Foundations In Ed. Ch. 11

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| By Debbie16
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Foundations In Ed. Ch. 11 - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    In a Place Called School, which of the following researchers reported great variation in the way schools use their time?

    • A.

      Arno Bellack

    • B.

      Mary Budd Rowe

    • C.

      Jere Brophy

    • D.

      John Goodlad

    Correct Answer
    D. John Goodlad
    John Goodlad reported great variation in the way schools use their time. This suggests that different schools have different approaches to organizing their schedules and allocating time for various activities. Goodlad's research likely involved studying multiple schools and comparing their practices, leading to the conclusion that there is significant diversity in how schools use their time.

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  • 2. 

    Engaged time is

    • A.

      Time scheduled for an academic subject.

    • B.

      Time students are actively involved with subject matter.

    • C.

      Time students are moving about the classroom.

    • D.

      Time in which students show a high success rate.

    Correct Answer
    B. Time students are actively involved with subject matter.
    Engaged time refers to the time during which students are actively involved with the subject matter. It indicates the duration in which students are actively participating, interacting, and focusing on the academic content being taught. This could involve activities such as listening, reading, discussing, problem-solving, or any other form of active engagement with the subject. It is an important measure of the quality of instruction and student involvement in the learning process.

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  • 3. 

    In order to promote more efficient use of classroom time, classroom rules should be

    • A.

      Few and fair.

    • B.

      Teacher developed and student evaluated.

    • C.

      Established on a school-wide basis.

    • D.

      Student developed and reviewed weekly.

    Correct Answer
    A. Few and fair.
    The correct answer is "few and fair" because having a limited number of rules helps to streamline classroom management and prevent overwhelming students with excessive regulations. Additionally, by ensuring that the rules are fair, students are more likely to perceive them as reasonable and be motivated to follow them. This approach promotes a positive learning environment where students can focus on their studies rather than being burdened by an excessive number of rules.

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  • 4. 

    You have just been assigned to teach a class that has several management problems. In order to reduce or eliminate these problems, you decide to

    • A.

      Keep teaching materials and supplies locked up, so that students call on you when they need assistance.

    • B.

      Establish predictable routines and rules to offer a sense of stability.

    • C.

      Create a “private” area in the room, where you can work and plan undisturbed by unruly students.

    • D.

      Draw attention to misbehaving students in order to set an example.

    Correct Answer
    B. Establish predictable routines and rules to offer a sense of stability.
    The correct answer is to establish predictable routines and rules to offer a sense of stability. This approach will help create a structured and organized learning environment, which can reduce management problems. By setting clear expectations and consistent routines, students will know what is expected of them and be more likely to follow the rules. This will promote a sense of stability and minimize disruptions in the classroom, allowing for a more productive and focused learning experience.

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  • 5. 

    Group alerting is a technique designed to

    • A.

      Inform students about shifts in classroom activities to facilitate transitions between lessons.

    • B.

      Keep students’ attention by addressing questions to the class, then naming the student to respond.

    • C.

      Encourage students to work cooperatively in groups.

    • D.

      Provide directions to students about how to complete an instructional task.

    Correct Answer
    B. Keep students’ attention by addressing questions to the class, then naming the student to respond.
    Group alerting is a technique that aims to keep students' attention by addressing questions to the entire class and then specifically naming a student to respond. This technique helps to engage all students in the learning process and keeps them actively involved in the classroom activities. By addressing questions to the class and then naming a student to respond, the teacher ensures that everyone is paying attention and encourages active participation from all students.

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  • 6. 

    Teachers who demonstrate “withitness” are

    • A.

      Very punctual and well organized.

    • B.

      Able to tap into popular trends among students.

    • C.

      Aware of all students’ behavior in the classroom at all times.

    • D.

      Kept informed of the progress of former students.

    Correct Answer
    C. Aware of all students’ behavior in the classroom at all times.
    Teachers who demonstrate "withitness" are aware of all students' behavior in the classroom at all times. This means that they are able to observe and monitor the actions and interactions of their students, ensuring that they are engaged and on task. Being "with it" allows teachers to quickly identify and address any issues or disruptions that may arise, creating a positive and productive learning environment. It also shows that the teacher is attentive and actively involved in the classroom, promoting a sense of accountability and responsibility among the students.

