and other disruptive behaviors.

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  • 6. 

    Emotionally  two year odds are less at odds with the world than children that are ______ months.

    Correct Answer
    eighteen or 18
    Children who are eighteen months old are more emotionally at odds with the world compared to two-year-olds. As children grow and develop, they gain more understanding and control over their emotions. By the age of two, children have typically developed better emotional regulation skills and are more in tune with their surroundings. In contrast, children who are eighteen months old are still in the early stages of emotional development and may struggle more with managing their emotions.

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  • 7. 

    At age two, a child expresses love and affection freely and seeks ______ and ______

    Correct Answer
    approval and praise
    At the age of two, children are in the early stages of developing their sense of self and understanding their emotions. They naturally seek approval and praise from their caregivers as a way to affirm their actions and behaviors. This positive reinforcement helps them build confidence and a sense of belonging. Expressing love and affection freely is also a common behavior at this age, as children are beginning to understand and navigate their emotions, and they often show affection as a way to seek comfort and connection with their caregivers.

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  • 8. 

    At two and one half toddlers aren't as easily____ 

    Correct Answer
    At two and one half years old, toddlers are not as easily distracted. This is because as they grow older, their attention span and ability to focus on tasks improve. They become more capable of staying engaged in activities and less likely to be easily diverted by external stimuli.

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  • 9. 

    Three year old's are more ______________ and are learning to be considerate.

    Correct Answer
    At the age of three, children start to develop social skills and learn to cooperate with others. They begin to understand the concept of sharing, taking turns, and working together towards a common goal. This is a crucial stage in their development as they learn to be considerate of others and engage in cooperative play.

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  • 10. 

    Every age of children even young babies have specific ________________ or feelings.

    Correct Answer
    The given correct answer for this question is "Emotions". This is because emotions are a universal aspect of human experience, and children of all ages, including young babies, have specific emotions or feelings. Emotions play a crucial role in a child's development and can influence their behavior, social interactions, and overall well-being. Understanding and managing emotions is an important skill for children to learn as they grow and navigate the world around them.

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  • 11. 

    Anger is often the child's way of reacting to______________.

    Correct Answer
    Anger is often a common reaction for children when they are faced with frustration. Frustration occurs when a child is unable to achieve a desired goal or when they feel blocked or hindered in some way. This can lead to feelings of anger, as the child may express their dissatisfaction or disappointment through anger. Anger can serve as a way for the child to release their pent-up emotions and assert their independence or power in the situation.

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  • 12. 

    The unique combination of experiences and temperament blend together in child's___________________

    Correct Answer
    Emotional development
    The unique combination of experiences and temperament blend together in a child's emotional development. This suggests that a child's emotional development is influenced by both their individual temperament and the various experiences they encounter throughout their life. These experiences and temperament traits shape the child's emotional responses, coping mechanisms, and ability to regulate their emotions. Emotional development is a crucial aspect of a child's overall growth and well-being, as it affects their relationships, behavior, and overall mental health.

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  • 13. 

    During a child's 2nd and 3rd year of growing up they go threw drastic changes in their life that can be scary and frustrating. List 5 things that you as a parent can do to help understand how the children are feeling, and why you choose those 5 things.

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  • Current Version
  • Aug 19, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Apr 07, 2010
    Quiz Created by
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