PPCDL Quiz Questions And Answers

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| By Hai Rou
Hai Rou
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Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 21,908
Questions: 71 | Attempts: 22,089

PPCDL Quiz Questions And Answers - Quiz

Are you an aspiring driver? Then it would be a good idea to try our ' PPCDL Quiz Questions And Answers ' PPCDL stands for Powered Pleasure Craft Driving License , and it's required to be able to drive heavy-duty vehicles. Our quiz is filled with essential questions to help you ace your written examination. All the questions are mandatory. Make sure to read all the questions carefully before attempting. Just pick the option that you think is correct. Your results will be given after you've attempted the complete quiz. Good luck & prepare well.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    During the day a vessel displays three black balls, what lights should she display at night?

    • A.

      3 red lights

    • B.

      2 red lights

    • C.

      2 red lights and one all-round white light

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. 3 red lights
    A vessel displaying three black balls during the day is indicating that it is "not under command," meaning it cannot maneuver as required by the rules. At night, this vessel should display three red lights in a vertical line to convey the same status. This is a crucial aspect of maritime navigation to alert other vessels of its inability to maneuver, ensuring safety at sea.

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  • 2. 

    When two power-driven vessels are crossing so as to involve risk of collision :-

    • A.

      The vessel which is faster shall give way

    • B.

      The vessel which has the other on the starboard side shall give way

    • C.

      Both vessels should give way to each other

    Correct Answer
    B. The vessel which has the other on the starboard side shall give way
    When two power-driven vessels are crossing paths in a way that there is a risk of collision, the vessel that has the other vessel on its starboard side (right side) should give way. This is because the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) state that when two vessels are crossing, the vessel on the starboard side has the right of way and the vessel on the port side (left side) should give way. This rule helps to avoid confusion and ensures that vessels can safely navigate and pass each other without colliding.

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  • 3. 

    A vessel engaged in fishing when crossing the path of a power-driven vessel, so as to involve risk of collision :

    • A.

      Power-driven vessel should give way to the fishing vessel

    • B.

      The fishing vessel should give way

    • C.

      Both vessels should give way to each other.

    Correct Answer
    A. Power-driven vessel should give way to the fishing vessel
    When a power-driven vessel crosses the path of a fishing vessel, it is the responsibility of the power-driven vessel to give way to the fishing vessel. This is because the fishing vessel is engaged in a specific activity (fishing) and may have limited maneuverability. Therefore, the power-driven vessel should take necessary actions to avoid a collision and allow the fishing vessel to continue its fishing operations safely.

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  • 4. 

    A "Vessel not under Command" means :

    • A.

      Made fast ashore

    • B.

      Has a mechanical breakdown. . Eg engine of steering failure

    • C.

      Vessel is engaged in special operations

    Correct Answer
    B. Has a mechanical breakdown. . Eg engine of steering failure
    A "Vessel not under Command" refers to a situation where a ship is unable to maneuver due to a mechanical breakdown, such as an engine or steering failure. This means that the ship is unable to control its movements and is therefore considered to be not under the command of the crew.

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  • 5. 

    A pilot vessel on duty at night shall display the following lights :

    • A.

      Red over white

    • B.

      White over red

    • C.

      White over white

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. White over red
    A pilot vessel on duty at night shall display the lights "white over red" because this combination indicates that the vessel is a pilot vessel and is engaged in pilotage duties. This lighting configuration helps other vessels identify and recognize the pilot vessel, allowing them to take necessary precautions and give way as required.

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  • 6. 

    When a vessel is overtaking another at night, she would be able to see the following lights of the vessel being overtaken:

    • A.

      Green, red and white light (side lights & masthead light)

    • B.

      The green and red lights (side lights)

    • C.

      One white light only (stern light)

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. One white light only (stern light)
    When a vessel is overtaking another at night, she would be able to see only one white light, which is the stern light. This light is located at the back (stern) of the vessel being overtaken and helps the overtaking vessel determine the position and movement of the vessel ahead. The green and red lights (side lights) are not visible when overtaking, as they are positioned on the sides of the vessel. The masthead light, which is also visible from the front of the vessel, is not relevant in this situation.

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  • 7. 

    At night, a power-driven vessel sees a red and a green light only, directly ahead. What action does she take?

    • A.

