Guidance And Counselling Quiz Questions And Answers

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| By Jeiarburgos
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Guidance And Counselling Quiz Questions And Answers - Quiz

Check out our short and fun quiz on guidance and counseling that consists of detailed questions and answers to test your knowledge. As we know, children keep developing daily, and a lot of factors affect how they turn out in life. The purpose of guidance at each stage of life is to advise them on the challenges they face. Do take up this quiz and see if you are well equipped to help the kids with their transitions.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    The homeroom advisers requested the guidance personnel to orient the fourth year students and grade six pupils on how to take National Achievement Test properly and with ease. Which type of guidance service is being provided?

    • A.

      Placement service

    • B.

      Information service

    • C.

      Evaluation service

    • D.

      Counseling service

    Correct Answer
    B. Information service
    The correct answer is Information service. In this scenario, the guidance personnel are providing information to the fourth year students and grade six pupils on how to take the National Achievement Test properly and with ease. This type of guidance service involves providing relevant and accurate information to individuals to help them make informed decisions or understand certain processes or procedures.

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  • 2. 

    What positive measures should be taken when an advanced learner in the class starts to cause some discipline problems?

    • A.

      Send him back to his home. 

    • B.

      Better challenge him to do something that will attract his attention.

    • C.

      Give him other activities that are very difficult for him to do.

    • D.

      Tell him that you don’t like misbehaving students even if they are bright in class.

    Correct Answer
    B. Better challenge him to do something that will attract his attention.
    When an advanced learner in the class starts to cause discipline problems, a positive measure would be to better challenge him to do something that will attract his attention. By providing him with engaging and stimulating tasks, it can redirect his focus and channel his energy towards productive activities. This approach acknowledges his advanced abilities and encourages him to utilize them in a positive manner, rather than resorting to disruptive behavior.

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  • 3. 

    There's a student who is intelligent but is under-achieving in your class. How would you help him? 

    • A.

      Provide challenging activities which he can excel.

    • B.

      Recognize his talents by asking him to help students in the work in class.

    • C.

      Identify the immediate causes of difficulties that cause his being an under-achiever.

    • D.

      Allow him to work with the slow group of students to cope with the academic needs of the lesson.

    Correct Answer
    C. Identify the immediate causes of difficulties that cause his being an under-achiever.
    Identifying the immediate causes of difficulties that are causing the student to under-achieve is crucial in order to provide targeted support and intervention. By understanding the root causes of the student's struggles, the teacher can develop a personalized plan to address those specific challenges. This could involve providing additional resources, modifying teaching strategies, or offering extra support outside of class. By addressing the underlying difficulties, the teacher can help the student overcome obstacles and reach their full potential.

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  • 4. 

    Mrs. Beasley observes that a misbehaved boy is gifted in creating a drawing. To minimize his negative behavior in class, what's the best approach that she can use? 

    • A.

      Ask him to draw illustrations for other co-teachers.

    • B.

      Have him organized by making posters and decorative work of all kinds.

    • C.

      Have his creations displayed and admired by his classmates.

    • D.

      Group him in school activities that require drawing skills.

    Correct Answer
    D. Group him in school activities that require drawing skills.
    By grouping the misbehaved boy in school activities that require drawing skills, Mrs. Beasley can provide him with a positive outlet for his talents. This approach not only allows him to use his gift for drawing but also gives him a sense of purpose and belonging within the school community. By engaging in activities that align with his interests and abilities, the boy is more likely to be motivated and focused, reducing his negative behavior in class. Additionally, working in a group setting can also help him develop social skills and learn to collaborate with others.

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  • 5. 

    What method will you choose to help a student who is timid and withdrawn due to his physical defect or abnormality? 

    • A.

      Treat him like other normal students and let him join friendly and accepting classmates.

    • B.

      Advise his parents to give him a companion always.

    • C.

      Let him go to the doctor for some advice.

    • D.

      Provide him a wheelchair so that he can join the group.

    Correct Answer
    A. Treat him like other normal students and let him join friendly and accepting classmates.
    The best method to help a student who is timid and withdrawn due to his physical defect or abnormality is to treat him like other normal students and let him join friendly and accepting classmates. By doing this, the student will feel included and accepted, which can boost his self-confidence and help him overcome his shyness. It is important to create an inclusive and supportive environment where the student feels valued and part of the group. Advising his parents to give him a companion or providing him with a wheelchair may address some practical issues, but they do not directly address the student's emotional well-being and social integration.

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  • 6. 

    A student in your class has just come from the province and seems to have a speech defect. The whole class laughs at him the moment he is called to recite. How can you assist him? 

