100 Questions On Dining Etiquette

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| By Lifelearner
Lifelearner, Life Skills
Karin Schroeck-Singh, the driving force behind "Life Skills Edge," is a dedicated advocate for equipping individuals with practical life skills. Her insightful blog empowers readers to thrive and become their best selves.
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100 Questions On Dining Etiquette - Quiz

How confident are you when it comes to your dining etiquette skills? Learn by taking this quiz how you can dine with confidence and ease, so that you can start focusing on your conversation rather than on your possible mistakes. This is the most exhaustive online test you will find online. Never feel embarrassed again in any dining situation! This quiz was created by Karin Schroeck-Singh, www. CareerHeads. Com

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    If you need to leave the table during your meal, what should you do with your napkin?

    • A.

      Place it on your chair

    • B.

      Fold it again and place it on the left side of your plate

    • C.

      Place it on the right side of your plate

    Correct Answer
    A. Place it on your chair
    When you need to leave the table during your meal, it is proper etiquette to place your napkin on your chair. This signals to the server that you are not finished with your meal and will be returning shortly. Folding the napkin and placing it on the left side of your plate is typically done when you have finished your meal. Placing it on the right side of your plate is not a common practice and may be considered improper etiquette.

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  • 2. 

    If you need to go to the restroom, you should say:

    • A.

      "Sorry, I need to go to the toilet."

    • B.

      "Excuse me" and just leave the table.

    • C.

      "Excuse me, do you mind if I go quickly to the toilet?"

    Correct Answer
    B. "Excuse me" and just leave the table.
    The correct answer is "Excuse me" and just leave the table. This is the most polite and appropriate response when you need to go to the restroom. Saying "Excuse me" shows respect and consideration for others at the table, and leaving the table without further explanation is a discreet way to handle the situation.

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  • 3. 

    Where do you place your napkin, once you've finished eating?

    • A.

      In the middle of your plate.

    • B.

      To the right of your plate.

    • C.

      Semi-folded, to the left of your plate.

    Correct Answer
    C. Semi-folded, to the left of your plate.
    Once you have finished eating, it is considered proper etiquette to place your napkin semi-folded to the left of your plate. This is a common practice in many formal dining settings and indicates that you have finished your meal. Placing the napkin to the right of your plate may indicate that you are not finished, while placing it in the middle of your plate is not a common or acceptable placement for a used napkin.

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  • 4. 

    Is it correct to keep your mobile phone on the table?

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    Keeping your mobile phone on the table is not considered correct because it can be distracting and impolite in certain situations. It can disrupt conversations or meetings, and may give the impression that you are not fully present or engaged. Additionally, having your phone visible can tempt you to constantly check for notifications, which can be disruptive to your own focus and to those around you. Therefore, it is generally recommended to keep your phone out of sight and on silent mode in social or professional settings.

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  • 5. 

    Your napkin can be used to blow your nose.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    A napkin is typically used for wiping or cleaning purposes, such as wiping your mouth or hands while eating. It is not designed or commonly used for blowing your nose, which is typically done with a tissue or handkerchief. Therefore, the statement that a napkin can be used to blow your nose is false.

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  • 6. 

    Is it acceptable to ask another person to taste their food?

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. No
    It is not acceptable to ask another person to taste their food without their consent. Personal boundaries should be respected, and it is impolite to assume that someone would be willing to share their food. It is important to ask for permission before trying someone else's food to ensure their comfort and consent.

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  • 7. 

    When is the right time to start eating?

    • A.

      Once the host takes the first bite.

    • B.

      Once everyone is being served.

    • C.

      Whenever you get your food served.

    Correct Answer
    B. Once everyone is being served.
    The correct answer is "Once everyone is being served." This is the most polite and considerate option as it ensures that everyone has their food before starting to eat. It promotes a sense of unity and fairness among the diners.

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  • 8. 

    Would it be correct to smoke at the table?

    • A.

      Yes, but only if it is a smoking dining area.

    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    B. No.
    The correct answer is No because smoking at the table is generally not allowed in most dining areas due to health and safety concerns. Smoking can be harmful to others, create unpleasant odors, and potentially damage the furniture and surroundings. It is important to respect the rules and regulations of the establishment and consider the comfort and well-being of others.