      Alter course to starboard immediately.

    • B.

      Alter course to port immediately.

    • C.

      Take appropriate action to avoid collision, as the vessel ahead is a sailing vessel.

    Correct Answer
    C. Take appropriate action to avoid collision, as the vessel ahead is a sailing vessel.
    The red and green lights indicate that the vessel ahead is displaying the sidelights, which are typically used by sailing vessels. Therefore, the power-driven vessel should take appropriate action to avoid a collision with the sailing vessel. This may include altering course, reducing speed, or taking any other necessary actions to ensure a safe distance between the two vessels.

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  • 8. 

    A towing vessel "T" not restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, is involved in a head-on situation with a power-driven vessel "P", and risk of collision exists. What action should be taken to avoid a collision?

    • A.

      Vessel "T" should give way to vessel "P".

    • B.

      Vessel "P" should give way to vessel "T".

    • C.

      Both vessels should give way to each other.

    Correct Answer
    C. Both vessels should give way to each other.
    Both vessels should give way to each other. In a head-on situation with a risk of collision, both vessels are required to take action to avoid the collision. This is because neither vessel has the right of way over the other. By both vessels giving way to each other, they can alter their course or speed to pass each other safely and avoid a collision.

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  • 9. 

    What fog signal does a power-driven vessel “making way” sound, when she is in or near an area of restricted visibility.

    • A.

      1 prolonged blast at intervals of not more than 2 mins.

    • B.

      2 prolonged blast at intervals of not more than 2 mins.

    • C.

      1 short blast at intervals of not more than 120 seconds.

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. 1 prolonged blast at intervals of not more than 2 mins.
    A power-driven vessel "making way" sounds 1 prolonged blast at intervals of not more than 2 minutes when in or near an area of restricted visibility. This signal alerts other vessels of its presence and indicates that it is underway and actively moving through the area.

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  • 10. 

    What fog signal does a power-driven vessel “underway” but not making way sound, when she is in or near an area of restricted visibility.

    • A.

      1 prolonged blast at intervals of not more than 1 minute.

    • B.

      2 prolonged blasts at intervals of not more than 2 minutes.

    • C.

      3 prolonged blast at intervals of not more than 2 minutes.

    Correct Answer
    B. 2 prolonged blasts at intervals of not more than 2 minutes.
    When a power-driven vessel is "underway" but not making way, meaning it is not moving through the water due to engine failure or other reasons, it must sound two prolonged blasts at intervals of not more than 2 minutes. This signal alerts other vessels in the area of the vessel's presence and indicates that it is not able to maneuver as expected.

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  • 11. 

    You hear the fog signals of a vessel making way forward of your beam in an area of restricted visibility. She sounds close and possibly there is a risk of collision. You should :

    • A.

      Slow down and assess the situation, and if it is safe alter course to starboard.

    • B.

      Slow down and alter course to port.

    • C.

      Proceed ahead and confirm that there is risk of collision before taking action.

    Correct Answer
    A. Slow down and assess the situation, and if it is safe alter course to starboard.
    When you hear the fog signals of a vessel making way forward of your beam in an area of restricted visibility, it indicates that there is a risk of collision. The correct action to take in this situation is to slow down and assess the situation. By slowing down, you give yourself more time to evaluate the risk and make a decision. If it is safe to do so, you should alter your course to starboard. This is because altering to starboard will allow you to pass the other vessel on your port side, which is the preferred side for passing in accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS).

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  • 12. 

    At night you see a vessel crossing and displaying two red lights in a vertical line. What action should you take ?

    • A.

      If she is approaching from the port bow, stand-on.

    • B.

      If she is approaching from the starboard bow, give way.

    • C.

      Give way regardless of her relative position.

    Correct Answer
    C. Give way regardless of her relative position.
    When you see a vessel crossing and displaying two red lights in a vertical line at night, you should give way regardless of her relative position. This is because the two red lights in a vertical line indicate that the vessel is a power-driven vessel and it is not under command. In this situation, it is important to give way and avoid a potential collision.

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  • 13. 

    When in sight of one another, a vessel altering course to starboard shall sound :

    • A.

      One short blast.

    • B.

      Two short blast.

    • C.

      One prolonged blast.

