EcoSystem Quiz Questions And Answers

Reviewed by Stephen Reinbold
Stephen Reinbold, PhD (Biological Sciences) |
Biology Instructor
Review Board Member
Stephen Reinbold has a PhD in Biological Sciences and a strong passion for teaching. He taught various subjects including General Biology, Environmental Science, Zoology, Genetics, and Anatomy & Physiology at Metropolitan Community College in Kansas City, Missouri, for nearly thirty years. He focused on scientific methodology and student research projects. Now retired, he works part-time as an editor and engages in online activities.
, PhD (Biological Sciences)
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| By Junho Song
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Ecosystem Quiz Questions And Answers - Quiz

Embark on an enlightening journey with our captivating 'Ecosystem Quiz.' Delve into the intricate web of living organisms, their environments, and the dynamic interplay with nonliving components. Ecosystems shape the Earth, influencing climate, biodiversity, and life's prosperity.

Join the exploration, enhance your understanding of the natural world, and celebrate the beauty of ecological balance. Whether you're a climate enthusiast or just curious, this quiz promises an enjoyable and informative experience. Uncover the secrets of ecosystems and deepen your appreciation for the interconnectedness of life on our planet. Take the quiz now and become an ecosystem aficionado!

Ecosystem Questions and Answers

  • 1. 

    Temperature, light, air, water, soil, and climate are all __________ parts of the environment.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Abiotic
    The given question is asking for the correct term to describe the mentioned parts of the environment. The options provided are "biotic," "abiotic," "boreal," and "living." Among these options, "abiotic" is the correct answer because it refers to non-living components of the environment such as temperature, light, air, water, soil, and climate. These factors are essential for the functioning of an ecosystem but do not involve living organisms, hence they are considered abiotic.

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  • 2. 

    Choose the phrase that correctly finishes this statement: "A species is..."

    • A.

      A specific part of the abiotic environment.

    • B.

      A way of describing all the living parts of an ecosystem.

    • C.

      A group of organisms that can successfully mate with each other and reproduce.

    • D.

      Part of the natural decomposing materials in soil.

    Correct Answer
    C. A group of organisms that can successfully mate with each other and reproduce.
    A species is a group of organisms that can successfully mate with each other and reproduce. This definition is based on the biological concept of species, which defines a species as a group of individuals that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. This is the most widely accepted definition of a species in the scientific community and is used to classify and categorize different organisms.

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  • 3. 

    Ecology is the study of what? 

    • A.

      Abiotic parts of the environment, such as climate, air, and soil.

    • B.

      Biotic parts of the environment, such as animals and plants.

    • C.

      Interactions between organisms.

    • D.

      Interactions between organisms as well as the interactions between organisms and their environment.

    Correct Answer
    D. Interactions between organisms as well as the interactions between organisms and their environment.
    Ecology is the study of interactions between organisms as well as the interactions between organisms and their environment. This means that ecologists not only study how organisms interact with each other, but also how they interact with their surroundings, including the abiotic factors such as climate, air, and soil. By understanding these interactions, ecologists can gain insights into the functioning of ecosystems and how they may be affected by various factors.

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  • 4. 

    What is an ecosystem?

    • A.

      All the interacting organisms that live in an environment and the abiotic parts of the environment that affect the organisms.

    • B.

      A person who observes and studies the interactions between the biotic and abiotic parts of the environment.

    • C.

      The relationship among the biotic parts of the environment.

    • D.

      The relationship between all the abiotic elements of a pond.

    Correct Answer
    A. All the interacting organisms that live in an environment and the abiotic parts of the environment that affect the organisms.
    An ecosystem refers to all the interacting organisms that live in a specific environment, such as a forest or a pond, and the abiotic (non-living) components of the environment that have an impact on these organisms. This includes factors like temperature, water availability, soil composition, and sunlight. The organisms within an ecosystem depend on each other and their surroundings for survival, and their interactions shape the overall functioning of the ecosystem.

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  • 5. 

    What is it called when populations share their environment and interact with populations of other species?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. Community
    A community refers to the interactions and relationships between different populations of species that coexist in the same environment. It involves the study of how different species interact with each other and with their environment. This term encompasses the various organisms, such as plants, animals, and microorganisms, that live together in a particular habitat and influence each other's survival and reproduction. It emphasizes the interdependence and interconnectedness of species within an ecosystem.

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  • 6. 