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  • 7. 

    Arno Bellack’s pedagogical cycle features these “moves”:

    • A.

      Question, react, respond

    • B.

      Involvement, question, respond, react

    • C.

      Structure, question, respond, react

    • D.

      Question, structure, respond, evaluate

    Correct Answer
    C. Structure, question, respond, react
    Arno Bellack's pedagogical cycle involves the following sequence of "moves": structure, question, respond, react. This means that the teacher first provides a structure or framework for the lesson, then asks a question to engage the students, listens to their responses, and finally reacts or provides feedback based on their answers. This cycle promotes active learning and encourages students to think critically and participate in the learning process.

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  • 8. 

    The pedagogical cycle is initiated by the teacher

    • A.

      All of the time.

    • B.

      Most of the time.

    • C.

      Some of the time.

    • D.

      Only in response to student questions.

    Correct Answer
    B. Most of the time.
    The correct answer is "most of the time" because the pedagogical cycle refers to the process of teaching and learning, which is typically initiated by the teacher. While students may occasionally ask questions that lead to a specific topic or discussion, the responsibility of initiating the teaching process primarily lies with the teacher. Therefore, the teacher is expected to initiate the pedagogical cycle most of the time.

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  • 9. 

    By beginning a lesson with a riddle or an anecdote, a teacher is trying to establish

    • A.

      Clear objectives.

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Motivation.
    By beginning a lesson with a riddle or an anecdote, a teacher is trying to capture the students' attention and generate interest in the topic. This approach is aimed at motivating the students to actively participate and engage in the lesson. It helps create a positive and stimulating learning environment, encouraging students to be curious and eager to learn. By sparking their interest through a riddle or anecdote, the teacher can establish a sense of motivation in the students, making them more receptive to the lesson content and objectives.

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  • 10. 

    The student typically asked the most questions by the teacher is the

    • A.

      Female of color.

    • B.

      Male of color.

    • C.

      White female.

    • D.

      White male.

    Correct Answer
    D. White male.
    The given answer, "white male," suggests that the teacher tends to ask the most questions to students who are white and male. This implies that the teacher may have a bias towards this particular group, resulting in them receiving more attention and engagement in the classroom. It is important to note that this answer assumes a certain level of systemic inequality and prejudice within the educational environment.

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  • 11. 

    Which of the following describes Bloom’s taxonomy?

    • A.

      Hierarchy of strategies for classroom management

    • B.

      Classification of teacher response to student answers

    • C.

      Original guidelines for mastery learning

    • D.

      System for determining the intellectual level of questions

    Correct Answer
    D. System for determining the intellectual level of questions
    Bloom's taxonomy is a system that categorizes questions based on their intellectual level. It provides a framework for educators to design and assess learning objectives, with six levels ranging from simple recall to higher-order thinking skills such as analysis, evaluation, and creation. This taxonomy helps teachers create appropriate and challenging questions that promote critical thinking and deeper understanding among students.

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  • 12. 

    Lower order questions

    • A.

      Are mostly used in teaching students in lower grades.

    • B.

      Have been proven to be ineffective.

    • C.

      Rarely encourage learning.

    • D.

      Can be answered through memory and recall.

    Correct Answer
    D. Can be answered through memory and recall.
    Lower order questions can be answered through memory and recall. These types of questions typically require students to recall specific information or facts that they have learned. They are commonly used in teaching students in lower grades because they help reinforce basic knowledge and understanding. While they may not encourage deep learning or critical thinking, they serve as a foundation for building more complex skills and concepts.

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  • 13. 

    Teachers’ questions are usually

    • A.

      Higher order

    • B.

      Lower order

    • C.

      About equally divided between higher and lower order

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Lower order
    Teachers' questions are usually categorized as either higher order or lower order. Higher order questions require critical thinking, analysis, and problem-solving skills, while lower order questions focus on factual recall and basic understanding. The correct answer, "lower order," suggests that most teachers tend to ask questions that are focused on basic understanding and factual recall rather than promoting higher-order thinking skills. This implies that the majority of teachers prioritize testing students' knowledge and comprehension rather than challenging them to think critically or creatively.

