How Much You Know About Social Group Work? Trivia Quiz

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| By Erzawadz
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How Much You Know About Social Group Work? Trivia Quiz - Quiz


Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    A ___ approach to social group work practice is grounded in knowledge accumulated from research studies in the literature

    A critical thinking/evidence-based approach to social group work practice means that decisions and interventions are based on a thorough analysis of research studies and literature. This approach involves critically evaluating the available evidence to inform practice and make informed decisions. It emphasizes the importance of using empirical evidence and research findings to guide interventions and ensure that social group work is effective and based on the best available knowledge.

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  • 2. 

    The ___ approach emphasizes that social workers are called on to practice with a broad range of treatment and task groups

    The term "generalist" refers to an approach in social work that highlights the need for social workers to have a wide range of skills and knowledge in order to work effectively with various treatment and task groups. This approach emphasizes the importance of being able to adapt and provide support in different contexts, rather than specializing in a specific area. Social workers practicing from a generalist perspective are equipped to address the diverse needs of individuals, families, and communities, and are able to intervene at different levels of intervention, such as micro, mezzo, and macro.

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  • 3. 

    The right of group members to be fully acquainted with the risks and benefits of participation in a group is called ___

    The term "consent" refers to the right of group members to be fully informed about the potential risks and benefits associated with their participation in a group. It implies that individuals have the freedom to make an informed decision and agree to participate voluntarily, without any coercion or pressure. This concept is crucial in ensuring that individuals have autonomy and control over their own choices and can make decisions based on their own understanding and judgment.

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  • 4. 

    Those groups that come together through some outside influence of intervention are called

  • 5. 

    Those groups that come together spntaneously on the basis of naturally occurring events, interpersonal attraction, or mutually perceived needs are called ___ groups

    The term "natural" refers to something that occurs without any external influence or intervention. In the context of the question, "natural" groups are those that form spontaneously based on naturally occurring events, interpersonal attraction, or mutually perceived needs. These groups are not organized or planned, but rather come together naturally.

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  • 6. 

    There are two basic types of formed groups, ___ groups and ___ groups

    The given question is asking about the two basic types of formed groups. The correct answer is "treatment" and "task". Treatment groups are formed based on a specific intervention or treatment being applied to the group members, while task groups are formed to accomplish a specific task or goal. These two types of groups serve different purposes and have different dynamics.

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  • 7. 

    A group whose major purpose is to meet members' socioemotional needs is called a ___ group

    A group whose major purpose is to meet members' socioemotional needs is called a treatment group. Treatment groups are focused on providing support, therapy, or interventions to help individuals address their emotional, psychological, or social well-being. These groups aim to improve members' quality of life, enhance their coping skills, and promote personal growth and development. By creating a safe and supportive environment, treatment groups offer opportunities for individuals to share their experiences, receive validation, and gain insights from others facing similar challenges.

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  • 8. 

    ___ groups are likely to have more formalized rules about their meetings

    Task groups are likely to have more formalized rules about their meetings because they are focused on accomplishing a specific objective or task. These groups often have a clear agenda and timeline for completing their goals, which requires a more structured approach to their meetings. By having formalized rules, such as designated speaking times, meeting protocols, and decision-making processes, task groups can ensure that their meetings are efficient and productive. This helps to keep members focused on the task at hand and ensures that everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute and participate.

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  • 9. 

    Self disclosure is expected to be high in ___ groups

    In treatment groups, self-disclosure is expected to be high because individuals are encouraged to openly share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences as part of the therapeutic process. This high level of self-disclosure helps facilitate trust, understanding, and effective communication between group members and the therapist, leading to better outcomes in the treatment.

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  • 10. 

    A group that helps members learn social skills and socially acceptable behaviour is called a ___ group

    A group that helps members learn social skills and socially acceptable behavior is called a socialization group. This type of group provides a platform for individuals to develop and enhance their social skills, such as communication, cooperation, and empathy. By engaging in various activities and interactions within the group, members can learn how to navigate social situations effectively and understand the norms and expectations of society. Overall, a socialization group plays a crucial role in facilitating the acquisition of social skills and promoting positive social behavior.

