Chapter 3: Federalism Trivia Quiz!

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| By ImABadAsh
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Questions: 60 | Attempts: 454

Chapter 3: Federalism Trivia Quiz! - Quiz

In this trivia quiz, we get to review all that we learned about federalism. This is a type of governance in which the national government shares its powers with other governmental units. How much did you understand in class? Take up the question below and get to find out for sure. Be on the lookout for quizzes on the other chapters.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    A person who agreed with the melting-pot approach to racial and ethnic relations would be likely to support:

    • A.

      Stricter rules for immigrants to be eligible to vote in U.S. elections

    • B.

      English as the country’s official language

    • C.

      Amnesty for illegal immigrants currently living in the United States

    • D.

      Bilingual public education

    Correct Answer
    B. English as the country’s official language
    A person who agreed with the melting-pot approach to racial and ethnic relations would be likely to support English as the country's official language. The melting-pot approach emphasizes assimilation and the blending of different cultures into one unified society. By promoting English as the official language, this person would believe that it encourages unity and facilitates communication among diverse groups. It also aligns with the idea of immigrants adopting the dominant culture and language of their new country, which is a key aspect of the melting-pot approach.

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  • 2. 

    Although James Madison believed in the necessity of ________, he feared a government that would ________.

    • A.

      A strong government; oppress those in the minority

    • B.

      A weak national government; not stand up against the states

    • C.

      Constitutional monarchy; be dominated by faction

    • D.

      Direct democracy; become dominated by the nation’s wealthy elite

    Correct Answer
    A. A strong government; oppress those in the minority
    James Madison believed in the necessity of a strong government because he understood that a strong central authority was needed to effectively govern and protect the nation. However, he also feared that such a government could potentially oppress those in the minority. Madison was concerned about the potential for majority tyranny, where the majority could use their power to suppress the rights and interests of minority groups. This fear led to his advocacy for a system of checks and balances and the protection of individual rights in the Constitution.

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  • 3. 

    The separation of powers refers to: 

    • A.

      The division of authority between the national and state governments

    • B.

      Providing each part of government with some power over the others

    • C.

      Dividing a government into different branches with distinct areas of authority

    • D.

      The government’s dual responsibility of protecting the rights and freedoms of individuals while also providing for the safety and security of the larger society

    Correct Answer
    C. Dividing a government into different branches with distinct areas of authority
    The separation of powers refers to dividing a government into different branches with distinct areas of authority. This means that power is distributed among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government, and each branch has its own specific responsibilities and functions. This separation is intended to prevent the concentration of power in one branch and to ensure a system of checks and balances, where each branch can limit the powers of the others. By dividing authority, the separation of powers helps to prevent abuse of power and protect individual rights and freedoms.

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  • 4. 

    Which of the following is a reason that there is conflict in politics? 

    • A.

      Polls indicate that the American public wants conflict in politics, so elected officials oblige.

    • B.

      The United States has a long history of class-based conflict.

    • C.

      There are deep and longstanding divisions separating voters in red states and blue states.

    • D.

      There is no national consensus on some issues, nor is there a compromise position on every issue that will attract widespread support.

    Correct Answer
    D. There is no national consensus on some issues, nor is there a compromise position on every issue that will attract widespread support.
    Conflict in politics arises when there is no national consensus on certain issues and when there is no compromise position that can gain widespread support. This suggests that different groups or individuals have opposing views and interests, leading to disagreements and conflicts in the political arena. The absence of a consensus and a lack of compromise contribute to the ongoing conflicts in politics.

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  • 5. 

    What is the blue text  definition of Politics? 

    • A.

      Citizens interacting with their government

    • B.

      The ability to get others to do what you want

    • C.

      A process of determining how power and resources are distributed in a society without recourse to violence

    • D.

      Conflict over the leadership, structure, and policies of governments

    Correct Answer
    C. A process of determining how power and resources are distributed in a society without recourse to violence
    The blue text definition of politics is a process of determining how power and resources are distributed in a society without recourse to violence. This definition emphasizes the peaceful nature of politics and highlights the importance of power and resource distribution in shaping societies. It suggests that politics involves negotiation, compromise, and decision-making to allocate power and resources in a fair and equitable manner.

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  • 6. 

    The abortion issue is conflictual because: 

    • A.

      The differences are rooted in self-interest, ideology, and personal beliefs

    • B.

      Politicians are inherently unwilling to compromise

    • C.

      Talk-radio hosts and others in the media manufacture conflict where none would otherwise exist on the issue

    • D.

