Final Exam Greek Civilization & Roman Empire

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Final Exam Greek Civilization & Roman Empire - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Because of the geography of ancient Greece, the Greek communities developed

    • A.

      Separate customs and beliefs

    • B.

      Close ties with each other

    • C.

      One central government

    • D.

      New ways of hunting and gathering

    Correct Answer
    A. Separate customs and beliefs
    The geography of ancient Greece, with its mountainous terrain and numerous islands, made it difficult for Greek communities to interact and communicate with each other. As a result, each community developed its own unique customs and beliefs, leading to the development of separate customs and beliefs throughout ancient Greece.

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  • 2. 

    One important event that took place in the Dark Ages of Greece was

    • A.

      The destruction of all farmland.

    • B.

      An increase in foreign trade.

    • C.

      The disappearance of writing.

    • D.

      The disappearance of oral traditions.

    Correct Answer
    C. The disappearance of writing.
    During the Dark Ages of Greece, there was a significant decline in cultural and intellectual activities. One of the major consequences of this period was the disappearance of writing. This means that the Greeks stopped producing written records, which led to a loss of historical and literary knowledge. Without a written language, it became difficult to pass down information and preserve the cultural heritage. Thus, the disappearance of writing was a crucial event during this time, marking a decline in intellectual development and the loss of valuable historical records.

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  • 3. 

    Unlike Athens, in ancient Athens, one third of all people were

    • A.

      Famous artisans

    • B.

      Successful merchants

    • C.

      A pleasurable lifestyle

    • D.

      Brave and skillful warriors

    Correct Answer
    D. Brave and skillful warriors
    In ancient Athens, one third of all people were brave and skillful warriors. This suggests that Athens had a strong military culture and valued the bravery and skills of its warriors. The presence of a significant number of warriors indicates that Athens may have been involved in frequent conflicts or wars during that time. The emphasis on bravery and skill implies that these warriors were highly regarded and played a crucial role in protecting and defending the city-state.

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  • 4. 

    Citizens of Athens during the Golden Age saw

    • A.

      The arts decline.

    • B.

      Democracy flourish

    • C.


    • D.

      Income levels

    Correct Answer
    B. Democracy flourish
    During the Golden Age, citizens of Athens witnessed the flourishing of democracy. This period in ancient Greece was marked by a strong emphasis on citizen participation and decision-making in the government. The Athenian democracy allowed individuals to have a voice in the political process, resulting in increased political rights and freedoms for the citizens. This flourishing democracy was a significant development that contributed to the overall progress and cultural achievements of Athens during this time.

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  • 5. 

    Unlike most early Greeks, philosophers believed that the gods were

    • A.

      The source of everything

    • B.

      Not the source of everything

    • C.

      In control of natural events

    • D.

      The key to understanding natural events

    Correct Answer
    B. Not the source of everything
    The correct answer is "not the source of everything." This is because philosophers believed that the gods were not the ultimate source or cause of everything that exists or happens in the world. They questioned the traditional beliefs and sought to understand natural events through rational thinking and observation rather than attributing them solely to divine intervention. They believed in the power of human reason and sought to find natural explanations for phenomena, thus challenging the idea that the gods were responsible for everything.

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  • 6. 

    While the Acropolis was the center of Athens' relighious life, the Agora was the center of 

    • A.

      Public life

    • B.

      Private life

    • C.

      Military life

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Public life
    The Acropolis was known for its religious significance and was the center of Athens' religious life. On the other hand, the Agora was a marketplace and gathering place where people engaged in various activities such as commerce, politics, and socializing. Therefore, the Agora served as the center of public life in Athens, making it the correct answer.

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  • 7. 

    After the end of the Peloponnesian War, Athens was

    • A.

      Never again a leader in the Greek world

    • B.

      A place where the arts again flourished

    • C.

      Faced with a plaque that killed many citizens

    • D.

      Able to control Sparta's harbor

    Correct Answer
    A. Never again a leader in the Greek world
    After the end of the Peloponnesian War, Athens lost its dominant position in the Greek world. The war had severely weakened the city-state, both economically and militarily. As a result, Athens was no longer able to assert its authority over other Greek city-states and was unable to regain its previous leadership status. This shift in power allowed other city-states, such as Sparta, to rise to prominence. Therefore, Athens never again became a leader in the Greek world.

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  • 8. 

    Under the leadership of Alexander the Great, Greece

    • A.

      And its culture declined

    • B.