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  • 14. 

    Higher order questions are most effectively used during

    • A.

      A discussion of student opinions

    • B.

      A review of previously learned information

    • C.

      An introduction of new information

    • D.

      Student practice drills

    Correct Answer
    A. A discussion of student opinions
    Higher order questions are most effectively used during a discussion of student opinions because they encourage critical thinking, analysis, and evaluation of ideas. By asking open-ended questions that require students to justify their opinions and provide evidence, a discussion can promote deeper understanding and engagement with the topic. This approach allows students to express their thoughts, challenge assumptions, and consider multiple perspectives, fostering a more interactive and collaborative learning environment.

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  • 15. 

    A teacher asks a student to grade her own research paper—and to justify her grade. Identify the level of this task on Bloom’s taxonomy.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Evaluation
    The task of grading and justifying the grade of a research paper requires the student to assess the quality and value of the work based on specific criteria. This goes beyond comprehension or analysis of the paper's content. It involves making judgments, comparing the paper to standards, and providing a reasoned justification for the assigned grade. Therefore, this task falls under the evaluation level of Bloom's taxonomy.

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  • 16. 

    The amount of time a teacher typically waits to call on a student after asking a question is:

    • A.

      One second or less

    • B.

      Three to five seconds

    • C.

      Ten to fifteen seconds

    • D.

      Too variable to be measured with much accuracy

    Correct Answer
    A. One second or less
    The correct answer is "one second or less". This suggests that a teacher typically waits for a very short period of time before calling on a student after asking a question. This quick response time could be due to various factors such as the teacher wanting to maintain the pace of the lesson, encouraging student engagement, or ensuring that the flow of the discussion is not disrupted.

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  • 17. 

    When asking questions, teachers tend to give more wait time to students who they expect

    • A.

      Will not know the answer.

    • B.

      Will need assistance to come up with an answer.

    • C.

      Will be able to give a correct answer.

    • D.

      Were not paying attention.

    Correct Answer
    C. Will be able to give a correct answer.
    Teachers tend to give more wait time to students who they expect will be able to give a correct answer. This is because these students may need more time to process and formulate their response, even though they are likely to provide the correct answer. By giving them more wait time, the teacher allows them to gather their thoughts and articulate their response effectively. This also helps to build confidence and encourage participation from these students.

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  • 18. 

    Increased wait time leads to

    • A.

      Shorter student responses.

    • B.

      More student disruptions.

    • C.

      Fewer student questions.

    • D.

      Greater student participation

    Correct Answer
    D. Greater student participation
    When there is an increased wait time, students are given more time to process and think about the question or task at hand. This allows them to formulate their responses more thoughtfully and with greater depth. As a result, they are more likely to actively participate and engage in the discussion or activity, leading to greater student participation.

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  • 19. 

    For teachers, increased wait time leads to

    • A.

      Greater use of higher order questions.

    • B.

      Lower expectations of students.

    • C.

      Less fluent teacher discussion.

    • D.

      Greater need for management rules and regulations.

    Correct Answer
    A. Greater use of higher order questions.
    Increased wait time refers to the amount of time a teacher allows for students to think and respond to a question before providing an answer. When teachers give students more time to process information and formulate their thoughts, it encourages deeper thinking and engagement. This, in turn, leads to an increased use of higher order questions, which require students to analyze, evaluate, and apply their knowledge. By allowing for increased wait time, teachers are creating an environment that promotes critical thinking and higher level cognitive skills.

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  • 20. 

    The most frequent teacher reaction is

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Acceptance.
    The most frequent teacher reaction is acceptance because it implies that teachers are often open and receptive to their students' ideas, opinions, and work. Acceptance fosters a positive learning environment where students feel valued and encouraged to express themselves. It also promotes a sense of belonging and self-confidence among students, which can enhance their overall academic performance and motivation. By accepting their students, teachers create a supportive atmosphere that allows for growth and development.

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  • 21. 

    Effective praise is

    • A.

      General, complimenting the student’s personality as well as ability.

    • B.