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  • 9. 

    If someone asks you for salt. What do you do?

    • A.

      You pass just salt.

    • B.

      You pass salt and pepper.

    • C.

      You pass just pepper.

    Correct Answer
    B. You pass salt and pepper.
    In this scenario, the correct answer is to pass salt and pepper. This is because the question asks what you would do if someone asks for salt, and the answer implies that you would also pass pepper along with it.

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  • 10. 

    Once you pick up your cutlery, it should never touch the table again.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    The statement is true because it is a common etiquette rule to not let your cutlery touch the table once you have picked it up. This is considered hygienic and polite, as placing your cutlery directly on the table can transfer germs and dirt onto the utensils. Instead, it is customary to rest your cutlery on a plate or a napkin when not in use during a meal.

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  • 11. 

    You should finish your food

    • A.

      Before your host finishes its meal.

    • B.

      At approximately the same time as your host.

    • C.

      After your host finishes its meal.

    Correct Answer
    B. At approximately the same time as your host.
    The correct answer is "at approximately the same time as your host." This means that you should aim to finish your food around the same time that your host finishes their meal. It implies that you should not finish your food too quickly or too slowly compared to your host, but rather try to synchronize your eating pace with theirs.

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  • 12. 

    If you need to scoop food onto your fork, is it acceptable to use your fingers?

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. No
    Using your fingers to scoop food onto your fork is generally considered unacceptable in formal dining settings and many social situations. It is considered more polite and appropriate to use the utensils provided, such as a spoon, to transfer food onto your fork. Using your fingers can be seen as unhygienic and disrespectful to others at the table. However, there may be some informal or cultural situations where using fingers is acceptable, but in general, it is not considered acceptable to use your fingers to scoop food onto your fork.

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  • 13. 

    If you get food served that you don't like. How should you react?

    • A.

      Express honestly what you think about it.

    • B.

      Keep everything positive and avoid any negative comments.

    • C.

      Not giving any tip and have a chat with the waiter.

    Correct Answer
    B. Keep everything positive and avoid any negative comments.
    When you receive food that you don't like, it is important to react by keeping everything positive and avoiding any negative comments. Expressing your honest opinion about the food may hurt the feelings of the person who prepared it, and it is always better to be polite and considerate. Instead of criticizing the food, it is advisable to focus on the positive aspects or find something else that you can appreciate about the meal. This approach promotes a positive and respectful interaction, preventing any unnecessary conflict or discomfort.

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  • 14. 

    How do you pass bread?

    • A.

      To the left.

    • B.

      To the right.

    • C.

      With both hands.

    Correct Answer
    B. To the right.
  • 15. 

    How do you pass the bread basket?

    • A.

      You pass it hand to hand.

    • B.

      You place it on the table in front of the person who asked for it.

    • C.

      You ask your neighbour to pass it to the person who asked for it.

    Correct Answer
    B. You place it on the table in front of the person who asked for it.
    When someone asks for the bread basket, the correct way to pass it is by placing it on the table in front of the person who requested it. This ensures that the person has easy access to the bread and can take what they need. Passing it hand to hand or asking a neighbor to pass it can be more cumbersome and may lead to spills or difficulty in reaching the bread.

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  • 16. 

    When eating bread you should always tear off one small piece at a time.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    When eating bread, tearing off one small piece at a time is considered good etiquette and is often seen as a more polite and refined way of consuming bread. This practice allows for better portion control and prevents wastage. Additionally, tearing off small pieces allows you to savor the bread and enjoy it slowly, rather than taking large bites that may be considered impolite or messy.

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  • 17. 

    Where is your bread plate positioned?

    • A.

      On you left side.

    • B.

      On your right side.

    • C.

      In the middle of the table.

    Correct Answer
    A. On you left side.
    The bread plate is positioned on your left side. This is because traditionally, the bread plate is placed to the left of the main plate or above the forks. It is considered proper etiquette to place the bread plate on the left side to avoid confusion with other utensils or dishes.

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  • 18. 

    Is it allowed to dip your bread in your soup in a formal dining situation?

