NHA - National Prep Test 2

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| By Joeljg1
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NHA Quizzes & Trivia

Nha self prep test 2

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Which one of the functions of management would be accomplished first?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Planning
  • 2. 

    The ability to convert assets to cash is:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Liquidity
  • 3. 

    Who compiles the Life Safety Code?

    • A.

      American National Standards Institute

    • B.

      The Federal Government

    • C.

      National Fire Protection Association

    • D.

      Occupational Safety and Health Administration

    Correct Answer
    C. National Fire Protection Association
  • 4. 

    All walks must be at least:

    • A.

      36 inches wide

    • B.

      48 inches wide

    • C.

      54 inches wide

    • D.

      60 inches wide

    Correct Answer
    B. 48 inches wide
  • 5. 

    The accounting system required by Medicare is:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Accrual
  • 6. 

    How often should the emergency generator be tested under full load for 30 minutes?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Monthly
  • 7. 

    In planning a budget, it is most important to know:

    • A.

      Assets and liabilities

    • B.

      Net profit and net worth

    • C.

      Past cost and future cost

    • D.

      Past experience and projected expectations

    Correct Answer
    D. Past experience and projected expectations
  • 8. 

    The major reason that the administrator should try to prevent employee turnover is:

    • A.

      The labor market cannot supply qualified replacements

    • B.

      The cost of recruiting and training new employees

    • C.

      The cost of unemployment compensation

    • D.

      New employees tend to have poorer work attitudes

    Correct Answer
    B. The cost of recruiting and training new employees
  • 9. 

    All facilities are to be free of insects and rodents, however, usually state laws prohibit the use of all of the following except:

    • A.


    • B.

      Open traps

    • C.

      Poisoned baits

    • D.

      Sticky flypaper

    Correct Answer
    A. Sprays
  • 10. 

    Employee accidents uaually result from:

    • A.

      Slipping on wet floors

    • B.

      Usafe employee behavior

    • C.

      Back sprains

    • D.

      Needle punctures

    Correct Answer
    B. Usafe employee behavior
  • 11. 

    The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 requires one of the following:

    • A.

      The immediate release of any resident who has been physically restrained

    • B.

      Evidence of a multidisciplinary assessment and plans for the resident's discharge

    • C.

      The ban of the use of physical restraints applied to old and new equally

    • D.

      That chemical restraint is substituted for physical restraints whenever possible

    Correct Answer
    B. Evidence of a multidisciplinary assessment and plans for the resident's discharge
  • 12. 

    A procedure is:

    • A.

      A detailed statement to accomplish a task

    • B.

      A broad guide to thinking

    • C.

      A program to accomplish goals

    • D.

      A set of policies

    Correct Answer
    A. A detailed statement to accomplish a task
  • 13. 

    Market opportunity research should be conducted:

    • A.

      Once a year

    • B.

      Only when there is a strong competition

    • C.

      Before beginning a marketing program

    • D.

      Primarily to assist public relations

    Correct Answer
    C. Before beginning a marketing program
  • 14. 

    The cause of depreciation is:

    • A.

      Decrease in value due to age, wear and tear, and action of the elements

    • B.

      Decrease in value due to depletion of materials and supplies

    • C.

      Loss of value due to decrease in volume of business

    • D.

      Loss of value due to decrease in quality of output

    Correct Answer
    A. Decrease in value due to age, wear and tear, and action of the elements
  • 15. 

    A goal or objective is:

    • A.

      A plan that states how a task should be done

    • B.

      A general idea of what you want done

    • C.

      The end result toward which activity and effort are directed

    • D.

      A little used planning concept in management

    Correct Answer
    C. The end result toward which activity and effort are directed
  • 16. 

    Medicaid utilization review guidelines are established by the:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Medical director

    • D.

      Medical government

    Correct Answer
    A. State
  • 17. 

    Controlling is:

    • A.

      Synchronizing the efforts of others

    • B.

      Communicating with employees

    • C.

      Overall setting of objectives

    • D.

      Setting of goals or objectives, checking performance, and talking corrective actions

    Correct Answer
    D. Setting of goals or objectives, checking performance, and talking corrective actions
  • 18. 

    Forecasting has become more important in today's nursing facility environment. The accuracy of an administrator's forecasts will affect the ultimate success of the facility's plans. Forecasts, therefore, are expected to be:

    • A.

      Strictly scientific

    • B.

      90% accurate

    • C.

      A reasonable estimate of what reality will be in the future

    • D.

      Complex, statistical and technical

    Correct Answer
    C. A reasonable estimate of what reality will be in the future
  • 19. 

