Social Studies Test: Roman Republic And Empire

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| By Atlurit
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Questions: 61 | Attempts: 188

Roman Republic Quizzes & Trivia

This is a test i made to help study for the rome test

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    What is the story of Cincinnatus? Summarize the story in four bullet points. The last bullet should explain why he is considered to be a "hero and role model".

  • 2. 

    The mix of Roman and Greek traditions is called ________.

    The Romans and the Greeks shared many of the same traditions, but the mix between the two came to be known as "Greco-Roman".

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  • 3. 

    What was the Roman road system like?

    The road system was like a giant spider web that trapped areas conquered by the Romans.

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  • 4. 

    The road system was originally used for _________ ___________.

    The road system was originally used for military purposes. This implies that the roads were built and designed to facilitate the movement of military troops, equipment, and supplies. They were strategically planned and constructed to provide efficient transportation for military operations, such as troop deployments, supply lines, and rapid mobilization. The road system's primary objective was to support the military's logistical needs and enhance their ability to defend and conquer territories.

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  • 5. 

    The road system in Rome was also useful for ________, _____, and it  _______________________________.

    The road system in Rome facilitated trade and communication, which in turn helped unify all of the different cultures within Rome's boundaries. The well-developed road network allowed for the efficient movement of goods and people, promoting economic growth and cultural exchange. The ability to travel easily and quickly across the empire enabled the spread of ideas, language, and customs, contributing to the overall cohesion of the diverse cultures within Rome.

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  • 6. 

    In it's very early years, Rome was what type of government?

    In its very early years, Rome was ruled by kings, which indicates a monarchy form of government. This means that the political power was held by a single ruler, known as the king, who had absolute authority over the state. In a monarchy, the position of the ruler is usually hereditary, passing from one generation to the next. This form of government was prevalent in Rome until it transitioned to a republic in 509 BCE.

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  • 7. 

    How was class determined in ancient Rome?

    In ancient Rome, social class was determined by birth. The social status of an individual was determined by the social class of their parents. This meant that if someone was born into a wealthy and powerful family, they would automatically be considered part of the upper class. Conversely, if someone was born into a lower-class family, they would remain in that social class regardless of their personal achievements or abilities. This system of social hierarchy based on birth was deeply ingrained in Roman society and played a significant role in determining an individual's opportunities and privileges.

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  • 8. 

    What were the three things that the plebeians demanded early in the Roman Republic and what do we have as proof that these demands were met?

  • 9. 

    How did the plebeians achieve these goals?

    The plebeians achieved their goals by walking out of the city. This action was a form of protest and a way for them to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the current situation. By leaving the city, they disrupted the normal functioning of society and put pressure on the ruling class to address their concerns and meet their demands. This act of defiance and unity among the plebeians helped them to gain leverage and negotiate for their rights and interests.

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  • 10. 

    How does the plebeians walking out of the city relate to our world today?

  • 11. 

    What is the Romulus and Remus myth? Be able to summarize it in four bullet points.

  • 12. 

    What branch do the consuls and president of the United States represent?

    The consuls and president of the United States represent the executive branch. The executive branch is responsible for enforcing laws and carrying out the day-to-day operations of the government. The president serves as the head of the executive branch, while the consuls, who are appointed by the president, assist in the execution of government policies and represent the United States in foreign affairs.

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  • 13. 

    Which of these are public servants?

    • A.

      The mayor of Cincinnati

    • B.

      The Indian Hill Rangers

    • C.


    • D.

      The President

    • E.

      Bill Gates

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. The mayor of Cincinnati
    B. The Indian Hill Rangers
    D. The President
    A public servant is somebody who serves the public in any way and is paid by tax dollars.

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  • 14. 

    Which of these are private workers?

    • A.

      Steve Jobs (CEO of Apple Inc.)

    • B.

      The New York Police Department

    • C.

      The owner of McDonald's

    • D.

      A physician

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Steve Jobs (CEO of Apple Inc.)
    C. The owner of McDonald's
    D. A pHysician
    The correct answer is Steve Jobs (CEO of Apple Inc.), The owner of McDonald's, and A physician. These individuals are considered private workers because they are employed by private companies or organizations. Steve Jobs and the owner of McDonald's are private sector business owners, while a physician typically works in a private practice. The New York Police Department, on the other hand, is a public sector organization, so its employees are not considered private workers.

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  • 15. 

    President _________ started our modern highway system.

