A.P. Biology Chapter 1 (Introduction To Biology)

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A.P. Biology Chapter 1 (Introduction To Biology) - Quiz

This quiz is to test your knowledge on Chapter 1 of A. P. Biology. Chapter 1 will be on Test #1, which fill feature Chapters 1-4. As such, it is suggested that you also take the quizzes for Chapters 2-4 if you are using this to study. To begin, type your name in the box below and click the green button.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    ____ is the unifying concept of biology.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Evolution
    Evolution is the correct answer because it is the fundamental concept that explains the diversity and complexity of life on Earth. It encompasses the processes of adaptation, natural selection, and genetic variation, which drive the changes in species over time. Evolution provides a framework to understand how organisms have evolved and continue to evolve, shaping the characteristics and behaviors of living organisms. It is a unifying concept in biology as it connects various fields such as genetics, ecology, and paleontology, allowing scientists to study the interconnectedness of all living things.

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  • 2. 

    What is evolution?

    • A.

      A change over time

    • B.

      DNA mutation

    • C.

      Organisms developing new traits

    • D.

      A religious belief created by Charles Darwin

    Correct Answer
    A. A change over time
    Evolution refers to the process of change over time in living organisms. It involves the gradual development and adaptation of species through genetic variations, natural selection, and environmental factors. This explanation aligns with the concept of evolution as it highlights the fundamental idea of change occurring in organisms over extended periods.

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  • 3. 

    Name the four steps to natural selection

    • A.

      Variations in living organisms, variations are inherited, too many offspring for environment to support, all organisms change

    • B.

      Variations in DNA, variations are inherited, offspring are born, only the fittest survive

    • C.

      Variations in living organisms, variations are inherited, too many offspring for environment to support, only the fittest survive

    • D.

      Variations in living organisms, variations in nonliving factors, too many offspring for environment to support, only the fittest survive

    Correct Answer
    C. Variations in living organisms, variations are inherited, too many offspring for environment to support, only the fittest survive
    The correct answer is "Variations in living organisms, variations are inherited, too many offspring for environment to support, only the fittest survive." This answer accurately summarizes the four steps of natural selection. First, there are variations in living organisms, which refer to differences in traits or characteristics. These variations can be inherited, meaning they are passed down from parents to offspring. Additionally, there are typically more offspring produced than the environment can support, leading to competition for resources. Finally, only the fittest individuals, those with advantageous variations, are able to survive and reproduce, passing on their traits to future generations.

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  • 4. 

    What is differential reproductive success?

    • A.

      Every time an organism mates, it will differ in its success

    • B.

      Mating in organisms causes mutations, resulting in evolution

    • C.

      Your mom.

    • D.

      An organism survives, mates, and its offspring look like it

    Correct Answer
    D. An organism survives, mates, and its offspring look like it
    Differential reproductive success refers to the concept that organisms vary in their ability to survive and reproduce, and those with traits that are advantageous in their environment are more likely to pass on their genes to the next generation. This leads to the offspring of successful organisms inheriting these advantageous traits, resulting in a resemblance between parents and offspring.

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  • 5. 

    What are the 7 properties of life?

    • A.

      Regulation, growth and development, order, reproduction, response to environment and behavior, evolution, energy processing

    • B.

      Regulation, growth and development, order, reproduction, response to environment and behavior, evolution, energy usage

    • C.

      Regulation, growth, order, reproduction, response to environment and behavior, evolution, energy consumption

    • D.

      Cellular processes, development, order, reproduction, response to environment and behavior, evolution, energy processing

    Correct Answer
    A. Regulation, growth and development, order, reproduction, response to environment and behavior, evolution, energy processing
    The 7 properties of life are regulation, growth and development, order, reproduction, response to environment and behavior, evolution, and energy processing. These properties describe the characteristics and behaviors that are common to all living organisms. Regulation refers to the ability of organisms to maintain internal stability. Growth and development involve the increase in size and complexity of an organism over time. Order refers to the organization and structure of an organism. Reproduction is the ability to produce offspring. Response to environment and behavior involve the ability to sense and respond to stimuli. Evolution is the process of change over time. Energy processing refers to the ability to acquire and use energy for various biological processes.

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  • 6. 

    What is the difference between growth and developement?

    • A.

      Growth involves changing and specializing, while development involves getting bigger

    • B.

      They are the same.

    • C.

