1994 AP U.S. Govt. & Politics

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| By Ravin.netty
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1994 AP U.S. Govt. & Politics - Quiz

If you are in AP U. S. Government, this is a practice test for the AP exam, so study study.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    All of the following statements pertaining to the presidential veto are true EXCEPT

    • A.

      Congress overrides fewer than ten percent of presidential vetoes

    • B.

      A vetoed bill is often revised and passed in another form

    • C.

      Presidents often threaten to veto bills to increase their leverage with Congress

    • D.

      A President may veto part of a bill

    • E.

      Congress often places provisions the President wants into a bill the President dislikes to amek a veto less likely

    Correct Answer
    D. A President may veto part of a bill
    A President may veto part of a bill.

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  • 2. 

    Which of the following is a correct statement about political action committees (PAC's)?

    • A.

      The number of PAC's has remained stable over the past decade

    • B.

      Most PAC money is distributed to challengers in an effort to unseat hostile incumbents

    • C.

      The amount of money that PAC's can contribute directly to an individual candidate is limited by law

    • D.

      PAC's a illegal in most states

    • E.

      PAC's rarely attempt to influence legislation though lobbying activities

    Correct Answer
    C. The amount of money that PAC's can contribute directly to an individual candidate is limited by law
    PAC's are limited by law in terms of the amount of money they can contribute directly to an individual candidate. This means that there are legal restrictions on the financial support PAC's can provide to a specific candidate's campaign.

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  • 3. 

    A "cloture motion" passed in Senate does which of the following?

    • A.

      Returns a bill to committee

    • B.

      Cuts off debate on a bill

    • C.

      Criticizes a senator guilty of improprieties

    • D.

      Removes a President who has been impeached by the House

    • E.

      Brings a bill directly to a vote without formal committee approval

    Correct Answer
    B. Cuts off debate on a bill
    A "cloture motion" passed in Senate cuts off debate on a bill.

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  • 4. 

    The use of direct primaries instead of the convention system in selecting presidential candidates results in which of the following? I. A weakening of partly control over nominations.II. A reduction in the costs of election campaigns.III. An increase in the number of people involved in the choice of candidates.IV. An increase in voter turnout in midterm elections.

    • A.

      I and III only

    • B.

      II and IV only

    • C.

      III and IV only

    • D.

      I, II, and III only

    • E.

      I, II, III, and IV

    Correct Answer
    A. I and III only
    The use of direct primaries instead of the convention system in selecting presidential candidates results in a weakening of party control over nominations because it allows for a wider pool of candidates and gives more power to individual voters. It also leads to an increase in the number of people involved in the choice of candidates as more voters have a say in the selection process. However, it does not necessarily result in a reduction in the costs of election campaigns or an increase in voter turnout in midterm elections.

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  • 5. 

    Which of the following factors best accounts for the rise of interest groups and the decline of political parties in recent years?

    • A.

      National parties have become too closely identified with controversial issues

    • B.

      Court decisions have restricted the political parties' abilities to recruit new members

    • C.

      It is less expensive to join an interest group than to join a political party

    • D.

      Interest groups have been more successful in avoiding negative press coverage than have political parties

    • E.

      Interest groups are better able to articulate specific policy positions than are political parties

    Correct Answer
    E. Interest groups are better able to articulate specific policy positions than are political parties
    Interest groups are better able to articulate specific policy positions than are political parties. This suggests that interest groups are more effective in communicating their specific policy goals and objectives to the public and policymakers. This could be due to the fact that interest groups are often focused on a specific issue or set of issues, allowing them to have a more targeted and clear message. In contrast, political parties have a broader range of policy positions and may struggle to effectively communicate their stance on specific issues.

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  • 6. 

    Which of the following best characterizes the influence of the news media on public opinion in the United States?

    • A.

      They alter the public's views on issues

    • B.

      They affect which issues the public thinks are important

    • C.

      They determine how citizens will vote

    • D.

      Hey are most able to influence people with the highest level of education

    • E.

      Htey are most able to influence the urban sectors of society

    Correct Answer
    B. They affect which issues the public thinks are important
    The correct answer is "they affect which issues the public thinks are important." The news media has a significant influence on public opinion by selecting and highlighting certain issues, which in turn shapes the public's perception of what is important. The media has the power to prioritize certain topics, provide different perspectives, and set the agenda for public discourse. This influence can ultimately shape public opinion and the public's priorities in terms of what issues they consider important.

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  • 7. 

    Of the following, which group voted most heavily Democratic in presidential elections between 1964 and 1992?

    • A.

      Mexican Americans

    • B.

      Chinese Americans

    • C.

      Jewish Americans

    • D.

      Black Americans

    • E.