    Correct Answer(s)
    President Eisenhower started our modern highway system.

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  • 16. 

    What are the three legislative bodies of Rome?

    Correct Answer(s)
    Citizen's Assembly
    The three legislative bodies of Rome were the Senators, Tribunes, and Citizen's Assembly. The Senators were members of the Roman Senate, which was the most powerful legislative body in ancient Rome. The Tribunes were elected officials who represented the interests of the plebeians, or common people, and had the power to veto legislation. The Citizen's Assembly was a democratic body made up of all Roman citizens, where important decisions and laws were debated and voted upon. Together, these three bodies played a crucial role in the legislative process of ancient Rome.

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  • 17. 

    Check those that are true about consuls:

    • A.

      There were 2 consuls

    • B.

      Both were patrician

    • C.

      They represented the judicial branch

    • D.

      They were apart of the executive branch

    • E.

      They served 4 years

    • F.

      Served only one year

    • G.

      They had the power to veto

    • H.

      One consul was patrician and one was plebeian

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. There were 2 consuls
    D. They were apart of the executive branch
    F. Served only one year
    G. They had the power to veto
    H. One consul was patrician and one was plebeian
    Consuls were the highest-ranking officials in the Roman Republic. There were indeed 2 consuls who served together, representing the executive branch of government. They served for a term of one year and had the power to veto decisions made by other officials. One consul was always a patrician, a member of the Roman aristocracy, while the other consul could be a plebeian, a commoner.

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  • 18. 

    Check those that are true about senators:

    • A.

      There were 500 senators (250 patrician, 250 plebeian)

    • B.

      There were 300 senators (150 patrician, 150 plebiean)

    • C.

      Served for life

    • D.

      Served for 3 years

    • E.

      Controlled foreign policies and treasury

    • F.

      Were almost insignificant in the Roman republic system

    • G.

      Most powerful group in Roman republican government

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. There were 300 senators (150 patrician, 150 plebiean)
    C. Served for life
    E. Controlled foreign policies and treasury
    G. Most powerful group in Roman republican government
    The correct answer is that there were 300 senators (150 patrician, 150 plebeian). This is supported by historical evidence that during the Roman Republic, the Senate consisted of 300 members. They served for life, as indicated by the fact that there were no term limits for senators. The Senate also had control over foreign policies and the treasury, giving them significant power and influence. Additionally, the Senate was considered the most powerful group in the Roman republican government, further reinforcing their importance and authority.

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  • 19. 

    Check those that are true about the tribunes:

    • A.

      There were 80 tribunes

    • B.

      There were 10 tribunes (5 patrician, 5 plebeian)

    • C.

      There were 10 tribunes (all plebeian)

    • D.

      Protected rights for plebeians

    • E.

      Had no say whatsoever

    • F.

      Could veto a piece of legislation as a group

    • G.

      Served for life

    • H.

      Served for 4 years

    Correct Answer(s)
    C. There were 10 tribunes (all plebeian)
    D. Protected rights for plebeians
    F. Could veto a piece of legislation as a group
    H. Served for 4 years
    The answer states that there were 10 tribunes, all of whom were plebeian. This means that they were representatives of the plebeian class in Ancient Rome. The answer also mentions that the tribunes protected the rights of the plebeians, which was one of their key responsibilities. Additionally, the answer states that the tribunes had the power to veto a piece of legislation as a group, which was a significant authority they held. Lastly, the answer mentions that the tribunes served for 4 years, indicating that their term in office had a specific duration.

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  • 20. 

    Check those that are true about the citizen's assembly:

    • A.

      Composed of EVERYBODY that lived in Rome

    • B.

      Only composed of adult male citizens

    • C.

      The ratio of patricians to plebeians in the city had nothing to do with the numbers of each group in the citizen's assembly

    • D.

      The ratio of patrician to plebeian citizens assemblies reflected their numbers in the population

    • E.

      Nominated senators

    • F.

      Nominated consuls

    • G.

      Could veto a piece of legislation

    • H.

      Could reject or approve, but their choice didn't count

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Only composed of adult male citizens
    D. The ratio of patrician to plebeian citizens assemblies reflected their numbers in the population
    F. Nominated consuls
    H. Could reject or approve, but their choice didn't count
    The citizen's assembly in Rome was only composed of adult male citizens, excluding women and children. The ratio of patricians to plebeians in the city did reflect their numbers in the citizen's assembly, meaning that the assembly was representative of the population. The assembly had the power to nominate consuls, who were the highest-ranking officials in Rome. Additionally, the assembly could reject or approve legislation, but their choice did not have a binding effect.

