The U.S. History: Take The Trivia Questions On Progressivism

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The U.S. History: Take The Trivia Questions On Progressivism - Quiz

The U. S. History: take the trivia questions on progressivism. The term “progressivism” defines a variety of responses to the economic and social problems that rapid industrialization introduced to America – it began as a social movement and grew into a political one. What do you know about it? How about you take this interesting quiz and see what you stand to learn.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    The main idea of Theodore Roosevelt's proposed "New Nationalism" was to

    • A.

      Make the federal government an instrument of domestic reform.

    • B.

      Undertake an aggressive new foreign policy.

    • C.

      Increase economic competition by breaking up all trusts and large business combinations.

    Correct Answer
    A. Make the federal government an instrument of domestic reform.
    The main idea of Theodore Roosevelt's proposed "New Nationalism" was to make the federal government an instrument of domestic reform. This means that Roosevelt believed that the government should play an active role in addressing social and economic issues within the country. He advocated for policies that would regulate and control big businesses, protect workers' rights, and promote social justice. Roosevelt believed that the government should have the power to intervene and bring about positive change in society. This idea of using the federal government as a tool for domestic reform was a central theme of Roosevelt's political philosophy.

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  • 2. 

    The settlement house movement drew its workers primarily from which of the following groups? 

    • A.

      Often illiterate members of the urban working class

    • B.

      Young, affluent college-educated women

    • C.

      Idealistic young men who came to the city largely from rural areas

    Correct Answer
    B. Young, affluent college-educated women
    The settlement house movement primarily drew its workers from young, affluent college-educated women. These women were often from privileged backgrounds and had the resources and education to dedicate themselves to social reform. They were motivated by a sense of idealism and a desire to help improve the lives of the less fortunate in urban areas. By working in settlement houses, they aimed to provide social services, education, and support to the urban working class and immigrant populations.

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  • 3. 

    Which of the following statements best summarizes Theodore Roosevelt's position on trusts?

    • A.

      Trusts are an economic evil and should be destroyed in every case.

    • B.

      Only trusts in the railroad and oil industries are acceptable.

    • C.

      Only trusts in the meatpacking industry should be broken up.

    • D.

      Good trusts should be tolerated while bad trusts are prevented from manipulating markets.

    Correct Answer
    D. Good trusts should be tolerated while bad trusts are prevented from manipulating markets.
    Theodore Roosevelt's position on trusts can be summarized as follows: Good trusts should be tolerated while bad trusts are prevented from manipulating markets. This means that Roosevelt believed that not all trusts were inherently bad, but rather that there were some trusts that operated in a fair and beneficial manner. However, he also recognized that there were trusts that engaged in unfair practices to manipulate markets and exploit consumers, and these trusts should be broken up or regulated to prevent such behavior.

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  • 4. 

    Edward Bellamy's book Looking Backward was

    • A.

      A detailed program for social reform

    • B.

      A futuristic utopian fantasy.

    • C.

      A fictional expose of the meatpacking industry.

    • D.

      The catalyst of the social gospel movement.

    Correct Answer
    B. A futuristic utopian fantasy.
    Edward Bellamy's book Looking Backward is a work of fiction that presents a vision of a future society. It depicts a utopian world where social and economic inequalities have been eliminated, and everyone lives in harmony. The book explores ideas of social reform and offers a futuristic perspective on what an ideal society could look like. Therefore, the correct answer is "a futuristic utopian fantasy."

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  • 5. 

    All of the following statements are true of Henry George EXCEPT

    • A.

      He argued that increasing prosperity was causing increasing poverty.

    • B.

      He believed government should take a laissez-faire philosophy.

    • C.

      He asserted that economic inequality was the result of private ownership of land.

    • D.

      He desired large-scale public works.

    Correct Answer
    B. He believed government should take a laissez-faire pHilosopHy.
    Henry George believed that increasing prosperity was causing increasing poverty, he asserted that economic inequality was the result of private ownership of land, and he desired large-scale public works. However, he did not believe that the government should take a laissez-faire philosophy.

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  • 6. 

    Which of the following was passed into law during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson?

    • A.

      The Pure Food and Drug Act

    • B.

      A high protective tariff

    • C.

      A progressive income tax

    • D.

      The Sherman Antitrust Act

    Correct Answer
    C. A progressive income tax
    During Woodrow Wilson's presidency, a progressive income tax was passed into law. This type of tax system imposes higher tax rates on individuals with higher incomes, aiming to create a more equitable distribution of wealth. The implementation of a progressive income tax was a significant milestone in the progressive movement, which sought to address social and economic inequalities in the United States. This legislation marked a shift towards a more progressive and fairer tax system in the country.

