What Level Of Extrovert Or Introvert Are You? Quiz

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| By Jellygirl000
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 14,717
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 14,744

What Level Of Extrovert Or Introvert Are You? Quiz - Quiz

Introversion & extroversion are the two personality traits that are pretty common amongst people. Our unique 'What Level Of Extrovert Or Introvert Are You?' quiz can help you determine your personality. Are you an outgoing person and friendly, or are you quiet and like to keep to yourself most of the time? These questions will enable you to figure this out and know your level of extrovert and introvert. Let's see which one you are! Take our quiz & find out!

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    You're moving to a new city to attend college and have two housing options - living in an apartment on your own, or rooming with three other people. Which do you choose and why?

    • A.

      Sharing an apartment without a second thought.

    • B.

      I'd rather room with three other people, living on my own would be a drag. Hopefully they aren't annoying or I might get a bit irritated though.

    • C.

      The shared room because I'd get lonely living on my own. I'd try to get my own room but if it wasn't possible, I'd find other ways to get my alone time. Being around three other people most of the time isn't that bad though, once I get to know them I'll enjoy their company.

    • D.

      I'd rather live on my own. I already get in enough social interaction at school anyway, having to be around people at night would irritate me.

    • E.

      My own. I see friends every few nights so spending the evenings totally alone most of the time would be nothing for me.

    • F.

      Totally on my own. I don't really get lonely anyway.

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  • 2. 

    Do you prefer to work in a team or alone?

    • A.

      In a team - I wouldn't even know what to do alone!

    • B.

      In a team, almost always.

    • C.

      I can work alone if I have to but I generally prefer to work in a team, I find it more fun, energizing and just better.

    • D.

      I can work in a team if I really have to but I much prefer to work alone. Though a few helping hands are nice on occasion.

    • E.

      Alone, I like to concentrate on my own in a tranquil environment, but I could work well in a team if it was necessary.

    • F.

      Alone, no questions asked. Working with other people drains me and tends to irritate me, and I feel like my full potential only awakens when I"m on my own.

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  • 3. 

    How much social interaction can you handle before you start feeling the need to get away and be alone?

    • A.

      I've never felt like that before, or at least not very much - I always want to be out socializing, except maybe every now and then it's nice to be able to relax without feeling the need to impress someone.

    • B.

      The time school/work takes plus maybe an hour afterwards, but then I like to go home and relax - but after an hour of alone time I'll open up my social networks and spend the rest of the night texting friends.

    • C.

      I need a day or a 1-3 hours to myself every few days, generally.

    • D.

      I can handle a few hours to half a day of active socializing but then I need to get away and be alone - completely!!! Meaning no texts, phone calls, etc

    • E.

      A few hours, but then I'd like to go home and relax. I might be open to texting a friend or two, but I'd like to be completely free of social interaction for at least an hour. It's essential to my well being.

    • F.

      An hour or two, but then my social battery feels completely drained.

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  • 4. 

    Ideally, how many friends would you prefer to have? (Emphasis on ideally, not how many friends you actually have)

    • A.

      I'd like to be friends with everyone, regardless of whether we're close or not, I just want to be kept busy with social interaction as often as possible!

    • B.

      I'd like to have as many friends as possible, a few very close ones but also many acquaintances and casual friendships. The more the merrier.

    • C.

      I don't really care. I guess one good friend is enough for me to get by, but it wouldn't matter a lot to me if I was the last person on earth.

    • D.

      Many best friends, many good friends and a few acquaintances - but not so many that I'm constantly drowning in part invites or anything like that. I like to have a day to myself every now and then.

    • E.

      A small group of close friends is good enough for me. Maybe 2 to 4 that I see once a week or so.

    • F.

      A group of very close friends, a few friends and some acquaintances. Enough to get some socializing in a few days a week but also to allow as much alone time as possible.

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  • 5. 

    When do you feel at your best, happiest or most energized?

    • A.

      When I'm at a party, surrounded by people and am free to mingle or am the center or attention.

    • B.

      When I'm spending time with a group of friends - the more, the merrier.

    • C.