      Was conquered by Persia

    • C.

      Expanded its empire

    • D.

      Destroyed Alexandria.

    Correct Answer
    C. Expanded its empire
    Under the leadership of Alexander the Great, Greece experienced a significant expansion of its empire. Alexander the Great, known for his military prowess and strategic brilliance, led his armies on a series of successful conquests, which resulted in the expansion of Greek influence and control over vast territories. This expansion brought about the spread of Greek culture, language, and ideas, leaving a lasting impact on the regions that were conquered.

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  • 9. 

    Some scholars believe that in ancient Athens, one third of all people were

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Slaves
    In ancient Athens, slavery was a common practice, and it is believed that approximately one third of the population consisted of slaves. Slavery played a significant role in the Athenian society, with slaves being owned by individuals or the state and performing various tasks such as domestic work, manual labor, and even skilled professions. The presence of a large slave population had a profound impact on the social, economic, and political dynamics of ancient Athens.

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  • 10. 

    During the Hellenistic period, there were important achievements in

    • A.

      Tragedy and comedy

    • B.

      Mathematics and science

    • C.

      Writing and printing

    • D.

      Warfare and governerment

    Correct Answer
    B. Mathematics and science
    During the Hellenistic period, there were significant advancements and contributions made in the fields of mathematics and science. This era saw the development of new mathematical concepts and techniques, such as Euclidean geometry and the study of conic sections. In the field of science, notable figures like Archimedes and Hipparchus made groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in physics, astronomy, and mechanics. These achievements in mathematics and science during the Hellenistic period had a lasting impact on future generations and laid the foundation for further advancements in these fields.

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  • 11. 

    The land owned by an Etruscan wealth family is called

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Estate
    An estate refers to a large piece of land, typically owned by a wealthy individual or family. In the context of the question, it is mentioned that the land is owned by an Etruscan wealthy family, which aligns with the concept of an estate. Therefore, the correct answer is "Estate."

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  • 12. 

    A trench system used by the Etruscans to both drain and irrigate the land

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Cuniculus
    A cuniculus is a trench system that was used by the Etruscans for both draining and irrigating the land. It allowed them to control the flow of water and manage the agricultural activities effectively. This system was crucial for the Etruscans' agricultural success and played a significant role in their civilization's development.

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  • 13. 

    The Romans used this as a main feature  of their construction techniques when building temples or palaces.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Twelve Tables

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Arch
    The Romans used arches as a main feature of their construction techniques when building temples or palaces. The arch is a curved structure that provides stability and support, allowing for the construction of larger and more impressive buildings. By distributing the weight evenly along the curve of the arch, the Romans were able to create structures that were both aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound. The use of arches in Roman architecture was a significant advancement and contributed to the grandeur and durability of their buildings.

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  • 14. 

    Over see's the moral conduct of all citizens

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Censor
    A censor is an individual or entity that monitors and controls the moral conduct of all citizens. They have the authority to suppress or remove any content or actions that are deemed inappropriate or offensive. In this role, they ensure that the community adheres to certain standards and regulations, maintaining order and upholding societal values. An empire refers to a large political entity, veto means to reject or prohibit something, and community refers to a group of people living in the same area or sharing common interests.

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  • 15. 

    A division of power in the government to keep one branch from getting more powerful than the other branches

    • A.


    • B.

      Checks and balances

    • C.


    • D.

      Post office

    Correct Answer
    B. Checks and balances
    Checks and balances refers to a system in government where each branch has the ability to limit the powers of the other branches. This division of power ensures that no single branch becomes too powerful, preventing any potential abuse of power. It allows for a system of accountability and oversight, where each branch can monitor and restrain the actions of the others, promoting a balance of power and safeguarding against tyranny or corruption.

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  • 16. 

    In times of emergengy an absolute ruler was appointed by the Senate for 6 months and had charge of the army and the courts is called

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Dictator
    In times of emergency, the Senate appointed an absolute ruler for a period of 6 months who had control over the army and the courts. This ruler was known as a dictator. Unlike a president or ruler in a republic, a dictator had complete authority and power during their term, allowing them to make swift decisions and take action without the need for consensus or approval from others.

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  • 17. 

    These started as Etruscan funeral practices, they were between the slaves of a dead nobleman were called.

    • A.

      Games of death

    • B.


    • C.

