Which Hetalia Guy Would Date You ?:D

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| By Taraku
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 26,885
Questions: 11 | Attempts: 26,898

Which Hetalia Guy Would Date You ?:D - Quiz

Well since there's soooo many attractive guys in Hetalia I wanted to make a quiz , oh yes. Go on and take the test. . . . . Your bishie AWAITS!:D
Enjoy Bros~

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    You're sitting down talking with China about adopting a Panda when suddenly England runs up to you two and says He believes that a group of gnomes on unicorns are gonna come  to crash the party and asks for your help searching for them! What do you say to him?!c:

    • A.


    • B.

      "ummmm yeah are you sure its just not just your pills you need help searching for ?":V

    • C.

      " I sensed the party was gonna get crashed too but by half breed whale dogs!!"D:

    • D.

      "Calm down England. Lets solve this logically..if there is any.."

    • E.

      "HOW dare you interrupt my conversation about pandas, I hope ur eyebrows and you burn in hell!">:V

    • F.

      "I believe you England , if you say there are I got your back.":D

    • G.

      " How about we go search for them somewhere sound proof and isolated." :3

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  • 2. 

    QUICKLY!!!Little SeaLand runs up to you and needs help picking a color for a picture of a flower with a face he drew!D: whut color do you pick outta the crayon box for it?=w=

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    • F.


    • G.


    • H.


    • I.


    Rate this question:

  • 3. 

    GAME TIME!!!!So the guys want to play some games, here are the choices to chose from. Which one do you pick?:D

    • A.

      UNO or some other card game :D

    • B.

      Hide and Seek....*hides*

    • C.

      Truth or Dare! So many possiblities ;D

    • D.

      Twister!! As long as im the spinner person :O

    • E.

      Prank calling pffft is your fridge runnin :V

    • F.

      Does watching movies or eating count?:B

    • G.

      Pluck Englands eyebrows for fun! *england- =_=*

    • H.

      Spin the bottle.... one girl, lots of guys, so win and another win :3

    • I.

      I dont wanna play any games ill be ref or just watch :P

    • J.

      VIDEO GAMES!!! Halo, Mario kart ,or Super Smash Bros anyone?8D

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  • 4. 

     At the food table you're about to reach for the last plate of pasta *oh god here it comes :'D* When suddenly Italy's hand touches yours and you end up getting the last plate.  "AHHHH______-chan looks like you got the last plate of pasta!T^T It's ok I wanted it, but enjoy!"^^ What do you do now?

    • A.

      I think how ours hands touched and blush handing it over to him and say " I want you to have it Italy-san I know you love pasta." >///> *do I smell a confession?*

    • B.

      I laugh and say " Surival of the fittest hahahaha sorry but maybe you should stop stuffing your face and train with Germany more!" >:V

    • C.

      I feel sorry for him but I gotz it first.Besides, Im hungry so I say no. :O

    • D.

      I HATE Him so I spit in the food then put it back hahaahahaa or just eat it :D

    • E.

      I make him beg for it first or make a deal for it :3

    • F.

      I smile and give it to him, he is my friend after all. Either way I dont need the calories :P

    • G.

      I shrug and give it to him, I mean ,there is more food. :V

    • H.

      Perhaps we could share it :3

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  • 5. 

     You happen to catch Germany And Italy by themselves sitting on a bench alone outside. What are your thoughts???:O

    • A.

      They are probably discussing which type of dip to get at the store for the chips since some fatty ate it all :P

    • B.

      LOVE~ *O* I must go watch them to see what they do :3*hides behind bush*

    • C.

      They are probably confessing , it has to be! I knew it!!!!D:

    • D.

      Conversation between friends nothing more. They probably just got tired or all the noise from Englands yelling inside so they took their convo out here :O

    • E.

      Trading pokemon cards :DD

    • F.

      Germanys probably gonna make him do push ups on the bench hahaha C:

    • G.

      WAIT? Germany and Italy are together? That must mean Japan is all alone!!!!D: Must go see him and flirt hardcore !!

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  • 6. 

    After awhile you're having a nice conversation with * insert country's name here* when you notice from across the room France  checking you out!!D: What is your reaction !?o.o

    • A.

      What do you think?? I kick his ass until I am satisfied!!!>:V

    • B.

      I leave the party of course! Now i have an excuse to leave yay !:D

    • C.

      I run over glomping his face and lick him yelling I LOVE YOU FRANCE BBY !!Be mine!

    • D.

      I just ignore him and continue my nice conversation with * insert country's name here* :o

    • E.

      I glare at him and go over there to see why he was checking me out :///

    • F.

      I get my best buddy *insert country's name here* to beat him up I know they'll have my back against the perv!!D:<

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  • 7. 

    STOP!!!!!!  Before you sit down what person would you like to sit by most of all ???:DD

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    • F.


    • G.


    • H.


    • I.


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  • 8. 

    You are let into the party by little Sealand as he drags you to everyone else .  You then see all the guys sitting in a poor excuse of a circle talking,what do you do?

    • A.

      I immediately trample him to get to the food table, I mean, you gotta get to the chips before some one double dips anyway :O

    • B.

      I drag Sealand eagerly to talk to everyone like the social butterfly I am, I love mingling. :D

    • C.

      Im nervous with it being just guys and they are all staring at me so Im trying to pull away from Sealand AH! D;

    • D.

      I follow behind Sealand and just sit down next to who ever and join in the conversation like nothing :P

    • E.

      I'll just stand in the corner and keep to myself till the party ends... maybe they'll ignore me. I didn't want to come anyway !Dx

    • F.

      Run to the center of the circle to be the center of attention while dragging little Sealand like a ragdoll :DD

    • G.

      They will soon be begging to become one with me in friendship so i just sit somewhere and stare at them intensely hehehe (:

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  • 9. 

    So you arrive to the so called "get together" which happens to be just you and all boys. First off what made you come?

    • A.

      I had nothing better to do...is all...D:

    • B.

      I was invited so i couldn't say no even though i could be watching some true blood or south park right now :P

    • C.

      A chance to hang with my buddies? why the hell would i miss out on a chance for fun!:D

    • D.

      To find and have a sexy time with a hot guy here, friends with benefits duh! (*nods* :D)

    • E.

      I was blackmailed to come D:

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  • 10. 

    Thirsty aren't we? As you reach into the fridge to raid for a drink you grab.....

    • A.


    • B.

      Tea :D

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Tomatoe juice o.o

    • F.


    • G.

      Green tea

    • H.


    • I.


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  • 11. 

    As the party  ends you realize you forgot......

    • A.

      To confess to the guy i like!;_;

    • B.

      My psp..damn it's gone by now..D:

    • C.

      Wallet ; n ;

    • D.

      My coupon to bath and body works :O

    • E.

      My phone with the cute hello kitty keychain ;A;

    • F.

      My keys >:V

    • G.

      Other shoe..o.o

    • H.

      The rest of my candy bar :'[

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 21, 2022
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Jun 21, 2010
    Quiz Created by
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