The Pigman Novel Exam! Trivia Quiz

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| By Cassandra Walker
Cassandra Walker
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 293
Questions: 25 | Attempts: 293

The Pigman Novel Exam! Trivia Quiz - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    The Marshmallow Kid got his name because

    • A.

      He stole a bag of marshmallows

    • B.

      He's chubby

    • C.

      He's allergic to marshmallows

    • D.

      He stuffed more in his mouth than anyone else could

    Correct Answer
    A. He stole a bag of marshmallows
    The Marshmallow Kid got his name because he stole a bag of marshmallows. This suggests that he acquired the nickname due to an incident where he took someone else's marshmallows without permission. This action likely stood out and became a defining characteristic of the Marshmallow Kid, leading others to associate him with the act of stealing marshmallows.

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  • 2. 

    What was the object of a phone marathon?

    • A.

      To see who could keep the other person on the line the longest

    • B.

      To get paid the most for telemarketing

    • C.

      To bother people

    • D.

      To see who could run to the phone the fastest

    Correct Answer
    A. To see who could keep the other person on the line the longest
    The object of a phone marathon was to see who could keep the other person on the line the longest. This suggests that participants in the marathon were trying to engage the other person in conversation or keep them interested in staying on the call for as long as possible.

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  • 3. 

    What did John accuse Aunt Ahra of doing?

    • A.

      Being the Bathroom Bomber

    • B.

      Giving him the idea for the fruit roll

    • C.

      Murdering Mr. Pignati

    • D.

      Putting glue in the phone lock

    Correct Answer
    D. Putting glue in the pHone lock
    John accused Aunt Ahra of putting glue in the phone lock.

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  • 4. 

    What happened to Lorraine's father?

    • A.

      He recently divorced Lorraine's mother.

    • B.

      He left 15 years ago and died six years ago.

    • C.

      He died a few months ago.

    • D.

      Lorraine doesn't know.

    Correct Answer
    B. He left 15 years ago and died six years ago.
    The correct answer is "He left 15 years ago and died six years ago." This answer suggests that Lorraine's father had left the family 15 years ago and then passed away six years ago.

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  • 5. 

    Who is the Cricket?

    • A.

      Lorraine's mother

    • B.

      Miss Reillen, the school librarian

    • C.

      Miss King, the English teacher

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Miss Reillen, the school librarian
    The question is asking for the identity of the person referred to as "the Cricket." Among the given options, Miss Reillen, the school librarian, is the only one who fits this description.

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  • 6. 

    How did John and Lorraine meet?

    • A.

      They sat next to each other in class at school.

    • B.

      Their friend Norton introduced them.

    • C.

      They sat next to each other and laughed on the bus to school one morning.

    • D.

      They met in detention.

    Correct Answer
    C. They sat next to each other and laughed on the bus to school one morning.
    John and Lorraine met when they sat next to each other and laughed on the bus to school one morning. This suggests that their initial encounter was lighthearted and enjoyable, which could have laid the foundation for their friendship.

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  • 7. 

    What would Lorraine like to be one day?

    • A.

      A writer

    • B.

      A psychologist

    • C.

      A teacher

    • D.

      A gourmet chef

    Correct Answer
    A. A writer
    Lorraine would like to be a writer because it is the only option that involves creating written content. Being a writer allows her to express her creativity and share her ideas and stories with others through the written word. It is a career that requires strong writing skills, imagination, and a passion for storytelling. Lorraine may have a love for literature and a desire to make a career out of her passion for writing.

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  • 8. 

    What would John like to be one day?

    • A.

      A detective

    • B.

      A professional burglar

    • C.

      An actor

    • D.

      A zookeeper

    Correct Answer
    A. A detective
    John would like to be a detective one day. This implies that he has an interest in solving mysteries and investigating crimes. Becoming a detective would allow him to use his skills and intelligence to help solve cases and bring justice to those in need. It suggests that John is likely to be observant, analytical, and has a strong sense of justice.

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  • 9. 

