Huckleberry Finn Background And Chapters 1-9

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Huckleberry Finn Background And Chapters 1-9 - Quiz


Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Mark Twain was born with this and died with its next coming:

    • A.

      Haley's comet

    • B.

      Eclipse of the sun

    • C.

      End of Revolutionary War and start of Civil War

    • D.

      Same birth and death town as Leo Tolstoy

    Correct Answer
    A. Haley's comet
    Mark Twain was born in 1835, the year that Halley's comet made its appearance. He died in 1910, which was the year of the comet's next return. This means that Mark Twain was born with the comet's appearance and died with its next coming.

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  • 2. 

    How Tom Sawyer signals to Huck in the opening of HF:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      "cheep- cheep"

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. "me-ow"
    In the opening of "HF," Tom Sawyer signals to Huck by saying "me-ow." This is likely because "me-ow" is the sound that a cat makes, and Tom is using this signal to let Huck know that he is nearby or that something is about to happen. Cats are often associated with mischief and adventure, which aligns with the playful and adventurous nature of Tom and Huck's characters. Therefore, "me-ow" serves as a fitting signal for Tom to communicate with Huck in this context.

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  • 3. 

    Huck lives with:

    • A.

      Miss Watson

    • B.

      Widow Douglas

    • C.


    • D.

      Aunt Polly

    Correct Answer
    B. Widow Douglas
    Huck lives with Widow Douglas because in Mark Twain's novel "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," she takes him in and becomes his guardian after he escapes from his abusive father, Pap. Widow Douglas is a kind and caring woman who tries to provide Huck with a stable and nurturing home. She teaches him about religion, manners, and education, and tries to civilize him according to societal norms. While Huck initially struggles with the rules and restrictions imposed by Widow Douglas, he eventually forms a bond with her and appreciates her love and guidance.

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  • 4. 

    Huck and Tom each got this amount from Injun Joe's cave:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. $6,000
    Huck and Tom each received $6,000 from Injun Joe's cave.

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  • 5. 

    The Widow Douglas  was learnin' Huck the Bible story of __________to make a parallel to  her own role:

    • A.

      Adam & Eve

    • B.

      Abraham and Isaac

    • C.

      Satan's fall from heaven

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Moses
    The Widow Douglas was teaching Huck about the Bible story of Moses to draw a parallel to her own role as a caretaker and guide for Huck. Like Moses, she was trying to lead Huck towards a better life and teach him important lessons. Moses was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and towards the promised land, just as the Widow Douglas was trying to guide Huck towards a more righteous and moral path. By teaching him about Moses, she was emphasizing the importance of following God's commandments and making the right choices in life.

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  • 6. 

    Huck and Tom play a trick on this slave:

    • A.

      Aunt Cora

    • B.

      Old Zeke

    • C.


    • D.

      Frederick Douglass

    Correct Answer
    C. Jim
    Huck and Tom play a trick on Jim, who is a slave. This implies that Jim is the target of their prank or deception.

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  • 7. 

    The owner of the slave is:

    • A.

      Widow Douglas

    • B.


    • C.

      Judge Thatcher

    • D.

      Miss Watson

    Correct Answer
    D. Miss Watson
    Miss Watson is the owner of the slave because she is mentioned as one of the options in the question. The other options, Widow Douglas, Pap, and Judge Thatcher, are not mentioned in the question and therefore cannot be considered as the correct answer.

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  • 8. 

    The slave (------)  becomes famous because he claims this:

    • A.

      Saw the devil

    • B.

      Escaped and came back

    • C.

      Had come from a royal African family

    • D.

      Was rode by witches

    Correct Answer
    D. Was rode by witches
    The slave becomes famous because he claims that he was rode by witches. This claim would have been seen as extraordinary and would have gained attention and notoriety for the slave. It is likely that people would have been fascinated and intrigued by the idea of witches riding a slave, thus leading to the slave's fame.

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  • 9. 

    To join Tom Sawyer's Gang, Huck had to offer up a replacement hostage who was:

    • A.

      Becky Thatcher

    • B.

      The Duke

    • C.

      Miss Watson

    • D.

      Aunt Polly

    Correct Answer
    C. Miss Watson
    In order to join Tom Sawyer's Gang, Huck had to offer up a replacement hostage, which means someone who would be taken as a prisoner. Among the given options, Miss Watson fits this criteria as she is Huck's guardian and could be held captive by the gang.

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  • 10. 

    What word confounded the gang so that they did not know how to implement their policy of kidnapping?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Ransom
    The gang was unable to implement their policy of kidnapping because they were confused or perplexed by the word "ransom". A ransom refers to a sum of money or a valuable item that is demanded in exchange for the release of a kidnapped person. The gang's confusion suggests that they were unsure about how to proceed or what actions to take in relation to the concept of demanding a ransom.