      Given at the beginning and end of every class to establish a positive environment.

    • C.

      Responsive to past performance and student ability and effort.

    • D.

      Rationed so no one student receives too much of it.

    Correct Answer
    C. Responsive to past performance and student ability and effort.
    Effective praise should be responsive to past performance and student ability and effort. This means that praise should be specific and tailored to the individual student's accomplishments and progress. It should acknowledge their past achievements and recognize the effort they have put in to achieve those results. By providing praise that is responsive to the student's performance and abilities, it helps to motivate and encourage further growth and development.

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  • 22. 

    Direct teaching is

    • A.

      Based on students’ direct involvement with the material through hands-on activities.

    • B.

      Practiced through direct interaction with students on an individual basis.

    • C.

      Teacher presentation of new material, followed by directed practice and feedback.

    • D.

      Student-centered and student-directed.

    Correct Answer
    C. Teacher presentation of new material, followed by directed practice and feedback.
    Direct teaching is a method where the teacher presents new material to the students and then guides them through directed practice and provides feedback. This approach involves the teacher taking an active role in presenting information and demonstrating skills to the students. It allows for a structured learning experience where students can acquire knowledge and skills through teacher-led instruction and practice. The emphasis is on the teacher's presentation of new material, followed by guided practice and feedback to ensure understanding and mastery of the content.

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  • 23. 

    Cooperative learning groups work best when

    • A.

      The groups meet several times a week.

    • B.

      Students are grouped by sex.

    • C.

      Students are grouped by ability level.

    • D.

      The groups share a goal and materials.

    Correct Answer
    D. The groups share a goal and materials.
    Cooperative learning groups work best when the groups share a goal and materials because this fosters collaboration and encourages active participation from all group members. When students have a common goal, they are more likely to work together, share ideas, and support each other in achieving that goal. Additionally, having shared materials ensures that all group members have access to the necessary resources, promoting equal opportunities for learning and engagement. This approach promotes a sense of community and encourages students to take ownership of their learning, leading to improved outcomes and a more positive learning experience.

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  • 24. 

    As a new teacher, you are considering using cooperative learning. One research finding supporting your decision is that

    • A.

      Accurate grading becomes easier and less time consuming in this approach.

    • B.

      Organizing students with similar backgrounds into these groups eases management concerns.

    • C.

      Students are more likely to use computer technology in a cooperative community.

    • D.

      Students have greater motivation to learn.

    Correct Answer
    D. Students have greater motivation to learn.
    Cooperative learning can enhance students' motivation to learn. When students work together in groups, they are more engaged and actively participate in the learning process. They have the opportunity to collaborate, share ideas, and support each other, which can increase their motivation to succeed. This approach fosters a sense of belonging and encourages students to take ownership of their learning. As a result, they are more likely to be motivated and enthusiastic about their studies, leading to improved academic performance.

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  • 25. 

    Mastery learning is based on the premise that

    • A.

      Learning is a social process—students learn through interaction with others.

    • B.

      Learning should be relevant to students’ lives—by solving real-world problems.

    • C.

      All students can learn—if given the right tools and the opportunity to work at their own pace.

    • D.

      Learning is doing—students learn through hands-on experiences.

    Correct Answer
    C. All students can learn—if given the right tools and the opportunity to work at their own pace.
    Mastery learning is based on the belief that all students have the potential to learn and succeed academically. It emphasizes that every student can achieve mastery of a subject if they are provided with the appropriate tools and given the opportunity to work at their own pace. This approach rejects the idea that some students are inherently unable to learn and instead focuses on creating an environment that supports and facilitates their learning. By tailoring instruction to meet the individual needs of each student and allowing them to progress at their own speed, mastery learning aims to ensure that all students can reach their full potential.

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  • 26. 

    After having attended a workshop on problem-based learning, you decide to try it out. You realize that a key teacher role in this approach is to

    • A.

      Prepare a lecture that highlights the key points of a problem, so students can see the direction you want them to take.

    • B.

      Assist students in identifying an authentic problem.

    • C.

      Gather all the relevant resources in your room, so students can effectively do their research.

    • D.