      Growth involves getting bigger, while development involves changing and specializing

    • D.

      Puddin' Pop

    Correct Answer
    C. Growth involves getting bigger, while development involves changing and specializing
    The correct answer is that growth involves getting bigger, while development involves changing and specializing. Growth refers to the physical increase in size or quantity, while development encompasses the overall progress and advancement in various aspects such as skills, knowledge, and abilities. Development involves a broader and more comprehensive transformation, including psychological, social, and emotional changes, whereas growth primarily focuses on the physical aspect.

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  • 7. 

    Name the hierarcy for life from smallest to largest.

    • A.

      Atoms and molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome, biosphere

    • B.

      Atoms and molecules, organelles, cells, organs, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome, biosphere

    • C.

      Atoms and molecules, cells, organelles, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism, ecosystem, community, population, biome, biosphere

    • D.

      Biosphere, biome, ecosystem, community, population, organism, organ system, organ, tissues, cells, organelles, atoms and molecules

    Correct Answer
    A. Atoms and molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome, biospHere
    The correct answer is atoms and molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome, biosphere. This hierarchy is arranged in order from the smallest units of life (atoms and molecules) to larger structures (organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems) and finally to the levels of organization that involve multiple organisms (population, community, ecosystem, biome, biosphere). This progression represents the increasing complexity and organization of life, with each level building upon the previous level.

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  • 8. 

    What is a prokaryote?

    • A.

      A cell with no nucleus or membranes

    • B.

      A cell with a nucleus and membranes

    • C.

      A cell with no nucleus, but with membranes

    • D.

      A cell with a nucleus, but no membranes

    Correct Answer
    A. A cell with no nucleus or membranes
    A prokaryote is a type of cell that lacks a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. This means that its genetic material is not enclosed within a nucleus, but instead floats freely in the cytoplasm. Additionally, prokaryotes do not have membrane-bound compartments like mitochondria or endoplasmic reticulum. Instead, their internal structures are simpler and less compartmentalized compared to eukaryotic cells. This characteristic distinguishes prokaryotes from eukaryotes, which have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.

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  • 9. 

    What is a eukaryote?

    • A.

      A cell with no nucleus or membranes

    • B.

      A cell with a nucleus and membranes

    • C.

      A cell with no nucleus, but with membranes

    • D.

      A cell with a nucleus, but no membranes

    Correct Answer
    B. A cell with a nucleus and membranes
    A eukaryote is a type of cell that has a nucleus and membranes. The nucleus is the control center of the cell, containing the DNA, while the membranes refer to the presence of various membrane-bound organelles, such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus. Eukaryotes are more complex than prokaryotes, which lack a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.

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  • 10. 

    What is a population?

    • A.

      All different species that live in a given area

    • B.

      All different species that live in a given area as well as all abiotic factors, such as climate

    • C.

      All individuals of the same species in a given area

    • D.

      A largescale ecosystem

    Correct Answer
    C. All individuals of the same species in a given area
    A population refers to all individuals of the same species that live in a given area. It does not include different species or abiotic factors such as climate. A population is a specific group of organisms that share common characteristics and can interbreed. It is a fundamental unit in ecological studies and helps in understanding the dynamics and interactions within a species in a particular area.

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  • 11. 

    What is a community?

    • A.

      All different species that live in a given area

    • B.

      All different species that live in a given area as well as all abiotic factors, such as climate

    • C.

      All individuals of the same species in a given area

    • D.

      A largescale ecosystem

    Correct Answer
    A. All different species that live in a given area
    A community refers to all the different species that live in a given area. This includes not only the various organisms but also the abiotic factors, such as climate, that influence their interactions and survival. It is a term used in ecology to describe the assemblage of living organisms in a specific location and the relationships they have with each other and their environment.

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  • 12. 

    What is an ecosystem?

    • A.

      All different species that live in a given area

    • B.

      All different species that live in a given area as well as all abiotic factors, such as climate

    • C.

      All individuals of the same species in a given area

    • D.

      All of the biomes on Earth

    Correct Answer
    B. All different species that live in a given area as well as all abiotic factors, such as climate
    An ecosystem refers to all the different species that live in a given area, including plants, animals, and microorganisms, as well as the non-living components such as climate, soil, water, and sunlight. It encompasses the interactions and relationships between these living and non-living elements, forming a complex web of interdependence. This definition highlights the importance of both biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) factors in understanding and studying ecosystems.

