Roman Civilization Midterm 2 Dates

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| By BreannaBL
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 2 | Total Attempts: 1,827
Questions: 39 | Attempts: 931

Roman Civilization Midterm 2 Dates - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Siege of Saguntum

  • 2. 

    Second Punic War

    The given answer, "218-201," represents the timeframe of the Second Punic War. This war occurred between the years 218 and 201 BCE. It was a conflict between the Roman Republic and the Carthaginian Empire, led by the renowned Carthaginian general Hannibal. The war is famous for Hannibal's daring tactics, including his crossing of the Alps with his army and his victories at the battles of Trebia, Lake Trasimene, and Cannae. Ultimately, the war ended with the Roman victory and the destruction of Carthage as a major power in the Mediterranean.

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  • 3. 

    Battles of Ticinium & Trebia

  • 4. 

    Battle of Lake Trasimene

  • 5. 

    Battle of Cannae

    The number "216" is the correct answer because it represents the year in which the Battle of Cannae took place. The Battle of Cannae was a significant battle in the Second Punic War between the Carthaginian forces led by Hannibal and the Roman Republic. It occurred in 216 BC and is known for Hannibal's tactical brilliance in executing a double envelopment strategy, resulting in a devastating defeat for the Romans.

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  • 6. 

    Hannibal takes Capua and is supported by Philip V of Macedon 

    In 215, Hannibal successfully captured the city of Capua. This was a significant victory for him as Capua was a major Roman ally and its capture weakened the Roman position in Italy. Additionally, Hannibal received support from Philip V of Macedon, who was the king of Macedon at that time. Philip V's support was crucial for Hannibal as it provided him with additional resources and troops to continue his campaign against Rome. Overall, the capture of Capua and the support from Philip V were important events that strengthened Hannibal's position and further threatened Rome's dominance.

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  • 7. 

    Defeat of Syracuse; death of Archimedes 

    In 212, Syracuse was defeated and Archimedes died.

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  • 8. 

    Defeat of Hasdrubal at Metaurus River 

  • 9. 

    Romans conquer Spain

  • 10. 

    End of First Macedonian War

  • 11. 

    Scipio invades Africa

  • 12. 

    Hannibal recalled

  • 13. 

    Battle of Zama

  • 14. 

    Treaty signed

  • 15. 

    Spain made in to two provinces

  • 16. 

    Philip V defeated at Cynoscephalae (Second Macedonian War) 

    In the Second Macedonian War, Philip V was defeated at the Battle of Cynoscephalae in 197 BC. This battle was a decisive victory for the Roman Republic over the Macedonian Kingdom. The Romans, led by Titus Quinctius Flamininus, employed superior tactics and were able to outmaneuver and defeat the Macedonian forces. This defeat marked a turning point in the war and ultimately led to the downfall of Philip V and the expansion of Roman influence in the region.

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  • 17. 

    Antiochus III of Syria defeated at Magnesia 

  • 18. 

    Third Macedonian War ends at Pydna 

    The Third Macedonian War ended at Pydna in 168.

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  • 19. 

    Illyricum made a province

  • 20. 

    Third Punic War; destruction of Carthage; Africa made a province 

    During the Third Punic War, Carthage was destroyed by the Romans. This war took place from 149 to 146 BC. As a result of their victory, the Romans made Africa a province, gaining control over the region. This event marked the end of Carthage as a major power in the Mediterranean and solidified Rome's dominance in the region.

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  • 21. 

    Fourth Macedonian War ends 

  • 22. 

    Revolt of Achaean League; Achaea and Macedonia made a province 

    In 146, there was a revolt of the Achaean League, which resulted in Achaea and Macedonia being made into a province.

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  • 23. 

    Tiberius Gracchus, tribune of the plebs 

  • 24. 

    Gaius Gracchus, tribune of the plebs 

    The answer "123-122" refers to the years during which Gaius Gracchus served as tribune of the plebs.

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  • 25. 

    Gaius Marius, consul six times, five times in a row (104-100) 

    Gaius Marius served as consul six times, with five of those terms being consecutive from 104 to 100 BCE. This indicates that he held the highest political office in Rome for five years in a row during this period. The answer 107-100 is likely referring to the range of years in which Marius served as consul, with his first term starting in 107 BCE and his last term ending in 100 BCE.

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  • 26. 

    Social War

  • 27. 

    Siege of Rome

  • 28. 

    Sulla dictator 

  • 29. 

    Revolt of Spartacus in Italy

    The given answer "73-71" refers to the years in which the Revolt of Spartacus took place in Italy. This revolt occurred from 73 to 71 BC and was led by the gladiator Spartacus. Spartacus, along with a group of escaped slaves, rebelled against the Roman Republic and managed to gather a large army. They fought against several Roman armies and achieved several victories before eventually being defeated in 71 BC. This revolt is considered one of the most significant slave uprisings in Roman history.

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  • 30. 

    Pompey and Crassus consuls

  • 31. 

    Gaius Julius Caesar consul 

    The given answer "59" is the year in which Gaius Julius Caesar served as a consul. Gaius Julius Caesar was a Roman general and statesman who played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Serving as a consul was one of the highest positions of power in the Roman government, and Caesar's consulship in 59 BCE was a significant milestone in his political career.

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  • 32. 

    Caesar begins first five-year command in Gaul 

    Caesar began his first five-year command in Gaul in the year 58.

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  • 33. 

    Ceasar's conquest of Britain

  • 34. 

    Crassus killed at Carrhae against Parthians 

  • 35. 

    Gaul made a province

  • 36. 

    Senate declares martial law against Caesar 

  • 37. 

    Caesar crosses the Rubicon River, thereby declaring civil war 

    On January 11, 49, Caesar crossed the Rubicon River, which was a significant event because it marked his declaration of civil war. Crossing the Rubicon River was a symbolic act that demonstrated Caesar's defiance of Roman law, as he was not allowed to bring his army into Italy without permission. This action ultimately led to the outbreak of the Roman Civil War between Caesar's forces and those loyal to the Roman Senate, changing the course of Roman history.

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  • 38. 

    Pompey defeated at Pharsalus by Caesar 

    Pompey's defeat at Pharsalus by Caesar occurred in 48 BC. This battle was a significant event in the Roman Civil War, where Caesar's forces emerged victorious over Pompey's army. The defeat marked a turning point in the conflict, solidifying Caesar's power and ultimately leading to his rise as the sole ruler of Rome.

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  • 39. 

    Caesar assassinated

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  • Current Version
  • Jun 24, 2024
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Nov 12, 2016
    Quiz Created by
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