    Correct Answer
    A. One short blast.
    When two vessels are in sight of each other and one of them is altering its course to starboard (right), it is required to sound one short blast. This is a standard sound signal used to indicate the intention of turning to starboard and alert the other vessel of the change in course. The sound signal helps in maintaining safe navigation and avoiding collisions between the vessels.

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  • 14. 

    In restricted visibility, a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, a vessel not under command and a vessel constrained by her draught, shall sound at intervals of not more than 2 minutes :-

    • A.

      1 prolonged blast.

    • B.

      2 prolonged blast.

    • C.

      3 blasts in succession, namely 1 prolonged followed by 2 short blasts.

    Correct Answer
    C. 3 blasts in succession, namely 1 prolonged followed by 2 short blasts.
    When a vessel is in restricted visibility, it is important for other vessels to be aware of its presence and restricted maneuverability. The correct answer states that the vessel should sound 3 blasts in succession, specifically 1 prolonged blast followed by 2 short blasts. This sound signal is recognized internationally as a signal for a vessel that is restricted in her ability to maneuver, not under command, or constrained by her draught. By sounding this signal at intervals of not more than 2 minutes, the vessel alerts other vessels to its presence and allows them to take appropriate action to avoid a collision.

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  • 15. 

    A power-driven vessel underway shows the following lights :

    • A.

      Masthead lights plus sidelights and stern light

    • B.

      Masthead lights and sidelights

    • C.

      Masthead lights and stern light

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. Masthead lights plus sidelights and stern light
    A power-driven vessel underway is required to display masthead lights, sidelights, and a stern light. The masthead lights are white lights located at the front of the vessel, the sidelights are red and green lights located on the sides of the vessel, and the stern light is a white light located at the back of the vessel. This combination of lights allows other vessels to determine the direction and position of the power-driven vessel, ensuring safe navigation.

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  • 16. 

    When a sailing vessel and a power-driven vessel are on a head-on or nearly head-on situation, what collision avoiding action should be taken :

    • A.

      Sailing vessel shall stand-on

    • B.

      Power-driven shall vessel stand-on

    • C.

      Both vessels shall give way

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. Sailing vessel shall stand-on
    In a head-on or nearly head-on situation between a sailing vessel and a power-driven vessel, the sailing vessel is required to stand-on. This means that the sailing vessel should maintain its course and speed, while the power-driven vessel should give way and take necessary actions to avoid a collision. This rule is based on the principle that sailing vessels have limited maneuverability compared to power-driven vessels. By standing-on, the sailing vessel allows the power-driven vessel to maneuver and pass safely.

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  • 17. 

    A vessel at anchor by day, shall exhibit where it can best be seen :

    • A.

      A black diamond at the forepart of the vessel

    • B.

      2 black balls at the forepart of the vessel

    • C.

      One black ball at the forepart of the vessel

    Correct Answer
    C. One black ball at the forepart of the vessel
    A vessel at anchor by day is required to exhibit one black ball at the forepart of the vessel. This is to indicate to other vessels that the vessel is anchored and stationary. The black ball is easily visible and serves as a clear signal to other vessels to navigate around the anchored vessel. The use of one black ball is a standard international maritime signal for an anchored vessel during daylight hours.

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  • 18. 

    As per the International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea, a "vessel constrained by her draught" is to display by day :

    • A.

      A black diamond

    • B.

      A black cone

    • C.

      A black cylinder

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. A black cylinder
    According to the International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea, a "vessel constrained by her draught" is required to display a black cylinder during the day. This visual signal helps other vessels understand that the constrained vessel has limited maneuverability due to its draft and needs to be given priority and space. The black cylinder serves as a clear indication to other vessels to take necessary precautions and avoid any potential collisions.

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  • 19. 

    During daylight, a sailing vessel under sail and power, shall display :

    • A.

      A black ball

    • B.

      A black cone with apex pointing upward

    • C.

      A black cone with apex pointing downward

    Correct Answer
    C. A black cone with apex pointing downward
    During daylight, a sailing vessel under sail and power is required to display a black cone with the apex pointing downward. This signal indicates that the vessel is both under sail and using its engines. It is important for other vessels to be aware of this, as it may affect the sailing vessel's maneuverability and speed. Displaying the black cone helps to ensure safe navigation and prevent collisions at sea.