      Construct a rigorous but fair short-answer test, so the students can demonstrate their learning.

    Correct Answer
    B. Assist students in identifying an authentic problem.
    The key teacher role in problem-based learning is to assist students in identifying an authentic problem. This is important because problem-based learning focuses on real-world problems that students can actively engage with and find solutions for. By helping students identify an authentic problem, the teacher is guiding them towards a meaningful learning experience and encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This role is different from preparing a lecture, gathering resources, or constructing a test, as those tasks are more aligned with traditional teaching methods rather than problem-based learning.

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  • 27. 

    A teacher whose goal is for students to take charge of their own learning would be LEAST LIKELY to use which of the following instructional methods?

    • A.

      Direct teaching

    • B.

      Cooperative learning

    • C.

      Mastery learning

    • D.

      Problem-based learning

    Correct Answer
    A. Direct teaching
    A teacher whose goal is for students to take charge of their own learning would be least likely to use direct teaching. Direct teaching is a traditional instructional method where the teacher takes the lead in delivering information and students passively receive it. In contrast, methods like cooperative learning, mastery learning, and problem-based learning encourage active student participation, collaboration, and critical thinking. These methods empower students to take ownership of their learning process and develop important skills such as problem-solving and independent thinking.

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  • 28. 

    Which of the following is emphasized in the more recent research on effective teaching?

    • A.

      The social nature of learning

    • B.

      The power of standardized tests to promote learning

    • C.

      Instruction that emphasizes the teacher as the center of instruction

    • D.

      The use of teacher merit pay in promoting student learning

    Correct Answer
    A. The social nature of learning
    The more recent research on effective teaching emphasizes the social nature of learning. This means that learning is not just an individual process, but it is influenced by interactions with others. Collaborative learning, group work, and peer discussions are seen as effective strategies to promote learning. This approach recognizes the importance of social interactions in constructing knowledge and understanding. It also highlights the value of creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment where students can engage with each other and learn from their peers.

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  • 29. 

    Which of the following is a desirable trait in a classroom manager?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Overlapping
    Overlapping is a desirable trait in a classroom manager because it refers to the ability to multitask and handle multiple responsibilities simultaneously. A classroom manager who can effectively overlap tasks and responsibilities can ensure smooth classroom operations, effectively manage time and resources, and handle various student needs and activities efficiently. This trait allows the classroom manager to effectively juggle different aspects of classroom management, such as instruction, behavior management, and administrative tasks, resulting in a well-organized and productive learning environment.

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  • 30. 

    Larry Cuban argues that classrooms are mainly teacher centered in part because

    • A.

      Classes are small and the curriculum is relatively narrow.

    • B.

      Of the flexible physical structure of schools, including movable student chairs.

    • C.

      Industry wanted to mold creative and independent workers, and teachers were the professionals most able to accomplish this.

    • D.

      Of teacher training practices.

    Correct Answer
    D. Of teacher training practices.
    Larry Cuban argues that classrooms are mainly teacher centered because of teacher training practices. This implies that the way teachers are trained influences the way they conduct their classrooms. If teachers are trained to be authoritative and to control the learning process, then classrooms will naturally be teacher-centered. Conversely, if teachers are trained to be facilitators and to promote student-centered learning, then classrooms will be more student-centered. Therefore, the focus on teacher training practices helps explain why classrooms tend to be teacher-centered.

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  • 31. 

    Computers are best considered as a tool to

    • A.

      Decrease discipline problems.

    • B.

      Promote already proven effective teaching strategies.

    • C.

      Eliminate teaching strategies and replace them with technological strategies.

    • D.

      Increase test scores.

    Correct Answer
    B. Promote already proven effective teaching strategies.
    Computers are best considered as a tool to promote already proven effective teaching strategies because they can enhance the delivery of educational content and provide interactive learning experiences. By incorporating computers into the classroom, teachers can utilize various educational software, multimedia resources, and online platforms to reinforce and supplement their teaching methods. This promotes the use of teaching strategies that have been proven effective in facilitating student learning and engagement. Computers can support personalized instruction, collaborative learning, and access to a vast array of educational resources, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of teaching strategies that have already been proven successful.

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