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  • 11. 

    A worker's actions in the group are affected by:

    • A.

      The client's value system

    • B.

      The worker's personal value system

    • C.

      Both client and worker's value system

    • D.

      Neither, the worker should be value free

    Correct Answer
    C. Both client and worker's value system
    The worker's actions in a group are influenced by both the client's value system and the worker's personal value system. The client's value system can impact the worker's approach and decisions as they strive to meet the client's needs and expectations. Similarly, the worker's personal value system plays a role in shaping their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors, which can influence their interactions and responses within the group. Thus, both the client and worker's value systems are important factors that can affect the worker's actions in a group setting.

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  • 12. 

    A group whose primary purpose is to foster mututal aid is called a"

    • A.

      Socialization group

    • B.

      Growth group

    • C.

      Therapy group

    • D.

      Support group

    Correct Answer
    D. Support group
    A support group is a group whose primary purpose is to foster mutual aid. Support groups provide a safe and understanding environment for individuals facing similar challenges or circumstances to come together and support each other emotionally, mentally, and sometimes even physically. These groups offer a platform for individuals to share their experiences, seek advice, and provide comfort and encouragement to one another. The focus of a support group is to provide a network of support and empathy, allowing members to feel understood and less alone in their struggles.

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  • 13. 

    An encounter group for married couples is an example of which type of group?

    • A.

      Therapy group

    • B.

      Education group

    • C.

      Growth group

    • D.

      Socialization group

    Correct Answer
    C. Growth group
    An encounter group for married couples is an example of a growth group because it focuses on personal development and self-awareness. In this type of group, individuals come together to explore their emotions, behaviors, and relationships in order to grow and improve themselves. The group provides a supportive and non-judgmental environment where couples can learn from each other's experiences, gain insights, and develop new skills to enhance their relationship and personal growth.

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  • 14. 

    There is no such thing as value-free group work practice

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    This statement suggests that it is not possible to have a completely unbiased or neutral approach in group work practice. It implies that personal values and biases are inevitable and will influence the way group work is conducted. Therefore, the correct answer is True, indicating that there is no such thing as value-free group work practice.

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  • 15. 

    The organization or agency that sponsors a group is part of the value system that influences a worker's stance toward the group

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    The explanation for the given answer is that the organization or agency that sponsors a group plays a significant role in shaping the values and beliefs of the workers associated with that group. The values and principles upheld by the sponsoring organization are often passed down to the workers, influencing their attitudes and behaviors towards the group. This connection between the sponsoring organization and the worker's stance towards the group highlights the impact of the organization's value system on the individual worker.

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  • 16. 

    Good supervision can facilitate an understnding of the effects that a group worker's value system has on his/her ability to facilitate a successful group

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    Good supervision plays a crucial role in helping a group worker understand how their value system can impact their ability to effectively facilitate a successful group. Through supervision, the group worker can gain insights into their own values, biases, and beliefs, which may influence their interactions with group members. This understanding enables them to be more self-aware and make conscious choices that align with the goals and needs of the group. Ultimately, good supervision enhances the group worker's ability to navigate potential value conflicts and create a supportive and inclusive environment for group members.

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  • 17. 

    Natural groups arise spontaneously and lack formal sponsorship

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    Natural groups are formed organically without any formal sponsorship or intervention. They emerge naturally based on common interests, shared goals, or similar characteristics among individuals. These groups are not organized or sponsored by any official authority or organization but rather form through mutual connections and interactions. Therefore, the statement "natural groups arise spontaneously and lack formal sponsorship" is true.

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  • 18. 

    The forces that result from the interactions of group members are often referred to as ___

    Correct Answer
    group dynamics
    The term "group dynamics" refers to the forces or interactions that occur among members of a group. These forces can include communication patterns, power dynamics, decision-making processes, and social relationships. By understanding group dynamics, we can gain insights into how individuals within a group influence and are influenced by each other, and how these interactions shape the overall behavior and performance of the group.