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  • 11. 

    Samuel Clemens, the real name of Mark Twain, was never a:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Newspaper Reporter

    • D.

      Steamboat Captain

    Correct Answer
    B. Congressman
    Samuel Clemens, known as Mark Twain, was a renowned American author and humorist. Although he engaged in various occupations throughout his life, including typesetting, newspaper reporting, and steamboat piloting, he never served as a Congressman. Clemens is best known for his literary works, such as "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," which showcased his wit, social commentary, and unique storytelling style. His experiences as a typesetter, newspaper reporter, and steamboat captain often influenced his writing, but he never pursued a career in politics as a Congressman.

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  • 12. 

    Huck knew that Pap's was not the drowned  body because:

    • A.

      Pap had written him a letter from California

    • B.

      Dead men don't float on their backs

    • C.

      Pap would not go near water

    • D.

      He was staying in Widow Douglas's basement

    Correct Answer
    B. Dead men don't float on their backs
    The correct answer is "Dead men don't float on their backs." This is because dead bodies tend to sink in water rather than float, and if Pap's body was found floating on his back, it would indicate that it was not actually him. The other options provided do not provide a logical explanation for why Pap's body would not be the drowned body.

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  • 13. 

    When asked why they had seen no Arabs nor elephants on the ambuscade, Tom replied:

    • A.

      Because they were only visible to certain people

    • B.

      Because Huck had never read Don Quixote

    • C.

      Because they were only there for a few sections and fled

    • D.

      The elephants and Arabs were disguised

    Correct Answer
    B. Because Huck had never read Don Quixote
    The correct answer is because Huck had never read Don Quixote. This explanation suggests that Huck's lack of knowledge about Don Quixote, a famous novel featuring Arabs and elephants, prevented him from recognizing or perceiving their presence during the ambuscade.

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  • 14. 

    Which settings is not part of Huckleberry Finn in these early chapters:

    • A.

      The Mississippi River

    • B.

      St. Petersburg, MO

    • C.

      Washington, D.C.

    • D.

      Jackson's Island

    Correct Answer
    C. Washington, D.C.
    In the early chapters of Huckleberry Finn, the settings mentioned include the Mississippi River, St. Petersburg, MO, and Jackson's Island. However, Washington, D.C. is not part of the story's setting during this time.

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  • 15. 

    Huck suspects Pap is back because:

    • A.

      He sees a cross on the boot heel print in the snow

    • B.

      Pap shows up for dinner

    • C.

      He sees Pap in the jailhouse

    • D.

      Pap goes riding through town on a horse

    Correct Answer
    A. He sees a cross on the boot heel print in the snow
    Huck suspects Pap is back because he sees a cross on the boot heel print in the snow. This suggests that Pap has returned because he is known to have a cross on his boot heel. This evidence leads Huck to believe that Pap is nearby and potentially causing trouble.

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  • 16. 

    Huck tries to give all his money away to: 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Widow Douglas

    • D.

      Judge Thatcher

    Correct Answer
    D. Judge Thatcher
    Huck tries to give all his money away to Judge Thatcher because he believes that the judge will use the money to invest it and make it grow. Huck thinks that by giving his money to the judge, he will be able to avoid the restrictions and responsibilities that come with having money. He sees Judge Thatcher as a trustworthy and responsible figure who can handle his money better than he can.

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  • 17. 

    The result of the judge's rehabilitation of Pap is:

    • A.

      Pap donates Huck's trust fund to orphans

    • B.

      Pap marries the judge's sister

    • C.

      The judge determines Pap's reform can only happen with a shotgun

    • D.

      Pap renounces drinking and thieving and goes to law school

    Correct Answer
    C. The judge determines Pap's reform can only happen with a shotgun
  • 18. 

    Pap spews a tirade against the government, and this is not included:

    • A.

      That he wants to become legally married to the Widow Douglas

    • B.

      That this mulateer can't even be sold as a slave until after six months in the state

    • C.

      That he has been cheated out of his rightful inheritance

    • D.

      That he is angry that a black man can vote

    Correct Answer
    A. That he wants to become legally married to the Widow Douglas
  • 19. 

    The most agreed upon time period for the action and age of the protagonist and narrator:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. 1845/13
    The correct answer is 1845/13. This means that the action and age of the protagonist and narrator are set in the year 1845 when they are 13 years old.

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  • 20. 

    Not a characteristic of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:

    • A.

      It is a Bildungsroman- a coming of age novel

    • B.

      It is an Epic poem

    • C.

      It has "racism" as a primary theme

    • D.