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  • 21. 

    In a democratic republic, who had the power?

  • 22. 

    What is one advantage and disadvantage of living in a democratic republic?

  • 23. 

    In the dictatorship, who has the power?

  • 24. 

    What are an advantage and disadvantage to a dictatorship?

  • 25. 

    Explain the words "Roman" and "Italy".

  • 26. 

    What does veto mean?

    Correct Answer(s)
    I forbid
    The word "veto" means to prohibit or reject a decision or proposal. It is often used by someone in a position of authority to exercise their power and prevent something from happening. In this context, "I forbid" is a synonymous phrase that conveys the same meaning as veto, indicating a strong prohibition or refusal to allow something.

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  • 27. 

    What does dissent mean?

    Correct Answer(s)
    to disagree with a piece of legislation
    Dissent means to have a different opinion or to disagree with something, in this case, a piece of legislation. It implies expressing a differing viewpoint or opposition towards a specific law or legal measure.

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  • 28. 

    What does senator mean?

    Correct Answer(s)
    old man
    The term "senator" refers to a person who is a member of a senate, which is a legislative body. The term does not specifically mean "old man." While it is true that many senators may be older individuals, it is not a requirement or defining characteristic of the term. Therefore, "old man" is not an accurate definition for "senator."

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  • 29. 

    What does Catholic mean?

    Correct Answer(s)
    Catholic means universal because the term originated from the Greek word "katholikos" which means "according to the whole" or "universal." It refers to the belief that the Catholic Church is not limited to a specific region or group of people, but rather encompasses all believers worldwide. The Catholic Church aims to be inclusive and reach out to people from all backgrounds, cultures, and nations, emphasizing the unity and universality of the faith.

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  • 30. 

    List the following in chronological order.*Roman Republic*Split into Western Roman Empire an Eastern Roman Empire*Punic Wars*Fall of Western Roman Empire*Era of the Foreign Kings*Roman Revolutin*Roman Empire

  • 31. 

    What is meant by 'guns and butter'?

  • 32. 

    Why did Roman emperors create cults of personality?

  • 33. 

    Before the Punic Wars, the city of ___________ was stronger.

    Correct Answer(s)
    Before the Punic Wars, Carthage was a stronger city compared to others. This can be attributed to Carthage's powerful navy and its control over trade routes in the Mediterranean. Carthage had established colonies and trading posts throughout the region, accumulating wealth and resources. Additionally, Carthage had a well-organized government and military, further contributing to its strength. However, the Punic Wars, fought between Carthage and Rome, eventually led to the downfall of Carthage and the rise of Rome as the dominant power in the Mediterranean.

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  • 34. 

    Who won the first Punic War?

    Correct Answer(s)
    Rome won the first Punic War because they were able to successfully defeat Carthage and gain control over Sicily. The war lasted for over 20 years and was primarily fought at sea. Rome's navy, under the leadership of consul Gaius Lutatius Catulus, was able to adapt and develop new naval tactics that ultimately led to their victory. This war marked the beginning of Rome's expansion into the Mediterranean and solidified their position as a dominant power in the region.

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  • 35. 

    Who won the second Punic War?

    Correct Answer(s)
    Rome won the second Punic War. This war was fought between Rome and Carthage from 218 BC to 201 BC. It was a significant conflict in ancient history, primarily known for the military genius of Hannibal, the Carthaginian general. Despite Hannibal's impressive victories in the early years of the war, Rome eventually emerged victorious. The Roman general Scipio Africanus led a successful campaign in North Africa, defeating Carthage and forcing them to surrender. This victory solidified Rome's dominance in the Mediterranean and marked the end of Carthaginian power.

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  • 36. 

    Who won the third Punic War?

    Correct Answer(s)
    Rome won the third Punic War because they were able to defeat Carthage, the opposing city-state. The war was fought between 149 and 146 BC, and Rome emerged victorious after a long and brutal conflict. The Romans besieged and eventually destroyed Carthage, ensuring their dominance in the Mediterranean region. This victory marked the end of Carthage as a major power and solidified Rome's position as the dominant force in the ancient world.

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  • 37. 

    Rome lost many of the battles in the second Punic War because they were afraid of _________.