      Roman Catholic Americans

    Correct Answer
    D. Black Americans
    Black Americans voted most heavily Democratic in presidential elections between 1964 and 1992. This can be attributed to several factors, including the Civil Rights Movement and the Democratic Party's support for civil rights legislation during this time period. Additionally, the Democratic Party's focus on social and economic issues that disproportionately affect minority communities may have resonated with Black voters. The strong support from Black Americans for the Democratic Party during this period helped to solidify the party's base and shape its platform.

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  • 8. 

    To enforce the Fourteenth Amendment more clearly, Congress passed the

    • A.

      Civil Rights Act of 1964

    • B.

      Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act

    • C.

      Social Security Act

    • D.

      Twenty-sixth Amendment

    • E.

      War Powers Resolution

    Correct Answer
    A. Civil Rights Act of 1964
    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by Congress to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment more clearly. This act aimed to end racial segregation and discrimination in public facilities, schools, and employment. It also granted the federal government the power to file lawsuits against individuals or institutions that violated individuals' civil rights. The act was a significant milestone in the civil rights movement and played a crucial role in advancing equal rights and opportunities for all Americans.

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  • 9. 

    In the United States, most criminal cases end in

    • A.

      A plea bargain negotiated by the defense and prosecution

    • B.

      An appeal to the United States Court of Appeals

    • C.

      An appeal to a state court of appeals

    • D.

      A trial by judge

    • E.

      A trial by jury

    Correct Answer
    A. A plea bargain negotiated by the defense and prosecution
    In the United States, a plea bargain is the most common way for criminal cases to end. This is a negotiation between the defense and prosecution where the defendant agrees to plead guilty in exchange for a lesser sentence or a reduced charge. Plea bargains are favored because they help to expedite the legal process, reduce the burden on the court system, and allow for some level of certainty in the outcome of the case. Additionally, they can also provide benefits to both the defendant and the prosecution by avoiding the risks and uncertainties associated with a trial.

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  • 10. 

    "The Congress shall have power...to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof." -clause from the Constitution.Interpretations of this clause have been central to attempts to define the nature of which of the following aspects of the United States political system?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Due process of law

    • D.


    • E.

      Judicial review

    Correct Answer
    D. Federalism
    This clause from the Constitution, known as the Necessary and Proper Clause, grants the Congress the power to make laws that are necessary and proper for carrying out the powers given to the government. The interpretations of this clause have been central to attempts to define the nature of federalism in the United States political system. Federalism refers to the division of powers between the federal government and the states, and the Necessary and Proper Clause has been used to determine the extent of federal power and the limits on state power.

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  • 11. 

    "The Congress shall have power...to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof." -excerpt from the Constitution.The practical effect of this clause has been to

    • A.

      Make the legislature the most powerful branch of the national government

    • B.

      Allow the national government to extend its powers beyond those enumerated in the Constitution

    • C.

      Allow state governments to nullify federal laws with their borders

    • D.

      Give the President uncontested powers in the area of foreign policy

    • E.

      Ensure that any powers not delegated by the Constitution to the United States government are reserved to the states and the people

    Correct Answer
    B. Allow the national government to extend its powers beyond those enumerated in the Constitution
    The excerpt from the Constitution states that Congress has the power to make laws necessary and proper for carrying out the powers vested in the government. This means that Congress can extend its powers beyond those specifically listed in the Constitution. Therefore, the correct answer is "allow the national government to extend its powers beyond those enumerated in the Constitution."

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  • 12. 

    Those who believe that the Supreme Court in its rulings should defer to the elective institutions of government are advocating

    • A.

      "Social Darwinism"

    • B.

      "judicial activism"

    • C.

      "judicial restraint"

    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. "judicial restraint"
    The correct answer is "judicial restraint." This is because those who believe that the Supreme Court should defer to the elective institutions of government are advocating for the court to exercise restraint in its rulings. They believe that the elected branches of government, such as the executive and legislative branches, should be given more deference in making policy decisions, rather than the court making broad interpretations of the law. This approach aims to limit the power of the judiciary and uphold the principle of separation of powers.

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  • 13. 

    In general, Congress is most likely to defer to the President

    • A.

      In the area of foreign policy

    • B.

      In the area of fiscal policy

    • C.

      In the area of social policy

    • D.

      Late in the President's term

    • E.

      When the economy is strong

    Correct Answer
    A. In the area of foreign policy
    Congress is most likely to defer to the President in the area of foreign policy because the President has the authority to negotiate treaties, appoint ambassadors, and make decisions regarding international relations. Congress typically gives the President more leeway in this area due to the President's expertise and the need for quick decision-making in matters of national security and diplomacy. Additionally, Congress may be hesitant to interfere with foreign policy decisions as it could undermine the President's ability to effectively represent the country on the global stage.

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  • 14. 

    In trying to influence legislation, the President is generally more successful than congressional leaders in

    • A.

      Using the legislative schedule to political advantage

    • B.

