In Genesis 2:18 God established what human institution? p. 279
In Genesis 2:18, God established the institution of marriage. This is evident when God says, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." This passage highlights the creation of Eve as Adam's companion and partner, emphasizing the importance of marriage as a union between a man and a woman. While the terms "matrimony" and "family" are related to marriage, they are not specifically mentioned in this verse. However, the concept of family is inherent in the establishment of marriage as it forms the foundation for building a family unit.
Who did Jesus say permitted divorce although it was not so from the beginning? p. 278
Jesus said that Moses permitted divorce although it was not so from the beginning. This is mentioned in the Bible, specifically in the book of Matthew, where Jesus is discussing the topic of divorce with the Pharisees. He explains that Moses allowed divorce because of the hardness of people's hearts, but from the beginning, it was not God's intention for marriages to end in divorce.
Jesus unequivocally taught that marriage cannot be dissolved. What is this quality called? p. 280
Correct Answer
B. Indissolubility
The correct answer is indissolubility. This term refers to the quality or state of being unable to be dissolved or ended. In the context of marriage, it means that Jesus taught that once a marriage is entered into, it cannot be dissolved or ended by any means. This goes against the idea of divorce or annulment, which involve the dissolution or invalidation of a marriage. Jesus' teaching on indissolubility emphasizes the permanence and sacredness of the marital bond.
This blessing is given in the liturgical celebration of marriage. p. 281
Correct Answer
nuptial blessing
The given correct answer, "nuptial blessing," is a blessing that is given during the liturgical celebration of marriage. It is a special blessing that is bestowed upon the couple by the officiating clergy or minister. This blessing is a significant part of the wedding ceremony and is meant to invoke divine grace and blessings upon the couple as they embark on their journey of married life. It is a symbolic and sacred ritual that is performed to seek God's guidance, protection, and blessings for the couple's union.
The permanent union of husband and wife in the Sacrament of marriage is more than a contract and is described in this scriptural term: p. 281
Correct Answer
The term "covenant" refers to a sacred and binding agreement between two parties, in this case, husband and wife, that goes beyond a mere contract. In the Sacrament of marriage, the union between the spouses is seen as a lifelong commitment that involves not only legal obligations but also spiritual and emotional bonds. The use of the term "covenant" emphasizes the sacred and lasting nature of marriage, highlighting its significance as a divine institution rather than a simple legal arrangement.
What is the consent of the husband and wife publicly expressed called? p. 282
Correct Answer
B. Vows
The consent of the husband and wife publicly expressed is called vows. Vows are promises or commitments made by the couple during a wedding ceremony, where they publicly declare their intention to be faithful to each other and uphold their marital responsibilities. This public expression of consent is an important part of the wedding ritual and signifies the couple's commitment to each other.
The procreation and education of children flow from the very ______ of marriage. p. 283
Correct Answer
C. Nature
The procreation and education of children flow from the very nature of marriage. This means that the ability to have children and the responsibility to raise and educate them is inherent in the institution of marriage. Marriage is seen as a natural union between a man and a woman, and one of its primary purposes is to create and nurture a family. Therefore, the correct answer is "nature."
The sexual revolution, aided by Artificial contraception has made it more culturally acceptable for men and women to have _______ without having to marry. p. 285
Correct Answer
sexual relations, sex
The sexual revolution, along with the availability of artificial contraception, has contributed to a shift in cultural norms regarding sexual behavior. This has made it more socially acceptable for both men and women to engage in sexual relations or have sex without the requirement of marriage.
The union between a Catholic & a non-baptized person is called an ______________ marriage. p. 289
Correct Answer
An interfaith marriage refers to a union between a Catholic and a non-baptized person. In this type of marriage, individuals from different religious backgrounds come together, with one partner being a Catholic and the other not having been baptized. This term is used to describe the merging of beliefs and practices from different faith traditions within the context of a marriage.
This English lawyer was married twice before he was beheaded. p. 278
Correct Answer
St. Thomas More, Thomas More, Thomas
This answer is correct because St. Thomas More, also known as Thomas More, was an English lawyer who was beheaded. The information provided in the question matches with the historical facts about St. Thomas More, confirming the accuracy of the answer.
This book of the Bible portrays a human love that mirrors God's love. p. 279
Correct Answer
Song of Solomon, Song of Songs, Canticle of Canticles
The book of Song of Solomon, also known as Song of Songs or Canticle of Canticles, portrays a human love that mirrors God's love. This book is a poetic depiction of the love between a bride and groom, using vivid imagery and metaphors to express the intense emotions and desires they share. Through this human love story, the book highlights the beauty and sacredness of love, reflecting the depth and passion of God's love for humanity.
Cohabitation, domestic partnerships, same-sex unions, and polygamous unions are ___________ Catholic teaching. p. 280
Correct Answer
against, forbidden by, contrary to
The correct answer is "against, forbidden by, contrary to." This is because Catholic teaching does not support or endorse cohabitation, domestic partnerships, same-sex unions, or polygamous unions. These types of unions are considered to be in opposition to the teachings and beliefs of the Catholic Church.