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  • 19. 

    ___ is the term for the dynamic interplay of forces in which contact between persons results in a modification of the behaviour and attitudes of participants

    Correct Answer
    social interaction
    Social interaction refers to the dynamic interplay of forces in which contact between persons results in a modification of their behavior and attitudes. It involves the exchange of information, ideas, and emotions between individuals, leading to the shaping of their actions and thoughts. Through social interaction, people learn from each other, form relationships, and develop a sense of belonging and identity within a society. It is a fundamental aspect of human life and plays a crucial role in shaping social norms, culture, and individual development.

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  • 20. 

    ___ is the process by which people convey meanings to each other by using symbols

    Correct Answer
    Communication is the process through which individuals exchange information, ideas, and emotions using symbols such as words, gestures, or visual representations. It involves the transmission and reception of messages between a sender and receiver, allowing for the conveyance of meaning and understanding. Communication is essential for effective interpersonal relationships, collaboration, and the sharing of knowledge and experiences. It plays a vital role in various aspects of life, including personal, professional, and social interactions.

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  • 21. 

    ___ is a mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive group and their strivings for unanimity override their motivation to appraise alternative courses of action

    Correct Answer
    group think
    Groupthink is a phenomenon where individuals prioritize group consensus and harmony over critical thinking and independent decision-making. When people are deeply connected to a cohesive group, they may suppress their own doubts and dissenting opinions to maintain unity within the group. This can lead to poor decision-making, as alternative perspectives and solutions are not thoroughly considered. Groupthink often occurs when there is a high level of conformity and pressure to conform within the group.

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  • 22. 

    ___ is the term that refers to how members fit together and are accepted in the group, how social order and stability are preserved, and how the group gains sufficient compliance conformity from its members to enable it to function in an orderly manner

    Correct Answer
    social integration
    Social integration is the term that refers to how members fit together and are accepted in the group, how social order and stability are preserved, and how the group gains sufficient compliance conformity from its members to enable it to function in an orderly manner. It encompasses the processes and mechanisms through which individuals become part of a group, develop relationships, and adhere to the norms and expectations of the group. Social integration is essential for maintaining harmony and cooperation within a group or society.

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  • 23. 

    Norms, roles, and status hierarchies all lead to ___

    Correct Answer
    social influence
    Norms, roles, and status hierarchies are all social constructs that shape and guide human behavior within a society. Norms are the accepted standards of behavior, roles define the expected behaviors and responsibilities of individuals in specific positions, and status hierarchies establish the social ranking and power dynamics. These social constructs collectively influence individuals to conform to the established norms, adhere to their assigned roles, and respect the hierarchical order. Thus, norms, roles, and status hierarchies all contribute to social influence, shaping how individuals think, act, and interact within a social group or community.

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  • 24. 

    The term ___ refers to values, beliefs, customs, and traditions held in common by group members

    Correct Answer
    group culture
    The term "group culture" refers to the shared values, beliefs, customs, and traditions that are held in common by the members of a particular group. It represents the collective identity and norms that shape the behavior and interactions within the group. Group culture plays a significant role in influencing the attitudes, decision-making processes, and overall cohesion of the group.

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  • 25. 

    The screening of messages so that they are congruent with one's belief system is known as:

    • A.


    • B.

      Selective perception

    • C.


    • D.

      Dichotic listening

    Correct Answer
    B. Selective perception
    Selective perception refers to the process of filtering and interpreting information in a way that aligns with one's existing beliefs and attitudes. It involves selectively attending to certain messages while ignoring or distorting others, based on personal biases and preferences. This cognitive bias can lead individuals to perceive and interpret information in a way that confirms their preconceived notions, reinforcing their existing belief system.

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  • 26. 

    One way of checking that the meanings of communicated messages are understood correctly is called:

    • A.


    • B.

      Selective perception

    • C.