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  • 20. 

    A vessel displays three black balls. What type of vessel is that :

    • A.

      Constrained by her draught

    • B.

      Restricted in her ability to manoevure

    • C.

      Vessel aground

    • D.

      Not under Command

    Correct Answer
    C. Vessel aground
    The vessel is described as "aground," which means that it is stranded or stuck on the ground or a submerged object. This indicates that the vessel has run aground and is unable to move freely in the water.

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  • 21. 

    At night, a vessel restricted in her ability to manoevure, displays three all round lights in a vertical line, as follows :

    • A.

      The top and bottom lights are red and the middle light is white

    • B.

      The top two lights are red and the bottom light is white

    • C.

      The three lights are white

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    A. The top and bottom lights are red and the middle light is white
    A vessel that is restricted in her ability to maneuver displays three all-round lights in a vertical line, with the top and bottom lights being red and the middle light being white. This configuration is used to indicate to other vessels that the restricted vessel is unable to move freely and may have limited maneuverability. The red lights on the top and bottom serve as a warning to other vessels to keep clear, while the white light in the middle helps to distinguish the vessel from other types of vessels displaying only red lights.

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  • 22. 

    When in doubt of the intention of the “Give-way” vessel, what sound signal shall the “Stand-on” vessel sound :

    • A.

      One prolong blast

    • B.

      5 or more short blasts

    • C.

      3 short blasts

    Correct Answer
    B. 5 or more short blasts
    When in doubt of the intention of the "Give-way" vessel, the "Stand-on" vessel shall sound 5 or more short blasts. This signal is used to indicate doubt or uncertainty about the actions or intentions of the other vessel, and serves as a warning to alert the other vessel to take necessary action to avoid a collision.

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  • 23. 

    In a head on situation, a sailing vessel X, under sail and power, and a tugboat Y engaged in towing, are approaching each other so as to involve risk of collision. What action shall be taken :

    • A.

      X should give way

    • B.

      Y should give way

    • C.

      Both vessels should give way

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. Both vessels should give way
    In a head-on situation where a sailing vessel X is under sail and power and a tugboat Y is engaged in towing, both vessels should give way to each other. This means that both vessels should take action to avoid a collision. The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea state that when two power-driven vessels are meeting head-on, both vessels should alter their course to starboard (right) so that they pass on each other's port (left) side. In this scenario, both the sailing vessel and the tugboat should take evasive action to ensure the safety of both vessels.

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  • 24. 

    In the event of a mechanical breakdown in a narrow channel or fairway :

    • A.

      Signal for help

    • B.

      Anchor the vessel

    • C.

      Move to the starboard side of the channel and anchor

    Correct Answer
    C. Move to the starboard side of the channel and anchor
    In the event of a mechanical breakdown in a narrow channel or fairway, the best course of action is to move to the starboard side of the channel and anchor. This helps to ensure that the vessel is out of the way of other passing vessels and reduces the risk of collision or obstruction in the channel. Anchoring also helps to maintain the vessel's position and prevent it from drifting further into the channel. By moving to the starboard side, the vessel allows sufficient space for other vessels to pass safely on the port side.

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  • 25. 

    You see 2 masthead lights and both sidelights. What vessel is that?

    • A.

      A power driven vessel of more than 50 meters in length

    • B.

      A tug boat towing another vessel and the tow is less than 200 meters in length

    • C.

      It could be „a‟ or „b‟

    Correct Answer
    C. It could be „a‟ or „b‟
    The presence of 2 masthead lights and both sidelights indicates that the vessel is either a power-driven vessel of more than 50 meters in length or a tug boat towing another vessel with a tow length of less than 200 meters.

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  • 26. 

    The flag "A" in the International Code of Signals means :-

    • A.

      I have a diver down below, so keep well clear at slow speed

    • B.

      I am waiting for port clearance

    • C.

      Keep clear of me

    Correct Answer
    A. I have a diver down below, so keep well clear at slow speed
    The flag "A" in the International Code of Signals signifies that there is a diver below, and it is necessary to keep a safe distance at a slow speed. This flag is used to indicate to other vessels that there is a potential danger in the water due to the presence of a diver. It serves as a warning to exercise caution and avoid any actions that could pose a risk to the diver's safety.

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  • 27. 