      Enforcing the party discipline

    • C.

      Satisfying interest group demands for access to the policy process

    • D.

      Effectively using formal parliamentary powers rather than persuasion

    • E.

      Using the media to set the policy agenda

    Correct Answer
    E. Using the media to set the policy agenda
    The President is generally more successful than congressional leaders in using the media to set the policy agenda. The President has a larger platform and more visibility than congressional leaders, allowing them to shape public opinion and influence the media's coverage of policy issues. By strategically using the media, the President can highlight certain policy priorities and garner public support, which can in turn put pressure on Congress to take action on those issues. Congressional leaders, on the other hand, have less access to the media and may struggle to set the policy agenda in the same way.

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  • 15. 

    Supporters of granting the President a line-item veto would most likely argue that this power would increase a President's ability to

    • A.

      Work effectively with the cabinet

    • B.

      Negotiate understandings with foreign heads of government

    • C.

      Control federal spending

    • D.

      Avoid costly disputes with the judiciary

    • E.

      Provide effectively for national defense

    Correct Answer
    C. Control federal spending
    Supporters of granting the President a line-item veto would argue that this power would increase the President's ability to control federal spending. With a line-item veto, the President can selectively veto specific provisions or spending items in a larger bill, allowing for more targeted control over the budget. This would enable the President to eliminate unnecessary or wasteful spending, ensuring that taxpayer money is used more efficiently and effectively. By having the power to veto specific spending measures, the President can play a more active role in shaping fiscal policy and reducing government spending.

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  • 16. 

    Which of the following is true of an executive agreement made between a United States President and another head of state?

    • A.

      It does not require Senate approval, but may require congressional allocation of funds for implementation

    • B.

      It does not require congressional funding because the president can use the power fo the purse to raise implementation funds

    • C.

      It has more legal force than a treaty

    • D.

      It is binding on all succeeding Presidents and Congresses

    • E.

      It has been used extensively to end armed conflicts

    Correct Answer
    A. It does not require Senate approval, but may require congressional allocation of funds for implementation
    An executive agreement made between a United States President and another head of state does not require Senate approval, meaning it does not need to be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote in the Senate like a treaty would. However, it may still require congressional allocation of funds for implementation, as Congress holds the power of the purse and can allocate funds for the agreement's execution. This means that while the President has the authority to enter into executive agreements without Senate approval, Congress still has a role in providing the necessary funds for implementation.

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  • 17. 

    Over the past 20 years, reforms of teh presidential nomination process have had which of teh following effects?

    • A.

      The nomination process in both parties has become less democratic and open

    • B.

      The number of Black delegates at Republican national conventions has grown substantially

    • C.

      The number of candidates willing and able to seek the nomination has decreased dramatically

    • D.

      The number of female delegates and minority-group delegates at Democratic national conventions has grown substantially

    • E.

      State and local party organizations have increased their control over the process

    Correct Answer
    D. The number of female delegates and minority-group delegates at Democratic national conventions has grown substantially
    Over the past 20 years, reforms of the presidential nomination process have led to a significant increase in the number of female delegates and minority-group delegates at Democratic national conventions. This suggests that these reforms have been successful in promoting diversity and inclusivity within the party's nomination process.

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  • 18. 

    All of the following are reasons incumbents in the House of Representatives enjoy an electoral advantage over challengers EXCEPT that incumbents

    • A.

      Get substantial financial support from their party's national committee

    • B.

      Are better known to voters than are challengers

    • C.

      Find it much easier to raise campaign funds than do challengers

    • D.

      Can use staff members to do constituent service

    • E.

      Often serve on committees that enable them to help the constituency

    Correct Answer
    A. Get substantial financial support from their party's national committee
    Incumbents in the House of Representatives enjoy an electoral advantage over challengers because they are better known to voters, find it easier to raise campaign funds, can use staff members to do constituent service, and often serve on committees that enable them to help the constituency. However, the one reason that does not contribute to their advantage is that they do not necessarily get substantial financial support from their party's national committee.

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  • 19. 

    The Office of Management and Budget has the primary responsibility for doing which of the following?

    • A.

      Implementing federal unemployment policy

    • B.

      Preparing the budget

    • C.

      Auditing the budget

    • D.

      Appropriating funds for the budget

    • E.

      Approving the budget

    Correct Answer
    B. Preparing the budget
    The Office of Management and Budget is responsible for preparing the budget. This means that they are in charge of creating the budget proposal for the federal government. They analyze the financial needs and resources of the government and make recommendations on how to allocate funds. They work closely with other government agencies to gather information and ensure that the budget aligns with the priorities and goals of the administration. The Office of Management and Budget plays a crucial role in the budgeting process and helps shape the financial decisions of the federal government.

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  • 20. 

    The boundary lines of congressional districts are drawn by

    • A.