      Most Americans hold only the most extreme positions on the issue

    Correct Answer
    A. The differences are rooted in self-interest, ideology, and personal beliefs
    The abortion issue is conflictual because the differences are rooted in self-interest, ideology, and personal beliefs. People have different perspectives on abortion based on their own self-interests, such as their religious or moral beliefs, their personal experiences, and their ideological stance on individual rights and bodily autonomy. These deeply held beliefs and values often lead to strong disagreements and conflicts between individuals and groups with opposing views on the issue.

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  • 7. 

    For James Madison, the notion that government is necessary depended strongly on: 

    • A.

      His belief that people are self-interested

    • B.

      His belief that direct democracy was the only legitimate way to make collective decisions

    • C.

      His view that people were willing to sacrifice freedoms to make democracy work

    • D.

      His belief that factions could only be eliminated through force

    Correct Answer
    A. His belief that people are self-interested
    James Madison believed that people are self-interested. This means that he believed individuals naturally pursue their own interests and that government is necessary to prevent individuals from infringing upon the rights and freedoms of others. Madison believed that without government, individuals would act in their own self-interest, leading to chaos and the violation of individual rights. Therefore, he saw government as a necessary institution to protect and maintain order in society.

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  • 8. 

    Which of the following is part of the economic values of the United States? 

    • A.

      Economic equality

    • B.

      From each according to his or her ability, to each according to his or her need

    • C.

      Economic individualism

    • D.

      Workplace democracy

    Correct Answer
    C. Economic individualism
    Economic individualism refers to the belief in the importance of individual freedom and self-interest in economic decision-making. It is a core value of the United States, as the country's economic system is largely based on capitalism and free-market principles. Economic individualism emphasizes the rights of individuals to own and control property, pursue their own economic goals, and make choices in the marketplace. This value is reflected in the emphasis on private enterprise, competition, and limited government intervention in the economy.

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  • 9. 

    The division of power between the national government and the state and local governments is called:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Federalism
    Federalism is the correct answer because it refers to the division of power between the national government and state and local governments. In a federal system, power is shared between the central government and regional governments, allowing each level of government to have their own authority and responsibilities. This system helps to maintain a balance of power and allows for local autonomy while still having a unified national government.

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  • 10. 

    An important realm of economic conflict in the United States today is:

    • A.

      Democrats and Republicans positions on redistributive tax policy

    • B.

      Policy of foreign affairs

    • C.

      Sanctions on foreign territores

    • D.

      Bonds given to citizens

    Correct Answer
    A. Democrats and Republicans positions on redistributive tax policy
    The correct answer is Democrats and Republicans positions on redistributive tax policy. This is because tax policy is a major area of disagreement between the two political parties in the United States. Democrats generally advocate for higher taxes on the wealthy and corporations in order to fund social programs and reduce income inequality, while Republicans typically favor lower taxes and less government intervention in the economy. This divide often leads to heated debates and conflicts over how to structure the tax system to best serve the interests of the American people.

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  • 11. 

    Which of the following is an example of a public good?

    • A.

      The interstate highway system

    • B.

      A new business that creates jobs in a community

    • C.

      Food produced by local farmers

    • D.

      Volunteering time to a political campaign

    Correct Answer
    A. The interstate highway system
    The interstate highway system is an example of a public good because it is a shared resource that is available for use by everyone in society. It is non-excludable, meaning that individuals cannot be excluded from using the highways, and it is non-rivalrous, meaning that one person's use of the highways does not diminish the ability of others to use them. Additionally, the interstate highway system is funded by the government and maintained for the benefit of the public as a whole.

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  • 12. 

    Republicans are more likely than Democrats to favor:

    • A.

      Lower taxes and less spending on social policies

    • B.

      Higher taxes and less spending on social policies

    • C.

      Fewer restrictions on individual behavior

    • D.

      Regulation of business to promote product safety

    Correct Answer
    A. Lower taxes and less spending on social policies
    Republicans are generally known for their belief in limited government intervention and fiscal conservatism. This means they tend to favor lower taxes, as they believe that individuals and businesses should keep more of their own money. Additionally, Republicans often advocate for less spending on social policies, as they prioritize a smaller government role in providing social services and believe in individual responsibility. This aligns with their overall ideology of limited government and free-market principles.

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  • 13. 

    The federal government is considered by many to be large because:

    • A.

      Its activities touch on the everyday lives of Americans in many different ways

    • B.

      Democrats have controlled Congress for most of the last two decades

    • C.