      When I'm spending time with a group of good friends or am in the comfort of my own home, but blogging/social networking and texting my friends.

    • D.

      When I've just arrived home from a social outing with a few good friends and am able to recharge with no disturbance.

    • E.

      When I get to spend a day or two all alone, in the company of only myself - of course, I'll want to be able to text a friend here and there.

    • F.

      When I'm free of social interaction and able to relax in a tranquil environment, and knowing I won't have to talk to anyone for days, ideally weeks.

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  • 6. 

    You're facing a problem, regarding work, school or perhaps a friendship. What's your first move?

    • A.

      I take time to think the problem over on my own but once I'm not so sure about it, I tell a few of my closest friends.

    • B.

      I don't even think to consult anyone else regarding my problem - it would be useless.

    • C.

      I think the problem through and solve it on my own, but consult a friend afterwards to get their opinion, just to be sure.

    • D.

      I tell all my closest friends and think through my problem with their input.

    • E.

      I don't give it much thought before hand and tell as many people as I think will listen, then afterwards, think over their replies and make a decision on how to handle my problem.

    • F.

      I blurt it out to all of my friends, acquaintances, maybe even a stranger at the bus stop and solve my problem with their input.

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  • 7. 

    You are mainly interested in human relationships and friendships - without them you would be depressed and life would seem bland and pointless.

    • A.


    • B.


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  • 8. 

    You're starting at a new school or workplace. Your mind is mostly on: 

    • A.

      The classes/the work - I'm definitely interested in making some new friends, but school/work is exactly what's it called, not an opportunity to socialize. Besides, I've already got a group of close friends so I don't have a big need for meeting many new people.

    • B.

      The people, the parties - how will I fit in?

    • C.

      The people, I hope that I can find a great group of friends where I can be myself. I fantasize about all the new relationships I might forge.

    • D.

      The people. Hopefully they'll like me and I'll find a few groups to fit into so I can keep myself busy most of the time.

    • E.

      The classes/work. I'm interested in making a friend or two but I'm mostly here to secure my future and that's all I think about.

    • F.

      The classes/work. I don't care about the people I'll have to work with and hopefully I can avoid social interaction as much as possible.

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  • 9. 

    How much do you care about other people's opinions of you, and how does it affect the way you see yourself?

    • A.

      I care a lot about my image and it's no secret, but I've learned to be more independent and I don't mind as much if some people don't like me.

    • B.

      Image is important and I sometimes find myself fretting over how other people see me, but I've come to accept myself for who I am and generally other people's opinions are irrelevant.

    • C.

      Popularity is everything. I hate to admit it, but...if other people don't love me then I can't love myself.

    • D.

      While I'm very self aware and able to see myself as who I am regardless of what other people think, I care a lot about how other people perceive me and I often find myself in conflict with how I see myself and how others see me. I want people to know exactly who I am, but sometimes find it hard to accomplish that.

    • E.

      I don't care about how others perceive me because I know who I am, but it is nice for other people to recognize my identity and support it.

    • F.

      Other people's opinions are completely irrelevant. I'm a lone ranger.

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  • 10. 

    What do other people label you as - quiet and independent/introverted or as talkative, lively and extroverted?

    • A.

      People tend to refer to me as reserved and solitary person, and they're right, but I'm not a total hermit.

    • B.

      I'm often mistaken as extroverted because of my talkative and assertive nature but at the end of the day I like to go home and be on my own - I'm truly an introvert. Either that or people have trouble defining me because at times I can be either.

    • C.

      Everyone I meet comments on how reserved and quiet I am, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

    • D.

      I tend to be more talkative and and lively but when I'm feeling down I can retreat back into my shell, but it won't take long for me to go back to being my exroverted self.

    • E.

      I'm often mistaken as introverted by those who first meet me because I can be shy and quiet but my true self isn't much like that - I prefer to talk and put myself out there and this really shows when I'm with people I feel comfortable with. And at the end of the day, my energy comes from other people.

    • F.

      Talkative, lively and extroverted for my entire life. I couldn't imagine being any other way.

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  • Current Version
  • Aug 24, 2022
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Mar 29, 2015
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