PfMP Exam Simulator 3.0 - Sample Test in Exam Mode
10 Questions
15 Minutes
Welcome to the sample PfMP Exam Simulator. This is a free version with limited question, and it is designed to provide you with a sample of our larger exam simulator. There are 10 multiple choice questions here, and you have 15 minutes to take the test. The minutes/questions closely emulate the actual exam. Good luck and have fun.
Note: PMI does not publish the actual passing score. Based on previous experiences (for other tests like PMP and PgMP), the passing grade for this exam is established at 80%. Based on our experience, we believe if you are able to consistently achieve 80% or greater on the full exam, your chance of passing the actual PfMP exam is about 70%. If you are able to achieve 90% on the full practice exam, your chance of passing the actual PfMP exam is about 80%.
Note: To prevent bots from scanning the exam, the correct answers will not be shown when the test score falls below the 50% threshold.