      Members of Congress spend too much money on their campaigns

    • D.

      State and local governments have been weakened recently by the courts

    Correct Answer
    A. Its activities touch on the everyday lives of Americans in many different ways
    The federal government is considered by many to be large because its activities touch on the everyday lives of Americans in many different ways. This means that the government's decisions and policies have a significant impact on various aspects of people's lives, such as healthcare, education, transportation, and social welfare. As a result, the federal government's reach and influence are perceived as extensive, leading to the perception of its size.

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  • 14. 

    What did British philosopher Thomas Hobbes mean by the term state of nature?

    • A.

      Hobbes was referring to the lack of organization among people who have no government.

    • B.

      Hobbes was referring to a world in which people lived in harmony with other living creatures, conserved natural resources, and respected the environment.

    • C.

      Hobbes was referring to his belief that a society without government was the best society because it was how the “state of nature” intended things to be.

    • D.

      Hobbes was referring to his belief that all people were basically good.

    Correct Answer
    A. Hobbes was referring to the lack of organization among people who have no government.
    Hobbes used the term "state of nature" to describe a condition where there is no government or social order, resulting in a lack of organization among people. In this state, individuals have complete freedom but also face constant fear and insecurity as there are no laws or authorities to protect them. Hobbes believed that this state of nature would lead to a "war of all against all" and that a strong central government was necessary to maintain order and prevent chaos.

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  • 15. 

    The Bush and Clinton families best fit into which theory of democracy?

    • A.

      Elite democracy

    • B.

      Participatory democracy

    • C.

      Pluralist democracy

    • D.

      Oligarchic democracy

    Correct Answer
    A. Elite democracy
    The Bush and Clinton families best fit into the theory of elite democracy because they both come from wealthy and influential backgrounds, with members of their families holding high positions in government and politics. Elite democracy suggests that power is concentrated in the hands of a small group of elites who have the most influence and control over decision-making processes. The Bush and Clinton families have been part of the political elite in the United States, with multiple members serving as presidents, governors, and senators. Their political dynasties exemplify the idea of elite influence in democratic systems.

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  • 16. 

    The Treasury Department issues bonds to:

    • A.

      Fund the federal government when its expenditures exceed its revenues

    • B.

      Print and coin money

    • C.

      Protect the integrity of the stock market

    • D.

      Offset the U.S. trade deficit

    Correct Answer
    A. Fund the federal government when its expenditures exceed its revenues
    The Treasury Department issues bonds to fund the federal government when its expenditures exceed its revenues. This means that when the government needs to borrow money to cover its expenses, it does so by issuing bonds. These bonds are essentially IOUs that the government sells to investors, who then lend money to the government in exchange for interest payments over a specified period of time. By issuing bonds, the Treasury Department is able to raise funds to finance government operations and bridge the gap between its spending and revenue collection.

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  • 17. 

    The Greek philosopher Aristotle developed a classification scheme for governments that was based on three distinguishable types:

    • A.

      Monarchy, aristocracy, and polity

    • B.

      Rule by none, rule by one, and rule by law

    • C.

      Executive, legislative, and judicial systems

    • D.

      Unitary systems, federal systems, and confederations

    Correct Answer
    A. Monarchy, aristocracy, and polity
    Aristotle developed a classification scheme for governments based on three distinguishable types: monarchy, aristocracy, and polity. Monarchy refers to rule by one, typically a king or queen. Aristocracy refers to rule by a small group of elite individuals. Polity refers to rule by law, where power is shared among the citizens. These three types represent different forms of government and highlight the varying distribution of power and decision-making processes within a society.

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  • 18. 

    If one group took power and established an official state religion, James Madison would describe the situation as:

    • A.

      An example of the tyranny of a faction imposing its will on the rest of the nation

    • B.

      The inevitable result of human nature, but which government is powerless to control

    • C.

      Unfortunate, but acceptable if the majority of people desired this

    • D.

      A stage in the evolution of government

    Correct Answer
    A. An example of the tyranny of a faction imposing its will on the rest of the nation
    James Madison would describe the situation as an example of the tyranny of a faction imposing its will on the rest of the nation. This is because Madison believed in the importance of protecting individual rights and preventing the concentration of power in the hands of a few. He argued that when a single group takes power and establishes an official state religion, it can lead to the suppression of other religious beliefs and the imposition of one group's will on the rest of the nation, which he considered as a form of tyranny.

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  • 19. 

    Which of the following did the Founders of the U.S. Constitution cite as a reason to have a government?

