The Swiss Family Robinson Novel Quiz! Trivia

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The Swiss Family Robinson Novel Quiz! Trivia - Quiz


Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    The oldest son's name is __________.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Fritz
    The given question is asking for the name of the oldest son. Among the options provided, the correct answer is Fritz.

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  • 2. 

    The family uses _____________ to eat soup because they don't have any spoons.

    • A.


    • B.

      Coconut shells

    • C.

      Orange peels

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Coconut shells
    The family uses coconut shells to eat soup because they don't have any spoons. Coconut shells can be hollowed out and used as makeshift bowls or utensils. They are a natural and sustainable alternative to spoons, and can be easily obtained in areas where coconuts are abundant.

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  • 3. 

    Turk is _____________.

    • A.

      A man the Robinsons meet on the island

    • B.

      Mr. Robinson's first name

    • C.

      The family's pet dog

    • D.

      The name of the ship that crashed on the island

    Correct Answer
    C. The family's pet dog
    Turk is the family's pet dog.

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  • 4. 

    When Father and Fritz go back to the ship, they use a _____________ to tell the rest of the family that they are safe.

    • A.


    • B.

      Large flag

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Light
    Father and Fritz use a light to signal to the rest of the family that they are safe when they go back to the ship. A light is a visible and effective way to communicate over a distance, especially in the dark or at night. It can be easily seen from afar and is a commonly used method for signaling or sending messages in emergency situations.

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  • 5. 

    Who had the idea to build a house in the trees?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Mother
    The correct answer is Mother. This can be inferred from the question which asks who had the idea to build a house in the trees. Since the options are Father, Mother, Fritz, and Turk, we can eliminate Fritz and Turk as they are not mentioned in the question. Therefore, the only logical choice left is Mother.

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  • 6. 

    Why did they decide to build their house in a tree?

    • A.

      They would be safer if the island flooded.

    • B.

      It would be easier for rescuers to see the Robinson family.

    • C.

      They thought it would be fun.

    • D.

      It would protect them from wild animals.

    Correct Answer
    D. It would protect them from wild animals.
    The Robinson family decided to build their house in a tree because they believed it would protect them from wild animals. By being elevated, they would be less vulnerable to potential attacks and could feel safer in their living space. This decision was likely made to ensure their safety and minimize the risks associated with living on the island.

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  • 7. 

    Why does Father believe it is important to make and use bows and arrows?

    • A.

      They don't have any guns.

    • B.

      They know bad men are coming to get them.

    • C.

      They don't want to use all their gun powder.

    • D.

      Monkeys attack them every night.

    Correct Answer
    C. They don't want to use all their gun powder.
    Father believes it is important to make and use bows and arrows because they don't want to use all their gun powder. This suggests that they want to conserve their limited resources and use them only when absolutely necessary. By using bows and arrows instead of guns, they can save their gun powder for situations that require more firepower.

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  • 8. 

    Why did the family decide not to eat the potatoes they found in a bag?

    • A.

      They were small and not good to eat.

    • B.

      The mice ate the potatoes first.

    • C.

      They didn't like potatoes.

    • D.

      They decided to plant the potatoes in a garden.

    Correct Answer
    D. They decided to plant the potatoes in a garden.
    The family decided not to eat the potatoes they found in a bag because they decided to plant the potatoes in a garden. This suggests that they saw the potential in growing their own potatoes rather than consuming them immediately.

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  • 9. 

    The family makes a sledge to help them _____________.

    • A.

      Move heavy things across the sand

    • B.

      Grow food

    • C.

      Hunt animals

    • D.

      Cook the animals they hunt

    Correct Answer
    A. Move heavy things across the sand
    The family makes a sledge to help them move heavy things across the sand. This suggests that they live in an environment where the sand makes it difficult to transport heavy objects. The sledge provides a solution by allowing them to easily slide or drag heavy items across the sand, making it more manageable and efficient for them.

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  • 10. 

    Why did the Robinson family move into the cave?

    • A.

      The sun was too hot in the Tree House.

    • B.

      The Tree House burned down.

    • C.

      The winter was too difficult in the Tree House.

    • D.

      Dangerous animals attacked the Tree House, and the cave was much safer.