      International listening

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Feedback
    Feedback is the process of providing information or reactions about a message to the sender. It allows the sender to assess whether the intended meaning of the message has been understood correctly by the receiver. By receiving feedback, the sender can make necessary adjustments or clarifications to ensure effective communication. This helps in avoiding misunderstandings and ensuring that the meanings of communicated messages are accurately understood.

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  • 27. 

    The interaction pattern in which the leader is the central figure and communication occurs from leader to member or from member to leader is known as:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Hot seat

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Maypole
    The term "maypole" refers to a traditional dance or celebration where people hold onto ribbons attached to a central pole and move in a circular pattern. In the context of the given question, the term "maypole" is used metaphorically to describe the interaction pattern where the leader is the central figure and communication flows either from the leader to the members or from the members to the leader. This suggests a hierarchical structure where the leader holds a central role and has control over the communication dynamics within the group.

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  • 28. 

    The interaction pattern in which all members take responsibility for communicating according to what is being said and not said in the group is known as"

    • A.


    • B.

      Free floating

    • C.


    • D.

      Group think

    Correct Answer
    B. Free floating
    Free floating is the interaction pattern in which all members of a group take responsibility for communicating according to what is being said and not said. This means that individuals in the group are attentive to both verbal and nonverbal cues and are able to pick up on unspoken messages. In a free floating interaction pattern, everyone in the group is actively engaged in the communication process and is able to effectively interpret and respond to the group dynamics. This type of communication pattern promotes open and honest communication among group members.

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  • 29. 

    The interaction pattern in which there is an extended back and forth exchange between the leader and a member as the others watch is called

    • A.

      Group observation

    • B.


    • C.

      Dyadic patterning

    • D.

      Hot seat

    Correct Answer
    D. Hot seat
    The interaction pattern described in the question is known as the "hot seat." In this pattern, the leader and a member engage in an extended back and forth exchange while the others in the group observe. This term is often used in group dynamics or leadership settings to describe a situation where one person is put in the spotlight and subjected to intense questioning or scrutiny.

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  • 30. 

    The interaction pattern that occurs when group members take turns talking is known as

    • A.

      Round robin

    • B.

      Group speak

    • C.

      Group cohesion

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Round robin
    The term "round robin" refers to a communication pattern where group members take turns talking in a sequential manner. This pattern ensures that each member has an equal opportunity to speak and share their thoughts or ideas. It promotes fairness and inclusivity within the group, allowing everyone to participate and contribute to the discussion. Group speak, group cohesion, and maypole are unrelated terms and do not describe the specific interaction pattern mentioned in the question.

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  • 31. 

    Shared expectations and beliefs about appropriate ways to act in a social situation, such as a group, are called

    • A.

      Social systems

    • B.


    • C.

      Role expectations

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Norms
    Norms refer to shared expectations and beliefs about appropriate ways to act in a social situation, such as a group. They are the unwritten rules that guide behavior and help maintain social order. Norms can vary across different cultures and societies, and they play a crucial role in shaping individuals' behavior and interactions within a social system. They provide a framework for understanding what is considered acceptable and unacceptable behavior in a given context.

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  • 32. 

    Most work is accomplished in this stage, although work occurs in all stages of a group's development

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    B. Middle
    In the middle stage of a group's development, most work is accomplished. This is because by this stage, the group members have had time to establish relationships, understand their roles, and develop effective communication. They have overcome the initial challenges and conflicts that may have arisen in the beginning stage and are now able to focus on their tasks and goals. While work does occur in all stages of a group's development, the middle stage is where the majority of the work is typically completed.

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  • 33. 

    According to this text, this is what helps to maintain a group's equilibrium as it confronts internal and external pressure to change during its development

    • A.


    • B.

      Group assignments

    • C.

      Social integration

    • D.

      Interventions by the leader

    Correct Answer
    D. Interventions by the leader
    The text suggests that interventions by the leader help maintain a group's equilibrium as it faces internal and external pressure to change during its development. This means that the leader's actions and interventions play a crucial role in ensuring that the group remains balanced and stable amidst challenges and changes. The leader's interventions could involve providing guidance, support, and direction to the group members, addressing conflicts, facilitating communication, and making decisions that benefit the overall group dynamics.