    • A.

      To secure liberty

    • B.

      To ensure a two-party system

    • C.

      To protect individuals from making poor decisions that may cause harm to themselves

    • D.

      To conquer territory, build empires, and promote national interests around the world

    Correct Answer
    A. To secure liberty
    The Founders of the U.S. Constitution cited "to secure liberty" as a reason to have a government. This implies that they believed that a government was necessary in order to protect and preserve the freedom and rights of individuals. They recognized that without a government, there would be a risk of individuals infringing upon each other's liberties, and therefore, a governing body was needed to ensure the security and preservation of these liberties.

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  • 20. 

    Which philosopher described the idea of a collective-action problem?

    • A.

      David Hume

    • B.

      Adam Smith

    • C.

      Thomas Hobbes

    • D.

      James Madison

    Correct Answer
    A. David Hume
    David Hume described the idea of a collective-action problem. Hume was a Scottish philosopher and economist who explored various aspects of human nature and social interactions. In his works, he discussed the challenges that arise when individuals in a group or society pursue their self-interests, leading to conflicts and difficulties in achieving collective goals. This concept of collective-action problems has been influential in the fields of economics, political science, and sociology, highlighting the complexities of coordinating and aligning individual actions towards common objectives.

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  • 21. 

    What was Madison afraid of when he wrote Federalist #51?

    • A.

      The tyranny of the majority

    • B.

      The tyranny of a strong central government

    • C.

      Complained that the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was completely illegal because it had only been called to revise the Articles of Confederation, not draw up a new constitution.

    • D.

      The dangers of a rich elite taking over the government

    Correct Answer
    A. The tyranny of the majority
    Madison was afraid of the tyranny of the majority when he wrote Federalist #51. He recognized that in a democratic society, the majority could potentially abuse its power and oppress the minority. To prevent this, Madison argued for a system of checks and balances, where power is divided among different branches of government and individual rights are protected. This would help to restrain the majority and ensure that the government acts in the best interest of all citizens, rather than just the majority.

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  • 22. 

    Which of the following concepts reflects the need to balance the principle of self-government against the rights of specific groups?

    • A.

      Providing for majority rule while protecting minority rights

    • B.

      Creating a legislative government while allowing for executive leadership

    • C.

      Providing for minority rule while protecting majority rights

    • D.

      Protecting small states from powerful large states

    Correct Answer
    A. Providing for majority rule while protecting minority rights
    This answer reflects the concept of balancing the principle of self-government, which is majority rule, with the rights of specific groups, which is protecting minority rights. It acknowledges the importance of allowing the majority to make decisions while also ensuring that the rights and interests of minority groups are not disregarded or oppressed. This concept is fundamental in democratic societies to maintain fairness and prevent the tyranny of the majority.

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  • 23. 

    Which of the following events played the most prominent role in highlighting the need for the Annapolis Convention?

    • A.

      Shays’s Rebellion

    • B.

      The publication of Common Sense

    • C.

      The Revolutionary War

    • D.

      The Declaration of Independence

    Correct Answer
    A. Shays’s Rebellion
    Shays's Rebellion played the most prominent role in highlighting the need for the Annapolis Convention. This rebellion, which occurred in Massachusetts in 1786-1787, was an armed uprising by farmers against high taxes and debts. It exposed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and the inability of the national government to maintain order and protect property rights. The rebellion demonstrated the urgent need for a stronger central government and led to the calling of the Annapolis Convention in 1786, where delegates discussed the need for a new constitution and ultimately paved the way for the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

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  • 24. 

    The agreement that led to the legislature having two houses is called the:

    • A.

      Great Compromise

    • B.

      Three-fifths Compromise

    • C.

      Missouri Compromise

    • D.

      Virginia Plan

    Correct Answer
    A. Great Compromise
    The Great Compromise refers to the agreement reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in the United States. It resolved the debate over representation in the legislature by creating a bicameral legislature, consisting of two houses - the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate would have equal representation for each state, while the House of Representatives would be based on population. This compromise was crucial in balancing the interests of both small and large states and ultimately led to the adoption of the Constitution.

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  • 25. 

    The main reaction to the failure of the Articles of Confederation was to:

    • A.

      Make the national government stronger

    • B.

      Eliminate the state governments

    • C.

      Rein in the power of the national government

    • D.

