Pols 320 Final Exam Review Multiple Choice Questions (Part Two)

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| By Jasonunbc
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 3 | Total Attempts: 1,922
Questions: 34 | Attempts: 1,145

Policy Quizzes & Trivia

There are 34 questions.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Talk about how government goals such as “justice,” “equity,” and “national identity” may be confusing and contradictory. Really, this is because such policy goals are:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Multidimensional
    Government goals such as "justice," "equity," and "national identity" may be confusing and contradictory because they are multidimensional. This means that they encompass various aspects and dimensions that may not always align with each other. For example, achieving justice may involve balancing competing interests and values, which can sometimes be contradictory. Similarly, promoting national identity may involve prioritizing certain groups or values over others, which may conflict with the goal of equity. Therefore, these goals are multidimensional and require careful consideration and balancing of different factors to be effectively pursued.

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  • 2. 

    Policy communities:

    • A.

      Are necessary to ensure good policy design

    • B.

      Are hierarchical, coordinated and tidy

    • C.

      Go hand in hand with the notion of open government

    • D.

      Typically exist in non liberal democratic states

    Correct Answer
    C. Go hand in hand with the notion of open government
    Policy communities go hand in hand with the notion of open government because they promote transparency, inclusivity, and citizen engagement in the policy-making process. Open government emphasizes the importance of involving various stakeholders, such as civil society organizations, interest groups, and the public, in decision-making. Policy communities provide a platform for these stakeholders to collaborate, share information, and contribute their expertise to the policy development process. This ensures that policies are designed in a more comprehensive and democratic manner, reflecting the diverse needs and perspectives of the population.

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  • 3. 

    Government provides a low-interest loan to an emerging high technology company to encourage it to expand its domestic operations. This is an example of a:

    • A.

      Voluntary policy instrument

    • B.

      Mixed policy instrument

    • C.

      Compulsory policy instrument

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. Mixed policy instrument
    This scenario represents a mixed policy instrument because it involves both government intervention (providing a low-interest loan) and voluntary participation from the high technology company (expanding its domestic operations). It is not solely a voluntary or compulsory policy instrument, as it combines elements of both.

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  • 4. 

    When it comes to choice of policy instruments, a professional association might be involved in:

    • A.


    • B.

      Direct provision

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Self-regulation
    A professional association may be involved in self-regulation as a policy instrument. This means that the association sets and enforces its own standards and guidelines for its members, rather than relying on external regulations or oversight. Self-regulation allows the association to maintain control over the quality and conduct of its members, ensuring that they adhere to professional standards and ethics. This can help to build trust and credibility within the profession and promote accountability among its members.

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  • 5. 

    Cost-effectiveness analysis:

    • A.

      Asks what was the ratio of benefits to costs in the public policy

    • B.

      Considers the public policy in terms of its policy instrument

    • C.

      Estimates the value-for-money received from a constituted policy community

    • D.

      Measures the impact of policy goals

    Correct Answer
    B. Considers the public policy in terms of its policy instrument
    Cost-effectiveness analysis is a method that evaluates the ratio of benefits to costs in the implementation of a public policy. It focuses on assessing the efficiency and value-for-money of the policy by considering the effectiveness of the policy instrument used. It helps in determining whether the policy is achieving its intended goals and whether it is the most efficient use of resources. Therefore, the answer "considers the public policy in terms of its policy instrument" accurately describes the concept of cost-effectiveness analysis.

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  • 6. 


    • A.

      Decreases the ability of domestic policymakers to control what happens in their state

    • B.

      Increases the ability of domestic policymakers to control what happens in their state

    • C.

      Adds too many variables to political research, thus affecting subsequent stages of the public policy process

    • D.

      Inordinately focuses on economic factors affecting the public policy process to the exclusion of vital social and political factors

    Correct Answer
    A. Decreases the ability of domestic policymakers to control what happens in their state
    Globalization decreases the ability of domestic policymakers to control what happens in their state. This is because globalization involves the integration of economies and societies on a global scale, leading to increased interdependence and interconnectedness. As a result, domestic policies and decisions are often influenced by global forces and factors beyond the control of policymakers. This can limit their ability to independently shape and control the outcomes within their state, as they must consider and respond to global dynamics and pressures.

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  • 7. 

    The actors in a policy community are:

    • A.

      Interested in the outcome of the policy decision

    • B.

      The experts

    • C.

      The laypersons

    • D.

      All of the above

    • E.

      The first and second responses (above) only

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above
    In a policy community, the actors are all interested in the outcome of the policy decision. This includes both experts who have specialized knowledge and laypersons who may have a general interest or be directly affected by the policy. Therefore, the correct answer is "all of the above."

