Do You Know The Book Of Leviticus?

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| By Aobbc
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Do You Know The Book Of Leviticus? - Quiz

The Book of Leviticus is the third book of the Torah and of the Old Testament; scholars generally agree that it developed over a long period of time, reaching its present form during the Persian Period between 538–332 BC. Test your Bible knowledge, take this quiz and share the result with your friends.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Moses closed the instruction regarding burnt offerings of all three types with what information?

    • A.

      Blood is the only atonement for sin.

    • B.

      Man lives only by the breath of God.

    • C.

      The aroma of the sacrifice pleases God.

    • D.

      God always sees the sacrifice of the giver.

    Correct Answer
    C. The aroma of the sacrifice pleases God.
    Moses closed the instruction regarding burnt offerings of all three types by stating that the aroma of the sacrifice pleases God. This implies that the act of offering sacrifices, specifically burnt offerings, is not only a physical ritual but also a way to please and worship God. It suggests that the scent of the sacrifice is significant and has a pleasing effect on God.

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  • 2. 

    What two things were the Israelites forbidden to eat "throughout your generations" in Leviticus 3:17?

    • A.

      Insects and porc.

    • B.

      Female goats and 2 day old manna.

    • C.

      The kidneys and the fat near the loins.

    • D.

      Fat and blood.

    Correct Answer
    D. Fat and blood.
    In Leviticus 3:17, the Israelites were forbidden to eat fat and blood "throughout your generations." This prohibition was part of the dietary laws given to the Israelites as a way to distinguish them from other nations and to maintain their holiness. The consumption of fat and blood was considered unclean and was strictly prohibited in their diet. The Israelites were instructed to remove the fat from the animal sacrifices and to not consume it, as well as to drain the blood from the meat before eating it. This command was meant to symbolize their obedience and devotion to God's laws.

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  • 3. 

    If a priest or the general community was guilty of unintentional sin, the sacrifice required was:

    • A.

      A large quantity of flour and a dove.

    • B.

      A female sheep that had not given birth.

    • C.

      A young bull without blemish.

    • D.

      A male goat without defect.

    Correct Answer
    C. A young bull without blemish.
    In the Old Testament, if a priest or the general community was guilty of unintentional sin, the required sacrifice was a young bull without blemish. This sacrifice symbolized the seriousness of the sin and the need for atonement. The young bull had to be without any physical defects to represent the purity and perfection required for the sacrifice. This sacrifice was a way for the guilty party to seek forgiveness and reconciliation with God.

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  • 4. 

    Regulations for the burnt offering included:

    • A.

      The burnt offering was to remain on the altar hearth until morning.

    • B.

      The priest must put on linen clothes before removing he ashes from the altar.

    • C.

      An additional change of clothes was required before carrying the ashes away.

    • D.

      The fire was to be kept burning continuously and was not allowed to go out.

    • E.

      All of the above were required.

    Correct Answer
    E. All of the above were required.
    The regulations for the burnt offering included several requirements. First, the burnt offering was to remain on the altar hearth until morning. Second, the priest had to put on linen clothes before removing the ashes from the altar. Third, an additional change of clothes was required before carrying the ashes away. Lastly, the fire was to be kept burning continuously and was not allowed to go out. Therefore, all of the above regulations were required for the burnt offering.

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  • 5. 

    During the ordination of Aaron and his sons, how long were they to remain at the entrance to the tabernacle of meeting according to Moses' commandment?

    • A.

      Until the lord spoke.

    • B.

      Until seven animal sacrifices were completed.

    • C.

      Seven days.

    • D.

      Forty days

    Correct Answer
    C. Seven days.
    During the ordination of Aaron and his sons, Moses commanded them to remain at the entrance to the tabernacle of meeting for seven days. This period of time was significant as it represented a period of consecration and purification before they could fully assume their roles as priests. It allowed them to prepare themselves spiritually and symbolized their commitment to serving the Lord.

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  • 6. 

    Why did God destroy Aaron's sons Nadab and Ablhu with fire?

    • A.

      Because they approached the altar without the "anointed robes" they were commanded to wear.

    • B.

      Because they offered profane fire to the Lord.

    • C.

      Because their hearts had hardened toward God.

    • D.

      Because Aaron had sinned before God and had not made an atoning sacrifice.

    Correct Answer
    B. Because they offered profane fire to the Lord.
    Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu were destroyed by God with fire because they offered profane fire to the Lord. This means that they disregarded the specific instructions and protocols given by God for offering sacrifices. Instead of following the prescribed ritual, they offered unauthorized fire, which was considered disrespectful and disobedient. As a result, God punished them for their disobedience and lack of reverence towards Him.

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  • 7. 

    What three things did Moses tell Aaron and his two remaining sons NOT to do so that the Loed would spare their lives?

    • A.

      Blame God, abandon their duties as priests, forget the holy ordinances.

    • B.

      Leave the tabernacle, become unclean, eat forbidden meat.

    • C.

      Cry out to the Lord, tear their clothes, offer an unacceptable sacrifice.

    • D.

      Uncover their heads, tear their clothes, leave the tabernacle.

    Correct Answer
    D. Uncover their heads, tear their clothes, leave the tabernacle.
    Moses told Aaron and his two remaining sons not to uncover their heads, tear their clothes, or leave the tabernacle. This instruction was given in order to ensure that the Lord would spare their lives.

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  • Current Version
  • Apr 29, 2024
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Jan 25, 2009
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