    • A.

      Explain to your class his class disorder.

    • B.

      Laugh also with them.

    • C.

      Shout at your class at stop them.

    • D.

      Encourage the whole class that he is also a learner and he should be accepted.

    Correct Answer
    D. Encourage the whole class that he is also a learner and he should be accepted.
    Encouraging the whole class to accept the student and reminding them that he is also a learner is the most appropriate response in this situation. Laughing at the student or joining in with the laughter will only further embarrass and isolate him. Shouting at the class may temporarily stop them from laughing, but it does not address the underlying issue or promote empathy and understanding. By encouraging acceptance, the student will feel supported and may be more willing to participate and improve their speech.

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  • 7. 

    Mike has been absent from his Makabayan Class for seven consecutive days. What is the best thing to do when he reports back to school?

    • A.

      Ask an excuse letter approved by his parents/adviser.

    • B.

      Send him to the guidance counselor.

    • C.

      Send him back to his house. 

    • D.

      None of the above 

    Correct Answer
    A. Ask an excuse letter approved by his parents/adviser.
    When Mike reports back to school after being absent for seven consecutive days, the best thing to do is to ask him to provide an excuse letter that has been approved by his parents or adviser. This is important because it ensures that there is a valid reason for his absence and that his parents or adviser are aware and supportive of his return to school. This also helps in maintaining proper communication and accountability between the school, the student, and his guardians.

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  • 8. 

    At puberty age, adolescents are always curious and experimenting with new things. One day, you caught your students smoking and you have a suspicion that it is marijuana. What would you do?

    • A.

      Tell them to empty the place and smoke at the smoking area.

    • B.

      Report immediately to the principal for appropriate action.

    • C.

      Call their parents. 

    • D.

      Clarify to them the hazards of smoking to their health.

    Correct Answer
    D. Clarify to them the hazards of smoking to their health.
    The correct answer is to clarify to them the hazards of smoking to their health. This is the most appropriate action to take as an educator. By informing the students about the dangers of smoking, you are providing them with important information that can help them make informed decisions about their health. It is important to educate them about the potential long-term consequences of smoking, such as lung cancer, heart disease, and addiction. This approach focuses on prevention and promoting healthy choices rather than simply punishing or reporting the students.

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  • 9. 

    Robin was crying due to which she was sent by the teacher to the guidance office. She told the counselor that her money was lost and she suspected her friend took it. What action should be taken first?

    • A.

      Scold the classmate of Ruth.

    • B.

      Suspend the friend of Ruth for one day.

    • C.

      Confer with Ruth and her friend to discuss the problem objectively.

    • D.

      Call the parents of Ruth.

    Correct Answer
    C. Confer with Ruth and her friend to discuss the problem objectively.
    The first action that should be taken is to confer with Ruth and her friend to discuss the problem objectively. This approach allows for open communication and gathering more information about the situation. It is important to understand both sides of the story and gather evidence before taking any further action such as scolding or suspending anyone. By discussing the problem objectively, the counselor can help in resolving the issue and finding a fair solution. Calling the parents of Ruth can be considered later if necessary, but it is important to address the issue directly with the individuals involved first.

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  • 10. 

    The teacher conferred with Michael's parents regarding his academic performance in school. This move of the teacher is recommendable because: 

    • A.

      There is an open communication between the teacher and the parents.

    • B.

      There is no more time to improve the grade of Joseph.

    • C.

      The principal asked for the parents’ of Joseph.

    • D.

      The teacher does not want to pass Joseph.

    Correct Answer
    A. There is an open communication between the teacher and the parents.
    The teacher conferred with Michael's parents regarding his academic performance in school. This move of the teacher is recommendable because it shows that there is an open communication between the teacher and the parents. By discussing Michael's performance, the teacher can provide valuable feedback and suggestions to the parents, and the parents can share any concerns or insights they may have. This open communication allows for collaboration and support in helping Michael improve his academic performance.

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  • 11. 

    Julie, a grade seven pupil is actively involved in various co-curricular activities. Her attention was called regarding her poor performance in the academic subjects. Being her teacher, what would you tell her?

    • A.

      Request for special project to pass the subject.

    • B.

      Terminate all her co-curricular activities and stay home for good

    • C.

      Prioritize her concerns with focus on academics.

    • D.

      Ask for excuse letters to attend other activities.

    Correct Answer
    C. Prioritize her concerns with focus on academics.
    As a teacher, I would tell Julie to prioritize her concerns with a focus on academics. This means that she should give more attention and effort to her academic subjects in order to improve her performance. While being involved in co-curricular activities is important, it should not come at the expense of her academic success. By prioritizing her academics, Julie can ensure that she is giving her best in her studies and achieving the necessary grades. This may involve managing her time effectively, seeking additional help if needed, and making academics a top priority in her daily routine.