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  • 13. 

    What is a biome?

    • A.

      All different species that live in a given area

    • B.

      All different species that live in a given area as well as all abiotic factors, such as climate

    • C.

      All individuals of the same species in a given area

    • D.

      A largescale ecosystem

    Correct Answer
    D. A largescale ecosystem
    A biome refers to a largescale ecosystem that encompasses all different species living in a given area, along with the abiotic factors like climate. It is not limited to just one species or only the living organisms, but rather includes the entire ecosystem and its physical environment.

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  • 14. 

    What is a biosphere?

    • A.

      All of the biomes on Earth

    • B.

      A largescale ecosystem

    • C.

      All individuals of the same species in a given area

    • D.

      All different species that live in a given area as well as all abiotic factors, such as climate

    Correct Answer
    A. All of the biomes on Earth
    A biosphere refers to all of the biomes on Earth. It encompasses all the different ecosystems and habitats found on the planet, including deserts, forests, grasslands, oceans, and more. The biosphere includes the living organisms within these biomes as well as the non-living factors that influence them, such as climate, temperature, and geology. It is a comprehensive term that encompasses the entire range of life and environments on Earth.

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  • 15. 

    What is taxonomy?

    • A.

      The study of how Congress taxes the American people

    • B.

      The study of classifying organisms

    • C.

      The study of naming organisms

    • D.

      The study of how organisms interact with each other

    Correct Answer
    B. The study of classifying organisms
    Taxonomy is the scientific discipline that involves classifying organisms based on their characteristics and relationships. It focuses on categorizing and organizing different species into a hierarchical system, allowing scientists to understand and study the diversity of life on Earth. By studying taxonomy, scientists can identify and name new species, determine evolutionary relationships, and gain insights into the characteristics and behaviors of organisms. This field of study plays a crucial role in understanding the complexity of the natural world and contributes to various other biological disciplines.

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  • 16. 

    Name the hierarchy of classifying organisms, from smallest to largest

    • A.

      Domain, kingdom, phylum, genus, order, family, species

    • B.

      Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, family, order, genus, species

    • C.

      Species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, domain

    • D.

      Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species

    Correct Answer
    D. Domain, kingdom, pHylum, class, order, family, genus, species
    The correct answer is "domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species." This answer follows the correct hierarchy of classifying organisms, starting with the broadest category (domain) and progressing to the most specific category (species). Each level in the hierarchy represents a progressively smaller group of organisms that share similar characteristics.

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  • 17. 

    Name the 3 domains

    • A.

      Virus, bacteria, eukaria

    • B.

      Archaea, eukaria, prokaria

    • C.

      Bacteria, archaea, eukaria

    • D.

      Animalia, plantae, fungi

    Correct Answer
    C. Bacteria, archaea, eukaria
    The answer "bacteria, archaea, eukaria" is correct because it accurately identifies the three domains of life. These domains are based on the genetic and evolutionary relationships among organisms. Bacteria and archaea are both prokaryotic domains, consisting of single-celled organisms without a nucleus. Eukarya, on the other hand, is the domain that includes all eukaryotic organisms, which have cells with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. This answer correctly distinguishes between prokaryotes and eukaryotes and includes all three domains.

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  • 18. 

    Which of the 3 domains are prokaryotes?

    • A.

      Bacteria and archaea

    • B.

      Bacteria only

    • C.

      Archaea only

    • D.

      Eukaria and bacteria

    Correct Answer
    A. Bacteria and archaea
    Prokaryotes are organisms that lack a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. They are simple, single-celled organisms. Bacteria and archaea are the two domains of prokaryotes. Bacteria are the most well-known and diverse group of prokaryotes, while archaea are a group of microorganisms that can survive in extreme environments. Therefore, the correct answer is bacteria and archaea.

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  • 19. 

    Which of the 3 domains are eukaryotes?

    • A.

      Bacteria and eukaria

    • B.

      Archaea and eukaria

    • C.

      Eukaria only

    • D.

      Archaea only

    Correct Answer
    C. Eukaria only
    Eukarya is the correct answer because it is the only domain among the options that consists of eukaryotes. Eukaryotes are organisms that have cells with a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Bacteria and Archaea are both prokaryotes, which means they lack a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Therefore, they do not belong to the domain of eukaryotes.

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  • 20. 