    What is the name of the fake charity John and Lorraine made up?

    • A.

      The Howard Avenue Civic League

    • B.

      Save the Children

    • C.

      The L & J Fund

    • D.

      Children's Home

    Correct Answer
    C. The L & J Fund
    John and Lorraine made up a fake charity called "The L & J Fund".

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  • 10. 

    Why does Lorraine want to write this story?

    • A.

      To practice as a writer

    • B.

      To write it down while it's still fresh in her memory

    • C.

      To have it published

    • D.

      To give it to the Pigman

    Correct Answer
    A. To practice as a writer
    Lorraine wants to write this story to practice as a writer. This suggests that she is looking to improve her writing skills and gain experience in the craft. By writing this story, she hopes to hone her abilities and develop her talent further. It also implies that she may have aspirations of becoming a professional writer in the future.

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  • 11. 

    When Mr. Piganti first met John and Lorraine, he told them that his wife is visiting his sister in

    • A.

      Las Vegas

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. California
    Mr. Piganti's statement about his wife visiting his sister in California implies that his wife is currently in California. This suggests that California is the correct answer.

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  • 12. 

    What can we tell about Mr. Pignati from the Beekman's Department store scene?

    • A.

      He becomes very uptight and anxious to leave.

    • B.

      He cries about old memories.

    • C.

      He becomes child-like and excited.

    • D.

      He believes the toys are cheap in quality.

    Correct Answer
    C. He becomes child-like and excited.
    In the Beekman's Department store scene, Mr. Pignati's behavior changes as he becomes child-like and excited. This can be inferred from the given options as none of the other options mention his excitement or child-like behavior.

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  • 13. 

    What animal is Bobo?

    • A.

      A zebra

    • B.

      A dolphin

    • C.

      A baboon

    • D.

      A flamingo

    Correct Answer
    C. A baboon
    Bobo is most likely a baboon because baboons are a type of primate commonly found in Africa and are known for their distinctive appearance with a hairless face and a long, dog-like muzzle. They are also known for their complex social structure and intelligence. The other options, such as a zebra, dolphin, or flamingo, are not typically associated with the name "Bobo" and do not match the description of a baboon.

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  • 14. 

    How much money does Mr. Pignati offer to donate to John and Lorraine's fake charity?

    • A.

      Ten dollars

    • B.

      Five dollars

    • C.

      Twenty dollars

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Ten dollars
    Mr. Pignati offers to donate ten dollars to John and Lorraine's fake charity.

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  • 15. 

    Lorraine says of The Pigman, "The longer he knew us, the more of a kid he became." All of the following shows this statement is true, except...

    • A.

      Mr. Piganti skates in the mall and at home

    • B.

      Mr. Pignati eats chocolate covered ants

    • C.

      Mr. Pignati plays a psychological murder game

    • D.

      Mr. Pignati falls down the stairs from shortness of breath.

    Correct Answer
    D. Mr. Pignati falls down the stairs from shortness of breath.
    The statement "The longer he knew us, the more of a kid he became" implies that Mr. Pignati becomes more playful and childlike as he spends more time with Lorraine and the narrator. The options provided all support this statement except for the fact that Mr. Pignati falls down the stairs from shortness of breath. This event does not necessarily indicate that he becomes more childlike, but rather suggests a physical health issue.

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  • 16. 

    Why do John and Lorraine still pretend to be Mr. Pignati's children when they visit him in the hospital?

    • A.

      The hospital only allows immediate family members to visit.

    • B.

      John and Lorraine think that it is a funny prank.

    • C.

      Mr. Pignait only wants to see his own children at the hospital

    • D.

      The hospital provides free lunch for visitors.

    Correct Answer
    A. The hospital only allows immediate family members to visit.
    John and Lorraine pretend to be Mr. Pignati's children when they visit him in the hospital because the hospital only allows immediate family members to visit.

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  • 17. 

    Why does Mr. Pignati collect pigs?

    • A.

      Pigs are his favorite animals.

    • B.

      It reminds him of his wife.