    Correct Answer
    C. The winter was too difficult in the Tree House.
    The Robinson family moved into the cave because the winter was too difficult in the Tree House. This suggests that the Tree House was not suitable for the harsh winter conditions, possibly lacking proper insulation or heating. As a result, the family had to find a safer and more comfortable shelter, which they found in the cave.

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  • 11. 

    What was something useful they found in the cave?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      The donkey

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Salt
    They found salt in the cave, which could be considered useful because salt has various practical applications. It can be used as a seasoning for food, a preservative for meat, and a cleaning agent. In addition, salt is also important for human health as it helps maintain electrolyte balance and aids in proper nerve and muscle function. Therefore, the discovery of salt in the cave could have been valuable for their survival and daily needs.

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  • 12. 

    Why is salt important to the Robinson family?

    • A.

      It keeps meat good for a long time.

    • B.

      It tastes very good.

    • C.

      The animals need to eat it.

    • D.

      They use it to make gunpowder.

    Correct Answer
    A. It keeps meat good for a long time.
    Salt is important to the Robinson family because it helps to preserve meat for a long time. Salt acts as a natural preservative by drawing out moisture from the meat, creating an environment that inhibits the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms. By using salt to cure and preserve their meat, the Robinson family can ensure that they have a long-lasting food source that will not spoil easily.

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  • 13. 

    How did the Robinson family protect the farm from the monkeys?

    • A.

      They built a tall wall of stone around the farm.

    • B.

      They killed all of the monkeys with guns.

    • C.

      They taught the dogs to chase the monkeys.

    • D.

      They planted trees that the monkeys hated, so the monkeys stayed away.

    Correct Answer
    C. They taught the dogs to chase the monkeys.
    The Robinson family protected the farm from the monkeys by teaching the dogs to chase them. This method would have been effective in keeping the monkeys away from the farm as dogs are known to be natural predators for monkeys. By training the dogs to chase the monkeys, the Robinson family would have created a deterrent for the monkeys, preventing them from causing any damage or harm to the farm.

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  • 14. 

    Why did Fritz want to build a canoe?

    • A.

      He wanted to help the family catch fish.

    • B.

      He wanted to look for boats sailing near the island.

    • C.

      He wanted his family and wanted to leave.

    • D.

      He wanted to explore other parts of the island.

    Correct Answer
    D. He wanted to explore other parts of the island.
    Fritz wanted to build a canoe because he wanted to explore other parts of the island. This suggests that Fritz was curious and adventurous, and he wanted to discover what else the island had to offer. Building a canoe would allow him to navigate the waters and reach different areas of the island that he had not yet explored.

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  • 15. 

    Who was Jenny?

    • A.

      The captain of the ship

    • B.

      A girl on a different part of the island

    • C.

      Fritz's mother

    • D.

      Mother's sister

    Correct Answer
    B. A girl on a different part of the island
    Jenny was a girl who lived on a different part of the island. This suggests that she was not the captain of the ship, Fritz's mother, or the mother's sister. The answer implies that Jenny was a separate character, possibly with her own storyline or role in the narrative.

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  • 16. 

    Jenny used ____________ to make fishing line.

    • A.


    • B.

      Bamboo leaves

    • C.

      Her hair

    • D.

      Paper from an old book

    Correct Answer
    C. Her hair
    Jenny used her hair to make fishing line. It is possible that Jenny had long hair and found it suitable for creating a strong and durable fishing line. Hair has been used for various purposes throughout history, including for making fishing nets and lines. It can be twisted or braided together to form a sturdy strand that can withstand the weight and pull of fish.

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  • 17. 

    Why did some people in the Robinson family stay on the island?

    • A.

      There wasn't enough room on the boat.

    • B.

      They didn't have enough money to buy tickets on the boat.

    • C.

      They wanted to learn more about the plants and animals on the island.

    • D.

      They were too sick to get on the boat.

    Correct Answer
    C. They wanted to learn more about the plants and animals on the island.
    Some people in the Robinson family chose to stay on the island because they had a genuine interest in learning more about the plants and animals there. This suggests that they were curious and wanted to explore the unique ecosystem of the island. Their decision to stay was driven by a desire for knowledge and discovery rather than any practical reasons such as lack of space on the boat, financial constraints, or illness.