      It uses humor to effect social criticism

    Correct Answer
    B. It is an Epic poem
    The statement "it is an Epic poem" is not a characteristic of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The novel is actually a Bildungsroman, which means it focuses on the moral and psychological growth of the protagonist. It explores themes of racism and uses humor to criticize society, but it is not an Epic poem, which is a long narrative poem that typically tells the story of a hero's journey or adventure.

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  • 21. 

    Supposedly would help locate a dead body:

    • A.

      A labrador with goggles and a bait of sardines

    • B.

      Driftwood with fishhooks embedded and high pitched steam whistle

    • C.

      Cannon shot over the water or loaf filled with quicksilver

    • D.

      Using a box with an opening on one end opposite a pinhole and the sun would point to a location

    Correct Answer
    C. Cannon shot over the water or loaf filled with quicksilver
    The correct answer is "cannon shot over the water or loaf filled with quicksilver". This method would help locate a dead body. The cannon shot over the water would create a loud sound that could potentially attract attention and help in locating the body. On the other hand, a loaf filled with quicksilver would float on the water and the quicksilver inside would create a reflective surface. This reflection could be spotted from a distance, making it easier to locate the dead body.

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  • 22. 

    Jim was at first afraid of Huck because:

    • A.

      He saw Huck with a gun and Jim was a fugitive

    • B.

      He thought Huck was a ghost

    • C.

      He thought Huck was a decoy sent to entrap him

    • D.

      Jim had beeen bitten by a rattlesnake and was delirious when he first saw Huck

    Correct Answer
    B. He thought Huck was a ghost
    Jim was initially afraid of Huck because he thought Huck was a ghost. This fear could be due to various reasons such as Huck's appearance, behavior, or any supernatural element associated with him. Jim's fear might have been heightened by the fact that he was a fugitive and encountering a ghost could have been seen as a bad omen or a sign of impending danger. However, without further context, it is difficult to determine the exact reason behind Jim's belief that Huck was a ghost.

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  • 23. 

    The little birds told Jim that:

    • A.

      Bad luck was coming if he saw them over his left shoulder against the moon

    • B.

      Fall was coming early

    • C.

      That it would rain

    • D.

      A beehive would not have honey the next year

    Correct Answer
    C. That it would rain
    According to the given information, the little birds told Jim that it would rain. This implies that the presence of these birds over his left shoulder against the moon indicates the occurrence of rain.

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  • 24. 

    In the abandoned house, they inspected/collected the following - except:

    • A.

      Barlow knife

    • B.

      A wanted poster for Pap

    • C.

      Eight dollars in silver lined inside a coat

    • D.

      A dead body

    Correct Answer
    B. A wanted poster for Pap
    The given answer states that the item that was not inspected or collected in the abandoned house was a wanted poster for Pap. This suggests that all the other items mentioned in the question (Barlow knife, eight dollars in silver lined inside a coat, and a dead body) were inspected or collected. The absence of a wanted poster for Pap indicates that it was not present or overlooked during the inspection.

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  • 25. 

    Name the group that includes a  northern, free state:

    • A.

      Alabama, Georgia, Maine, Tenessee

    • B.

      Delaware, Kentucky, Lousiana, Missouri

    • C.

      Florida, Arkansas, Texas, Virginia

    • D.

      South Carolina, Mississippi, North Carolina, Missouri

    Correct Answer
    A. Alabama, Georgia, Maine, Tenessee
    The group that includes a northern, free state is Alabama, Georgia, Maine, and Tennessee. These states are considered northern because they are located in the northern region of the United States. Additionally, they are free states, meaning they did not allow slavery prior to the American Civil War.

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  • 26. 

    Not true about the Mississippi River:

    • A.

      Both slave and free states bordered it

    • B.

      It flows south

    • C.

      It is the fourth longest river in the entire world

    • D.

      It is famous for its pristine, clear water

    Correct Answer
    D. It is famous for its pristine, clear water
    The statement "it is famous for its pristine, clear water" is not true about the Mississippi River. The Mississippi River is not known for having pristine, clear water. It is actually known for having muddy or murky water due to the sediment it carries from the various tributaries along its course.

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  • 27. 

    Huck Finn was banned, but not for one of these reasons:

    • A.

      It used the incorrect grammar of a young boy

    • B.

      It employed the word "nigger"

    • C.

      It used humor rather than serious persepctive

    • D.

      It upset religious groups who said it set a low moral tone

    Correct Answer
    C. It used humor rather than serious persepctive
    Huck Finn was banned for various reasons, including its use of the word "nigger" and its alleged incorrect grammar. It also upset religious groups who believed it set a low moral tone. However, the correct answer states that it was not banned because it used humor rather than a serious perspective. This suggests that while humor may have been present in the book, it was not the reason for its ban.

