The Diary Of Anne Frank Play Test

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| By Debsherck
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 648
Questions: 32 | Attempts: 649

The Diary Of Anne Frank Play Test - Quiz


Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Which character was the last to join the annex?

    Dussel, Mr. Dussel was the last character to join the annex.

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  • 2. 

    Who said "sorta a lone wolf"?

    The given answer, Peter, is the same as the name mentioned in the question. Therefore, it can be inferred that Peter is the one who said "sorta a lone wolf".

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  • 3. 

    Who said, "His father will kill him if he sees him with that cat"?

    The correct answer is Mrs. Van Daan, Ms. Van Daan. This answer suggests that both Mrs. Van Daan and Ms. Van Daan said the statement "His father will kill him if he sees him with that cat." This implies that both characters in the story expressed concern about the consequences of being caught with a cat.

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  • 4. 

    Who found Anne's diary?

    Miep found Anne's diary.

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  • 5. 

    Which character is protective of their mother and very shy?

    Margot is the character who is protective of their mother and very shy. This can be inferred from the given information that Margot is the one who fits these characteristics.

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  • 6. 

    Which character focuses on the children and is always polite?

    Edith Frank, also known as Mrs. Frank, is the character that focuses on the children and is always polite. Throughout the story, she is shown as a caring and nurturing mother who prioritizes the well-being of her children. She is constantly concerned about their safety and tries to create a sense of normalcy for them in the midst of difficult circumstances. Additionally, her politeness is evident in her interactions with others, as she maintains a respectful and kind demeanor even in challenging situations.

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  • 7. 

    Anne Frank and her family went into hiding in a secret annex in the city of ________ during World War II.

    Anne Frank and her family went into hiding in a secret annex in Amsterdam during World War II to escape the persecution of Jews by the Nazis.

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  • 8. 

    Who said, "3 ration books among 7... now you make 8"?

    Mr. Van Daan said, "3 ration books among 7... now you make 8." This statement suggests that there are only 3 ration books available for 7 people, and Mr. Van Daan is asking someone to make it 8. This implies that there is a shortage of ration books and they need an additional one to distribute among the people.

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  • 9. 

    Who said, "I'm going to be a famous dancer or singer"?

    Anne Frank is the correct answer because she expressed her aspirations of becoming a famous dancer or singer in her diary. Anne Frank was a Jewish girl who hid with her family during the Holocaust and documented her experiences in her diary, which later became famous worldwide. In her diary, she often wrote about her dreams and ambitions, including her desire to pursue a career in the performing arts. Therefore, it can be inferred that Anne Frank said, "I'm going to be a famous dancer or singer."

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  • 10. 

    Who is in charge of providing rations?

    Kraler, Mr. Kraler is in charge of providing rations. This means that both Kraler and Mr. Kraler are responsible for the task of supplying rations. The question is asking for the person or people who have the authority or duty to provide rations, and in this case, it is Kraler and Mr. Kraler.

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  • 11. 

    Why do the characters arrive at the Annex wearing several layers of clothing?

    • A.

      The weather is cold.

    • B.

      The furnace is broken.

    • C.

      They would look suspicious carrying luggage.

    Correct Answer
    C. They would look suspicious carrying luggage.
    The characters arrive at the Annex wearing several layers of clothing because they would look suspicious carrying luggage. This suggests that they are trying to hide the fact that they are going into hiding, as carrying luggage would draw attention to them. Wearing multiple layers of clothing allows them to conceal any items they may be bringing with them without arousing suspicion.

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  • 12. 

    Which one of the following actions shows Anne's growing sensitivity to other people's feelings?

    • A.

      Anne sends her mother away after her nightmare.

    • B.

      Anne defends Peter's cat to Dussel.

    • C.

      Anne explains that her father is the only one she loves.

    Correct Answer
    B. Anne defends Peter's cat to Dussel.
    Anne defending Peter's cat to Dussel shows her growing sensitivity to other people's feelings because she is standing up for someone else's pet and expressing empathy towards Peter's attachment to his cat. By defending the cat, Anne is showing that she understands and respects the emotional bond that Peter has with his pet, and she is willing to advocate for its well-being. This action demonstrates Anne's increasing awareness and consideration of others' emotions and shows her growing sensitivity towards them.

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  • 13. 

    In the crisis following the lampshade crash, Mr. Frank's actions show that he is

    • A.

      Concerned about his own safety

    • B.

      Worried about the condition of the hiding place

    • C.

      The most logical thinker in the group

    Correct Answer
    C. The most logical thinker in the group
    Mr. Frank's actions in the crisis following the lampshade crash indicate that he is the most logical thinker in the group. This can be inferred from his calm and rational behavior, as he prioritizes the safety and well-being of everyone involved. He assesses the situation, considers the potential risks and consequences, and makes logical decisions based on the information at hand. His actions reflect a level-headedness and ability to think critically, making him the most logical thinker among the group.