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. No
    In a formal dining situation, it is generally considered improper etiquette to dip bread directly into soup. This is because it can be seen as a breach of table manners and may be viewed as unrefined or uncivilized behavior. Instead, it is more appropriate to tear off small pieces of bread and eat them separately, or use a bread roll to scoop up small amounts of soup.

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  • 19. 

    Liquids are served from the right, while foods are served from the left.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    This statement is true because in formal dining etiquette, it is customary to serve liquids, such as water or wine, from the right side of the guest. This is done to avoid reaching across the guest or obstructing their view. On the other hand, food is typically served from the left side of the guest. This practice helps to maintain a smooth flow of service and ensures that guests are not disturbed during their meal.

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  • 20. 

    If you order soup and it's too hot. What should you do?

    • A.

      Let it cool in your bowl or stir it gently with your spoon.

    • B.

      Add some water to let it cool quicker.

    • C.

      Blow on it.

    Correct Answer
    A. Let it cool in your bowl or stir it gently with your spoon.
    If the soup is too hot, the best course of action is to let it cool in your bowl or stir it gently with your spoon. This allows the heat to dissipate and the soup to cool down gradually. Adding water to the soup may dilute its flavor, and blowing on it may not be effective enough to cool it down quickly.

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  • 21. 

    Where should you put your bread-and-butter knife once you used it?

    • A.

      On the table cloth to the left side.

    • B.

      On the table cloth to the right side.

    • C.

      Rest it on your bread plate with the knife's sharp side facing the center of the plate.

    Correct Answer
    C. Rest it on your bread plate with the knife's sharp side facing the center of the plate.
    After using the bread-and-butter knife, it should be placed on the bread plate. The sharp side of the knife should be facing the center of the plate. This ensures that the knife is safely stored and prevents any accidental injuries or damage to the tablecloth. Placing it on the bread plate also keeps the table clean and organized.

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  • 22. 

    When you are finished with eating your soup, where do you place your spoon (if there is no saucer)? 

    • A.

      On the table to the left

    • B.

      In the soup bowl

    • C.

      On the table to your right

    Correct Answer
    B. In the soup bowl
    When you are finished eating your soup, it is customary to place your spoon in the soup bowl. This is considered polite and prevents any mess or spills on the table. Placing the spoon in the bowl also indicates that you have finished your meal.

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  • 23. 

    Your drink will be placed

    • A.

      To your right

    • B.

      To your left

    • C.

      In the middle at the top of the plate

    Correct Answer
    A. To your right
    The correct answer is "to your right" because the question states "Your drink will be placed" and then provides options for the placement. Among the options, "to your right" is the most logical and common placement for a drink.

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  • 24. 

    If someone at the table accidentally drank from your glass, what should you do?

    • A.

      Make the person aware of their mistake.

    • B.

      Ignore it and don't drink anything anymore.

    • C.

      Ask your waiter discreetly for another glass.

    Correct Answer
    C. Ask your waiter discreetly for another glass.
    If someone accidentally drank from your glass, it is important to ensure that you do not drink from it anymore to avoid any potential health risks. Instead of ignoring the situation or making the person aware of their mistake, asking the waiter discreetly for another glass is the best course of action. This ensures that you have a clean and uncontaminated glass to use for the rest of your meal.

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  • 25. 

    When eating meat you should:

    • A.

      Cut all small pieces and then start eating.

    • B.

      Cut one piece at a time.

    • C.

      Cut it into 4 pieces and then start eating.

    Correct Answer
    B. Cut one piece at a time.
    When eating meat, it is recommended to cut one piece at a time. This allows for easier handling of the meat and ensures that each piece is cut in a manageable size for consumption. Cutting one piece at a time also allows for better control over portion sizes and prevents the meat from getting cold or drying out while eating.

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  • 26. 

    What are the topics that you should avoid during a conversation at the table?

    • A.

      Divorce, finance, religion, surgery.

    • B.

      Sport, holidays, personal interests

    • C.