    In a power driven vessel less than 12 metres in length, what does the combine lantern consist of ?

    • A.

      Port and starboard sidelights

    • B.

      Port, starboard and stern lights

    • C.

      Port, starboard and masthead lights.

    Correct Answer
    A. Port and starboard sidelights
    The combined lantern in a power-driven vessel less than 12 meters in length consists of port and starboard sidelights. These sidelights are used to indicate the vessel's presence and direction to other vessels at night or in restricted visibility. The port sidelight is red and is placed on the left side of the vessel, while the starboard sidelight is green and is placed on the right side. Together, these lights help ensure safe navigation and prevent collisions at sea.

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  • 28. 

    How would you determine if risk of collision exists ?

    • A.

      By observing the relative bearing

    • B.

      The compass bearing of an approaching vessel does not appreciably change

    • C.

      By observing the distance of the other vessel

    Correct Answer
    B. The compass bearing of an approaching vessel does not appreciably change
    To determine if the risk of collision exists, one can observe the compass bearing of an approaching vessel. If the compass bearing does not appreciably change, it indicates that the vessel is on a collision course. This means that the vessels are not altering their course and are heading towards each other, increasing the risk of collision. By monitoring the compass bearing, one can assess the potential danger and take necessary actions to avoid a collision.

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  • 29. 

    Along the East Coast Beach, what distance should a jet-ski keep away from the shoreline:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. 900m
    A jet-ski should keep a distance of 900m away from the shoreline along the East Coast Beach. This distance is likely to be a safety measure to ensure that the jet-ski does not pose a risk to swimmers, beachgoers, or any other watercraft near the shore. Keeping a significant distance from the shoreline helps to prevent accidents and collisions and allows for a safer and more enjoyable experience for everyone on the beach.

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  • 30. 

    How many red hand flares are to be carried onboard a pleasure craft, fully or partially decked?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. 6
    Pleasure craft, whether fully or partially decked, are required to carry a minimum of 6 red hand flares onboard. These flares are essential for signaling distress or attracting attention in case of emergencies while out at sea. Having an adequate number of flares ensures the safety of the crew and passengers and increases the chances of being spotted by rescue teams or nearby vessels.

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  • 31. 

    What is the speed limit imposed by the MPA on all rivers in Singapore ?

    • A.

      6 knots

    • B.

      5 knots

    • C.

      8 knots

    • D.

      4 knots

    Correct Answer
    B. 5 knots
    The speed limit imposed by the MPA on all rivers in Singapore is 5 knots. This means that vessels are not allowed to exceed a speed of 5 knots while navigating in rivers in Singapore.

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  • 32. 

    For an open deck pleasure craft of less than 20m, the number of red hand flares required are:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. 3
    For an open deck pleasure craft of less than 20m, the number of red hand flares required is 3. This is because red hand flares are a type of distress signal used to attract attention in emergency situations. According to safety regulations, pleasure crafts of this size are required to carry a certain number of distress signals on board, including hand flares. In this case, the correct number of red hand flares required is 3.

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  • 33. 

    Selat Sengkir is a :

    • A.

      Water skiing area

    • B.

      Prohibited area

    • C.

      Anchorage area

    Correct Answer
    B. Prohibited area
    Selat Sengkir is a prohibited area. This means that it is an area where certain activities are not allowed or are restricted. The question does not provide any additional information about the location or context of Selat Sengkir, so we cannot determine the specific reasons why it is prohibited. However, it could be due to safety concerns, environmental protection, or other regulations that prohibit certain activities in that area.

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  • 34. 

    Pulau Sebarok is ___________ of Singapore mainland

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. South
    Pulau Sebarok is located south of the Singapore mainland.

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  • 35. 

    Selat Sengkir is a prohibited area off :

    • A.

      Pulau Serangoon

    • B.

      Pulau Brani

    • C.

      Pulau Sudong

    • D.

      Pulau Sinki

    Correct Answer
    B. Pulau Brani
    Selat Sengkir is a prohibited area off Pulau Brani. This means that access to Selat Sengkir is restricted and not allowed in order to maintain security or protect certain resources or activities in that area.

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  • 36. 

    No pleasure craft shall be permitted to :-

    • A.

      Go alongside any public jetty

    • B.

      Tow a parachute or hang-glider in the port

    • C.