    What is included in the domain archaea?

    • A.

      Newer bacteria

    • B.

      All bacteria

    • C.

      Extinct organisms, such as dinosaurs

    • D.

      Primitive bacteria

    Correct Answer
    D. Primitive bacteria
    The domain archaea includes primitive bacteria. Archaea are a group of single-celled microorganisms that are distinct from both bacteria and eukaryotes. They are often referred to as "primitive bacteria" because they have a similar appearance to bacteria but differ in genetic and biochemical characteristics. Archaea are known for their ability to survive in extreme environments such as hot springs, deep-sea hydrothermal vents, and salt lakes. They play a crucial role in various ecological processes and have significant scientific importance.

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  • 21. 

    What is included in the domain bacteria?

    • A.

      Newer bacteria

    • B.

      All bacteria

    • C.

      Primitive bacteria

    • D.

      Bacteria, as well as viruses

    Correct Answer
    B. All bacteria
    The domain Bacteria is one of the three domains of life, which also include Archaea and Eukaryota. The domain Bacteria encompasses all bacteria, which are unicellular microorganisms characterized by the lack of a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Bacteria are considered to be prokaryotes. This domain does not include viruses, as they are not classified under any of the three domains of life due to their unique characteristics and the fact that they are not considered "alive" in the traditional sense since they cannot reproduce without a host cell.

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  • 22. 

    What is included in the domain eukaria?

    • A.

      Primitive forms of life

    • B.

      All eukaryotes

    • C.

      Animals and plants only

    • D.

      All prokaryotes and eukaryotes

    Correct Answer
    B. All eukaryotes
    The domain Eukaria includes all eukaryotes. Eukaryotes are organisms that have cells with a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. They are characterized by their complex cellular structure and can be found in various forms, including animals, plants, fungi, and protists. Therefore, the correct answer is "all eukaryotes."

    Rate this question:

  • 23. 

    Name the 4 kingdoms of eukaria

    • A.

      Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, Protistia

    • B.

      Plantae, Animalia, Archaea, Protistia

    • C.

      Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, Bacteria

    • D.

      Plantae, Animalia, Bacteria, Archaea

    Correct Answer
    A. Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, Protistia
    The correct answer is Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, Protistia. These are the four kingdoms of Eukarya. Eukarya is one of the three domains of life, and it includes all organisms with eukaryotic cells. Plantae consists of multicellular plants, Animalia consists of multicellular animals, Fungi consists of organisms such as mushrooms and yeasts, and Protistia consists of diverse eukaryotic microorganisms. The other options are incorrect because they either include prokaryotic organisms (Bacteria and Archaea) or do not include all four kingdoms of Eukarya.

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  • 24. 

    What phylum are humans in?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Chordata
    Humans are classified under the phylum Chordata because they possess a notochord, a hollow dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, and a post-anal tail at some point during their development. These characteristics are unique to chordates and serve as defining features of this phylum.

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  • 25. 

    What class are humans in?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Mammalia
    The correct answer is Mammalia because humans are mammals. Mammals are a class of animals characterized by the presence of mammary glands which produce milk for feeding their young. Humans, like other mammals, also have hair or fur, give live birth, and have specialized teeth. Therefore, humans belong to the class Mammalia.

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  • 26. 

    What order are humans in?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Primata
    The correct answer is Primata because humans belong to the order Primata. Primata is a group of mammals that includes primates such as monkeys, apes, and humans. This order is characterized by having forward-facing eyes, grasping hands and feet, and highly developed brains. Humans share many anatomical and behavioral characteristics with other members of the Primata order, making it the correct classification for humans.

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  • 27. 

    What family are humans in?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Hominidae
    Humans are classified as part of the family Hominidae. This family includes great apes such as chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, as well as humans. Hominidae is characterized by having a large brain, an upright posture, and the ability to use tools. Humans share a common ancestor with other members of the Hominidae family, making them part of this biological classification.

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  • 28. 

    What genus are humans in?

    • A.


    • B.

      Humans are not in a genus

    • C.


    • D.

      Both A and C

    Correct Answer
    A. Homo
    Humans are in the genus Homo. This is supported by scientific classification and evolutionary evidence. The genus Homo includes modern humans (Homo sapiens) as well as extinct species such as Homo neanderthalensis and Homo habilis. Humans share common ancestry with these species and are classified within the same genus based on physical and genetic similarities.