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  • 7. 

    During William H. Taft's administration, the federal government moved to strengthen its regulatory control over the railroad industry by 

    • A.

      Passage of the Mann-Elkins Act

    • B.

      Creation of the Federal Trade Commission

    • C.

      Passage of the "Granger Laws"

    • D.

      Taking over an doperating the railroads

    Correct Answer
    A. Passage of the Mann-Elkins Act
    During William H. Taft's administration, the federal government passed the Mann-Elkins Act to strengthen its regulatory control over the railroad industry. This act expanded the power of the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) to regulate telephone, telegraph, and cable companies in addition to railroads. It also gave the ICC the authority to set maximum rates and regulate financial transactions of these industries. The Mann-Elkins Act aimed to address concerns about unfair business practices and ensure fair competition within the railroad industry.

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  • 8. 

    All of the following are true of William H. Taft EXCEPT

    • A.

      He was an able and efficient administrator.

    • B.

      He reversed Theodore Roosevelt's conservationist policies.

    • C.

      He was little inclined to making rousing speeches or engage in political conflict.

    • D.

      His administration was more active in prosecuting trusts than Roosevelt's had been.

    Correct Answer
    B. He reversed Theodore Roosevelt's conservationist policies.
    William H. Taft was known for being an able and efficient administrator, as well as for his lack of inclination towards making rousing speeches or engaging in political conflict. Additionally, his administration was more active in prosecuting trusts than Roosevelt's had been. However, he did not reverse Theodore Roosevelt's conservationist policies, making this statement false.

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  • 9. 

    A member of the Social Gospel movement would probably

    • A.

      Assert that the poor were themselves at fault for their circumstances.

    • B.

      Maintain that abuses and social degradation resulted solely from a lack of willpower on the part of those who committed them.

    • C.

      Hold that religion is an entirely individualistic matter.

    • D.

      Argue that Christions should work to reorganize the industrial system and bring about international peace.

    Correct Answer
    D. Argue that Christions should work to reorganize the industrial system and bring about international peace.
    A member of the Social Gospel movement would argue that Christians should work to reorganize the industrial system and bring about international peace. This is because the Social Gospel movement emphasized the belief that Christianity should not only focus on personal salvation but also on addressing social issues and improving society as a whole. They believed that Christians had a responsibility to advocate for social justice, alleviate poverty, and promote peace.

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  • 10. 

    All of the following statements are true of John Dewey EXCEPT

    • A.

      He strove to strengthen the child's respect for parental and other traditional authority.

    • B.

      He substituted the authority of the peer group for that of the teacher so that the child would be socialized and schooling would be made relevant to him.

    • C.

      He was much influenced by William James.

    • D.

      He has been called the father of Progressive Education.

    Correct Answer
    A. He strove to strengthen the child's respect for parental and other traditional authority.
    John Dewey believed in progressive education and emphasized the importance of the child's individuality and freedom. He did not strive to strengthen the child's respect for parental and other traditional authority. Instead, he advocated for a more democratic and student-centered approach to education, where the authority of the teacher was substituted with the authority of the peer group. Dewey was influenced by William James and is often referred to as the father of Progressive Education.

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  • 11. 

    The Progressives attacked a number of social, political, and economic evils in the American system EXCEPT

    • A.

      Child labor

    • B.

      The rights of African-Americans

    • C.

      Low wages for women.

    • D.

      Unequal wealth.

    Correct Answer
    B. The rights of African-Americans
    The Progressives were a reform movement in the early 20th century that aimed to address various social, political, and economic issues in the American system. They sought to tackle problems such as child labor, low wages for women, and unequal wealth distribution. However, the rights of African-Americans were not a focus of the Progressives. This can be attributed to the prevailing racism and segregation during that time, which limited the attention and efforts towards achieving equality for African-Americans.

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  • 12. 

    The muckrakersI. were crusading journalists, novelists, historians, economists, sociologists, and philosophers who exposed corruption in government and business.II. aroused the public to support consumer protection reforms, direct election of senators, municipal ownership of utilities, and the city-manager systemIII. were partly responsible for the success of the Progressive movement in the period before World War I. 

    • A.

      I, II, and III

    • B.

      I and II only

    • C.

      III only

    • D.