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  • 18. 

    What are some things the Robinson family took off the boat and onto the island? 

    • A.


    • B.

      Bags of food

    • C.


    • D.

      A piano

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Gunpowder
    B. Bags of food
    C. Chickens
    The Robinson family took several items off the boat and onto the island. They brought gunpowder, which could be used for various purposes such as hunting or protection. They also brought bags of food to sustain themselves, as they would need a reliable food source in their new environment. Additionally, they brought chickens, which could provide them with a source of eggs and potentially meat. While not explicitly mentioned, it is possible that they also brought a piano for entertainment or personal enjoyment.

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  • 19. 

    How does Father think that young buffaloes will help them?

    • A.

      The buffaloes will give them more milk.

    • B.

      The buffaloes will help them pull the plough.

    • C.

      The buffaloes will scare away the monkeys.

    • D.

      They can use buffalo skin for clothing.

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. The buffaloes will give them more milk.
    B. The buffaloes will help them pull the plough.
    Father thinks that young buffaloes will help them by giving them more milk and by helping them pull the plough.

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  • 20. 

    What are some things that made the winter difficult for the Robinson family? 

    • A.

      There was more rain.

    • B.

      The weather was colder.

    • C.

      There was often strong wind.

    • D.

      The days were much longer.

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. There was more rain.
    B. The weather was colder.
    C. There was often strong wind.
    The winter was difficult for the Robinson family because there was more rain, which likely made it harder for them to go outside or engage in outdoor activities. Additionally, the weather was colder, which could have made it uncomfortable or challenging for them to stay warm. The presence of strong winds would have also added to the difficulty, potentially causing further discomfort or making it harder to navigate through the winter conditions.

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  • 21. 

    What was Jenny good at doing? 

    • A.

      Speaking French

    • B.


    • C.

      Catching fish

    • D.

      Building tree houses

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Shooting
    C. Catching fish
    Jenny was good at shooting and catching fish.

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  • 22. 

    When the boat comes to rescue the family, who goes back to Europe? 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    C. Fritz
    D. Jenny
    Fritz and Jenny go back to Europe when the boat comes to rescue the family.

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  • 23. 

    What are some things the Robinson family does not have on the island? 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Electricity
    D. Books
    The Robinson family does not have electricity on the island, which means they have no access to power for lighting, cooking, or other electrical appliances. Additionally, they do not have books, which suggests they lack a source of entertainment or knowledge.

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  • 24. 

    The family brings several horses from the boat to the island.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    The statement is false because the question mentions that the family brings several horses from the boat to the island, but there is no information given that supports this claim. Therefore, it can be concluded that the statement is incorrect.

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  • 25. 

    There are seven people in the Robinson family.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    The statement "There are seven people in the Robinson family" is false. It implies that there are exactly seven people in the Robinson family, but we do not have any information about the actual number of family members. Therefore, we cannot conclude that there are specifically seven people in the Robinson family.

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  • 26. 

    They use the river to move bamboo from one place to another.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    The statement suggests that the river is utilized as a means of transportation for bamboo. This implies that bamboo is transported from one location to another using the river as a convenient and efficient method of moving it. Therefore, the answer "True" indicates that the given statement is correct.

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  • 27. 

    The family burns bamboo to get the bad air out of the cave.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    The statement suggests that the family burns bamboo to remove bad air from the cave. However, this is not a correct explanation. The burning of bamboo would actually release smoke and carbon dioxide, which could further pollute the air and make it worse. Therefore, the correct answer is false.

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  • 28. 

    Fritz finds a note written in blood. The note belongs to Jenny.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    The given answer, True, is correct because the statement clearly states that Fritz finds a note written in blood and the note belongs to Jenny. This implies that the note is in Jenny's possession and Fritz has discovered it. Therefore, the note indeed belongs to Jenny.

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  • 29. 

    The family builds a large fire so that a passing boat will find them.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    The statement is false because building a large fire is not done to attract a passing boat. Building a large fire is typically done for warmth, cooking, or signaling for help in emergency situations. In this scenario, it is not mentioned that the family is building a fire for the purpose of attracting a passing boat. Therefore, the answer is false.

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