      Hobbies, family, career, culture

    Correct Answer
    A. Divorce, finance, religion, surgery.
    During a conversation at the table, it is best to avoid discussing sensitive topics that may lead to discomfort or conflict. Divorce, finance, religion, and surgery are all personal and potentially sensitive subjects that can evoke strong emotions or disagreements. It is better to focus on more neutral and light-hearted topics such as sports, holidays, personal interests, hobbies, family, career, and culture, which are more likely to foster a pleasant and enjoyable conversation for everyone involved.

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  • 27. 

    If something is trapped between your teeth (e.g. chicken pieces or spinach) you should:

    • A.

      Pick at it while you are at the table

    • B.

      Use your tongue and try to fill it out unnoticed

    • C.

      Excuse yourself and go to the restroom

    Correct Answer
    C. Excuse yourself and go to the restroom
    If something is trapped between your teeth, the best course of action is to excuse yourself and go to the restroom. This is because picking at it while you are at the table can be seen as impolite and unhygienic. Using your tongue to try and fill it out unnoticed may not be effective and can also be unsanitary. Going to the restroom allows you to privately and discreetly remove the trapped food without causing any discomfort or embarrassment.

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  • 28. 

    Never place silverware partly on the table and partly on the plate.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    Placing silverware partly on the table and partly on the plate is considered improper table etiquette. It is generally expected that silverware should be placed fully on the plate or on the designated area of the table. This helps to maintain cleanliness and prevent any accidental contact between the silverware and the table surface. Therefore, the statement is true.

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  • 29. 

    Don't refold your napkin at the end of the meal. Reason being, an unknowing server might give it to another diner.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    The explanation for the given correct answer is that if you refold your napkin at the end of the meal, it may appear as if you haven't used it and it could be mistakenly given to another diner by an unknowing server. This could potentially lead to unhygienic conditions and discomfort for the next diner. Therefore, it is advisable not to refold your napkin to avoid any confusion or inconvenience.

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  • 30. 

    How should you break bread?

    • A.

      Cut the bread in half, spread some butter on it and then just eat it.

    • B.

      Tear the bread into bite-size pieces and butter each piece just before you eat it.

    • C.

      Cut the bread into slices and spread some butter on it, all at once. Then take each piece and eat it.

    Correct Answer
    B. Tear the bread into bite-size pieces and butter each piece just before you eat it.
  • 31. 

    Leaving behind a trail of lipstick on flatware/stemware is acceptable.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    Leaving behind a trail of lipstick on flatware/stemware is not acceptable because it is unhygienic and can contaminate the utensils. Lipstick contains oils and pigments that can transfer onto the utensils, potentially causing health risks for the next person using them. It is important to clean and sanitize flatware/stemware properly to maintain hygiene standards.

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  • 32. 

    If there is no ashtray around, you are allowed to use a plate instead.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    The statement is false because using a plate as an ashtray is not allowed. Using a plate for this purpose can be unhygienic and can damage the plate. It is recommended to dispose of cigarette butts in a proper ashtray or designated smoking area to maintain cleanliness and prevent accidents.

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  • 33. 

    Are you allowed to light up a cigarette and smoke between courses (if you are sitting in the smoking section of the restaurant)?

    • A.

      No, you should wait until after dessert and also then ask if others don't mind if you are smoking.

    • B.

      Yes, as long as you stay in the smoking section.

    • C.

      Yes, after asking the other person to go in the restroom in the meantime.

    Correct Answer
    A. No, you should wait until after dessert and also then ask if others don't mind if you are smoking.
    It is not appropriate to light up a cigarette and smoke between courses, even if you are sitting in the smoking section of the restaurant. It is considerate to wait until after dessert to smoke and also ask if others at the table mind if you smoke. This shows respect for others' preferences and ensures a pleasant dining experience for everyone.

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  • 34. 

    The "finished" position for flatware means that you place:

    • A.

      Fork and knife diagonally parallel across the plate

    • B.

      The fork and knife half on the plate, half by touching the table cloth

    • C.

      Fork and knife back on the table to its initial position

    Correct Answer
    A. Fork and knife diagonally parallel across the plate
    The correct answer is to place the fork and knife diagonally parallel across the plate. This is the standard and proper way to position flatware when finished with a meal. Placing the utensils diagonally across the plate ensures that they are neatly arranged and easily accessible for the next course or for clearing the table. It also helps to prevent any contact between the utensils and the tablecloth, maintaining cleanliness and presentation.