      Focus on resolving debates between the state governments

    Correct Answer
    A. Make the national government stronger
    The failure of the Articles of Confederation led to the realization that a stronger national government was necessary. The Articles had created a weak central government that lacked the power to effectively govern the country. As a result, there were issues with taxation, trade, and national defense. To address these problems, the decision was made to make the national government stronger. This led to the drafting and ratification of the United States Constitution, which established a more powerful central government with the ability to levy taxes, regulate trade, and maintain a standing army.

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  • 26. 

    What important lesson did the success of the Tea Party movement in the 2010 midterm elections offer?

    • A.

      There is no national consensus on the question of how to interpret the Constitution and the framers’ intent.

    • B.

      There is only one way to interpret the Constitution.

    • C.

      Most people have a pretty strong grasp of the basics of the Constitution.

    • D.

      Constitutional issues are rarely complex.

    Correct Answer
    A. There is no national consensus on the question of how to interpret the Constitution and the framers’ intent.
    The success of the Tea Party movement in the 2010 midterm elections offered the important lesson that there is no national consensus on how to interpret the Constitution and the framers' intent. This suggests that different individuals and groups may have varying interpretations and understandings of the Constitution, leading to differing perspectives on constitutional issues. This highlights the complexity and ongoing debate surrounding constitutional interpretation in the United States.

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  • 27. 

    Which of the following was implemented in order to protect minorities from majority tyranny?

    • A.

      Separation of powers between three branches of government

    • B.

      A representative democracy

    • C.

      A parliamentary system of governance

    • D.

      A direct democracy

    Correct Answer
    A. Separation of powers between three branches of government
    The separation of powers between three branches of government was implemented in order to protect minorities from majority tyranny. This system ensures that power is divided among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, preventing any one branch from becoming too powerful and potentially oppressing minority groups. By having checks and balances in place, this system ensures that decisions are made collectively and that the rights and interests of all individuals, including minorities, are protected.

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  • 28. 

    In a republican democracy, legitimacy is based on the idea that:

    • A.

      Elected leaders exercise power by consent of the governed

    • B.

      States have more power than the national government

    • C.

      States can veto the actions of the federal government

    • D.

      People have natural rights that government must protect

    Correct Answer
    A. Elected leaders exercise power by consent of the governed
    In a republican democracy, legitimacy is based on the idea that elected leaders exercise power by consent of the governed. This means that the leaders are chosen by the people through fair and free elections, and they are given the authority to govern based on the consent and support of the citizens. The legitimacy of the government comes from the fact that it is accountable to the people and derives its power from their consent. This principle ensures that the government is representative of the will and interests of the people it serves.

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  • 29. 

    Which branch of government has the longest and most specific list of powers?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      The legislative and executive branches have equal powers

    Correct Answer
    A. Legislative
    The legislative branch has the longest and most specific list of powers because it is responsible for making laws. This branch is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives, and its primary function is to create, debate, and pass legislation. The Constitution grants the legislative branch specific powers, such as the power to tax, declare war, regulate commerce, and establish post offices. These enumerated powers give the legislative branch a wide range of authority and make it the branch with the most detailed and extensive list of powers.

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  • 30. 

    Which of the following was NOT an idea discussed by John Locke?

    • A.

      The need for rule by a strong monarch

    • B.

      Self-rule through elections

    • C.

      Checks and balances

    • D.

      Property rights

    Correct Answer
    A. The need for rule by a strong monarch
    John Locke was a prominent Enlightenment philosopher who advocated for limited government and individual rights. He believed in self-rule through elections, checks and balances, and property rights as important ideas for a just and fair society. However, he did not support the idea of rule by a strong monarch. Locke argued for a social contract theory where government power should be derived from the consent of the governed and that individuals have the right to overthrow a tyrannical ruler. Therefore, the need for rule by a strong monarch contradicts Locke's ideas and is not discussed by him.

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  • 31. 

    Which political thinker argued that in order to preserve liberty, one branch of government should be able to check the excesses of the other branches?

    • A.

      Baron de Montesquieu

    • B.

      Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    • C.

      Thomas Paine

    • D.

      Thomas Hobbes

    Correct Answer
    A. Baron de Montesquieu
    Baron de Montesquieu argued that in order to preserve liberty, one branch of government should be able to check the excesses of the other branches. This concept is known as the separation of powers, where power is divided among different branches of government to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. Montesquieu believed that this system of checks and balances would help protect individual liberties and prevent tyranny. His ideas greatly influenced the formation of democratic governments, including the United States Constitution.

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  • 32. 

    While the ________ can make decisions about how to use armed forces, only the ________ can make decisions about funding such actions.

