The Squatina squatina is also known as the?
Correct Answer
B. Monkfish
The Squatina squatina is also known as the monkfish.
Typical parasites of the Squatina squatina are?
Correct Answer
A. Tapeworms
Squatina squatina, also known as the angelshark, is a species of shark that is known to be parasitized by tapeworms. Tapeworms are common parasites that inhabit the intestines of various animals, including sharks. They attach themselves to the intestinal wall and absorb nutrients from the host's food. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that tapeworms are the typical parasites of Squatina squatina.
As a predator, the angelshark commonly feeds on?
Correct Answer
D. Flatfishes
The angelshark commonly feeds on flatfishes because they are bottom-dwelling predators that bury themselves in the sand and wait for their prey to swim by. Flatfishes are a common prey for angelsharks because they are also bottom-dwelling and can easily be ambushed by the angelshark's stealthy hunting strategy. Additionally, flatfishes are abundant in the angelshark's habitat, making them a readily available food source.
Which of the following describes the means of reproduction of the Angelshark?
Correct Answer
A. Oviparous
The term "oviparous" refers to a reproductive method in which animals lay eggs that hatch outside of the body. In the case of the Angelshark, it reproduces by laying eggs, making it oviparous.
The process of yolk formation is termed?
Correct Answer
B. Vitellogenesis
Vitellogenesis is the process of yolk formation in organisms. During this process, vitellogenin, a precursor protein, is synthesized and transported to the developing oocytes (eggs) where it is converted into yolk proteins. Yolk is essential for the nourishment of the developing embryo, providing it with nutrients and energy. Therefore, vitellogenesis is a crucial step in the reproductive cycle of many animals, including birds, reptiles, and insects.
The Angelshark is more active at night; hence, it has been observed to be?
Correct Answer
C. Nocturnal
The Angelshark is more active at night, which means it is most active during the nighttime hours. This behavior has been observed, indicating that the Angelshark is nocturnal.
The anal fin of the Squatina squatina is?
Correct Answer
D. Absent
The anal fin of the Squatina squatina is absent.
The Squatina squatina fish belongs to the Class?
Correct Answer
C. Chondrichthyes
Chondrichthyes is the correct answer because it is the class to which the Squatina squatina fish belongs. Chondrichthyes is a class of cartilaginous fishes that includes sharks, rays, and chimaeras. Squatina squatina, also known as the angelshark, is a species of shark that is part of this class.
The Squatina squatina is a specie of sharks that can be identified by their conical?
Correct Answer
A. Barbels
The Squatina squatina is a species of sharks that can be identified by their conical barbels. Barbels are elongated, whisker-like sensory organs that are located near the mouth of the shark. They help the shark to detect prey and navigate in its environment. This distinguishing feature sets the Squatina squatina apart from other species of sharks.
Squatina squatina belong to the Division?
Correct Answer
C. Chordata
The correct answer is Chordata because Squatina squatina is a species of angelshark, which is a type of cartilaginous fish. Cartilaginous fish belong to the phylum Chordata, which includes animals with a notochord, dorsal nerve cord, and pharyngeal slits. Therefore, Squatina squatina belongs to the division Chordata.