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  • 8. 

    Policy communities:

    • A.

      Develop policy in a structuralist manner

    • B.

      May reflect the rational approach to public policy making

    • C.

      May reflect the incrementalist approach to public policy making

    • D.

      All of the above

    • E.

      The second and third responses (above) only

    Correct Answer
    E. The second and third responses (above) only
    Policy communities may reflect the rational approach to public policy making and the incrementalist approach to public policy making. The rational approach involves a systematic and logical analysis of policy options to achieve specific goals, while the incrementalist approach involves making small adjustments to existing policies over time. Both approaches can be used by policy communities to develop policies. The first response, "develop policy in a structuralist manner," is not a correct answer as it is not a commonly recognized approach to public policy making. Therefore, the correct answer is the second and third responses only.

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  • 9. 

    Policy communities in Canada are typically becoming:

    • A.

      More restricted and smaller

    • B.

      More open and inclusive

    • C.

      More focused on economic policy

    • D.

      More focused on health and social policy

    Correct Answer
    B. More open and inclusive
    Policy communities in Canada are typically becoming more open and inclusive. This suggests that these communities are becoming more welcoming and inclusive of diverse perspectives and voices. This shift indicates a move towards a more collaborative and inclusive approach to policy-making, where a wider range of stakeholders are involved in the decision-making process. This can lead to more comprehensive and effective policies that address the needs and concerns of a broader range of people in Canada.

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  • 10. 

    BC Hydro is an example of:

    • A.

      A voluntary policy instrument

    • B.

      A mixed policy instrument

    • C.

      A compulsory policy instrument

    • D.

      A not for profit sector policy instrument

    Correct Answer
    C. A compulsory policy instrument
    BC Hydro is an example of a compulsory policy instrument because it is a government-owned utility company in British Columbia, Canada, that is responsible for generating, transmitting, and distributing electricity to the province. As a compulsory policy instrument, BC Hydro operates under government regulations and mandates, and customers are required to purchase electricity from BC Hydro.

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  • 11. 

    When it comes to the selection of policy instruments, the United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights could be said to:

    • A.

      Limit domestic policy makers

    • B.

      Free domestic policy makers

    • C.

      Have no effect for domestic policy makers

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. Limit domestic policy makers
    The United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights can be seen as limiting domestic policy makers. This is because the declaration sets out a set of fundamental rights and freedoms that should be protected for all individuals, regardless of their nationality or citizenship. These rights include things like the right to life, liberty, and security of person, the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, and the right to equal protection under the law. By recognizing these rights, the declaration places limits on what domestic policy makers can do and establishes a standard for how individuals should be treated.

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  • 12. 

    Elements for successful implementation include:

    • A.

      Adequate time, agreed objectives, external constraints

    • B.

      Fragmented authority, clear communication, no rebellion

    • C.

      Enough people, correct sequence of tasks, clear causality

    • D.

      Good design, dispersed authority, cooperation

    Correct Answer
    C. Enough people, correct sequence of tasks, clear causality
    The elements for successful implementation include having enough people involved in the process, ensuring that tasks are carried out in the correct sequence, and having a clear understanding of the cause-and-effect relationship between different tasks. These factors are crucial in ensuring that the implementation is efficient and effective, as having an adequate number of people allows for the workload to be distributed effectively, following the correct sequence of tasks ensures a smooth flow of work, and understanding the causality helps in identifying any potential issues or bottlenecks in the implementation process.

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  • 13. 

    Policy implementation is:

    • A.

      External to bureaucracies

    • B.

      A balancing act of discretion with accountability at the bureaucratic level

    • C.

      Executed prior to the Royal Assent of legislation

    • D.

      A mechanical, routinized process

    Correct Answer
    B. A balancing act of discretion with accountability at the bureaucratic level
    Policy implementation refers to the process of putting policies into action. It involves making decisions and taking actions to ensure that the intended goals of the policy are achieved. The answer suggests that policy implementation is a balancing act between allowing bureaucrats to exercise their discretion in carrying out the policy, while also holding them accountable for their actions. This means that bureaucrats have some level of flexibility in how they implement the policy, but they are also responsible for ensuring that it is done effectively and in line with the policy's objectives.

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  • 14. 

    The role of the public in the policy process could be described as:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      All of the above

    • E.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above
    The role of the public in the policy process can be described as all of the above. The public serves as a judge by evaluating the effectiveness and impact of policies. They also play a role as developers by providing input, ideas, and feedback during the policy-making process. Additionally, the public acts as consumers of policies, as they are directly affected by them and rely on them to address their needs and concerns. Therefore, the public has multiple roles in the policy process, making the answer "all of the above" correct.