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  • 14. 

    For most of the play, Anne feels closest to

    • A.

      Her mother

    • B.

      Mrs. Van Dann

    • C.

      Her father

    Correct Answer
    C. Her father
    Anne feels closest to her father for most of the play. This is evident through her diary entries and interactions with him. Anne admires her father's wisdom, kindness, and understanding, and often seeks solace and comfort in his presence. She values their deep emotional connection and appreciates his support and guidance during their time in hiding. Anne's close relationship with her father provides her with a sense of security and love in the midst of the difficult and challenging circumstances they face.

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  • 15. 

    At first Peter thinks Anne is too

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. Talkative
    Peter initially perceives Anne as talkative.

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  • 16. 

    Where does the play take place?

    Correct Answer
    Amsterdam, Annex, The Annex, Holland
    The play takes place in Amsterdam, specifically in the Annex or The Annex, which refers to the secret annex where Anne Frank and her family hid during World War II. It can also be referred to as Holland, as it is another name for the Netherlands, of which Amsterdam is the capital city.

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  • 17. 

    Which of the following actions in Act Two reveals a character trait not previously seen by the audience?

    • A.

      Mrs. Frank demands that the Van Daans leave and find another hiding spot

    • B.

      Mr. Dussel divides the potatoes evenly for each person

    • C.

      Mr. Frank comforts the others as the soldiers pound violently on the door

    Correct Answer
    A. Mrs. Frank demands that the Van Daans leave and find another hiding spot
    In Act Two, Mrs. Frank demanding that the Van Daans leave and find another hiding spot reveals a character trait not previously seen by the audience. This action shows Mrs. Frank's assertiveness and determination to protect her family. Up until this point, Mrs. Frank has been portrayed as more passive and accommodating. However, her decision to demand the Van Daans to leave demonstrates her willingness to take charge and make difficult decisions for the safety of her own family.

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  • 18. 

    The play's climax occurs when

    • A.

      Mrs. Frank asks Mr. Van Daan to leave

    • B.

      Miep brings news of the Allied Invasion at Normandy

    • C.

      The police arrive at the Annex

    Correct Answer
    C. The police arrive at the Annex
    The play's climax occurs when the police arrive at the Annex. This event brings a sense of danger and threat to the characters, as they have been hiding in the annex to avoid being captured by the Nazis. The arrival of the police puts their hiding place at risk of being discovered, creating a tense and dramatic moment in the play.

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  • 19. 

    How does the news of the Allied invasion change the mood of Mrs. Frank and Mr. Van Daan?

    • A.

      It causes them to become closer friends.

    • B.

      It makes them feel relieved, but ashamed to have quarreled.

    • C.

      It makes them feel happy and carefree.

    Correct Answer
    B. It makes them feel relieved, but ashamed to have quarreled.
    The news of the Allied invasion brings a sense of relief to Mrs. Frank and Mr. Van Daan because it signifies a potential end to the war and the possibility of liberation. However, it also makes them feel ashamed for having quarreled previously, as they realize the insignificance of their disagreements in the face of such a significant event. The news serves as a reminder of the importance of unity and solidarity during challenging times.

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  • 20. 

    Anne is faced with an internal conflict in Act Two between

    • A.

      Her love her Peter and her love for mother

    • B.

      Her childish side and her maturing side

    • C.

      Her religious beliefs

    Correct Answer
    B. Her childish side and her maturing side
    In Act Two, Anne is torn between her childish side and her maturing side. This conflict arises as she navigates the challenges of growing up in hiding during the Holocaust. On one hand, Anne wants to hold onto her carefree and playful nature, symbolized by her love for Peter. On the other hand, she also recognizes the need to mature and take responsibility for her actions and the situation they are in. This internal conflict reflects the struggle many teenagers face as they transition from childhood to adulthood.

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  • 21. 

    Why is Mrs. Frank so upset when Mr. Van Daan is caught stealing food in the Annex?

    • A.

      They previously believed it was rats eating the food.

    • B.

      The children continued getting fatter and fatter.

    • C.

      The black market dealer for ration books was arrested.

    Correct Answer
    C. The black market dealer for ration books was arrested.
    Mrs. Frank is upset when Mr. Van Daan is caught stealing food in the Annex because the black market dealer for ration books was arrested. This suggests that the stolen food was obtained through illegal means, which could potentially put the safety of everyone in the Annex at risk. The arrest of the black market dealer also implies that their access to legitimate ration books may be compromised, making it even more difficult to obtain enough food for everyone.

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  • 22. 

    Who is jealous about how much time Anne and Peter are spending together in his room?

    • A.

      Mrs. Frank

    • B.

      Mrs. Van Daan

    • C.