The Church's understanding of marriage is rooted in _____________ ____ and revelaed in God's law : p. 280
Correct Answer
natural law, law of nature, Natural Law
The Church's understanding of marriage is based on the principles of natural law, which is a moral code that is inherent in human nature and can be understood through reason. This understanding is also revealed in God's law, which is the divine law given by God. The Church believes that marriage is a sacred institution that is rooted in the natural order of creation and is governed by both natural and divine laws. Therefore, the correct answer is natural law, law of nature, Natural Law.
Conjugal love reflects the love between Christ and his ________ p. 281
Correct Answer
, Church
Conjugal love is a term used to describe the love between a husband and wife in a marriage. In this context, it is being compared to the love between Christ and his church. The correct answer is "church" because it represents the spiritual union and love that exists between Christ and his followers, similar to the union and love between a husband and wife in a marriage.
In the Latin Church,in the marriage ceremony the giving of this is a sign of love and fidelity: p. 282
Correct Answer
ring, rings
In the Latin Church, the giving of a ring or rings during the marriage ceremony symbolizes love and fidelity. This tradition is a way for the couple to publicly express their commitment and devotion to each other. The ring is a circular object, which represents eternity and the unending nature of their love. By exchanging rings, the couple is making a promise to remain faithful and loyal to each other throughout their marriage. This act is a significant part of the marriage ceremony and holds deep symbolic meaning for the couple.
The good of the spouses and the begetting and nurturing of children are the ___________ of marriage. p. 283
Correct Answer
purposes, purpose, reason for
The good of the spouses and the begetting and nurturing of children are the purposes of marriage. Marriage serves multiple purposes, including the well-being and happiness of the spouses, as well as the creation and upbringing of children. These purposes are fundamental to the institution of marriage and provide a framework for understanding its significance and importance in society.
No valid sacramental consummated marriage can be ___________. p. 283
Correct Answer
, terminated, ended
A valid sacramental consummated marriage cannot be dissolved, terminated, or ended. This means that once a marriage has been properly entered into and consummated, it is considered permanent and cannot be legally or morally dissolved. This reflects the Catholic Church's belief in the indissolubility of marriage, which is based on biblical teachings and the understanding that marriage is a sacred covenant between a man and a woman.
What do some spiritual writers call the family? p. 284
Correct Answer
the domestic church, domestic church
Some spiritual writers refer to the family as the "domestic church." This term suggests that the family unit is seen as a microcosm of the larger church community, where members can practice and live out their faith. Just as the church is a place of worship and spiritual growth, the family is seen as a sacred space where individuals can nurture their relationship with God and support each other in their spiritual journey. The use of the term "domestic church" emphasizes the importance of faith and spirituality within the family unit.
For a valid marriage between two Catholics, they must exchange their _________ in the presence of the Chuch's minister and two witnesses. p. 282
Correct Answer
consent, vows, intention
In order for a valid marriage between two Catholics to take place, they must exchange their consent, vows, and intention in the presence of the Church's minister and two witnesses. This means that both individuals must willingly agree to enter into the marriage, publicly express their commitment through vows, and have the intention to enter into a lifelong union recognized by the Church. These requirements ensure that the marriage is valid and recognized within the Catholic faith.
Abortion eliminates the consequences of an unplanned _________________ p. 286
Correct Answer
pregnancy, baby
Abortion eliminates the consequences of an unplanned pregnancy. It terminates the development of the baby before birth, preventing the physical and emotional responsibilities associated with raising a child.
Divorce is caused by the disruption of God's plan that a man and woman should be united in a permanent _______. p. 287
Correct Answer
bond, union
The correct answer is bond, union. Divorce is caused by the disruption of God's plan for a man and woman to be united in a permanent bond or union. This suggests that divorce goes against the intended design of marriage, which is meant to be a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman. When this bond or union is disrupted, it can lead to the breakdown of the marriage and ultimately result in divorce.
The union between a Catholic & a baptized non-Catholic is called a __________ marriage. p. 289
Correct Answer
A marriage between a Catholic and a baptized non-Catholic is referred to as a mixed marriage. This term is used to describe the union of individuals from different religious backgrounds, specifically when one partner is Catholic and the other is baptized but not Catholic. The term "mixed" highlights the religious diversity within the marriage, acknowledging the differences in faith traditions and beliefs between the spouses.
The effect of an annulment is to declare that prior marriage is ______ and so a party can now enter into another union. p. 288
Correct Answer
null, not valid
An annulment declares that a prior marriage is null and not valid, meaning that it is considered to have never existed in the eyes of the law. This allows a party to enter into another union as if the previous marriage never took place.
A divorced and remarried Catholic is not permitted to receive _____________.p. 288
Correct Answer
communion, holy communion, eucharist
A divorced and remarried Catholic is not permitted to receive communion, holy communion, or the Eucharist because the Catholic Church considers marriage to be a lifelong commitment. According to Catholic doctrine, divorce is not recognized, and a remarriage without an annulment is considered adultery. Therefore, individuals in this situation are seen as living in a state of sin and are not allowed to partake in the sacrament of communion, which is considered a sacred and holy act.
The kings and patriarchs of the Old Testament practiced this although later forbidden by Our Lord. p. 279
Correct Answer
polygamy, Polygamy, Multiple wives
The correct answer is polygamy, Polygamy, Multiple wives. In the Old Testament, it was common for kings and patriarchs to practice polygamy, which means having multiple wives. However, later on, this practice was forbidden by Jesus Christ. This explanation highlights the historical context of polygamy in the Old Testament and its later prohibition by Jesus.