      I only

    Correct Answer
    A. I, II, and III
    The muckrakers were a diverse group of individuals including journalists, novelists, historians, economists, sociologists, and philosophers who exposed corruption in government and business. They not only brought attention to these issues but also played a significant role in mobilizing public support for important reforms such as consumer protection, direct election of senators, municipal ownership of utilities, and the city-manager system. Their efforts were instrumental in the success of the Progressive movement in the period before World War I. Therefore, all three statements accurately describe the impact and significance of the muckrakers.

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  • 13. 

    She coined the phrase "birth control" and published a magazine appropriately named Woman Rebel. Who was this pioneer advocate of family planning in the Progressive era?

    • A.

      Alice Paul

    • B.

      Ida Tarbell

    • C.

      Margaret Sanger

    • D.

      Jane Addams

    Correct Answer
    C. Margaret Sanger
    Margaret Sanger is the correct answer because she was a pioneer advocate of family planning during the Progressive era. She coined the phrase "birth control" and published a magazine called Woman Rebel, which indicates her dedication to promoting reproductive rights and access to contraception. Alice Paul, Ida Tarbell, and Jane Addams were notable figures in their own right, but they were not specifically known for their advocacy of family planning like Margaret Sanger.

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  • 14. 

    From 1865 to 1900 city dwellers faced many problems. Which was NOT an urban problem in this period?

    • A.

      An influx of blacks moving out of the South into northern cities, creating large black ghettos.

    • B.

      Reliance upon a politically chosen police force to maintain order.

    • C.

      A lack of clean water and inadequate sewerage facilities

    • D.

      A lack of open space for parks

    Correct Answer
    A. An influx of blacks moving out of the South into northern cities, creating large black ghettos.
    During the period from 1865 to 1900, city dwellers faced several urban problems. These included a reliance upon a politically chosen police force to maintain order, a lack of clean water and inadequate sewerage facilities, and a lack of open space for parks. However, an influx of blacks moving out of the South into northern cities and creating large black ghettos was not considered an urban problem during this time.

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  • 15. 

    Which of the following was NOT true concerning the creation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the NAACP 

    • A.

      Many of the whites behind it were the descendants of abolitionists.

    • B.

      It supported the programs and philosophy of Booker T. Washington

    • C.

      The immediate impetus for it sprang from a race riot in Springfield, Illinois, within sight of Lincoln's tomb.

    • D.

      It grew out of the Niagara Movement, a 1905 convention of black leaders.

    Correct Answer
    B. It supported the programs and pHilosopHy of Booker T. Washington
    The correct answer is "It supported the programs and philosophy of Booker T. Washington." This means that the creation of the NAACP did not align with or endorse the programs and philosophy advocated by Booker T. Washington. Washington believed in gradual progress for African Americans through vocational education and economic self-reliance, while the NAACP aimed for immediate civil and political rights for African Americans.

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  • 16. 

    Which of the following statements about woman suffrage is true?

    • A.

      California and Oregon were the first states to have complete woman suffrage.

    • B.

      The only states with complete woman suffrage before 1900 were west of the Mississippi.

    • C.

      No state granted woman suffrage before 1900.

    • D.

      Woman suffrage was introduced into the South during Radical Reconstruction.

    Correct Answer
    B. The only states with complete woman suffrage before 1900 were west of the Mississippi.
    The correct answer is that the only states with complete woman suffrage before 1900 were west of the Mississippi. This means that California and Oregon were indeed the first states to have complete woman suffrage, as they were both located west of the Mississippi. This statement implies that no other states granted woman suffrage before 1900, and it also suggests that woman suffrage was not introduced into the South during Radical Reconstruction.

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  • 17. 

    During William H. Taft's administration, the federal government moved to strengthen its regulatory control over the railroad industry by

    • A.

      Passage of the Mann-Elkins Act.

    • B.

      Creation of the Federal Ttrade Commission.

    • C.

      Removal of former legal obstacles to consolidation of the railroads into giant corporations.

    • D.

      Taking over and operating the railroads.

    Correct Answer
    A. Passage of the Mann-Elkins Act.
    During William H. Taft's administration, the federal government took steps to increase its regulatory authority over the railroad industry. The Mann-Elkins Act was passed during this time, which further strengthened the government's control. This act granted the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) the power to regulate telephone, telegraph, and cable companies, in addition to its existing authority over railroads. By expanding the ICC's jurisdiction, the Mann-Elkins Act aimed to ensure fair and reasonable rates and prevent unfair business practices within the industry. Therefore, the correct answer is the passage of the Mann-Elkins Act.

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