Which That 70's Show Character Are You Most Like?

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| By Ilovematilda1031
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 6,082
Questions: 8 | Attempts: 6,091

Which That 70s Show Character Are You Most Like? - Quiz

The 70s' show is one of the more memorable shows of our childhood. Ever wondered which character would be most like. Well, wonder no more. Take our awesome quiz and find out!

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Which two-word combos do you think describes your aura the best?

    • A.

      Jumpy and Alert

    • B.

      Calm and Unique

    • C.

      Self-centered and Beautiful

    • D.

      Pretty and Caring

    • E.

      Ill-Tempered and Unoptomistic

    • F.

      Wierd and Misunderstood

    • G.

      Careless and Relaxed

    • H.

      Helpful and Optomistic

    • I.

      Occupied and Mediating

    • J.

      Stressed and Goofy

    • K.

      Odd and Insensitive

    • L.

      Optomistic and Pretty

    • M.

      Tough and Active

    • N.

      Caring and Athletic

    • O.

      Drugee and Hippie-like

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  • 2. 

    Which of the following is closest to what you do in your free time?

    • A.

      Play basketball - preferably one-on-one with whoever is up to it.

    • B.

      Sit around at home with a group of friends and talk.

    • C.

      You wish you had any free time, but it'll never happen.

    • D.

      Stare in the mirror and admire yourself.

    • E.

      Put on more make-up and do your hair so that you look perfectly flawless and immortally beautiful.

    • F.

      Sit on the couch with the television remote in one hand and a beer in the other.

    • G.

      Find your friends and try to keep up with whatever they're doing.

    • H.

      Step outside for a few smokes, and don't forget your beers.

    • I.

      Lay around and do nothing.

    • J.

      Take the longest nap of your life.

    • K.

      Tag along with your parents, whatever they're doing doesn't matter too much.

    • L.

      Do chores to avoid the parent's punishment.

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  • 3. 

    If your friend fell on their face right in front of you, which of the following reactions best describes what yours would most likely be?

    • A.

      Laugh out loud for a few minutes while you watch them get up, and tease them about it for a while after.

    • B.

      Continue with what you were doing like nothing happened.

    • C.

      Get upset at them, and yell at them for being so stupid and ignorant to their surroundings.

    • D.

      Help them up while laughing your voice out.

    • E.

      Walk to them and help them up, without even thinking of letting out a giggle, and ask if they're alright.

    • F.

      Laugh a little while they get up (don't let them catch you) and make sure they're okay.

    • G.

      Comment about them wasting your life away while you help them up with a bad attitude and annoyed aura.

    • H.

      Help them up, and keep on moving.

    • I.

      Pull them to their feet, while falling to the floor yourself.

    • J.

      You would be the one falling, not your acquaintance.

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  • 4. 

    How would you rate your looks on a scale of 1 to 100, 100 being the best?

    • A.

      1,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,000. I'm the most beautiful/handsome person in the world.

    • B.

      90 and it takes some work to get there.

    • C.

      Who cares what I look like, as long as I get some damn beer.

    • D.

      100 easily.

    • E.

      It's not right to see people's personalities through their physical features.

    • F.

      I can't tell positives from otherwise, so I dunno.

    • G.

      50, I suppose my looks are average.

    • H.


    • I.

      0, I'm ashamed of my looks and don't know if anyone will ever like me because of them.

    • J.

      That's my business!

    • K.


    • L.


    • M.


    • N.


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  • 5. 

    Imagine the following scenario: You're a teenager, and you're inside watching your favorite T.V. show - you'd say it's what you live for - and your mother tells you to go sweep and mop the floor downstairs. What would you do?

    • A.

      I would do as she asked and cleaned the floor with a good attitude. I live in her house, so I might as well make myself useful to her somehow.

    • B.

      Sit there and continue with the show and ignore her completely. I don't need to do anything for her if she's not gonna pay me back for it.

    • C.

      With a moan get up and lazily do what she asked, while doing a sloppy job and staying where you can still see the television.

    • D.

      With a neutral attitude, get up when a commercial comes on, and get it done quickly as you can in order to get back to the TV before commercial break is over.

    • E.

      Argue for as long as you can keep it up, then just do it. It's not worth being punished for.

    • F.

      Do it with abnormally optimistic enthusiasm, because you enjoy cleaning more than TV, and always will.

    • G.

      Smart-mouth her and be so sarcastic that she just calls your brother down to do it.

    • H.

      Yell at her till she cries and does it herself, so that you can watch TV in peace.

    • I.

      Try your best to politely get out of it, but if it doesn't work, just do it anyways.

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  • 6. 

    If you could have any of these powers, which would it be? Try to match up the reason as well.

    • A.

      Omniscience, so that I could get an amazing dream job and help out others with what could be life changing decisions.

    • B.

      The ability to fly, so that I could go anywhere I wanted for free and see anyone I want in a reasonable amount of time.

    • C.

      Shape shifting, so that I could become anyone and make myself amazingly beautiful or desired or famous... whatever I wanted to appear as.

    • D.

      Invisibility, because no one sees too much of me anyways and I could pull some awesome pranks with some free beers.

    • E.

      Super Strength, so that I would have absolute power over anyone and everyone I wanted... not that I don't already.

    • F.

      Multiple heads, so that everyone could see my beauty closely without crowding around one head.

    • G.

      Seeing the Future, so that I could see trends before they were popular, and be famous for "starting" them, and it'll help me fit in.

    • H.

      Hypnotistic abilities, so that I could control everyone and make them do my work for me.

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  • 7. 

    Of the following cities, which would you rather be in? Remember to keep in mind the correlation as well as the actual city.

    • A.

      Hollywood CA, because I could meet famous people that think I'm pretty, and modeling agencies that might love my looks

    • B.

      I dont need to go anywhere. I'm fine where I am.

    • C.

      College Station, TX, because the university there is one of the top in nuclear science, and I would get a great job with a degree from ATM.

    • D.

      New York City, NY, because all the people there could all tell me how beautiful I am, and/or give me tips on how to be prettier... if that's even possible.

    • E.

      Orlando FL, because there are lots of stray animals that need help.

    • F.

      Jackson Hole, WY, because that's in the middle of nowhere, and everyone would leave me alone with my beer

    • G.

      Los Angeles, CA, because it would fit my current life style with occupations and such.

    • H.

      Wherever there's pizza!

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  • 8. 

    What color do you think best represents your aura?

    • A.

      Red - anger and rebellion

    • B.

      Yellow- joy and optimism

    • C.

      Blue - calmness and serenity

    • D.

      Black - carelessness and ignorance

    • E.

      Pink - Beauty and kindness

    • F.

      Orange - excitement and noticeability

    • G.

      Green - Masculinity and curiosity

    • H.

      Purple - Feisty and clumsy

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 21, 2022
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Jun 21, 2011
    Quiz Created by
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