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  • 29. 

    What species are humans?

    • A.

      Homo Erectus

    • B.

      Homo Neanderthal

    • C.

      Homo Habilis

    • D.

      Homo Sapien

    Correct Answer
    D. Homo Sapien
    The correct answer is Homo Sapien because Homo Sapien is the scientific name for modern humans. It is derived from the Latin words "homo" meaning "man" and "sapiens" meaning "wise" or "intelligent". Homo Sapiens are characterized by their bipedal locomotion, large brain size, and advanced cognitive abilities, which distinguish them from other species in the Homo genus.

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  • 30. 

    In the species name "Homo sapien," which is the genus and which is the epitat?

    • A.

      Homo is the epitat, sapien is the genus

    • B.

      Both are epitats

    • C.

      Homo is the genus, sapien is the epitat

    • D.

      Both are genuses

    Correct Answer
    C. Homo is the genus, sapien is the epitat
    In the species name "Homo sapien," Homo is the genus and sapien is the epitat. The genus refers to a group of closely related species, while the epitat refers to the specific species within that genus. In this case, "Homo" represents the genus, which includes other closely related species such as Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis. "Sapien" specifies the specific species within the Homo genus, which is Homo sapiens, referring to modern humans.

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  • 31. 

    What is homeostasis?

    • A.

      A genetic disorder

    • B.

      A steady state

    • C.

      An unsteady state

    • D.

      An extinct form of human

    Correct Answer
    B. A steady state
    Homeostasis refers to the ability of an organism or system to maintain a stable internal environment despite external changes. It involves various physiological processes that work together to regulate body temperature, blood pressure, pH levels, and other vital parameters within a narrow range. This steady state is crucial for the proper functioning of cells and organs. Therefore, the answer "A steady state" correctly describes homeostasis as it highlights the concept of maintaining stability and balance within an organism.

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  • 32. 

    What is positive feedback?

    • A.

      Homeostasis where the end product stops the process

    • B.

      Homeostasis that is really good

    • C.

      Homeostasis where the end product stimulates the process

    • D.

      Homeostasis where the end product turns the process on and off randomly

    Correct Answer
    C. Homeostasis where the end product stimulates the process
    Positive feedback is a type of homeostasis where the end product of a process stimulates or enhances the process itself. This means that as the process continues, the end product increases, leading to a further increase in the process. This feedback loop amplifies the initial stimulus, resulting in a rapid and often exponential response. Positive feedback is commonly seen in biological systems, such as blood clotting and childbirth, where the increase in a certain factor triggers a cascade of events that ultimately leads to the desired outcome.

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  • 33. 

    Name an example of positive feedback

    • A.

      Eating food

    • B.

      Child birth

    • C.


    • D.

      Body temperature

    Correct Answer
    B. Child birth
    Childbirth is an example of positive feedback because it involves a cycle where the release of hormones during labor intensifies contractions, leading to further hormone release and stronger contractions. This process continues until the baby is born. The initial stimulus (contractions) triggers a response (hormone release) that amplifies the stimulus, resulting in the desired outcome (birth of the baby).

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  • 34. 

    What is negative feedback?

    • A.

      Homeostasis where the end product stops the process

    • B.

      Homeostasis that is really bad

    • C.

      Homeostasis where the end product turns the process on and off at random

    • D.

      Homeostasis where the end product stimulates the process

    Correct Answer
    A. Homeostasis where the end product stops the process
    Negative feedback is a regulatory mechanism in homeostasis where the end product of a process inhibits or stops the process itself. This helps maintain a stable internal environment by counteracting any deviations from the desired set point. In this case, the correct answer states that negative feedback stops the process, which aligns with the concept of homeostasis.

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  • 35. 

    What must be true for something to be science?

    • A.

      It must be falsifiable

    • B.

      Both A and D

    • C.

      None of these

    • D.

      It must be testable

    Correct Answer
    B. Both A and D
    For something to be considered science, it must be both falsifiable and testable. Falsifiability means that a scientific claim must be able to be proven false through empirical evidence. Testability refers to the ability to conduct experiments or gather evidence to support or refute a scientific claim. Therefore, for something to be considered science, it must meet both criteria of being falsifiable and testable.

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  • 36. 

    What is an indicator of a good experiement?

    • A.

      It uses a control

    • B.

      It uses an experimental group

    • C.

      It only changes one thing

    • D.