      Gladiator games

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Gladiator games
    Gladiator games were originally Etruscan funeral practices where slaves of a deceased nobleman would fight to the death. These games eventually evolved into a popular form of entertainment in ancient Rome, where trained fighters would battle each other or wild animals in arenas. The gladiator games were a way for the wealthy and powerful to showcase their wealth and power, as well as entertain the masses.

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  • 18. 

    Why did the plebeians want laws to be written

    • A.

      So their children could learn to read in Roman schools

    • B.

      So their land would be protected from the government

    • C.

      So the patricians couldn't pass new laws to easily

    • D.

      They had no say in making the laws

    Correct Answer
    C. So the patricians couldn't pass new laws to easily
    The plebeians wanted laws to be written so the patricians couldn't pass new laws too easily. This suggests that the plebeians felt that the patricians had too much power and influence in the lawmaking process. By having laws written down, it would make it harder for the patricians to manipulate or change the laws in their favor, giving the plebeians more protection and a voice in the legal system.

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  • 19. 

    Farmers and workers who make up most of the population of Rome

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Plebeians
    The correct answer is Plebeians. In ancient Rome, the Plebeians were the common people, including farmers and workers, who made up the majority of the population. They were distinct from the Patricians, who were the aristocratic elite. The Plebeians had limited political and social rights initially, but over time they gained more power and representation through their struggle for equality.

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  • 20. 

    During the first period of Roman expanision, the Romans

    • A.

      Took over the Italian peninsula

    • B.

      Conquered all of Europe

    • C.

      Expanded into North Africa

    • D.

      Became a dictatorship

    Correct Answer
    A. Took over the Italian peninsula
    During the first period of Roman expansion, the Romans took over the Italian peninsula. This means that they gained control and dominance over the various city-states and tribes that inhabited the region. This was a significant step in establishing their power and laying the foundation for the Roman Empire. By taking control of the Italian peninsula, the Romans were able to consolidate their resources, establish a strong central government, and lay the groundwork for further conquests and expansion.

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  • 21. 

    How did Rome's expansion affect the plebeians?

    • A.

      The plebeians got more land

    • B.

      The plebeians got more slaves

    • C.

      More plebeians had to serve in the army.

    • D.

      More plebeians had to set up colonies.

    Correct Answer
    C. More plebeians had to serve in the army.
    Rome's expansion affected the plebeians by increasing their military obligations. As Rome conquered new territories, more plebeians were required to serve in the army to maintain control over these conquered lands. This expansion led to a greater demand for soldiers, resulting in an increased conscription of plebeians into the military.

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  • 22. 

    2 men who were appointed by the assembly to govern Rome were

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Consuls
    The correct answer is "consuls." In ancient Rome, the consuls were two officials who were elected by the assembly to govern the city. They held the highest political office and had the power to command the army, make laws, and administer justice. The consuls served for one year and were responsible for maintaining the stability and order of Rome. They were considered to be the chief magistrates of the Roman Republic and played a crucial role in the government and administration of the city.

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  • 23. 

    The story of Romulus and Remus showed the Romans valued

    • A.

      Cities in low, flat areas

    • B.


    • C.

      People abandoned by the gods.

    • D.

      Loyalty and justice.

    Correct Answer
    D. Loyalty and justice.
    The story of Romulus and Remus, who were abandoned by their parents and raised by a she-wolf, highlights the Roman value of loyalty and justice. Despite their difficult upbringing, the brothers remained loyal to each other and worked together to establish the city of Rome. This demonstrates the importance placed on loyalty and the sense of justice in Roman society.

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  • 24. 

    A structure that carries water a long distance is called

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Pax Romana

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Aqueduct
    An aqueduct is a structure designed to transport water over long distances. It is typically a series of arches or channels that allow water to flow from a water source to a destination, such as a city or agricultural area. Aqueducts were commonly used in ancient civilizations, such as the Romans, to provide water for drinking, irrigation, and other purposes. They were an important engineering feat and played a crucial role in the development and sustainability of cities and civilizations.

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  • 25. 

    What are components (parts) of government that existed in Sparta during the time of ancient Greece? 

    • A.

      The government controlled the voting process; it was mandatory to be part of the voting process; and they believed that people existed for the good of the state

    • B.

      They believe that people existed for the good of the state

    • C.

      Government was in control of the military; it was mandatory to part of the military; and they believe that the people existed for the good of the state

    • D.