    Correct Answer
    B. Mrs. Van Daan
    Mrs. Van Daan is jealous about how much time Anne and Peter are spending together in his room. This can be inferred from the dynamics between the characters in the play "The Diary of Anne Frank." Mrs. Van Daan is shown to be possessive and insecure, often expressing her jealousy towards Anne and Peter's growing closeness. She feels threatened by their relationship and resents the time they spend together, particularly in Peter's room. This jealousy adds tension to the already confined and stressful living situation in the secret annex.

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  • 23. 

    The theme of this play can be expressed as all of the following statements except:

    • A.

      "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart"

    • B.

      The world contains both good and evil.

    • C.

      Children suffer more than adults in time of war.

    Correct Answer
    A. "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart"
    The correct answer is "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart". This statement contradicts the theme of the play, as it suggests that people are inherently good despite the presence of evil in the world. However, the play's theme is that the world contains both good and evil, and that children suffer more than adults in times of war.

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  • 24. 

    What amazing news does Miep bring to the Annex?

    • A.

      Mr. Kraler was no longer sick.

    • B.

      She informed them the war was over.

    • C.

      The invasion, D-day, had begun.

    Correct Answer
    C. The invasion, D-day, had begun.
    Miep brings the amazing news to the Annex that the invasion, D-day, had begun. This news is significant because it indicates that the Allies have launched a major offensive against the Nazis, which could potentially lead to the end of the war and their liberation.

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  • 25. 

    Who said, "You know what I do when it seems as if I couldn't stand being cooped up for one more minute? I think myself out."?

    Correct Answer
    Anne Frank, Anne
    Anne Frank said, "You know what I do when it seems as if I couldn't stand being cooped up for one more minute? I think myself out." This quote reflects Anne's coping mechanism while living in hiding during the Holocaust. Despite being confined to a small space, Anne found solace in her thoughts and imagination, allowing her to mentally escape the difficult circumstances she was facing. This quote showcases Anne's resilience and determination to find moments of freedom and escape even in the most challenging situations.

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  • 26. 

    Who said "Whose fault is it we're here? We could have been safe somewhere in America or Switzerland."?

    Correct Answer
    Mr. Van Daan
    Mr. Van Daan said "Whose fault is it we're here? We could have been safe somewhere in America or Switzerland." This statement suggests that Mr. Van Daan is blaming someone or something for their current situation and expressing regret for not being in a safer place like America or Switzerland.

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  • 27. 

    Who said, "I'll do nothing that might let anyone know we're in the building" ?

    Correct Answer
    Mr. Frank
    Mr. Frank said, "I'll do nothing that might let anyone know we're in the building." This statement suggests that Mr. Frank is cautious and wants to remain hidden or secretive while inside the building. It implies that he wants to avoid drawing attention to their presence, possibly to protect themselves or maintain their privacy.

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  • 28. 

    Who said, "I want to see something now... not a thousand years from now"?

    Correct Answer
    Mr. Frank
    This quote demonstrates Mr. Frank's wisdom and prudence. He chooses not to answer the phone to eliminate any potential risk of endangering everyone. "I desire immediate insight, not a millennium later."

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  • 29. 

    Who said, "We made it our business to know how they knew. It was the thief.. the thief who told them."?

    Correct Answer
    Mr. Kraler, Kraler
    The correct answer is Mr. Kraler. In the given quote, it is mentioned that "we made it our business to know how they knew." This implies that Mr. Kraler and his associates were investigating how the authorities obtained information about the hiding place of the people they were protecting. The phrase "the thief who told them" suggests that they discovered that a thief had betrayed them, and it was Mr. Kraler who revealed this information.

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  • 30. 

    Who said, "Your own son Peter.... I hear him moan in his sleep, he's so hungry?

    Correct Answer
    Mrs. Frank
    The correct answer is Mrs. Frank. Mrs. Frank is the one who said, "Your own son Peter.... I hear him moan in his sleep, he's so hungry." This suggests that Mrs. Frank is expressing concern for her son Peter, who is hungry.

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  • 31. 

    Who said, "He needs more food than the rest of us. He's used to more, he's a big man"?

    Correct Answer
    Mrs. Van Daan
    In this question, Mrs. Van Daan is identified as the speaker of the quote, "He needs more food than the rest of us. He's used to more, he's a big man." This suggests that Mrs. Van Daan is referring to a person who has a larger appetite and is accustomed to eating more than the others. The phrase "he's a big man" further emphasizes that this person has a larger physical size, which may contribute to his need for more food.

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  • 32. 

    Who said, "You don't understand mother at all, do you? She can't talk back. She's not like you. It's just not in her nature to fight back."?

    Correct Answer
    Margot is the one who said, "You don't understand mother at all, do you? She can't talk back. She's not like you. It's just not in her nature to fight back." This statement suggests that Margot is referring to someone who is unable to defend themselves or stand up for themselves, contrasting with the speaker who is more assertive.

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