      All of these

    Correct Answer
    D. All of these
    An indicator of a good experiment is when it uses a control, an experimental group, and only changes one thing. This means that the experiment has a baseline to compare the results to (control), a group that receives the treatment being tested (experimental group), and only alters a single variable at a time to accurately determine its effect. By incorporating all of these elements, the experiment can provide reliable and valid results.

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  • 37. 

    What is the control?

    • A.

      The thing not changed

    • B.

      The thing changed

    • C.

      The thing kept under wraps

    • D.

      The thing shown at the beginning of the experiment

    Correct Answer
    A. The thing not changed
    The control in an experiment refers to the variable that is kept constant or unchanged throughout the experiment. It serves as a baseline for comparison against the variable that is being tested or changed. By keeping the control constant, any observed effects or changes can be attributed to the variable being tested, rather than any other factors. Therefore, the correct answer is "The thing not changed".

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  • 38. 

    What is the experiemental group?

    • A.

      The thing not changed

    • B.

      The thing changed

    • C.

      The thing kept under wraps

    • D.

      The thing shown at the beginning of the experiement

    Correct Answer
    B. The thing changed
    The experimental group refers to the group in an experiment that undergoes a specific change or manipulation. This group is compared to a control group, which does not undergo the change. In this context, the "thing changed" refers to the experimental group, as it is the group where the specific change or manipulation is applied.

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  • 39. 

    What is the dependent variable?

    • A.

      What is measured

    • B.

      What is kept the same

    • C.

      What is changed

    • D.

      None of these

    Correct Answer
    A. What is measured
    The dependent variable is the variable that is being measured or observed in an experiment. It is the outcome or response variable that is expected to change as a result of manipulating the independent variable. In this case, the dependent variable is what is being measured to determine the effects of the changes made to the independent variable.

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  • 40. 

    What axis does the dependent variable go on?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. Y
    The dependent variable is the variable that is being measured or observed in an experiment. In this case, the dependent variable goes on the y-axis. This is because the y-axis typically represents the vertical or up-and-down direction in a graph, and it is commonly used to plot the dependent variable in order to observe how it changes in response to the independent variable(s) plotted on the x-axis. Therefore, the correct answer is y.

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  • 41. 

    What is the independent variable?

    • A.

      What is measured

    • B.

      What is changed

    • C.

      What is kept the same

    • D.

      None of these

    Correct Answer
    B. What is changed
    The independent variable refers to the factor that is deliberately manipulated or changed by the researcher in an experiment. It is the variable that is believed to have an effect on the dependent variable. In this case, the correct answer "what is changed" accurately describes the independent variable as it is the factor that is intentionally altered in order to observe its impact on the dependent variable.

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  • 42. 

    What axis does the independent variable go on?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. X
    The independent variable is typically plotted on the x-axis in a graph. This axis represents the variable that is being manipulated or changed in an experiment or study. By placing the independent variable on the x-axis, it allows for easy comparison and analysis of the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable, which is usually plotted on the y-axis. Therefore, the correct answer is x.

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  • 43. 

    When creating a graph, what should you do after marking points?

    • A.

      Connect the points

    • B.

      Connect the points and use best smooth line

    • C.

      Do not connect the points

    • D.

      Do not connect the points and use best smooth line

    Correct Answer
    D. Do not connect the points and use best smooth line
    After marking the points on the graph, it is recommended to not connect the points and instead use the best smooth line. This means that instead of drawing straight lines between the points, a curved line should be drawn that best represents the trend or pattern in the data. This allows for a more accurate representation of the relationship between the points and helps to visualize any potential curves or fluctuations in the data.

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  • 44. 

    What is an example of negative feedback?

    • A.

      Child birth

    • B.

      None of These

    • C.

      Body temperature

    • D.

      Both A and C

    Correct Answer
    C. Body temperature
    Negative feedback is a regulatory mechanism in which a system responds to a stimulus by counteracting it, thus maintaining homeostasis. In the case of body temperature, it is regulated by negative feedback. When the body temperature rises, the body initiates mechanisms to cool down, such as sweating and vasodilation. Conversely, when the body temperature drops, mechanisms like shivering and vasoconstriction are activated to increase heat production and conserve warmth. This feedback loop ensures that the body temperature remains within a narrow range, demonstrating an example of negative feedback.

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  • Jun 05, 2024
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  • Aug 28, 2011
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