    Space where an organism lives and the role an organism plays within its ecosystem is referred to as what?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. Niche
    A niche refers to the specific space or habitat where an organism lives, as well as the role it plays within its ecosystem. It includes the organism's interactions with other species, its behavior, and the resources it utilizes. The niche of an organism is unique and specialized, allowing it to survive and thrive in its environment.

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  • 7. 

    An organism that creates its own food is called what?

    • A.

      A producer

    • B.

      A consumer

    • C.

      A scavenger

    • D.

      A decomposer

    • E.

      A carnivore

    Correct Answer
    A. A producer
    An organism that creates its own food is called a producer. Producers, such as plants and some types of bacteria, are capable of photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. They use sunlight or chemical energy to convert inorganic substances into organic compounds, such as glucose, which can be used as food. This ability to produce their own food sets them apart from consumers, scavengers, decomposers, and carnivores, which rely on consuming other organisms or organic matter for their energy and nutrient needs.

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  • 8. 

    What is a consumer?

    • A.

      An organism that produces its own food.

    • B.

      An organism that does not need food to survive.

    • C.

      An abiotic organism.

    • D.

      An organism that cannot produce its own food.

    Correct Answer
    D. An organism that cannot produce its own food.
    The correct answer is "an organism that cannot produce its own food." This is because a consumer is an organism that obtains energy by consuming other organisms or organic matter. Unlike producers, which can produce their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis, consumers rely on external sources for their energy and nutrients.

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  • 9. 

    Which of the following organisms are examples of producers?

    • A.

      Plants and phytoplankton.

    • B.

      Plants and consumers.

    • C.

      Consumers and phytoplankton.

    • D.

      Phytoplankton and chlorophyll.

    • E.

      Phytoplankton and herbivores.

    Correct Answer
    A. Plants and pHytoplankton.
    Plants and phytoplankton are both examples of producers. Producers are organisms that can convert sunlight into energy through the process of photosynthesis. Plants on land and phytoplankton in water both have the ability to use sunlight to produce their own food, making them producers in the ecosystem. Consumers, on the other hand, are organisms that obtain energy by consuming other organisms. Therefore, plants and phytoplankton are the correct answer as they are the only options that fit the definition of producers.

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  • 10. 

    Why is a food web more realistic than a food chain for showing the feeding relationships in ecosystems?

    • A.

      It compares the number of consumers to the number of micro-organisms in an ecosystem.

    • B.

      Food chains use only a small sampling of organisms.

    • C.

      A food web explains why there are more producers than consumers.

    • D.

      Producers are usually eaten by many different consumers and most consumers are eaten by more than one predator.

    Correct Answer
    D. Producers are usually eaten by many different consumers and most consumers are eaten by more than one predator.
    A food web is more realistic than a food chain for showing the feeding relationships in ecosystems because producers are usually eaten by many different consumers, and most consumers are eaten by more than one predator. This demonstrates the interconnectedness and complexity of the relationships between organisms in an ecosystem. In contrast, food chains only depict a linear sequence of organisms and do not capture the full range of interactions that occur in nature. By illustrating the multiple interactions and interdependencies among organisms, a food web provides a more accurate representation of the complexity of feeding relationships in ecosystems.

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  • 11. 

    The largest percentage of solar energy that penetrates the atmosphere of the Earth is used for what?

    • A.

      Heat the atmosphere and the Earth’s surface.

    • B.

      Carry on photosynthesis.

    • C.

      Generate winds.

    • D.

      Heat and evaporate water.

    Correct Answer
    A. Heat the atmospHere and the Earth’s surface.
    Solar energy that reaches the Earth's atmosphere is primarily used to heat the atmosphere and the Earth's surface. This energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface and then radiated back into the atmosphere as heat. This process contributes to the warming of the atmosphere and the surface of the Earth.

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  • 12. 

    What does albedo measure in terms of light percentage?

    • A.

      Absorbed by an object.

    • B.

      Transmitted through the atmosphere.

    • C.

      Converted into sugar by photosynthesis.

    • D.

      Reflected by an object.

    • E.

      Transferred to plants.

    Correct Answer
    D. Reflected by an object.
    Albedo is a measure of the percentage of light that is reflected by an object. It quantifies the ability of an object to reflect light rather than absorbing or transmitting it. Albedo is commonly used in the context of Earth's surface, where it refers to the amount of sunlight reflected by different surfaces such as ice, water, or land. A high albedo means that more light is reflected, while a low albedo means that more light is absorbed.

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  • 13. 