      Exceed the speed limit in rivers and East Johor Strait

    • D.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All of the above
    The correct answer is "All of the above." This means that no pleasure craft is allowed to go alongside any public jetty, tow a parachute or hang-glider in the port, or exceed the speed limit in rivers and East Johor Strait.

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  • 37. 

    What is the speed limit imposed by the MPA in the East Johor Strait ?

    • A.

      6 knots

    • B.

      12 knots

    • C.

      5 knots

    • D.

      4 knots

    Correct Answer
    B. 12 knots
    The MPA imposes a speed limit of 12 knots in the East Johor Strait. This means that vessels navigating in this area should not exceed a speed of 12 knots to ensure safety and prevent any potential accidents or damage to the environment. This speed limit helps to regulate the flow of maritime traffic and maintain order in the strait.

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  • 38. 

    In Singapore, where is windsurfing prohibited :-

    • A.

      Nanas Channel

    • B.

      East Johor Straits (serangoon harbour)

    • C.

      West johor straits

    • D.

      Selat sengkir

    Correct Answer
    B. East Johor Straits (serangoon harbour)
    Windsurfing is prohibited in the East Johor Straits (Serangoon Harbour) in Singapore. This area is off-limits for windsurfing due to safety reasons or other regulations.

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  • 39. 

    At what distance should any vessel keep away from a vessel displaying the quarantine, customs or immigration signals :

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. 200m
    Vessels should keep a distance of 200m away from a vessel displaying the quarantine, customs, or immigration signals. This distance is necessary to ensure the safety and privacy of the vessel displaying the signals, as well as to prevent any potential spread of contagious diseases or unauthorized entry. By maintaining this distance, other vessels can avoid any potential risks or interference with the vessel displaying the signals.

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  • 40. 

    The Port Master may inspect the pleasure craft on licensing and thereafter :

    • A.

      Licensed as “SZ” once every 12 months and “SZH” once every 24 months.

    • B.

      Licensed as “SZ” once every 12 months and “SZH” also once every 12 months.

    • C.

      Licensed as “SZ” once every 36 months and “SZH” once every 12 months.

    Correct Answer
    C. Licensed as “SZ” once every 36 months and “SZH” once every 12 months.
    The correct answer is "Licensed as 'SZ' once every 36 months and 'SZH' once every 12 months." This means that the Port Master will inspect the pleasure craft with the license "SZ" every 36 months, and the pleasure craft with the license "SZH" every 12 months. This schedule ensures that both types of pleasure craft are inspected regularly, with the "SZH" craft being inspected more frequently than the "SZ" craft.

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  • 41. 

    What does NIPS stands for?

    • A.

      Navigational Intercoms Protocol System

    • B.

      Navigation Improvement Points System

    • C.

      Nautical Improvement Points System

    Correct Answer
    B. Navigation Improvement Points System
    NIPS stands for Navigation Improvement Points System. This system is used for navigation and refers to a set of points that can be used to improve navigation accuracy. The other options, Navigational Intercoms Protocol System and Nautical Improvement Points System, are not the correct meanings of NIPS.

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  • 42. 

    The lighthouse overlooking Pulau Senang is

    • A.

      Raffles Lighthouse

    • B.

      Sultan Shoal Lighthouse

    • C.

      Bedok Lighthouse

    • D.

      Horsburgh Lighthouse

    Correct Answer
    A. Raffles Lighthouse
    Raffles Lighthouse is the correct answer because it is the lighthouse that overlooks Pulau Senang.

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  • 43. 

    Where is cyreen reef located

    • A.

      Sinki Fairway

    • B.

      Sister Fairway

    • C.

      Eastern Fairway

    • D.

      Jong Fairway

    Correct Answer
    A. Sinki Fairway
    The correct answer is Sinki Fairway. Sinki Fairway is the location of Cyreen Reef.

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  • 44. 

    Where is Changi beacon located?

    • A.

      At Changi General Purpose Anchorage

    • B.

      At Changi point

    • C.

      Off Changi Naval Base

    Correct Answer
    C. Off Changi Naval Base
    The correct answer is "Off Changi Naval Base." This means that the Changi beacon is located near or in close proximity to the Changi Naval Base. The beacon is likely used as a navigational aid or marker for ships and vessels in the area, helping them to identify their location and navigate safely.