    • A.

      President; Congress

    • B.

      President; House of Representatives

    • C.

      Congress; House of Representatives

    • D.

      Congress; president

    Correct Answer
    A. President; Congress
    The question is asking about who has the authority to make decisions regarding the use of armed forces and the funding of such actions. The correct answer is "president; Congress." This means that the president has the power to make decisions about how to use the armed forces, while Congress has the authority to make decisions about funding these actions.

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  • 33. 

    Which of the following is a power the president can use to check the legislative branch?

    • A.


    • B.

      Power of the purse

    • C.


    • D.

      Power of the sword

    Correct Answer
    A. Veto
    The president can use the power of veto to check the legislative branch. Veto power allows the president to reject a bill passed by Congress, preventing it from becoming a law. This power gives the president the ability to influence and shape legislation, acting as a check on the legislative branch's power. By vetoing a bill, the president can force Congress to reconsider and potentially make changes to the proposed legislation. This power helps maintain a balance of power between the executive and legislative branches of government.

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  • 34. 

    The ability to remove someone because of corruption or abuse of power is called:

    • A.


    • B.

      The power to pardon

    • C.

      The power to veto

    • D.

      The power of the purse

    Correct Answer
    A. Impeachment
    Impeachment refers to the ability to remove someone from office due to corruption or abuse of power. It is a legal process that allows for the investigation and potential removal of an individual in a position of authority, such as a government official or a high-ranking public servant. Impeachment serves as a check on those who hold power, ensuring accountability and preventing the abuse of authority.

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  • 35. 

    According to Charles Beard’s interpretation of the Constitution, what was his main theory behind Constitutional Convention of 1787?

    • A.

      Economic elites shaped the U.S. Constitution

    • B.

      Northern elites only shaped the U.S. Constitution

    • C.

      Southern elites only shaped the U.S. Constitution

    • D.

      Democratic idealism were the main values of our founding fathers

    Correct Answer
    A. Economic elites shaped the U.S. Constitution
    According to Charles Beard's interpretation of the Constitution, his main theory behind the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was that economic elites shaped the U.S. Constitution.

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  • 36. 

    Which of the following is the main argument behind the Tea Party movement?

    • A.

      The expansion of the federal government has grown beyond what the Founding Fathers intended.

    • B.

      Presidents have been granted too much power by the Constitution.

    • C.

      The Supreme Court should be more proactive in striking down unconstitutional legislation.

    • D.

      The Federal Reserve should have expanded powers to regulate the economy.

    Correct Answer
    A. The expansion of the federal government has grown beyond what the Founding Fathers intended.
    The main argument behind the Tea Party movement is that the expansion of the federal government has grown beyond what the Founding Fathers intended. This means that the Tea Party believes that the government has become too large and has overstepped its boundaries, infringing on individual liberties and states' rights. The movement advocates for limited government, fiscal responsibility, and adherence to the original intent of the Constitution. They argue for a smaller government that focuses on core functions and reduces its interference in the lives of citizens and the economy.

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  • 37. 

    Slave states wanted slaves counted for the purposes of ________, but did not want slaves counted when it came to the issue of ________.

    • A.

      Representation; determining taxes

    • B.

      Determining taxes; tariffs

    • C.

      Determining taxes; representation

    • D.

      Tariffs; determining taxes

    Correct Answer
    A. Representation; determining taxes
    Slave states wanted slaves to be counted for the purposes of representation, as counting slaves as part of the population would increase their political power in Congress. However, they did not want slaves to be counted when it came to determining taxes, as this would result in higher tax burdens for slaveholding states.

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  • 38. 

    What are the two most important negative checks Congress can exercise over both of the other branches of government?

    • A.

      Impeachment and the power of the purse

    • B.

      Alteration of their jurisdiction and power of the purse

    • C.

      Impeachment and alteration of their jurisdiction

    • D.

      Alteration of their jurisdiction and override a veto

    Correct Answer
    A. Impeachment and the power of the purse
    Congress can exercise negative checks over both of the other branches of government through impeachment and the power of the purse. Impeachment allows Congress to remove a president or other high-ranking officials from office for misconduct or abuse of power. This serves as a check on the executive branch. The power of the purse refers to Congress's control over the government's finances. By controlling the budget and appropriations, Congress can limit the actions and influence of both the executive and judicial branches. Together, these two checks help ensure accountability and balance of power within the government.

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  • 39. 

    Which of the following was NOT a contentious issue in the debate over the executive branch?