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  • 15. 

    A brilliant public policy, poorly implemented:

    • A.

      Will nevertheless address another public problem

    • B.

      Will still likely achieve its stated goals

    • C.

      Will likely fail to achieve its stated goals

    • D.

      Only be a failure if the public does not support it

    Correct Answer
    C. Will likely fail to achieve its stated goals
    This answer suggests that even though the public policy is brilliant, if it is poorly implemented, it is likely to fail in achieving its intended goals. The emphasis is on the implementation aspect, implying that the effectiveness of the policy depends on how it is executed rather than its inherent brilliance.

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  • 16. 

    The Drainage, Ditch and Dike Act, of British Columbia, in part states that: “The commissioners may enter into and on any land of any person, and inspect, survey, set out, take, expropriate, hold and acquire any land that may in their opinion be necessary to have and hold for the construction, operation, maintenance or repair of any works authorized by this Part.” This is an example of a:

    • A.

      Voluntary policy instrument

    • B.

      Mixed policy instrument

    • C.

      Compulsory policy instrument

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. Compulsory policy instrument
    The given statement from the Drainage, Ditch and Dike Act of British Columbia indicates that the commissioners have the authority to enter any person's land and acquire it if they believe it is necessary for the construction, operation, maintenance, or repair of authorized works. This implies that compliance with this policy is mandatory and individuals do not have the option to refuse or opt out. Therefore, this is an example of a compulsory policy instrument.

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  • 17. 

    “Moral concerns are always just below the surface of debates that purport to be scientific.” In terms of political research, this is most like:

    • A.

      Normative philosophy taking precedence over engineering research

    • B.

      Theory-oriented research taking precedence over positive theory research

    • C.

      Engineering research taking precedence over normative philosophy

    • D.

      Normative philosophy taking precedence over positive theory research

    Correct Answer
    A. Normative pHilosopHy taking precedence over engineering research
    This statement suggests that moral concerns are often present in debates that claim to be scientific. It implies that ethical considerations play a significant role in shaping the direction and outcomes of scientific discussions. Therefore, it can be inferred that normative philosophy, which deals with ethical principles and values, takes precedence over engineering research in political research. This means that moral considerations and philosophical perspectives are prioritized over technical and practical aspects in this context.

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  • 18. 

    Policy evaluation is the domain of:

    • A.

      Elected representatives

    • B.

      The public

    • C.

      Think tanks

    • D.

      The media

    • E.

      All of the above

    • F.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    E. All of the above
    Policy evaluation is the domain of all of the above options: elected representatives, the public, think tanks, and the media. Elected representatives are responsible for evaluating policies and making decisions on behalf of the public. The public plays a crucial role in evaluating policies through their feedback, opinions, and voting. Think tanks conduct research and analysis to evaluate policies and provide recommendations. The media also plays a significant role in policy evaluation by reporting on policies, analyzing their impacts, and providing a platform for public discourse. Therefore, all of these stakeholders are involved in policy evaluation.

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  • 19. 

    Rationalism assumes that

    • A.

      Policy makers have all the information they need

    • B.

      Policy makers do not have all the information they need

    • C.

      Public problems cannot be fully resolved

    • D.

      The public policy process operates in the environment of the “real world”

    Correct Answer
    A. Policy makers have all the information they need
    Rationalism assumes that policy makers have all the information they need. This means that according to rationalism, policy makers are able to gather and analyze all relevant information before making decisions. This assumption suggests that policy making is a rational and logical process, where decisions are based on complete and accurate information. However, it is important to note that this assumption may not always hold true in practice, as policy makers may face limitations in accessing or understanding certain information.

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  • 20. 

    Section 242 of Canada’s Criminal Code reads: “A female person who, being pregnant and about to be delivered, with intent that the child shall not live or with intent to conceal the birth of the child, fails to make provision for reasonable assistance in respect of her delivery is, if the child is permanently injured as a result thereof or dies immediately before, during or in a short time after birth, as a result thereof, guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.” This is like an example of:

    • A.

      A voluntary policy instrument

    • B.

      A mixed policy instrument

    • C.

      A compulsory policy instrument

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. A compulsory policy instrument
    This is an example of a compulsory policy instrument because Section 242 of Canada's Criminal Code imposes a legal obligation on pregnant women to provide reasonable assistance during delivery. Failure to comply with this obligation can result in criminal charges and imprisonment.

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  • 21. 

    The most precise level of measurement is:

    • A.