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  • 35. 

    What should possibly not be placed on the table?

    • A.

      Keys, hats, gloves, handbag

    • B.

      Eyeglasses, cell phone, wallet

    • C.

      All the items mentioned

    Correct Answer
    C. All the items mentioned
    Items such as keys, hats, gloves ,eyeglasses, cell phone, wallet, and a handbag should possibly not be placed on the table because they are personal belongings that are typically carried around and may contain dirt, germs, or other substances that could transfer onto the table surface.

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  • 36. 

    How do you remove fish bones correctly?

    • A.

      With your thumb and index finger and then put it on the edge of the plate

    • B.

      Put it on your fork straight from your mouth

    • C.

      Spit it out into a separate bowl

    Correct Answer
    A. With your thumb and index finger and then put it on the edge of the plate
    To remove fish bones correctly, you can use your thumb and index finger to carefully pick out the bones from the fish. After removing the bones, you should place them on the edge of the plate to keep them separate from the rest of the food. This method ensures that you remove the bones safely and prevents them from being accidentally ingested.

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  • 37. 

    When you pass food around the table you should pass it

    • A.

      To your right only

    • B.

      To your left only

    • C.

      Left or right, both ways are acceptable

    Correct Answer
    A. To your right only
    When passing food around the table, it is customary to pass it to your right only. This tradition is followed in many cultures and is considered proper etiquette. Passing the food to your left or both ways may cause confusion and disrupt the flow of the meal. By passing the food to your right only, it ensures a smooth and organized process for everyone at the table.

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  • 38. 

    If you need something that is out of your reach, what should you do?

    • A.

      Ask someone to pass it to you

    • B.

      Get up and get it by yourself

    • C.

      Ask the waiter to hand it over to you

    Correct Answer
    A. Ask someone to pass it to you
    If you need something that is out of your reach, the best course of action would be to ask someone to pass it to you. This implies that the object is within someone else's reach, and by asking for their assistance, you can obtain the item without having to get up and get it yourself or rely on a waiter to hand it over to you.

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  • 39. 

    When you re finished eating, you should:

    • A.

      Stack the plates so that the waiter can take them quickly

    • B.

      Place your flatware correctly that will tell the server you are finished

    • C.

      Put the napkin on the plate, that signals that you are finished

    Correct Answer
    B. Place your flatware correctly that will tell the server you are finished
    Placing your flatware correctly is a signal to the server that you have finished eating. This is a common practice in restaurants, where the position of the utensils on the plate can indicate whether the customer is still eating or has finished their meal. By placing the flatware in a specific way, such as crossing the knife and fork on the plate or positioning them parallel to each other, it communicates to the server that you are done and they can clear your plate.

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  • 40. 

    If it happens to you to belch, what would be the right thing to do?

    • A.

      Cover your mouth with your napkin and say quietly "Excuse me" to nobody in particular

    • B.

      Just ignore it, nobody might realise that it's you belching

    • C.

      Start laughing and excuse yourself afterwards by saying "It can happen"

    Correct Answer
    A. Cover your mouth with your napkin and say quietly "Excuse me" to nobody in particular
    The correct answer is to cover your mouth with your napkin and say quietly "Excuse me" to nobody in particular. This is considered polite and shows good manners. It acknowledges the action and apologizes for any potential discomfort caused to others. It is a discreet way to handle the situation without drawing unnecessary attention to oneself.

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  • 41. 

    If you are served food tat has gone off, what should you do?

    • A.

      Tell your host, who then will deal with the server and request a replacement

    • B.

      Complain straight to the server

    • C.

      Complain to the restaurant's manager and ask for a replacement without being charged for it

    Correct Answer
    A. Tell your host, who then will deal with the server and request a replacement
    If you are served food that has gone off, the best course of action is to inform your host. By doing so, your host can handle the situation by speaking to the server and requesting a replacement. This approach ensures that the issue is addressed without causing any inconvenience to yourself or creating a scene in front of other guests. It also allows your host to handle the situation appropriately and resolve the problem in the most suitable manner.