      The government was in control the media it was mandatory to part of the military; and they believe that the people existed for the good of the state

    Correct Answer
    C. Government was in control of the military; it was mandatory to part of the military; and they believe that the people existed for the good of the state
    During the time of ancient Greece, the government in Sparta had control over the military. It was mandatory for citizens to be a part of the military, reflecting the importance placed on military service in Spartan society. Additionally, the government believed that the people existed for the good of the state, emphasizing the collective welfare over individual interests. This highlights the strong emphasis on discipline, obedience, and the prioritization of the state's interests in Spartan government and society.

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  • 26. 

    Which statement best explains the difficulty the ancient Greeks had in uniting all of its citizens under a single government?

    • A.

      The independent nature of the people, the abundance of water, and the lack of food all made it difficult

    • B.

      The independent nature of the people, the size of the region, and the lack of food all made it difficult.

    • C.

      Independent nature the people, geography of the region and the size of region all made it difficult

    • D.

      The independent nature of the people, the dangerous wild animals, and the abundance of water all made it difficult.

    Correct Answer
    C. Independent nature the people, geograpHy of the region and the size of region all made it difficult
    The difficulty the ancient Greeks had in uniting all of its citizens under a single government can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the independent nature of the people made it challenging to convince them to relinquish their autonomy and submit to a central authority. Additionally, the geography of the region, with its mountains and islands, created physical barriers that hindered communication and transportation. Lastly, the size of the region, encompassing various city-states, made it difficult to establish a unified government. These factors together contributed to the difficulty in achieving political unity in ancient Greece.

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  • 27. 

    Which describes the Athenian government?

    • A.

      All the free males meet and discuss the issue and make a decision (law)

    • B.

      All the free males elect representatives to discuss the issue and make a decision (law)

    • C.

      A few selected men discuss the issue and make a decision (law)

    • D.

      One man is chosen by God to make all decisions(laws)

    Correct Answer
    C. A few selected men discuss the issue and make a decision (law)
    The correct answer is "a few selected men discuss the issue and make a decision (law)". This describes the Athenian government as an oligarchy, where a small group of men, typically from the aristocracy, were chosen to make decisions and laws on behalf of the larger population. This form of government was common in ancient Greece, including Athens.

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  • 28. 

    What activity helped Alexander the Great spread the Hellenistic culture?

    • A.

      Encouraging exploration

    • B.

      Visiting different countries

    • C.

      Sending ambassadors to different courts

    • D.

      Conquering different nations

    Correct Answer
    D. Conquering different nations
    Alexander the Great spread the Hellenistic culture through conquering different nations. By expanding his empire through military conquest, he was able to introduce Greek language, customs, and traditions to the regions he conquered. This allowed for the diffusion and assimilation of Hellenistic culture throughout the conquered territories, leading to its spread and influence in those regions.

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  • 29. 

    One of the first peoples to use voting to make major decisions were the

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Athenians
    The Athenians were one of the first peoples to use voting to make major decisions. In ancient Athens, they practiced a form of direct democracy where eligible citizens could participate in the decision-making process through voting in the assembly. This system allowed the Athenians to have a say in matters of governance and policy-making, making them pioneers in using voting as a means of decision-making.

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  • 30. 

    In Rome an enormous stadium call the ______________was built to hold the chariot races.

    • A.

      Super Dome

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Circus Maximus

    Correct Answer
    D. Circus Maximus
    The correct answer is Circus Maximus. In Rome, a massive stadium called the Circus Maximus was constructed specifically to host chariot races. The Circus Maximus was a significant entertainment venue in ancient Rome, known for its capacity to accommodate thousands of spectators. It was a popular location for various forms of entertainment, particularly chariot races, which were a favorite pastime of the Romans. The Circus Maximus played a crucial role in Roman culture and was a symbol of the grandeur and extravagance of the empire.

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  • 31. 

    Which of the following items did the Romans give us?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      12 month calendar

    • D.

      The clock

    Correct Answer
    C. 12 month calendar
    The Romans gave us the 12 month calendar. The ancient Roman calendar, known as the Julian calendar, consisted of 12 months with a total of 355 days. This calendar system was later modified by Julius Caesar in 45 BCE to include an additional day every four years, creating the leap year. The concept of a 12 month calendar with specific months and days is still widely used today, making it one of the contributions of the Romans to our modern calendar system.

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  • 32. 

    Rome is now the capital of what country?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Italy
    Rome is now the capital of Italy. Rome has been the capital of Italy since the unification of the country in 1871. It is a historically significant city, known for its ancient ruins, art, and architecture. Rome is also the seat of the Italian government and home to important institutions such as the Vatican City.

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