      The United States House of Representatives

    • B.

      The United States Senate

    • C.

      United States district courts

    • D.

      State governors

    • E.

      State legislatures

    Correct Answer
    E. State legislatures
    The correct answer is state legislatures. The boundary lines of congressional districts are drawn by the state legislatures. This means that the state governments have the power to determine the shape and size of each district within their state. This process is known as redistricting or gerrymandering, and it is typically done every ten years after the census data is released. The state legislatures play a crucial role in this process as they have the authority to manipulate the boundaries in a way that can benefit their political party or agenda.

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  • 21. 

    The most common form of political activity undertaken by United States citizens is

    • A.

      Lobbying to influence decisions by public officials

    • B.

      Campaigning for candidates for office

    • C.

      Contributing money to a political party

    • D.

      Voting in local elections

    • E.

      Voting in presidential elections

    Correct Answer
    E. Voting in presidential elections
    The given answer, voting in presidential elections, is the most common form of political activity undertaken by United States citizens. This is because presidential elections are held every four years and receive significant media coverage and public attention. Voting allows citizens to directly participate in the democratic process and have a say in selecting the country's leader. While other activities like lobbying, campaigning, and contributing money to political parties are also important, they are not as widespread or accessible to all citizens as voting in presidential elections.

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  • 22. 

    Which of the following statements best describes how United States citizens regard the rights of free speech and assembly?

    • A.

      A majority agrees in principle with these rights, but in practice many people are often intolerant of views they do not support

    • B.

      A majority actively supports these rights without any reservations

    • C.

      A majority opposes these rights in principle

    • D.

      The average citizen is more supportive fo these rights than are members of the elite

    • E.

      Conservatives have traditionally been more supportive of these rights than have liberals

    Correct Answer
    A. A majority agrees in principle with these rights, but in practice many people are often intolerant of views they do not support
    A majority of United States citizens agree in principle with the rights of free speech and assembly. However, in practice, many people are often intolerant of views they do not support.

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  • 23. 

    The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to

    • A.

      Expand presidential power

    • B.

      Restrict the application of judicial review

    • C.

      Make most rights contained in the Bill of Rights applicable to the states

    • D.

      Prevent states from taxing agencies of the federal government

    • E.

      Limit the use of the legislative veto

    Correct Answer
    C. Make most rights contained in the Bill of Rights applicable to the states
    The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to make most rights contained in the Bill of Rights applicable to the states. This means that the protections and rights outlined in the Bill of Rights, such as freedom of speech, religion, and due process, are not only applicable to the federal government but also to state governments. This interpretation ensures that individuals have these fundamental rights protected regardless of whether they are dealing with the federal or state government.

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  • 24. 

    The legislative process at the national level reflects the intent of the framers of the Constitution to create a legislature that would

    • A.

      Be less powerful than executive

    • B.

      Be cautious and deliberate

    • C.

      Involve as many citizens as possible

    • D.

      Ensure that all groups be equally represented

    • E.

      Allow majorities virtually unlimited control over policy

    Correct Answer
    B. Be cautious and deliberate
    The legislative process at the national level reflects the intent of the framers of the Constitution to be cautious and deliberate. This means that the framers wanted the process of making laws to be careful and thoughtful, ensuring that decisions are not rushed or made impulsively. They wanted to create a system where laws are thoroughly debated and considered before being enacted. This approach helps to prevent hasty or ill-considered legislation and promotes a more thoughtful and informed decision-making process.

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  • 25. 

    All of the following are consequences of the federal system in the United States EXCEPT

    • A.

      Inequality in government services across subnational entities

    • B.

      Opportunities for experimentation in government programs

    • C.

      Multiple points of access for interest groups

    • D.

      Decentralization of political conflict

    • E.

      A strict division of power among levels of government

    Correct Answer
    E. A strict division of power among levels of government
    The federal system in the United States allows for a strict division of power among levels of government. This means that power is divided between the national government and the state governments, with each having their own specific areas of authority. This division of power helps to prevent any one level of government from becoming too powerful and allows for a system of checks and balances. Therefore, the correct answer is that a strict division of power among levels of government is not a consequence of the federal system in the United States.

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  • 26. 

    Which of the following is true about divided party control of the presidency and Congress?

    • A.

      It is a natural occurrence due to the constitutional system of checks and balances

    • B.

      It rarely occurs in United States elections, because of straight-ticket voting

    • C.

      It promotes quick action by the President and Congress on such issues as the federal budget

    • D.

      It reflects a frequent election pattern over the past three decades

    • E.

      It results from the reapportionment of House seats after the decennial census

    Correct Answer
    D. It reflects a frequent election pattern over the past three decades
  • 27. 

    The Freedom of Information Act was designed primarily to give

    • A.

      Congress access to information from citizens

    • B.