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  • 12. 

    On what principle is a child given an opportunity to “get in” anytime at the counselor’s office?

    • A.

      Counseling is required of every child to open communication.

    • B.

      Counseling is focused on individuals’ problems and solutions.

    • C.

      Counseling is to recognize the worth and dignity of the individual at all times.

    • D.

      Counseling is a continuous, sequential, and educational process.

    Correct Answer
    C. Counseling is to recognize the worth and dignity of the individual at all times.
    The principle behind giving a child the opportunity to "get in" anytime at the counselor's office is to recognize the worth and dignity of the individual at all times. This means that the counselor values and respects the child as a person, and is always available to listen and support them whenever they need it. This principle ensures that the child feels valued, heard, and supported in their emotional and mental well-being.

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  • 13. 

    Which statement is NOT true in counseling?

    • A.

      Counseling is giving directions to the lonely, confused, suffering and the lost.

    • B.

      Counseling is focused on the possibilities of choices of staying or leaving an unfaithful husband

    • C.

      Counseling is seeking out helping relationship with self, family, friends and God.

    • D.

      Counseling is an active listening; a counselor behaves that clients/counselees are not sick, just stuck.

    Correct Answer
    A. Counseling is giving directions to the lonely, confused, suffering and the lost.
    The statement "Counseling is giving directions to the lonely, confused, suffering and the lost" is not true in counseling. Counseling is not about giving directions or telling the client what to do, but rather it is about providing support, guidance, and helping the client explore their own thoughts, feelings, and options. The counselor's role is to facilitate the client's self-discovery and empower them to make their own decisions.

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  • 14. 

    Which assumption must be AVOIDED in order to become successful in counseling?

    • A.

      The counselor must be able to relate to the student.

    • B.

      The environment must provide assurance of confidentiality.

    • C.

      The counselor tells the student what to do.

    • D.

      The student is willing to participate in the process.

    Correct Answer
    C. The counselor tells the student what to do.
    To be successful in counseling, it is important to avoid the assumption that the counselor tells the student what to do. Counseling is a collaborative process where the counselor guides the student in exploring their thoughts, feelings, and options, but ultimately the decision-making lies with the student. The counselor's role is to facilitate self-discovery and empower the student to make informed choices. Imposing solutions or being directive undermines the student's autonomy and inhibits their personal growth.

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  • 15. 

    Name the testing service that can effectively determine and analyze the student’s career pathing. 

    • A.

      Aptitude and interest test

    • B.

      IQ and EQ test

    • C.

      Projective technique

    • D.

      Personality test

    Correct Answer
    A. Aptitude and interest test
    Aptitude and interest tests are designed to assess a student's strengths, skills, and interests in order to determine their career path. These tests evaluate an individual's natural abilities and preferences, providing valuable insight into the fields and industries where they are most likely to excel and find fulfillment. By analyzing the results of an aptitude and interest test, a testing service can effectively guide students towards suitable career options and help them make informed decisions about their future.

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  • 16. 

    Of the following methods/approaches in counseling, which does not belong to the group?

    • A.

      Analyzing activities that the individual performs.

    • B.

      Using interests and inventories

    • C.

      Producing case studies.

    • D.

      Asking the individuals what they like to do.

    Correct Answer
    A. Analyzing activities that the individual performs.
    The correct answer is "Analyzing activities that the individual performs." This method does not belong to the group because it focuses on observing and analyzing the activities that the individual engages in, rather than using interests and inventories, producing case studies, or asking the individuals directly about their preferences and likes. The other three methods involve more direct interaction and communication with the individuals, while analyzing activities is a more indirect approach.

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  • 17. 

    The guidance counselor as a social worker means that the guidance, counselor will___.

    • A.

      Do counseling with children who are disturbed emotionally.

    • B.

      Offer tutoring/remediation

    • C.

      Give vocational and educational guidance.

    • D.

      Spend much time planning, administering and interpreting tests.

    Correct Answer
    C. Give vocational and educational guidance.
    The role of a guidance counselor as a social worker involves providing vocational and educational guidance to individuals. This means that they assist students in making informed decisions about their career paths and educational pursuits. They may provide information about different career options, help students explore their interests and abilities, and offer guidance on the educational requirements and pathways for various professions. This role does not specifically involve counseling emotionally disturbed children, offering tutoring/remediation, or spending significant time on test planning and administration.

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  • May 26, 2023
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  • Oct 10, 2012
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