    • A.

      Whether or not the president should be allowed to serve more than two terms

    • B.

      Placing adequate checks and balances on presidential power

    • C.

      Whether or not to have a single executive

    • D.

      The method of selecting the president

    Correct Answer
    A. Whether or not the president should be allowed to serve more than two terms
    The question asks for a contentious issue in the debate over the executive branch that was NOT mentioned. The options provided include: whether or not the president should be allowed to serve more than two terms, placing adequate checks and balances on presidential power, whether or not to have a single executive, and the method of selecting the president. The correct answer is "whether or not the president should be allowed to serve more than two terms." This means that this issue was not a contentious one in the debate over the executive branch.

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  • 40. 

    Which of the following was NOT a source of significant conflict at the Constitutional Convention?

    • A.

      Whether to throw out or amend the Declaration of Independence

    • B.

      Whether to ratify the 9th Amendment

    • C.

      Whether to allow the three-fifths compromise

    • D.

      Whether to isolate the United States economically

    Correct Answer
    A. Whether to throw out or amend the Declaration of Independence
    At the Constitutional Convention, the delegates did not debate whether to throw out or amend the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was a historical document that had already been adopted and was not up for discussion or modification during the Convention. The focus of the Convention was on creating a new constitution for the United States, not revisiting or questioning the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence.

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  • 41. 

    The commerce clause gives:

    • A.

      Congress the power to regulate economic exchange between the states

    • B.

      Congress the power to raise funds by taxing goods and services

    • C.

      Congress the power to print money that all states must use

    • D.

      State governments the power to regulate commerce

    Correct Answer
    A. Congress the power to regulate economic exchange between the states
    The correct answer is Congress the power to regulate economic exchange between the states. The commerce clause in the United States Constitution grants Congress the authority to regulate commerce among the states. This means that Congress has the power to oversee and control economic activities that involve multiple states, such as trade, transportation, and communication. This allows for a consistent and uniform approach to economic exchange throughout the country, preventing individual states from enacting conflicting regulations that could hinder interstate commerce.

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  • 42. 

    A confederal system of government has a ________ central government. This is different from a unitary system, in which the central government is ________.

    • A.

      Weak; strong

    • B.

      Nonexistent; moderately strong

    • C.

      Moderately strong; the only government (i.e., local government is nonexistent)

    • D.

      Strong; weak

    Correct Answer
    A. Weak; strong
    In a confederal system of government, the central government is weak, meaning it has limited powers and authority. This is in contrast to a unitary system, where the central government is strong, having significant control and authority over the entire country. Therefore, the correct answer is "weak; strong."

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  • 43. 

    The term states’ rights refers to:

    • A.

      The right of the states to determine their own laws without interference from the federal government

    • B.

      The right of any state to secede from the Union

    • C.

      The powers given to states by their constitutions

    • D.

      The principle that state powers are superior to and have a higher priority than individual rights

    Correct Answer
    A. The right of the states to determine their own laws without interference from the federal government
    The term "states' rights" refers to the right of the states to determine their own laws without interference from the federal government. This means that each state has the authority to create and enforce its own laws, as long as they do not conflict with the Constitution. This concept is rooted in the idea of federalism, which divides powers between the national government and the states. It allows for a balance of power and autonomy for individual states within the United States.

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  • 44. 

    A form of government that divides sovereign power across at least two political units is called:

    • A.


    • B.

      A confederal government

    • C.

      A unitary government

    • D.

      A constitutional democracy

    Correct Answer
    A. Federalism
    Federalism is a form of government that divides sovereign power across at least two political units. In a federal system, power is shared between a central government and regional or state governments. This allows for a distribution of power and authority, with each level of government having its own sphere of influence and autonomy. This system helps to prevent concentration of power and allows for local governments to have control over certain matters, while the central government handles broader issues affecting the entire nation.

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  • 45. 

    The Dred Scott case ruled that:

    • A.

      Slave owners had been deprived of property without due process of law

    • B.

      The Missouri Compromise was constitutional and had to be enforced

    • C.

      Federal law was supreme over state law

    • D.

      Previous Court rulings that relied on the principle of dual federalism were incorrect because this was not what the Founders envisioned when drafting the Constitution

    Correct Answer
    A. Slave owners had been deprived of property without due process of law
    The Dred Scott case ruled that slave owners had been deprived of property without due process of law. This means that the court determined that the rights of slave owners to own slaves as property were protected by the Constitution, and that any attempt to limit or abolish slavery would be seen as a violation of their property rights. This decision further solidified the institution of slavery and was a major factor leading to the Civil War.