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  • 34. 

    Inattention to group dynamics can have a negative effects on the meeting of member's socioeconomic needs

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    Inattention to group dynamics refers to not paying attention to the interactions and relationships within a group. This can lead to negative effects on the meeting of members' socioeconomic needs. When group dynamics are not properly managed, it can result in conflicts, lack of cooperation, and exclusion of certain members, which can hinder the group's ability to address the socioeconomic needs of its members. Therefore, the statement that inattention to group dynamics can have negative effects on the meeting of members' socioeconomic needs is true.

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  • 35. 

    A knowledgable group leader will not guide and influence the patterns that are established during the early stages of group dynamics

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    A knowledgeable group leader will guide and influence the patterns that are established during the early stages of group dynamics. This is because a knowledgeable leader understands the importance of setting a strong foundation for the group and ensuring that healthy communication and collaboration patterns are established from the beginning. By providing guidance and influence, the leader can help shape the group dynamics in a positive and productive direction.

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  • 36. 

    Group leaders can actually do very little to change the communication patterns of group members

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    This statement suggests that group leaders have limited influence over the communication patterns of group members. In reality, group leaders play a crucial role in shaping and facilitating effective communication within a group. They can establish communication norms, encourage open dialogue, provide guidance on effective communication strategies, and address any issues that may hinder effective communication. Therefore, the correct answer is False.

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  • 37. 

    Cohesive groups are more likely than less cohesive groups to satisfy members' need for affiliation

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    Cohesive groups are more likely to satisfy members' need for affiliation because cohesion refers to the level of unity, trust, and cooperation among group members. When a group is cohesive, members feel a sense of belonging and connection, which fulfills their need for affiliation. In cohesive groups, individuals are more likely to have positive relationships, engage in social interactions, and support each other, thus increasing satisfaction with their affiliation needs. On the other hand, less cohesive groups may lack trust and cooperation, leading to a lower satisfaction of members' need for affiliation.

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  • 38. 

    Members' reasons for being attracted to a particular group affect how they perform in the group

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    The statement suggests that the reasons why members are attracted to a particular group can have an impact on their performance within that group. This implies that individuals who are genuinely interested and motivated by the group's goals and values are more likely to perform well compared to those who join for other reasons. Their level of dedication and commitment to the group's objectives can positively influence their performance and contribution to the group.

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  • 39. 

    Group cohesion often disrupts the individual member's feelings of self-confidence and self-esteem

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    Group cohesion often enhances the individual member's feelings of self-confidence and self-esteem. When individuals feel a sense of belonging and support within a group, it can boost their self-confidence and self-esteem. This is because they feel valued and accepted by others, which in turn enhances their belief in their own abilities and worth. Therefore, the statement that group cohesion often disrupts the individual member's feelings of self-confidence and self-esteem is false.

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  • 40. 

    Sanctions by the group leader can be used to increase a member's status in the group

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    Sanctions by the group leader can be used to increase a member's status in the group. This means that when the leader imposes penalties or punishments on a member, it can actually elevate their standing within the group. This could be because the leader sees potential in the member and wants to push them to improve, or it could be a way for the leader to test the member's resilience and determination. Regardless of the specific reason, the act of sanctioning can be seen as a way to recognize and enhance the member's position within the group.

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  • 41. 

    Because norms are developed through the interactions of group members, they discourage the capricious use of power by the leader or any one group member

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    Norms are established through the interactions of group members, and they serve to discourage the arbitrary or unpredictable exercise of power by the leader or any individual within the group. This means that norms act as a check on the leader's authority and prevent them from using their power in a whimsical or unfair manner. Therefore, the statement is true as norms play a crucial role in maintaining balance and fairness within a group or organization.

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  • 42. 