    Who requires audible and flashing fire alarms in LTC facilities?

    • A.

      Titles XVIII & XIX

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      State regulatory agencies

    Correct Answer
    B. ANSI
  • 20. 

    Requirements which nursing homes must meet to provide services to Medicare and Medicaid patients are called:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Articles of incorporation

    • D.

      Requirements of participation

    Correct Answer
    D. Requirements of participation
  • 21. 

    Net worth is:

    • A.

      Total assets less total liabilities

    • B.

      Gross profit less outstanding accounts

    • C.

      Accounts receivable and cash on hand, less liabilities

    • D.

      Current assets less current liabilities

    Correct Answer
    A. Total assets less total liabilities
  • 22. 

    Management or supervision is defined as:

    • A.

      Getting work done with and through other people

    • B.

      Directing others but pitching in to help

    • C.

      Handling finances, keeping records and letting others do their work

    • D.

      Telling employees what to do and leaving the rest to them

    Correct Answer
    A. Getting work done with and through other people
  • 23. 

    The biggest cost control problem in a facilit is:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Employees
  • 24. 

    When a fire occurs, who is in charge until the firemen arrive?

    • A.

      The administrator

    • B.

      The highest ranking person on duty

    • C.

      The director of nursing

    • D.

      The charge nurse

    Correct Answer
    B. The highest ranking person on duty
  • 25. 

    In the process of planning, the administrator should:

    • A.

      Establish a five year plan

    • B.

      Set up a plan and review it every two years

    • C.

      Establish a plan and review it only when a crisis occurs

    • D.

      Constantly check, recheck and modify the plan if necessary

    Correct Answer
    D. Constantly check, recheck and modify the plan if necessary
  • 26. 

    The social worker might be most helpful in which of the following types of residents?

    • A.

      Depressed and withdrawn

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Hard of hearing

    Correct Answer
    A. Depressed and withdrawn
  • 27. 

    In a SNFall drug regimens must be reviewed at least:

    • A.

      Every 60 days by a pharmacist

    • B.

      Every 30 days by a nurse

    • C.

      Every 30 days by a pharmacist

    • D.

      As often as requested

    Correct Answer
    C. Every 30 days by a pHarmacist
  • 28. 

    The primary purpose of written personnel policies and procedures is to:

    • A.

      Comply with Federal & State standards

    • B.

      Provide guidelines for supervisors to use in leading employees

    • C.

      Establish guidlines for the performance and behavior of employees

    • D.

      Discourage labor unios from trying to organize the facility

    Correct Answer
    C. Establish guidlines for the performance and behavior of employees
  • 29. 

    The term proprietorship as it relates to the nursing home industry means:

    • A.

      State owned facility

    • B.

      Nonprofit facility

    • C.

      Federally owned facility

    • D.

      Privately owned facility

    Correct Answer
    D. Privately owned facility
  • 30. 

    Most people are asked to serve on boards because they:

    • A.

      Are experienced in serving on boards

    • B.

      Are knowledgeable in problems in long term care

    • C.

      Know the difference between board duties and management duties

    • D.

      Are successful in managing some other business or career

    Correct Answer
    D. Are successful in managing some other business or career
  • 31. 

    The internal recruitment device of letting all employees know of a job vacancy is:

    • A.


    • B.

      Seniority preference

    • C.

      Job posting

    • D.

      Employment at will

    Correct Answer
    C. Job posting
  • 32. 

    The allocation of the original cost of a non-current intangible asset over a period of time specified by the government is called:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Accrual accounting

    Correct Answer
    A. Amortization
  • 33. 

    Span of management is:

    • A.

      The number of employees on the payroll

    • B.

      The number of employees a supervisor can effectively supervise

    • C.

      The number of employees reporting to the administrator, directly and indirectly

    • D.

      The capacity of the administrator to determine who is working for him

    Correct Answer
    B. The number of employees a supervisor can effectively supervise
  • 34. 

    The role of the NHA in the management of the nursing home is:

    • A.

      To set facility goals and formulate the mission statement

    • B.

      To approve and carry out the budget

    • C.

      To advise the board, then organize and carry out the directives of the board

    • D.

      To act as an agent of the owner or shareholder

    Correct Answer
    C. To advise the board, then organize and carry out the directives of the board
  • 35. 

    The primary reason bank statements should be reconciled as soon as they are received is:

    • A.

      Banks often charge checks and make deposits to the wrong accounts

    • B.

      Neither the bank statement nor the facility ledger account may show the exact same balance

    • C.

      The cash ledger account must always be adjusted to the true balance shown on the bank's statement

    • D.