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  • 42. 

    You want to decline an alcoholic drink, what should you say in order to remove any judgment about the consumption of alcohol?

    • A.

      "I don't think I'll have any wine today."

    • B.

      "No, thank you. I stopped drinking."

    • C.

      "Next time maybe."

    Correct Answer
    A. "I don't think I'll have any wine today."
    The answer "I don't think I'll have any wine today" is a polite way to decline an alcoholic drink without passing judgment on the consumption of alcohol. It simply states a personal preference without implying any negative connotations or criticizing others who may choose to drink.

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  • 43. 

    If there is a seafood course, the cocktail fork is placed

    • A.

      Farthest right

    • B.

      Farthest left

    • C.

      Above the plate

    Correct Answer
    A. Farthest right
    The correct answer is "farthest right" because traditionally, the seafood course is served before the main course and the utensils are placed in the order they will be used. Since the seafood course is typically served before the main course, the cocktail fork, which is used for seafood, is placed farthest to the right of the plate.

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  • 44. 

    You don't need to be drinking alcohol to toast. Water will be fine.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    Toasting is a social tradition often done during celebrations or special occasions. It is a gesture of raising a glass and wishing good health or expressing good wishes to others. While alcohol is commonly used in toasting, it is not a requirement. Water or any other beverage can be used as a substitute for alcohol in a toast, making the statement true.

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  • 45. 

    Caviar should be spread on toast with a knife and eaten with your fingers.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    Caviar should be spread on toast with a knife and eaten with your fingers because this is the traditional and proper way to enjoy caviar. Using a knife to spread the caviar ensures that it is evenly distributed on the toast, while eating it with fingers allows for a more tactile and sensory experience. Additionally, using a knife and fingers helps to avoid any metallic taste that may occur when using a spoon or fork.

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  • 46. 

    Spaghetti is eaten a few strands at a time, twirling them around the tines of your fork.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    The statement is true because traditionally, spaghetti is eaten by twirling a few strands around the tines of a fork. This method allows for better control and prevents the strands from falling off the fork. It is a common practice in Italian cuisine and is considered the proper way to eat spaghetti.

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  • 47. 

    How do you eat bananas when served at t the table?

    • A.

      With a knife and fork after peeling

    • B.

      You peel it and eat if as you go

    • C.

      You cut it in slices and remove the skin one by one.

    Correct Answer
    A. With a knife and fork after peeling
  • 48. 

    If you are the honoured guest, you should turn the host in return. When is the right time for it?

    • A.

      Following the meal

    • B.

      After the host's toast

    • C.

      After the host's toast or following the meal, both options are fine.

    Correct Answer
    C. After the host's toast or following the meal, both options are fine.
    After the host's toast or following the meal, both options are fine because in different cultures and social settings, there are different customs and expectations regarding when the honoured guest should turn the host. Some cultures consider it polite to turn the host immediately after the host's toast, while others prefer to do it after the meal. Therefore, both options are considered acceptable and it ultimately depends on the specific context and cultural norms.

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  • 49. 

    In what order is a seven course served at a formal dinner?

    • A.

      Soup, fish, sorbet, meat/fowl, salad, dessert, coffee

    • B.

      Soup, fish, meat/fowl, salad, dessert, sorbet, coffee

    • C.

      Sorbet, soup, fish, salad, meat, dessert, coffee

    Correct Answer
    A. Soup, fish, sorbet, meat/fowl, salad, dessert, coffee
    The correct answer is soup, fish, sorbet, meat/fowl, salad, dessert, coffee. This is the correct order in which a seven-course meal is typically served at a formal dinner. The meal starts with a soup course, followed by a fish course. Then, a sorbet course is served as a palate cleanser before the main course of meat or fowl. After the main course, a salad course is served, followed by a dessert course. Finally, the meal concludes with coffee.

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    Courses are served from the left and removed from the right.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    This statement is true because in most cultures, courses are traditionally served from the left side of the diner and removed from the right side. This practice helps maintain a smooth flow of service and avoids any confusion or disruption during a meal. It is considered proper etiquette to serve and clear dishes in this manner.

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