    What term is used to describe a species of plant or animal that is at risk of imminent extinction or extirpation?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Special concern

    Correct Answer
    C. Endangered
    A species of plant or animal that is facing imminent extinction or extirpation is said to be endangered. This means that the species is at a very high risk of becoming extinct in the near future. The term "endangered" is used to describe species that are critically at risk and require immediate conservation efforts to prevent their extinction.

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  • 14. 

    Consider this food chain: algae       -->        water fleas    -->     minnows        -->        trout      -->       bear The minnows in this food chain are:

    • A.

      Top carnivores.

    • B.

      Tertiary carnivores.

    • C.

      Secondary carnivores.

    • D.

      Primary carnivores.

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. Secondary carnivores.
    In this food chain:
    Algae are the primary producers.
    Water fleas, which eat algae, are primary consumers (herbivores).
    Minnows, which eat water fleas, are secondary consumers, making them secondary carnivores.
    Trout, which eat minnows, are tertiary consumers (tertiary carnivores).
    Bears, which eat trout, are quaternary consumers (top carnivores).
    So, the minnows are secondary carnivores.

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  • 15. 

    Heterotrophs obtain energy from all of the following except:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Solar radiation

    • D.

      Other heterotrophs

    Correct Answer
    C. Solar radiation
    Heterotrophs are organisms that rely on obtaining energy from external sources, as they cannot produce their own energy through processes like photosynthesis. They acquire energy by consuming organic matter, decomposing dead organisms, engaging in parasitism, or consuming other heterotrophs. However, solar radiation is not a direct source of energy for heterotrophs. Instead, solar radiation (sunlight) is a source of energy for autotrophs (plants) that undergo photosynthesis to produce organic compounds, which then serve as food sources for heterotrophs.

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  • 16. 

    For the food web below: What does the praying mantis represent?  

    • A.

      A primary consumer.

    • B.

      A secondary consumer.

    • C.

      A tertiary consumer.

    • D.

      A producer.

    • E.

      A decomposer.

    Correct Answer
    A. A primary consumer.
    The praying mantis is a primary consumer because it primarily feeds on herbivorous insects such as crickets, grasshoppers, and flies. As an insect predator, it occupies the second trophic level in food chains, consuming producers indirectly through the consumption of herbivores, thus playing a crucial role in ecosystem dynamics.

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  • 17. 

    For the following food chain: seeds à sparrow à owl If there are 100 000 kJ of energy available in the seeds, how many kilojoules are passed on to the owl?

    • A.


    • B.

      1 kJ

    • C.

      10 kJ

    • D.

      100 kJ

    • E.

      1 000 kJ

    Correct Answer
    E. 1 000 kJ
    In a food chain, energy is transferred from one organism to another. As we move up the food chain, the energy available decreases. In this case, the seeds have 100,000 kJ of energy. The sparrow, being the next organism in the chain, will receive a portion of this energy. Since the owl is at the top of the chain, it will receive the lowest amount of energy. Therefore, the owl will receive 1,000 kJ of energy.

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  • 18. 

    Which of the following is NOT an abiotic factor?

    • A.


    • B.

      Light intensity.

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Decomposer
    A decomposer is not an abiotic factor because it refers to an organism that breaks down dead organic matter, such as dead plants and animals, into simpler substances. Abiotic factors, on the other hand, are non-living components of an ecosystem, such as light intensity, wind, humidity, and temperature. These factors play a crucial role in shaping the environment and influencing the distribution and behavior of living organisms.

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  • 19. 

    The graph below shows the changes in the size of the populations of two different species of paramecia placed in one beaker consecutively. What can be concluded from this graph?

    • A.

      Paramecium A is the predator; paramecium B is the prey.

    • B.

      Paramecium B is the predator; paramecium A is the prey.

    • C.

      The introduction of paramecium B is followed by a decline in the population of paramecium A.

    • D.

      Paramecium B reaches a steady state of growth.

    • E.

      Paramecium A reaches a steady state of growth.

    Correct Answer
    C. The introduction of paramecium B is followed by a decline in the population of paramecium A.
Stephen Reinbold |PhD (Biological Sciences) |
Biology Instructor
Stephen Reinbold has a PhD in Biological Sciences and a strong passion for teaching. He taught various subjects including General Biology, Environmental Science, Zoology, Genetics, and Anatomy & Physiology at Metropolitan Community College in Kansas City, Missouri, for nearly thirty years. He focused on scientific methodology and student research projects. Now retired, he works part-time as an editor and engages in online activities.

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  • Current Version
  • Aug 14, 2024
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team

    Expert Reviewed by
    Stephen Reinbold
  • Sep 21, 2009
    Quiz Created by
    Junho Song
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