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  • 46. 

    Unfunded mandates:

    • A.

      Are regulations that require state action but provide no money

    • B.

      Are an imposition of national priorities on the state

    • C.

      Were recently declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court

    • D.

      Devolve power from the federal government back to the states

    Correct Answer
    A. Are regulations that require state action but provide no money
    Unfunded mandates refer to regulations that impose requirements on states but do not provide any financial resources to support their implementation. These mandates place the burden of compliance on the states without offering any financial assistance, which can strain state budgets and resources. This lack of funding can lead to difficulties in effectively implementing the required actions, potentially hindering the states' ability to meet the mandated regulations.

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  • 47. 

    The term fiscal federalism refers to:

    • A.

      Grants of money from national to state governments

    • B.

      Grants of money from state to national governments

    • C.

      Taxes by the states on national institutions

    • D.

      Taxes by the national government on state institutions

    Correct Answer
    A. Grants of money from national to state governments
    Fiscal federalism refers to the practice of the national government providing financial grants to state governments. This allows the national government to distribute funds to state governments for various purposes, such as infrastructure development, education, and healthcare. These grants help to promote cooperation and coordination between the national and state governments, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently and effectively. By providing financial support to state governments, fiscal federalism aims to maintain a balance of power and resources between the national and state levels of government.

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  • 48. 

    Why is the necessary and proper clause often a source of controversy and political disagreement?

    • A.

      Some argue that the U.S. Congress has abused its power through an overly broad interpretation of the necessary and proper clause.

    • B.

      Civil libertarians believe it runs counter to individual civil liberties granted in the Bill of Rights.

    • C.

      Some argue that it grants too much power to the Supreme Court by giving it the power to declare state laws unconstitutional.

    • D.

      Some argue that the executive branch has abused its power through an overly broad interpretation of the necessary and proper clause.

    Correct Answer
    A. Some argue that the U.S. Congress has abused its power through an overly broad interpretation of the necessary and proper clause.
    The necessary and proper clause, also known as the elastic clause, is often a source of controversy and political disagreement because some argue that the U.S. Congress has abused its power by interpreting it too broadly. They believe that Congress has used this clause to justify expanding its authority beyond what was intended by the framers of the Constitution. This has led to concerns about the potential infringement on individual civil liberties granted in the Bill of Rights. Additionally, some argue that the necessary and proper clause has given too much power to the Supreme Court, as it allows them to declare state laws unconstitutional. Overall, the interpretation and application of the necessary and proper clause have sparked debates about the balance of power between the branches of government and the scope of federal authority.

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  • 49. 

    Why did the Supreme Court rule in the late nineteenth century that the Fourteenth Amendment did not immediately guarantee all citizens protection under national law?

    • A.

      Because the Court ruled that equal protection under the law only applied to national government actions.

    • B.

      Because the Court ruled that equal protection under the law was at odds with other sections of the Constitution.

    • C.

      Because the Court ruled that slaves were considered property.

    • D.

      Because the Court ruled that states had no responsibility to follow national law.

    Correct Answer
    A. Because the Court ruled that equal protection under the law only applied to national government actions.
    In the late nineteenth century, the Supreme Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment did not immediately guarantee all citizens protection under national law because they interpreted equal protection under the law to only apply to national government actions. This means that the Court believed that the amendment did not require states to provide equal protection to their citizens, allowing them to potentially discriminate against certain groups. This ruling limited the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment and undermined its intended purpose of ensuring equal rights and protections for all citizens.

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  • 50. 

    Which of the following explains why cooperative federalism emerged in the United States?

    • A.

      Supreme Court decisions that broadly interpreted the commerce clause

    • B.

      Supreme Court decisions that limited the scope of the commerce clause

    • C.

      Public support and demand for cooperative federalism during the “rights revolution”

    • D.

      The leadership and policies of President Richard Nixon

    Correct Answer
    A. Supreme Court decisions that broadly interpreted the commerce clause
    Supreme Court decisions that broadly interpreted the commerce clause explain why cooperative federalism emerged in the United States. This interpretation allowed the federal government to have more power in regulating interstate commerce, which led to increased cooperation between the federal and state governments. This shift towards cooperative federalism was a response to the changing needs and demands of the country, as well as the desire for a more unified and coordinated approach to governance. The broad interpretation of the commerce clause provided a legal basis for the federal government to intervene in various policy areas and work collaboratively with the states.

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