      Reconciliation is a good means of checking on the efficiency of the facility bookkeeper's performance

    Correct Answer
    B. Neither the bank statement nor the facility ledger account may show the exact same balance
  • 36. 

    When a medication has an automatic stop order, the nurse should call the physician:

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    When a medication has an automatic stop order, it means that there is a predefined duration or limit for administering that medication, after which it should be discontinued or reevaluated by the physician. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the nurse to contact the physician to discuss whether the medication should be continued, adjusted, or stopped based on the patient's condition and medical orders. Communication between healthcare professionals is crucial to ensure patient safety and appropriate care.

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  • 37. 

    Fringe benefit packages usually include all except:

    • A.

      Health insurance

    • B.

      Sick leave pay

    • C.

      Vacation pay

    • D.

      Personal liability insurance

    Correct Answer
    D. Personal liability insurance
  • 38. 

    The procedure that helps schedule work and prevent duplication in maintenance and housekeeping is referred to as:

    • A.

      Preventative maintenance

    • B.

      Rotation scheduling

    • C.

      Priority scheduling

    • D.

      Work orders

    Correct Answer
    D. Work orders
  • 39. 

    A hallucination is:

    • A.

      A retreat from reality

    • B.

      A misinterpretation of sensory experience

    • C.

      An experience which is capable of being perceived by the patient

    • D.

      A sensory experience occurring independently of stimulation from the environment

    Correct Answer
    D. A sensory experience occurring independently of stimulation from the environment
  • 40. 

    Which agency has as its primary goal to ensure buildings is accessible to the physically handicapped?

    • A.

      American National Standards Institution

    • B.

      National Fire Protection Standards Association

    • C.

      Occupational Safety and Health Administration

    • D.

      Health Care Financial Association

    Correct Answer
    A. American National Standards Institution
  • 41. 

    What would be the primary benefit of public relations to a nursing home?

    • A.

      Reducing competition with other facilities

    • B.

      Strenghthening bonds between community and facility

    • C.

      Improving image within the facility

    • D.

      Reducing employee absenteeism and turnover

    Correct Answer
    B. Strenghthening bonds between community and facility
  • 42. 

    When an asset is depreciated, it's cost is:

    • A.


    • B.

      Adjusted to reflect its increase in value over time

    • C.

      Allocated to expense over a 20 year period

    • D.

      Allocated to expense over it's estimated useful life

    Correct Answer
    D. Allocated to expense over it's estimated useful life
  • 43. 

    The administrator should require cost reports at least monthly from the food service manager that includes all of the following except:

    • A.

      Cost of utilities

    • B.

      Total cost per meal

    • C.

      Raw food cost per meal

    • D.

      Cost of meals per patient day

    Correct Answer
    A. Cost of utilities
  • 44. 

    When working with a resident who has had a stroke and has difficulty buttoning her robe, an employee should:

    • A.

      Button the robe for the resident

    • B.

      Ignore the resident's problem so she won't get embarrassed

    • C.

      Encourage the resident to try to do it herself

    • D.

      Ask the occupational therapist to teach her

    Correct Answer
    C. Encourage the resident to try to do it herself
  • 45. 

    The Fair Labor Standards Act requires that employees must be:

    • A.

      Given sick leave

    • B.

      Paid for overtime

    • C.

      Paid for vacation

    • D.

      Given termination pay

    Correct Answer
    B. Paid for overtime
  • 46. 

    The best type of fire extinguisher to use for a Class B (flammable liquid) fire is a:

    • A.

      Class B fire extinguisher that uses CO2 or dry chemicals

    • B.

      Sodium chloride fire extinguisher

    • C.

      Plain water pump

    • D.

      Soda acid fire extinguisher

    Correct Answer
    A. Class B fire extinguisher that uses CO2 or dry chemicals
  • 47. 

    All doors except those to bathrooms must be at least ________ inches in width and fire-rated.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. 32
    All doors except those to bathrooms must be at least 32 inches in width and fire-rated.

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  • 48. 

    As an element of organizing, basic departmentalization:

    • A.

      Is set up and regulated by the Federal government

    • B.

      Is the same in every nurisng facility

    • C.

      Groups people and activities together, assigns roles and delegates authority

    • D.

      Should only be done when the facility first opens

    Correct Answer
    C. Groups people and activities together, assigns roles and delegates authority
  • 49. 

    What portion of the unemployement insurance tax is paid by the employer?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. 100%
  • 50. 

    A resident suffering from glaucoma should be referred to a (an):

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      ENT specialist

    Correct Answer
    B. OpHthalmologist

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