    Norms can be either overt or covert.  they do not have to ever be disucssed openly in the group

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    Norms refer to the unwritten rules and expectations that guide behavior within a group or society. These norms can be either overt, meaning they are openly discussed and acknowledged, or covert, meaning they are understood but not openly talked about. The statement suggests that norms do not have to be discussed openly in the group, indicating that norms can also be covert. Therefore, the correct answer is true.

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  • 43. 

    Norms can sometimes be dysfunctional

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    Norms can sometimes be dysfunctional because they are social rules or expectations that guide behavior in a group. While norms can help maintain order and cohesion within a group, they can also limit individuality and stifle creativity. In some cases, norms can become rigid and oppressive, leading to conformity and resistance to change. Dysfunctional norms can also perpetuate inequality and discrimination. Therefore, it is true that norms can sometimes have negative effects and be dysfunctional.

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  • 44. 

    Power that comes from the group members' perception of the worker's ability to lead is called ___ power

    Correct Answer
    Attributed power refers to the power that is granted to an individual based on their perceived qualities or characteristics. In this context, it is the power that comes from the group members' perception of the worker's ability to lead. This means that the group members attribute power to the worker because they believe that the worker possesses the necessary qualities and skills to effectively lead and influence others.

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  • 45. 

    ___ power refers to the worker's resources for changing conditions inside and outside the group.  it depends on the sources of the worker's influences.

    Correct Answer
    The term "actual power" refers to the worker's real or tangible resources for influencing and making changes within and outside the group. It is determined by the sources of influence that the worker possesses, such as their expertise, position, connections, or access to information. This actual power enables the worker to effectively navigate and adapt to changing conditions and exert their influence to achieve desired outcomes.

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  • 46. 

    Power that allows the leader to sanction, punish, or deny access to resources and priveleges is called ___ power

    Correct Answer
    Coercive power refers to the ability of a leader to impose sanctions, punishments, or restrict access to resources and privileges. This power is based on fear and the potential negative consequences that can be inflicted on individuals who do not comply with the leader's demands. It is a form of authority that relies on the use of force or threats to ensure compliance and maintain control over others.

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  • 47. 

    Holding a position of authority and the rights that accrue to that position in the organization or larger system is known as ___ power

    Correct Answer
    Legitimate power refers to the authority and rights that come with a position of power in an organization or larger system. This type of power is based on the belief that the person in the position has the right to make decisions and give orders, and that others have an obligation to comply. Legitimate power is typically derived from formal roles or positions within a hierarchy, such as a manager or a government official. It is different from other types of power, such as coercive or expert power, as it is based on the acceptance of authority rather than fear or expertise.

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  • 48. 

    When a member raises a problem unique to his or her particular situation, the worker should try to develop from this information generalized principles that are of interest to all group members. this is known as:

    Correct Answer
    Universalizing refers to the process of taking a specific problem or situation raised by a group member and extracting generalized principles or lessons from it that can be applicable and beneficial to all members of the group. It involves identifying common themes or patterns in individual experiences and using them to create broader insights and strategies that can be shared and implemented by the entire group. This approach helps to foster a sense of inclusivity and collective learning within the group, allowing everyone to benefit from the unique perspectives and challenges of each member.

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  • 49. 

    The process of guiding the development of the group and its members to achieve goals that are consistent with the value base of social work is called ___

    Correct Answer
    The process of guiding the development of the group and its members to achieve goals that are consistent with the value base of social work is called leadership. Leadership involves providing direction, motivation, and support to individuals within a group to work towards a common objective. Effective leadership in social work ensures that the group's actions align with the ethical principles and values of the profession, ultimately leading to the achievement of desired goals.

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  • 50. 

    ___ refers to the worker or a member demonstrating behaviours in a particular situation so that others in the group can observe what to do and how to do it

    • A.

      Role playing

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Modeling
    Modeling refers to the worker or a member demonstrating behaviors in a particular situation so that others in the group can observe what to do and how to do it. This involves setting an example and showing others the desired behaviors and actions. By modeling the desired behaviors, individuals can learn and imitate them, leading to better understanding and performance in the given situation.

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