      Police access to information from criminal suspects

    • C.

      The courts access to information from reporters

    • D.

      Citizens access to information from the executive branch

    • E.

      Congress access to information from the executive branch

    Correct Answer
    D. Citizens access to information from the executive branch
    The correct answer is citizens access to information from the executive branch. The Freedom of Information Act was enacted to promote transparency and accountability in government by allowing citizens to request and access information from the executive branch of the government. This law ensures that citizens have the right to know what their government is doing and hold it accountable for its actions.

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  • 28. 

    Which of the following is true of the electoral college system?

    • A.

      It encourages the emergence of third parties

    • B.

      It encourages candidates to concentrate their campaigns in competitive, populous states

    • C.

      It ensures that the votes of all citizens count equally in selecting the President

    • D.

      It requires that a candidate win a minimum of 26 states to obtain a majority in the college

    • E.

      It tends to make presidential elections appear closer than they really are

    Correct Answer
    B. It encourages candidates to concentrate their campaigns in competitive, populous states
    The electoral college system encourages candidates to concentrate their campaigns in competitive, populous states. This is because the winner-takes-all system in most states means that candidates focus their efforts on states where they have a higher chance of winning. Competitive states with large populations have a greater number of electoral votes, which can significantly impact the outcome of the election. By targeting these states, candidates can maximize their chances of winning the necessary electoral votes to secure the presidency.

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  • 29. 

    The congressional system of standing committees is significant because it

    • A.

      Fosters the development of expertise by members

    • B.

      Helps Congress reduce staff costs

    • C.

      Insulates decision-making from the influence of special interests

    • D.

      Weakens Congress in its dealings with the President

    • E.

      Prevents Congress from effectively processing its large legislative workload

    Correct Answer
    A. Fosters the development of expertise by members
    The congressional system of standing committees is significant because it fosters the development of expertise by members. By assigning specific areas of legislation to different committees, members are able to specialize in those areas and become knowledgeable experts. This expertise allows them to make more informed decisions and craft better legislation. Additionally, committees provide a forum for members to engage in in-depth discussions and debates on specific policy issues, further enhancing their expertise. Overall, the committee system helps to ensure that Congress has access to the expertise needed to effectively address the complex and diverse issues facing the nation.

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  • 30. 

    Elections for the House of Representatives provide

    • A.

      Approximately equal representation for every voter

    • B.

      An equal chance of getting elected for both incumbents and challengers

    • C.

      A system in which only those candidates who receive a majority of the votes cast win on the first ballot

    • D.

      Proportional representation based on the percentage of votes cast for each party

    • E.

      Proportional representation of racial and ethnic minorities

    Correct Answer
    A. Approximately equal representation for every voter
    The correct answer is "approximately equal representation for every voter." This means that in elections for the House of Representatives, each voter has the same level of representation. This ensures that every individual's vote carries equal weight and that the elected representatives are a true reflection of the will of the people.

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  • 31. 

    In contrast to revenue sharing, categorical grants-in-aid provide state and local governments with

    • A.

      Substantial discretion in deciding how to use the grants to solve their problems

    • B.

      Aid that reflects tax base and population

    • C.

      The power to impose regressive taxes

    • D.

      Funds sufficient to support a high level of local service

    • E.

      Funds to administer programs clearly specified by the federal government

    Correct Answer
    E. Funds to administer programs clearly specified by the federal government
    Categorical grants-in-aid provide state and local governments with funds to administer programs clearly specified by the federal government. This means that the federal government gives money to state and local governments for specific purposes that are outlined by the federal government. The state and local governments do not have discretion in deciding how to use these grants, as they are required to use the funds for the specified programs. This allows the federal government to have more control over how the money is spent and ensures that it is used for the intended purposes.

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  • 32. 

    Which of the following is empowered to create new federal courts and specify the number of judges who will sit on them?

    • A.

      The Supreme Court

    • B.


    • C.

      The President

    • D.

      The Department of Justice

    • E.

      The attorney general

    Correct Answer
    B. Congress
    Congress is empowered to create new federal courts and specify the number of judges who will sit on them. This power is granted to Congress by the Constitution in Article III, Section 1, which states that "The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish." Therefore, it is Congress that has the authority to establish and determine the composition of the federal court system.

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  • 33. 

    The war Powers Resolution (1973) was designed to

    • A.

      Allow the Joint Chief of Staff to advise the President during periods of conflict

    • B.

      Allow Congress to suspend certain civil liberties during times of war

    • C.

      Require a congressional declaration of war before allowing military forces to be used overseas

    • D.

      Assure congressional involvement in decisions committing military forces in hostile situations overseas

    • E.