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  • 28. 

    Not true about Mark Twain

    • A.

      He had a home in Hartford, CT

    • B.

      Two daughters and a wife pre-deceased him

    • C.

      He was a remarkable genius at forward looking investments for a writer

    • D.

      His real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens

    Correct Answer
    C. He was a remarkable genius at forward looking investments for a writer
    Mark Twain's remarkable genius did not extend to forward-looking investments for a writer. While he was known for his wit and storytelling abilities, there is no evidence to suggest that he had any exceptional skills or success in financial investments.

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  • 29. 

    Not an aspect of Twains literature:

    • A.

      Depictions of disreputable characters

    • B.

      Use of satire and dramatic irony

    • C.

      Main character is always a person of noble birth in disguise

    • D.

      Authentic dialect

    Correct Answer
    C. Main character is always a person of noble birth in disguise
    Mark Twain's literature is known for several aspects, including his use of authentic dialect, satire, dramatic irony, and depictions of disreputable characters. However, one aspect that is not characteristic of Twain's literature is that the main character is always a person of noble birth in disguise. Twain often portrayed common people and explored their experiences and perspectives in his works, rather than focusing on characters of noble birth.

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  • 30. 

    Not true of a Tall Tale:

    • A.

      Usually main character is of mythic like proportions and accomplished superhuman feats

    • B.

      Hero always lives beyond the story, waiting in some mysterious place to be recalled one day

    • C.

      Often helped or accompanied by an animal

    • D.

      Often explains familiar things much as Greek myths used to do: like the Rockies, or origins of a waterfall.

    Correct Answer
    B. Hero always lives beyond the story, waiting in some mysterious place to be recalled one day
    A tall tale is a type of story that exaggerates or stretches the truth, often featuring larger-than-life characters and extraordinary events. While it is true that the main character in a tall tale is usually of mythic proportions and accomplished superhuman feats, it is not true that the hero always lives beyond the story, waiting in some mysterious place to be recalled one day. In fact, tall tales often focus on the hero's immediate adventures and do not typically involve a future waiting place for the hero.

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  • 31. 

    All of Mark Twain's books were sold in bookstores only:

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    The statement is false because not all of Mark Twain's books were sold in bookstores only. Some of his books may have been sold through other means such as online platforms, libraries, or direct sales from the author.

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  • 32. 

    The Garden of Eden was on the path to destruction because Adam saw his reflection in a pool of water and became conscious that he was superior to Eve.  

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    The statement suggests that the Garden of Eden was on the path to destruction because Adam saw his reflection and realized his superiority over Eve. However, this statement is not accurate. The Garden of Eden's downfall was caused by Adam and Eve's disobedience to God's command not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Adam's realization of his superiority over Eve had no direct correlation to the destruction of the Garden of Eden. Therefore, the correct answer is False.

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  • 33. 

    A primary difference between a Farce and a Satire is that a Satire is meant to render serious social commentary:

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    A farce is a type of comedy that relies on exaggerated and improbable situations, often involving mistaken identities and slapstick humor, to entertain the audience. On the other hand, satire uses humor, irony, and sarcasm to criticize and mock societal issues, often with the intention of bringing about change or raising awareness. Satire aims to provide a serious social commentary by highlighting the flaws and absurdities of individuals, institutions, or society as a whole. Therefore, the statement that a satire is meant to render serious social commentary is true.

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  • 34. 

    Discuss the most  important ideas suggested in this painting and identify the artist:

  • 35. 

    The explosion of the steamboat Sultana did not:

    • A.

      Kill up to 1800 people

    • B.

      Take place right after the Civil War

    • C.

      Have any possibility of terrorist or intentional sabotage

    • D.

      Kill Mark Twain's brother, Henry

    Correct Answer
    D. Kill Mark Twain's brother, Henry
    The explosion of the steamboat Sultana resulted in the death of up to 1800 people, occurred right after the Civil War, and had no possibility of terrorist or intentional sabotage. However, there is no evidence or mention of Mark Twain's brother, Henry, being killed in the explosion.

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  • 36. 

    Punctuate and add capital letters and line changes as necessary (separate paper): How do you come to be here Jim and how'd you get here he looked pretty uneasy and didn't say anythng for a minute then he says maybe I better not tell why Jim well dey's reasons but you wouldn't tell on me ef I 'uz to tell you would you Huck blamed if I would Jim well, I b'lieve you, Huck  I - I run off Jim!

  • 37. 

    Explain the importance of each word of the title in "My Papa's Waltz."

  • 38. 

    Explain this line in a Brenda poem: "the ending broke my heart before it came."

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