    • C.

      They thought they were cute.

    • D.

      He inheirited the pigs from another family member.

    Correct Answer
    B. It reminds him of his wife.
    Mr. Pignati collects pigs because they remind him of his wife.

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  • 18. 

    Who does John not invite to Mr. Pignati's house?

    • A.

      Jane Appling

    • B.

      Rocky Romano

    • C.

      Norton Kelly

    • D.

      Marlon Brewery

    Correct Answer
    C. Norton Kelly
    John does not invite Norton Kelly to Mr. Pignati's house.

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  • 19. 

    How must Mr. Pignati have felt when he comes back to find that a party had taken place at his house?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Betrayed
    Mr. Pignati must have felt betrayed when he came back to find that a party had taken place at his house. This is because he may have trusted the people who were in his house and expected them to respect his property. However, their actions of throwing a party without his permission would have made him feel deceived and let down.

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  • 20. 

    How did John and Lorraine feel after Mr. Pignati came home after the hospital?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Guilty
    John and Lorraine felt guilty after Mr. Pignati came home from the hospital. This can be inferred from the context of the question, as the word "guilty" suggests a negative emotion. It is likely that they felt guilty because they may have done something wrong or felt responsible for Mr. Pignati's hospitalization. Without further information, it is difficult to determine the exact reason for their guilt, but it is clear that they did not feel happy, indifferent, or excited.

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  • 21. 

    All of the following are behaviors of John and Lorraine's parents except...

    • A.

      Having festive parties.

    • B.

      Criticizing their children

    • C.

      Ignoring their children

    • D.

      None of the above.

    Correct Answer
    A. Having festive parties.
    The correct answer is "having festive parties." The passage states that John and Lorraine's parents criticize and ignore their children, indicating that these behaviors are exhibited by their parents. However, there is no mention of their parents having festive parties, suggesting that this behavior is not exhibited by them. Therefore, having festive parties is the behavior that is not exhibited by John and Lorraine's parents.

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  • 22. 

    The story is narrated by

    • A.


    • B.

      The Pigman

    • C.


    • D.

      Both John and Lorraine

    Correct Answer
    D. Both John and Lorraine
    The correct answer is both John and Lorraine. This means that the story is narrated by both John and Lorraine. They take turns narrating different parts of the story, providing different perspectives and insights into the events that unfold. This dual narration allows the reader to have a more comprehensive understanding of the story and the characters' experiences.

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  • 23. 

    What does the author show about the relationship between John, Lorraine, and Mr. Pignati from the Beekman's Department store scene?

    • A.

      They share a new understanding for one another.

    • B.

      They are embarrassed by one another.

    • C.

      They are only using each other for companionship.

    • D.

      They do not stick up for one another like real friends would.

    Correct Answer
    A. They share a new understanding for one another.
    In the Beekman's Department store scene, the author shows that John, Lorraine, and Mr. Pignati share a new understanding for one another. This can be inferred from their interactions and conversations during the scene. They start off as strangers, but as they spend time together, they begin to open up and connect on a deeper level. They learn about each other's fears, insecurities, and past experiences, which helps them develop empathy and compassion for one another. This newfound understanding strengthens their bond and transforms their relationship into something more meaningful than just companionship.

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  • 24. 

    How does Mr. Pignati react when John and Lorraine told him the truth?

    • A.

      He becomes angry and feels betrayed.

    • B.

      He goes back to the zoo to see Bobo.

    • C.

      He takes a long drive.

    • D.

      He become quiet and remembers his wife.

    Correct Answer
    D. He become quiet and remembers his wife.
    When John and Lorraine tell Mr. Pignati the truth, he becomes quiet and starts to remember his wife. This suggests that the truth has deeply affected him emotionally, causing him to retreat into his own thoughts and memories. It implies that the truth has triggered a sense of sadness and nostalgia in Mr. Pignati, leading him to reflect on his past and the loss of his wife.

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 17, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Mar 20, 2019
    Quiz Created by
    Cassandra Walker
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