      Ensure funding for military operations lasting more than 60 days

    Correct Answer
    D. Assure congressional involvement in decisions committing military forces in hostile situations overseas
    The War Powers Resolution (1973) was enacted to ensure congressional involvement in decisions regarding the commitment of military forces in hostile situations overseas. This means that Congress must be consulted and given the opportunity to approve or disapprove of such actions, rather than the President having sole authority. This was done to prevent the executive branch from unilaterally engaging in military actions without proper oversight and accountability from the legislative branch.

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  • 34. 

    The primary reason for the current existence of only two major political parties in the United States is that

    • A.

      The Constitution puts severe restrictions on other parties

    • B.

      Third parties are usually far to the right or left, and Americans are moderates

    • C.

      A winner0take-all electoral system makes it difficult for new parties to emerge and survive

    • D.

      Voters naturally think of themselves as either liberals or conservatives

    • E.

      Presidential electors can vote for only two candidates

    Correct Answer
    C. A winner0take-all electoral system makes it difficult for new parties to emerge and survive
    The primary reason for the current existence of only two major political parties in the United States is that a winner-take-all electoral system makes it difficult for new parties to emerge and survive. In this system, the candidate who receives the most votes in a particular district or state wins all the representation, leaving no room for smaller parties to gain a foothold. As a result, third parties often struggle to gain significant support and are often marginalized in the political landscape. This has led to a two-party system dominating American politics.

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  • 35. 

    An interest group would likely have the greatest influence on policy matters involving

    • A.

      Narrow issues, only a few interest groups, and technical information

    • B.

      Broad, highly visible national issues

    • C.

      Broad foreign policy issues

    • D.

      Major constitutional questions about civil rights and liberties

    • E.

      Areas in which members of Congress have considerable expertise and commitment

    Correct Answer
    A. Narrow issues, only a few interest groups, and technical information
    Interest groups are most likely to have the greatest influence on policy matters involving narrow issues because these issues tend to attract fewer interest groups, allowing those that are present to have a greater impact. Additionally, technical information is often required to understand and address these narrow issues, giving interest groups with expertise in the area an advantage in influencing policy decisions.

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  • 36. 

    Which of the following has the most influence on the outcome of a congressional election?

    • A.

      Local performance of a candidate's party in the presidential race

    • B.

      A candidate's incumbency status

    • C.

      The amount of a candidate's campaign spending relative to that of his or her opponent

    • D.

      The level of support from local party leaders

    • E.

      The level of voter turnout

    Correct Answer
    B. A candidate's incumbency status
    A candidate's incumbency status refers to whether or not they currently hold the position they are running for. Incumbents have a significant advantage in congressional elections because they already have name recognition, established networks, and a track record of their performance in office. This makes it easier for them to campaign, fundraise, and attract support from voters and party leaders. Therefore, a candidate's incumbency status has the most influence on the outcome of a congressional election compared to other factors listed.

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  • 37. 

    Which of the following is an accurate statement about the voter turnout rate in the United States?

    • A.

      It is high because of the large numbers of elective offices

    • B.

      It is significantly higher among men than among women

    • C.

      It is lower than in most other Western democracies

    • D.

      It increased sharply when eighteen year olds were given the right to vote

    • E.

      It has been steady over the last 30 years

    Correct Answer
    C. It is lower than in most other Western democracies
    The correct answer is that the voter turnout rate in the United States is lower than in most other Western democracies. This means that a smaller percentage of eligible voters actually participate in elections in the United States compared to other Western democracies.

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  • 38. 

    Which of the following is an accurate statement that could be used to refute the argument that a realignment took place in the 1980's?

    • A.

      Although the Republicans had success in national elections, they did not attract members of traditionally Democratic groups

    • B.

      Republican identifiers where less likely to vote their partisanship than were Democratic identifiers

    • C.

      The Republicans had been the dominant party since the late 1960's

    • D.

      They decline in voter turnout slowed steadily

    • E.

      Republican dominance in presidential elections did not extend to congressional, state, and local elections

    Correct Answer
    E. Republican dominance in presidential elections did not extend to congressional, state, and local elections
    The statement that Republican dominance in presidential elections did not extend to congressional, state, and local elections refutes the argument that a realignment took place in the 1980s. This is because if there was a realignment, it would be expected that the dominance of one party in presidential elections would also extend to other levels of government. However, the fact that Republicans did not dominate congressional, state, and local elections suggests that there was no significant realignment during this period.

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  • 39. 

    Compared to voters in general election, voters in presidential primary elections are

    • A.

      Less likely to be members of political parties

    • B.

      Less likely to be well educated

    • C.

      Likely to be a larger percentage of the voting-age population

    • D.

      More likely to be members of ethnic or racial minority groups

    • E.

      More likely to be affluent

    Correct Answer
    E. More likely to be affluent
    In presidential primary elections, voters are more likely to be affluent. This means that they are more likely to have a higher income or wealth compared to the average voter in a general election. This could be because primary elections tend to attract more politically engaged individuals who have the time and resources to participate in the nomination process. Additionally, affluent voters may have more influence in the primary elections due to their ability to donate to campaigns or support candidates financially.