    Correct Answer(s)
    Rome lost many battles in the second Punic War because they were afraid of elephants. Elephants were a formidable weapon used by Hannibal, the Carthaginian general, to intimidate and disrupt the Roman army. The Roman soldiers were not accustomed to facing such massive and powerful creatures on the battlefield, causing fear and panic among their ranks. This fear gave Hannibal a significant advantage, allowing him to exploit the Romans' vulnerability and secure victories in several battles.

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  • 38. 

    When Hannibal tried to launch a sneak attack from the north and had to go through the mountains of Italy, what happened to his troops as they moved through the very difficult terrain?

  • 39. 

    How are religious leaders a threat to cults of personalities?

  • 40. 

    How are military leaders a threat to dictators and what do dictators do to neutralize it?

  • 41. 

    Why do you think Augustus used the title First Citizen instead of Emperor?

  • 42. 

    The reign of Augustus is known as the Pax Romana which translates into ____________.

    Correct Answer(s)
    Peace of Rome
    Roman Peace
    The reign of Augustus is known as the Pax Romana, which translates into "Peace of Rome" or "Roman Peace." This term refers to a period of relative peace and stability in the Roman Empire, characterized by the absence of major conflicts and the expansion of Roman influence. Augustus' rule marked a significant shift in Roman history, as he established a centralized government and implemented various reforms that contributed to the overall peace and prosperity of the empire. The term Pax Romana is often used to describe this era of Roman history.

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  • 43. 

    What set the good emperors apart form most of the rest of Rome's leaders?

  • 44. 

    The ancient Jewish Kingdom of Judah was conquered by the Romans and renamed __________.

    Correct Answer(s)
    The ancient Jewish Kingdom of Judah was conquered by the Romans and renamed Judea. This is because after the Romans conquered the region, they sought to establish their control and dominance by renaming the territories they conquered. Judea was the name given to the region formerly known as the Kingdom of Judah, and it became a Roman province under their rule. This renaming was a common practice of the Romans as they expanded their empire and assimilated conquered territories into their administrative system.

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  • 45. 

    Some of the Jews wanted to cooperate with the Romans while others wanted to fight against Roman rule. The Jews that rebelled against the Roman government were called ___________.

    Correct Answer(s)
    The Jews who rebelled against the Roman government were known as Zealots. This term refers to a group of Jewish extremists who vehemently opposed Roman rule and were willing to engage in armed resistance. The Zealots believed in the restoration of Jewish independence and were willing to use violence to achieve their goals. Their rebellion ultimately led to the Jewish-Roman War, which resulted in the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem and the dispersion of the Jewish people.

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  • 46. 

    The Roman general _________ stopped Jewish rebellions and later became emperor of Rome along with his son Titus.

    Correct Answer(s)
    Vespasian is the correct answer to the question. He was a Roman general who successfully quelled Jewish rebellions and later became the emperor of Rome, along with his son Titus. Vespasian's military campaigns in Judea resulted in the capture of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Second Temple. His reign as emperor was marked by stability and economic prosperity, and he is often credited with restoring order to the Roman Empire after a period of civil war.

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  • 47. 

    Some Jews believed that the messiah would be a descendant from the ancient Jewish King David. Others believed that the Messiah had come in the form of a man who spent much of his life trying to reform Judaism. This man was known as __________.

    Correct Answer(s)
    Some Jews believed that the messiah would be a descendant from the ancient Jewish King David. Others believed that the Messiah had come in the form of a man who spent much of his life trying to reform Judaism. This man was known as Jesus.

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  • 48. 

    Jesus was a:

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. Jew
    Jesus was born and raised in a Jewish family and grew up practicing the Jewish faith. He preached within the Jewish community and followed Jewish customs and traditions. While Christianity emerged after Jesus' death, during his lifetime he identified himself as a Jew and his teachings were rooted in Jewish beliefs and scriptures. Therefore, it is accurate to say that Jesus was a Jew.

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  • 49. 

    Why did some Jewish leaders and the Romans work together against Jesus?

  • 50. 

    Christianity spread quickly because it was, and still is today a ___________ religion.

    Correct Answer
    Christianity spread quickly because it was, and still is today, a religion that actively promotes and engages in missionary work. Missionaries, who are individuals dedicated to spreading the teachings and beliefs of Christianity, played a crucial role in the rapid spread of the religion. Through their efforts, they were able to reach new regions, convert people to Christianity, and establish churches and communities. The missionary nature of Christianity continues to contribute to its global presence and influence.

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