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  • 45. 

    As per the MPA regulations, all pleasure craft more than 9 metres in length shall carry

    • A.

      1 fire bucket

    • B.

      2 fire bucket

    • C.

      3 fire bucket

    Correct Answer
    B. 2 fire bucket
    As per the MPA regulations, all pleasure craft more than 9 metres in length are required to carry 2 fire buckets. This regulation is in place to ensure the safety of the passengers and crew on board in case of a fire emergency. Having two fire buckets allows for a backup in case one becomes damaged or unusable. It also ensures that there is enough firefighting equipment available to effectively combat a fire on board a larger vessel.

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  • 46. 

    As per the MPA regulations, fully or partially decked pleasure craft less than 20 metres in length shall carry :

    • A.

      1 life buoy for every 4 person on board

    • B.

      At least 2 life buoys, one on each side with 28 m buoyant lines

    • C.

      1 life buoy for every 2 person on board

    Correct Answer
    B. At least 2 life buoys, one on each side with 28 m buoyant lines
    According to the MPA regulations, fully or partially decked pleasure craft less than 20 meters in length should carry at least 2 life buoys, one on each side, with 28 meters buoyant lines. This requirement ensures that there are enough life buoys available on board to aid in rescuing individuals in case of emergencies. The buoyant lines attached to the life buoys allow for easier retrieval and provide additional safety measures.

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  • 47. 

    At the Tuas Dangerous Goods Jetty, as per the MPA (Port) regulations you are required to comply with the following, except :

    • A.

      Shall not enter within 200 metres away from the main jetty

    • B.

      Shall not anchor within 400 metres from the main jetty head

    • C.

      Shall not anchor or enter within keep 60 metres from the jetty ramp

    • D.

      Shall not enter within 400 metres from the main jetty head when a red flag is flown.

    Correct Answer
    D. Shall not enter within 400 metres from the main jetty head when a red flag is flown.
    The correct answer is "shall not enter within 400 metres from the main jetty head when a red flag is flown." This means that all the other statements are required to be complied with according to the MPA (Port) regulations at the Tuas Dangerous Goods Jetty.

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  • 48. 

    A Beacon is a _____ :

    • A.

      Floating marker

    • B.

      Fixed structure

    • C.

      Light house

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Fixed structure
    A beacon is a fixed structure used as a navigational aid to guide ships and boats. It is typically built on land or on a fixed platform in the water. Beacons are designed to emit light or other signals to help vessels determine their position and avoid hazards. They are often used to mark channels, shoals, or other important points along a coastline or in a body of water. Unlike buoys or floating markers, which can move with the currents or tides, beacons remain in a fixed location.

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  • 49. 

    What is your action when approaching a West Cardinal Buoy right ahead of you, when heading south steering a course of 180deg True?

    • A.

      Alter course either side (port or starboard)

    • B.

      Alter course either side (port or starboard)

    • C.

      Alter my course to starboard and pass at a safe distance

    • D.

      Ask Port Operations for assistance

    Correct Answer
    C. Alter my course to starboard and pass at a safe distance
    When approaching a West Cardinal Buoy right ahead while heading south with a course of 180 degrees True, the correct action is to alter the course to starboard and pass at a safe distance. This is because West Cardinal Buoys indicate that safe water lies to the west of the buoy, and vessels should pass to the west of it. Therefore, altering the course to starboard ensures that the buoy is passed on the correct side, maintaining a safe distance.

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  • 50. 

    What action will you take if while leaving Singapore proceeding east through the East Johor Strait you sight a Port Hand buoy right ahead of you?

    • A.

      Alter course to Port;

    • B.

      Alter course to starboard;

    • C.

      Alter course as directed by the Port Operations;

    • D.

      Alter course to port or starboard.

    Correct Answer
    A. Alter course to Port;
    If while leaving Singapore proceeding east through the East Johor Strait you sight a Port Hand buoy right ahead of you, you should alter your course to port. This means you should steer your vessel to the left in order to pass the buoy on its starboard side. This is because a Port Hand buoy marks the left side of a channel when entering from seaward.

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  • Current Version
  • Sep 03, 2024
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Jul 09, 2012
    Quiz Created by
    Hai Rou
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