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  • 40. 

    Which of the following was an argument used by the Supreme Court in upholding federal statutes outlawing segregation in public accommodations?

    • A.

      Such segregation affected interstate commerce, and Congress therefore had the authority to outlaw it

    • B.

      Such segregation was wrong in principle, and Congress had moral authority to outlaw it even though the statutes lacked a strict constitutional basis

    • C.

      Such segregation violated the First Amendment's protection of the right to free assembly, and Congress therefore had the authority to outlaw it

    • D.

      Such segregation violated the Tenth Amendment's reservation of power to state governments, and Congress therefore had the authority to outlaw it

    • E.

      Since such segregation affected citizens of different states, it fell under the original jurisdiction of the federal courts and could therefore be outlawed by Congress

    Correct Answer
    A. Such segregation affected interstate commerce, and Congress therefore had the authority to outlaw it
    The Supreme Court upheld federal statutes outlawing segregation in public accommodations because it determined that such segregation affected interstate commerce. This meant that Congress had the authority to outlaw it under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, which grants Congress the power to regulate commerce between states. By arguing that segregation had an impact on interstate commerce, the Supreme Court justified Congress's authority to pass laws prohibiting segregation in public accommodations.

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  • 41. 

    The clear-and-resent-danger test devised by the Supreme Court was designed to define the conditions under which public authorities could

    • A.

      Ban obscene materials

    • B.

      Suspend habeas corpus protections

    • C.

      Mobilize the National Guard

    • D.

      Limit free speech

    • E.

      Commit troops to situations of potential foreign combat

    Correct Answer
    D. Limit free speech
    The clear-and-present-danger test devised by the Supreme Court was designed to define the conditions under which public authorities could limit free speech. This test established that speech can be restricted if it presents a clear and present danger of causing harm or danger to society. It allows the government to restrict speech that poses an immediate threat to public safety or national security, while still preserving the protection of free speech rights.

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  • 42. 

    As originally ratified, the United States Constitution included provisions designed to

    • A.

      Limit the importation of foreign manufactured goods

    • B.

      Increase the economic importance of the agrarian sector relative to that of the manufacturing sector

    • C.

      Increase the economic powers of the central government

    • D.

      Expand the states' powers to regulate their own commerce with foreign countries

    • E.

      Guarantee the states a greater role in economic policy-making

    Correct Answer
    C. Increase the economic powers of the central government
    The correct answer is "increase the economic powers of the central government." The United States Constitution was originally ratified with the intention of strengthening the central government's authority over economic matters. This was done to address the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, which had limited the federal government's ability to regulate commerce and taxation. By granting greater economic powers to the central government, the Constitution aimed to create a more unified and prosperous nation.

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  • 43. 

    Which of the following accurately characterizes the main difference between elite theories and pluralist theories of politics in the United States?

    • A.

      Elite theories concentrate on the role of interest groups; pluralist theories emphasize the role of individuals

    • B.

      Elite theories argue that a single minority dominates politics in all policy areas; pluralist theories argue that many minorities compete for power in different policy areas

    • C.

      Elite theories argue that social status is the major source of political power; pluralist theories argue that wealth is the major source

    • D.

      Elite theories emphasize the multiple access points that interest groups have to public officials; pluralist theories stress the limits in the number and effectiveness of such access points

    • E.

      Elite theories view government as efficient; pluralist theories view it as slow and wasteful

    Correct Answer
    B. Elite theories argue that a single minority dominates politics in all policy areas; pluralist theories argue that many minorities compete for power in different policy areas
    Elite theories of politics argue that a single minority dominates politics in all policy areas, while pluralist theories argue that many minorities compete for power in different policy areas. This means that elite theories focus on the concentration of power in the hands of a few, while pluralist theories emphasize the existence of multiple competing groups. Elite theories suggest that a small group of elites hold significant influence, while pluralist theories highlight the diversity and competition among different interest groups.

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  • 44. 

    A committee chair in the House of Representatives is always

    • A.

      The member with the longest service on the committee

    • B.

      The memeber with the longest services in the House

    • C.

      A representative of the Speaker

    • D.

      A member of the majority party in the chamber

    • E.

      A trusted ally of the President

    Correct Answer
    D. A member of the majority party in the chamber
    The correct answer is a member of the majority party in the chamber. This is because the committee chair in the House of Representatives is typically chosen from the majority party, as they have more influence and power within the chamber. The majority party holds more seats in the House and therefore has the ability to appoint their own members to committee chair positions. This ensures that the committee chair aligns with the party's agenda and priorities, allowing them to effectively lead and guide the committee's work.

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  • 45. 

    Which of the following is true of independent regulatory agencies?