      Nominal measurement

    • B.

      Ordinal measurement

    • C.

      Interval measurement

    • D.

      Variable measurement

    Correct Answer
    C. Interval measurement
    Interval measurement is the most precise level of measurement because it not only categorizes data into distinct groups (nominal measurement) or ranks them in a specific order (ordinal measurement), but it also assigns a meaningful numerical value to each category or rank. This allows for precise comparisons between the values and the ability to perform mathematical operations such as addition and subtraction. Variable measurement is not a recognized level of measurement, so it is not a valid option.

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  • 22. 

    Impact evaluation looks at:

    • A.

      How the program was delivered

    • B.

      How the program spent its fiscal resources

    • C.

      Whether the program achieved its goals

    • D.

      Whether the program had clear, consistent communication

    Correct Answer
    C. Whether the program achieved its goals
    The correct answer is whether the program achieved its goals. Impact evaluation is a process that assesses the effectiveness of a program in achieving its intended outcomes or goals. It involves examining the extent to which the program has made a positive impact and brought about the desired changes or improvements. This evaluation helps in determining the overall success or failure of the program and provides valuable insights for future decision-making and program improvement.

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  • 23. 

    A policy is evaluated in terms of money. It is learned that the policy has met its goals but is very costly. We could say that:

    • A.

      The policy is still a success

    • B.

      The policy is a failure

    • C.

      Cost-effectiveness analysis will show that the policy is a success

    • D.

      Cost-benefit analysis will suggest the policy is a failure

    Correct Answer
    D. Cost-benefit analysis will suggest the policy is a failure
    The correct answer is cost-benefit analysis will suggest the policy is a failure. Cost-benefit analysis is a method used to determine whether the benefits of a policy outweigh its costs. In this scenario, although the policy has met its goals, it is considered a failure because the costs associated with it are deemed to be greater than the benefits. This suggests that the policy is not economically efficient and may not be the best use of resources.

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  • 24. 

    Which of the following is not a cost of open government?

    • A.

      Time consuming

    • B.

      Watered-down public policies

    • C.

      Expanded participation to pacify or co-opt certain interests

    • D.

      All of the above are costs of open government

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above are costs of open government
    The given answer states that all of the options listed - time consuming, watered-down public policies, and expanded participation to pacify or co-opt certain interests - are costs of open government. This means that each of these factors can be seen as a negative consequence or drawback of implementing open government practices.

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  • 25. 

    “Families are expected to perform many of the tasks that shape the character, habits, and abilities of those who, in their turn, will become adult members of society.” This quotation is implicitly referring to:

    • A.

      Voluntary policy instruments

    • B.

      Mixed policy instruments

    • C.

      Compulsory policy instruments

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. Voluntary policy instruments
    The quotation suggests that families have the responsibility to shape the character, habits, and abilities of future adult members of society. This implies that the tasks performed by families are voluntary and not enforced by any compulsory policy instruments. Therefore, the correct answer is voluntary policy instruments.

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  • 26. 

    A measure is reliable:

    • A.

      To the extent that it gives the same result again and again

    • B.

      If it is consistent regardless of circumstances such as time or subpopulation

    • C.

      If it dependably mirrors its concept

    • D.

      All of the above

    • E.

      The first and third responses above only

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above
    A measure is considered reliable if it consistently provides the same result repeatedly, regardless of the circumstances such as time or subpopulation. Additionally, a reliable measure is one that accurately reflects the concept it is intended to measure. Therefore, in this case, all of the options provided (the first, second, and third responses) are correct explanations of a reliable measure.

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  • 27. 

    In the 2005 federal election, Liberal spin doctor Scott Reid was quoted as saying, “Don’t give people twenty-five dollars a week to blow on beer and popcorn. Give them child care spaces that work.” This could be described as a call for _____________ in the public policy process.

    • A.


    • B.

      Better measurement of variables

    • C.


    • D.

      An expanded policy community

    Correct Answer
    C. Rationalism
    This quote by Scott Reid suggests a call for rationalism in the public policy process. Reid argues against giving people money to spend on personal indulgences, and instead advocates for investing in child care spaces that have a practical and beneficial impact on society. This aligns with the principles of rationalism, which prioritize logical reasoning and evidence-based decision-making in policy-making processes. Reid's statement implies that public policy should be guided by rational thinking and focus on achieving tangible and meaningful outcomes.

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  • 28. 

    A measure is valid:

    • A.

      If it measures what it intended to measure

    • B.

      To the extent that it is free from both random and nonrandom error

    • C.

      Both of the above

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. Both of the above
    A measure is considered valid if it measures what it is intended to measure and if it is free from both random and nonrandom errors. This means that the measure accurately captures the concept or construct it is supposed to represent, and that the results obtained from the measure are reliable and consistent. In other words, a valid measure provides meaningful and accurate information about the variable being measured, without being influenced by random fluctuations or systematic biases.

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  • 29. 

    A public policy that is not doing what it is supposed to do but is nevertheless very popular among the public:

    • A.

      Will surely be extensively altered despite public opinion

    • B.

      Will surely be scrapped by the government immediately

    • C.

      Will surely be considered by the government to be a success

    • D.

      Cannot be considered a success in the rational sense

    • E.

      Cannot be considered a success in the incrementalist sense

    Correct Answer
    D. Cannot be considered a success in the rational sense
    A public policy that is not achieving its intended goals but is still popular among the public cannot be considered a success in the rational sense. This is because rationality implies that policies should be evaluated based on their effectiveness in achieving their objectives. If a policy is not fulfilling its purpose, it cannot be deemed successful from a rational standpoint, regardless of its popularity.

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  • 30. 

    Dollars, kilometers, number of guns owned, number of newspapers in Canada, votes cast, population, age, level of education, income… are all examples of

    • A.

      Nominal measurement

    • B.

      Ordinal measurement

    • C.

      Interval measurement

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. Interval measurement
    The given examples are all measurements that can be quantified and have a meaningful numerical value. However, they do not have a natural zero point or a fixed ratio between values. Therefore, they cannot be considered nominal or ordinal measurements. Interval measurement is the most appropriate classification because it allows for the comparison of values and the calculation of meaningful differences between them.

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  • 31. 

    Incrementalism, in the public policy process, most relates to:

    • A.

      Policy evaluation

    • B.

      Policy cycles

    • C.

      Problem recognition

    • D.

      Sampling error

    Correct Answer
    B. Policy cycles
    Incrementalism in the public policy process refers to the approach of making small, gradual changes to existing policies rather than implementing major, sweeping reforms. It emphasizes the importance of building upon existing policies and making incremental adjustments based on feedback and evaluation. Policy cycles, on the other hand, refer to the stages involved in the policy-making process, including problem recognition, agenda setting, policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. Therefore, incrementalism is closely related to policy cycles as it aligns with the iterative and incremental nature of the policy-making process.

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  • 32. 

    A problem when it comes to environmental policy in Canada is:

    • A.

      Problem definition, since water is used for so many different purposes

    • B.

      Policy goals, since no one can agree what water is best used for

    • C.

      Fragmentation of authority, since the environment is not the responsibility of any one level of government

    • D.

      Government traditionally having a rather small policy community in making decisions in this area

    Correct Answer
    C. Fragmentation of authority, since the environment is not the responsibility of any one level of government
    The correct answer is fragmentation of authority, since the environment is not the responsibility of any one level of government. This means that different levels of government have different responsibilities when it comes to environmental policy, leading to a lack of coordination and consistency. This can make it difficult to effectively address environmental issues and implement cohesive policies.

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  • 33. 

    Policy discourse has been internationalized. This means that:

    • A.

      The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was instituted to live up to international human rights agreements signed by Canada

    • B.

      Public opinion in Canada not receptive to public policies in the United States limits domestic policy makers

    • C.

      Matters that we used to think were domestic now must be looked at in terms of a context that goes beyond the borders of a single country

    • D.

      Concerns with protecting turf and autonomy creates problems from the standpoint of coordinating the work of different policy implementation agencies

    Correct Answer
    C. Matters that we used to think were domestic now must be looked at in terms of a context that goes beyond the borders of a single country
    The answer suggests that policy discourse, which refers to discussions and debates about policies, has become internationalized. This means that issues that were once considered to be domestic or internal to a single country now need to be considered in a broader context that extends beyond national borders. This implies that policies and decisions can no longer be made solely based on domestic considerations, but must also take into account global factors and agreements.

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  • 34. 

    Many feel that Canada does an inadequate job at evaluating its health care policies. This has implications for:

    • A.

      Problem recognition and definition

    • B.

      Ensuring policy goals are being met

    • C.

      Policy communities

    • D.

      Policy instruments

    Correct Answer
    B. Ensuring policy goals are being met
    The given answer suggests that Canada's inadequate evaluation of its health care policies has implications for ensuring that policy goals are being met. This means that without proper evaluation, it becomes difficult to determine whether the desired outcomes of the policies are being achieved. Without this information, it becomes challenging to make informed decisions and adjustments to the policies to ensure they are effective and meeting the intended goals.

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