    • A.

      They tend to have larger budgets than cabinet departments

    • B.

      They are directly supervised by cabinet departments

    • C.

      They provide a product or service directly to the public

    • D.

      They are insulated from contact with interest groups

    • E.

      They tend to be freer from presidential control than are cabinet departments

    Correct Answer
    E. They tend to be freer from presidential control than are cabinet departments
    Independent regulatory agencies tend to be freer from presidential control than cabinet departments. This means that these agencies have more autonomy and are less influenced by the President in their decision-making processes. Unlike cabinet departments, which are directly supervised by the President, independent regulatory agencies have more independence in their operations and are designed to function with minimal political interference. This allows them to make decisions based on their expertise and the best interests of the public, rather than being swayed by political pressures.

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  • 46. 

    Which of the following are differences between the legislative process in the House of Representatives and that in the Senate? I. Debate is more restricted on the House floor than on the Senate floor.II. The amendment process is more restricted in the House than in the Senate.III. Bills are more likely to bypass committee consideration in the House than in the Senate.IV. A Rules Committee sets the guidelines for floor debate in the House but not in the Senate.

    • A.

      III only

    • B.

      I and II only

    • C.

      II and IV only

    • D.

      I, II, and IV only

    • E.

      I, II, III, and IV

    Correct Answer
    D. I, II, and IV only
    The correct answer is I, II, and IV only. This means that the differences between the legislative process in the House of Representatives and the Senate are: I) Debate is more restricted on the House floor than on the Senate floor. II) The amendment process is more restricted in the House than in the Senate. IV) A Rules Committee sets the guidelines for floor debate in the House but not in the Senate.

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  • 47. 

    Communication between congressional representatives and constituents occurs mainly through

    • A.

      Committee hearings

    • B.

      The media

    • C.

      The personal staffs of representatives

    • D.

      The federal bureaucracy

    • E.

      Staff members of congressional committees

    Correct Answer
    C. The personal staffs of representatives
    The personal staffs of representatives are responsible for facilitating communication between congressional representatives and constituents. They handle constituent inquiries, organize meetings and events, and assist with casework. This direct interaction allows representatives to stay connected with their constituents and address their concerns effectively. Committee hearings, the media, the federal bureaucracy, and staff members of congressional committees also play a role in communication, but the personal staffs of representatives are the main channel through which this communication occurs.

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  • 48. 

    The Supreme Court's decision about abortion in Roe v. Wade was based on

    • A.

      The right to privacy implied in the Bill of Rights

    • B.

      Guarantees of freedom of religion contained in the First Amendment

    • C.

      The due process clause in the Fifth Amendment

    • D.

      The equal protection clause in the Fourteenth Amendment

    • E.

      A federal statute legalizing abortion

    Correct Answer
    A. The right to privacy implied in the Bill of Rights
    The Supreme Court's decision about abortion in Roe v. Wade was based on the right to privacy implied in the Bill of Rights. This decision recognized that a woman has a constitutional right to make decisions about her own body, including the decision to have an abortion. The Court determined that this right to privacy is protected under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, which guarantees individuals certain fundamental rights. By recognizing the right to privacy, the Court established a precedent that has shaped the legal framework for abortion rights in the United States.

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  • 49. 

    Which of the following trends was evident in presidential elections in the 1980's?

    • A.

      The decline of Republican party strength among Black northerners

    • B.

      The decline of Democratic party strength among White southerners

    • C.

      The gradual decline of Democratic party strength among suburban voters

    • D.

      A Democratic majority in partisan self-identification

    • E.

      A gender gab, with women's support of Republicans sharply declining

    Correct Answer
    B. The decline of Democratic party strength among White southerners
    In the 1980's, there was a noticeable decline in the strength of the Democratic party among White southerners. This trend suggests that White southerners were shifting their political allegiance away from the Democratic party during this time period.

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  • 50. 

    Which of the following statements about incumbent senators running for reelection is correct?

    • A.

      The senators with the best chances of reelection are those who have served the longest

    • B.

      The amount of money spent by a challenger has little bearing on an incumbent's reelection chances

    • C.

      Incumbent senators are less likely to be reelected than are incumbent members of the House of Representatives

    • D.

      An incumbent senator is equally likely to be reelected or defeated

    • E.

      The most important factor influencing the reelection chances of senators is whether they belong to the President's party

    Correct Answer
    C. Incumbent senators are less likely to be reelected than are incumbent members of the House of Representatives
    Incumbent senators are less likely to be reelected than incumbent members of the House of Representatives. This statement suggests that senators face a higher risk of losing their reelection bids compared to representatives. This could be due to various factors such as the larger and more diverse constituencies that senators represent, making it harder to maintain widespread support. Additionally, senators often face more scrutiny and higher expectations due to their higher profile and involvement in national issues.

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